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POSes: I am a small portion of the community

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Boredom Incarnate
Boredom Incorporated
#2021 - 2013-01-18 08:47:58 UTC
+1 Also.
Ciara Talari
Intergalactic Republic Of Wadiya
Beanstalk Inc.
#2022 - 2013-01-18 08:51:46 UTC

Oh, and give me Nebulae in W-space!
Cass Lie
State War Academy
Caldari State
#2023 - 2013-01-18 08:53:51 UTC
CCP, take your time if you need to, but change the system and do it right. So many possibilities for great emergent gameplay here...
Da Dom
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#2024 - 2013-01-18 08:54:09 UTC
Arronicus wrote:
Da Dom wrote:
What's the difference between a player owned stucture, a corporate owned structure and an alliance owned structure?

Player owned structure denotes that it is owned by players, and not an npc station, stargate, etc.

A corporate owned structure, is anything that a corporation anchors, and retains control of. This is a POS, a station they have conquered or deployed, or modules like a jump bridge.

An alliance owned structure, is a namesake. Alliances do not actually 'own' structures persay, but rather, corporations own them, on behalf of the alliance.


I read a blog saying that things like POS's should (unless brought by the corp) should remain the properpty of the individual that purchased it, rather than it be the property of a corporate label

I'd +1 that idea

Because Far-que... That's why.

Celly Smunt
Neutin Local LLC
#2025 - 2013-01-18 08:54:42 UTC
Ronan Uitoh wrote:

But seriously they should have an expansion centered around them because like whats been said already, everyone dreams of having a POS.

Sure, it could be a 2 part expansion that covers an entire year, the focus of the expansion could be POS and SOV and they could call it "Empire" based on one of the game's own core components "Empire building"

what better way to meet the needs of the player-base and still stay true to one of the very core aspects of the game?
they could address industry concerns which would encompass POSes too, and SOV issues some of which would also be complimented by POSes or "in station" industry concerns for our Nullbear friends who have difficulty getting enough slots and stuff out of their versions of starbases.
so what if everyone would have to stop current jobs on or before a certain date (if the entire code needed replaced) who would complain if they knew something better, easier to use, and more efficient was right around the corner?
I would imagine that not too many would and even more than that, I imagine it would be welcomed with open arms if presented and deployed properly.
Maybe just add the new style POSes in and allow folks to migrate over to them, or do a hard replacement of the base tower with the modular platform (racially and factioned version of course) giving folks enough warning that no one would have jobs running and they could pull down the current arrays in time for the change over.
at the time of the change, convert those arrays in the hangar to their modular counterparts and the next day watch as corpies, CEOs and pos managers happily assemble their new all in one units.

I made an earlier post about handing some of the base graphic design over to the player-base and nothing against CCP's art department, but I can think of no better way to get the "community" involved with something like this than to let them actually be a part of it.

I do apologize though, I am very excited at the prospect of this possibly coming to fruition and I have literally tons of ideas running through my head, so if I've posted more than I should, it's only because of that excitement and those ideas. :)


Don't mistake fact for arrogance, supposition for fact, or disagreement for dismissal. Perception is unique in that it can be shared or singular. Run with the pack if you wish, but think for yourself. A sandwich can be a great motivator.

AkJon Ferguson
JC Ferguson and Son Ltd
Ferguson Alliance
#2026 - 2013-01-18 08:58:37 UTC
Messing with POSes wouldn't be a top priority for me, but I can understand why people developed certain expectations and are upset that yet again their expectations are not being met.
Cichlid Brood
That Hole Over There
#2027 - 2013-01-18 08:59:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Cichlid Brood
A pos overhaul should be a top priority...
live in one and understand the how old the tech is that runs them
AnJuan Jackson
Red Star Trading Corporation
#2028 - 2013-01-18 09:09:34 UTC  |  Edited by: AnJuan Jackson
I still can't believe anyone deeply involved with Eve let alone apart of CCP can say POS's are a small group of the community...

Please give this number one priority. It is incredibly important and I feel disturbed to see this issue minimized in such a way.

Edit: After fanfest last year players felt like they were promised POS improvements. We are preparing for fanfest 2013 and still no real mention of this since. Last year I felt pumped about this whole concept, finding out its being swept under the rug... It seriously disturbs my motivation to keep waiting.
Caineghis Beckett
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#2029 - 2013-01-18 09:13:56 UTC
Hmm.. I'm going to attempt to take a step back from the raging threadnaught for a moment. It seems that there have been a number of emotions regarding POS mechanics in the forums, and indeed this may be in large part due to how complicated some of the current POS mechanics are. But before this thread descends even deeper into bouts of shouting, and emotional complaints, I'd like to remind those at CCP what they have stated to the many players of this amazing game.

