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SOMER Blink - Microlotteries that Finish in Minutes! 1 QUADRILLION ISK Won!

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Gallente Federation
#1441 - 2013-02-26 14:26:48 UTC
Just today, after playing just too many blinks for about a week, i noticed this :

"This time, we'll draw five winners to each receive 50 billion ISK. One win per person. If you've won Blast in the past, you cannot win again."

So... i won 50 bil before... it means, if my number comes out.. i wont get my prize? That's a joke right?

This is the same thing as writing on a Casino Door, if you won something here, go elsewhere... That should be in CAPITAL letters on the MAIN page.

I feel like being almost scammed like one of those Jita fools...

That's my protest. That's Somer Blinks saying.. you already won, just go away, dont play the game anymore.

Think about it.. it's just wrong.

Somerset Mahm
Cognitive Distortion
#1442 - 2013-02-26 14:31:39 UTC
Ra1ne wrote:
any update on the issues? Site still down for me :(

Today has not been a very good day. Sorry for all the trouble :(

Everything is up currently, crossing fingers it all stays smooth.

The server itself is / was fine, the issue was a network problem with the upstream provider that knocked our server and some others offline.

SOMER Blink Microlotteries that finish in minutes! Running for over 2 years :)

Swedish Spaceman
#1443 - 2013-02-26 15:17:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Swedish Spaceman
Hello everyone. Im as most of you know, currently in the hospital awaiting surgery. (should be done by tomorrow.)
I just wanted to say thank you for everyones support during the past weeks, I greatly appriciate it.
At least I have a crappy old mini pc to at least check mails and stuff while being in this damn hospital bed.

Take care everyone and good luck in the upcomming draw.

I will try to be back, blinking away ASAP.

Caldari State
#1444 - 2013-02-26 17:07:20 UTC
Good Luck with the surgery will say a prayer for you

"Soldiers don't die, they just go to hell to regroup"

-Im a anti anti pirate with a carebear side-

Titanium PIg
Escape Velocity Enterprises
#1445 - 2013-02-26 21:23:53 UTC
Swedish Spaceman wrote:
Hello everyone. Im as most of you know, currently in the hospital awaiting surgery. (should be done by tomorrow.)
I just wanted to say thank you for everyones support during the past weeks, I greatly appriciate it.
At least I have a crappy old mini pc to at least check mails and stuff while being in this damn hospital bed.

Take care everyone and good luck in the upcomming draw.

I will try to be back, blinking away ASAP.


Get well soon mate, and hope to see you up and about real soon.

Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1446 - 2013-02-27 00:11:15 UTC
Somerset Mahm wrote:
Ra1ne wrote:
any update on the issues? Site still down for me :(

Today has not been a very good day. Sorry for all the trouble :(

Everything is up currently, crossing fingers it all stays smooth.

The server itself is / was fine, the issue was a network problem with the upstream provider that knocked our server and some others offline.

well its been messing about all evening...for me atleast. damned internets lol
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#1447 - 2013-02-27 06:58:00 UTC
Lol you guys would have frustrating server issues the very first day I decide to blink. (maybe it's a sign...). Looking forward to having the problems resolved soon.
Swedish Spaceman
#1448 - 2013-02-27 13:46:49 UTC
So... Im still alive. surgery went well, and I now have new shiney synthetic heart valves.
I will be back home sometime next week I think.
Thanks again for all your thoughts and prayers. it really helped me get through this.

Fly reckless and blink safe everyone
Buhhdust Princess
Mind Games.
Suddenly Spaceships.
#1449 - 2013-02-27 14:31:26 UTC
Heyy just seen all this but grats on the successful operation.

You are now a Rogue Drone.
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1450 - 2013-02-27 15:12:22 UTC
gratz on the successfull opp.

in blink news..... blink no worky
Third Legion
Raine Corporation
#1451 - 2013-02-27 15:50:16 UTC
Swedish Spaceman wrote:
So... Im still alive. surgery went well, and I now have new shiney synthetic heart valves.
I will be back home sometime next week I think.
Thanks again for all your thoughts and prayers. it really helped me get through this.

Fly reckless and blink safe everyone

So glad to hear you are OK SS. Hope to see you back in game soon.
Fleet of the Damned
#1452 - 2013-02-27 16:52:41 UTC
i get site not configured error. Still broken?
DrJonF Rockit
Zebra Corp
Goonswarm Federation
#1453 - 2013-02-27 18:10:11 UTC
Not that I have any more isk in the system at the moment. I'm not raging. But I do have prizes unclaimed.
I'm more thinking you should put up a sticky or at least some kind of fool proof STATUS page if you aren't going to reach out for help with your server issues. It is obvious to me (at least I am paranoid enough to think this out) that somebody has been actively attacking your site. Is that possible?

Hope you iron all of this out, I'm having fun being addicted to the blinks!

Thanks for over 2Bil in winnings.

oh and all the scammers who try to contract me out of winnings ... you can suck it.
Lanfear Huren
Uncontrollable Diarrhea
#1454 - 2013-02-27 19:06:55 UTC
Swedish Spaceman wrote:
So... Im still alive. surgery went well, and I now have new shiney synthetic heart valves.
I will be back home sometime next week I think.
Thanks again for all your thoughts and prayers. it really helped me get through this.

Fly reckless and blink safe everyone

Glad to hear that you are doing ok. Heal up fast and see you back in space sometime soon. =)
Shalia Ripper
#1455 - 2013-02-27 19:07:08 UTC
Swedish Spaceman wrote:
So... Im still alive. surgery went well, and I now have new shiney synthetic heart valves.
I will be back home sometime next week I think.
Thanks again for all your thoughts and prayers. it really helped me get through this.

Fly reckless and blink safe everyone

Come back soon, Swede.

Sig blah blah blah blah

Swedish Spaceman
#1456 - 2013-03-01 18:47:25 UTC
Thanks for all the support guys, It really helps.
You are all AWESOME!!!
Now if all goes well I may be comming home tomorrow (Saturday) or on Sunday.

On another note, blink seems to be down. :(
Seems like this is the celebration for website problems huh?

Anyway, good luck in the draw later everyone. I will be crossing my fingers all night.
Take care guys, I'll be back blinking away, soon... very soon...
Somerset Mahm
Cognitive Distortion
#1457 - 2013-03-01 19:50:39 UTC
The server required some new heart valves so we put it under the knife.

Now we have a bionic Swedish server with robot parts and the site is up.


SOMER Blink Microlotteries that finish in minutes! Running for over 2 years :)

Swedish Spaceman
#1458 - 2013-03-01 20:22:54 UTC
Somerset Mahm wrote:
The server required some new heart valves so we put it under the knife.

Now we have a bionic Swedish server with robot parts and the site is up.


lol, I can promise you, I am not only bionic :p
John Fearing
Absolute Order XVI
Absolute Honor
#1459 - 2013-03-06 22:01:12 UTC
This site is cool, but I never win anything. Huge waste of ISK..pretty sure it's rigged for certain people to win as they are always the same ones to win.
Andrev Nox
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#1460 - 2013-03-06 22:08:05 UTC
Hiya John!

I get that losing your first 5 blinks would be frustrating and upsetting, and don't blame you if you don't want to play anymore. That said 5 losses (4 with 1 ticket, 1 with 2 tickets) isn't outside of the statistical norm at all, and a very, very long way from "never" and "always" :)

Somer Blink - The original microlottery site.