Just two days ago, CCP promised us here, that going forward CCP would be doing what it could to help give "'Enablers' better tools" that they might "enable others to have fun in EVE." if this is indeed the current direction of CCP in regards to the development of EVE, might not the improvement of POS mechanics (and Corp. mechanics along with them) be one of the best (if not the easiest) steps towards enabling the enablers. For what are POS builders and managers, if not enablers, these people who spend countless hours manufacturing a significant portion of the ships, module and minerals necessary for the continued running of the endless war that is EVE. In making these mechanics simpler, CCP could simultaneously prove that it continues to uphold its commitment to make EVE Online one of THE BEST games on the internet
#2030 - 2013-01-18 09:18:07 UTC
I"m all in favor of a total revamp of POS's. But I do not believe that CCP can handle the outcome in the long run, ie: additional lines of code for market transactions, graphics for added structures, re-writing code to enable a revamp for POS's, re-structuring code for the revamp of existing and/or new modualr POS's etc etc.. It would only benifit them to improve existing system and would without a doubt bring back experienced players as well as new ones with increased revenue on their end. But I seriously doubt that they are going to commit that type of capital and invested hours due to their expected capital return. Not to be a bummer but if they are not willing to make an investment on a long term capital return what other options can we avenue?
Crimson Minmatar Industry
#2031 - 2013-01-18 09:20:47 UTC
AnJuan Jackson
Red Star Trading Corporation
#2032 - 2013-01-18 09:23:23 UTC
Jomullen wrote:
I"m all in favor of a total revamp of POS's. But I do not believe that CCP can handle the outcome in the long run, ie: additional lines of code for market transactions, graphics for added structures, re-writing code to enable a revamp for POS's, re-structuring code for the revamp of existing and/or new modualr POS's etc etc.. It would only benifit them to improve existing system and would without a doubt bring back experienced players as well as new ones with increased revenue on their end. But I seriously doubt that they are going to commit that type of capital and invested hours due to their expected capital return. Not to be a bummer but if they are not willing to make an investment on a long term capital return what other options can we avenue?

If they can't be expected to make significant changes to their game anymore, it's just a matter of time before it will grow stagnant and we'll all move on to something else.

I hope sincerely this is a wrong assertion and CCP can still crank up new things.

Side note: Add content for PI please! Not talking about anything related to dust. If you follow PI at all you know what I'm talking about. If you don't:
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#2033 - 2013-01-18 09:25:56 UTC
wow, good to see this topic growing so fast :)
Otshelnik O
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#2034 - 2013-01-18 09:26:41 UTC
Lamthara Lachesis
Emporio Amarr
#2035 - 2013-01-18 09:31:25 UTC
Home is... where the POS is anchored.

...don't make us sad CCP, revamp the POSes :D

Renegade 41
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#2036 - 2013-01-18 09:38:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Renegade 41
Jomullen wrote:
I"m all in favor of a total revamp of POS's. But I do not believe that CCP can handle the outcome in the long run, ie: additional lines of code for market transactions, graphics for added structures, re-writing code to enable a revamp for POS's, re-structuring code for the revamp of existing and/or new modualr POS's etc etc.. It would only benifit them to improve existing system and would without a doubt bring back experienced players as well as new ones with increased revenue on their end. But I seriously doubt that they are going to commit that type of capital and invested hours due to their expected capital return. Not to be a bummer but if they are not willing to make an investment on a long term capital return what other options can we avenue?

We could stop giving them our money???

& +1 for POS revamp.

We are the one's that pay the wages;

Tom Gen
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#2037 - 2013-01-18 09:47:14 UTC

POS needs a total revamp, as a wormhole player, and in the name of my corp, we support entirely TWO STEP in his request of getting a hard revamp work on the Pos.

CCP, the revamp of the POS will give great improvement in the game and believe it a lot of players as you can see are expecting it.

Modular POS allowing players to build a real complex will change the face of Eve and bring a lot of interest in the gameplay.

So please take your time to do it nice, we can still wait for winter expension 2013, but do it for the sake of your Players.

Eve is the greatest MMO so far and even if the work is hard, I think for the 10th anniversary you could do a real effort to bring great improvement out.

Thanks TWO STEP for your interest on that matter and GO GO GO CCP.
Col Callahan
Comply Or Die
Pandemic Horde
#2038 - 2013-01-18 09:48:29 UTC
A POS revap is 4 years overdue. It should have been started and worked on with the start of the beating the dead horse thread. Its about time you get started on the one thing you haven't touched since release.
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#2039 - 2013-01-18 09:48:39 UTC
Please sort out and revamp the current POS system. There are WAY to many players involved in POS operations to simply just NOT do anything about theirs current flawed state.
Valia Celestial
Caldari State
#2040 - 2013-01-18 09:56:57 UTC
+1 for POS love!