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POSes: I am a small portion of the community

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Flying Scissors
#961 - 2013-01-17 15:47:00 UTC
Bluelynx wrote:
Dear CCP,
If its hard, then make it grand! The potential for amazing thing coming out of POS redesign is unlimited. How about player owned modular villages gradually replacing NPC owned stations? A whole new realm of possibility for traders. More, and more meaningful conflict. Meaningful economic warfare. Highsec gameplay could be so much more than minerbumping and freighterganking. I can see a whole lot of potential to revitalize lowsec too.

I don't have enough Likes for this post.
Merlin Centarii
Sundown Logistics
#962 - 2013-01-17 15:47:00 UTC
POS infrastructure needs work. I am a small portion of the community. I would like to see this done, as it really does affect just about everything. POSes and the Corp interface suck. Please fix these.
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#963 - 2013-01-17 15:48:17 UTC

As a Wormholer, I feel a POS update is absolutely necessary. Will we be left out in the cold with POSs like we have been with T3 subsystem switching?
Sylvia Manuel
The New Nobility Corporation
#964 - 2013-01-17 15:49:29 UTC
Please fix.
Reverse Transcription
#965 - 2013-01-17 15:49:31 UTC
POSes need CCPlove and CSM needs our support.

Big big +1 for CSM pushing for long-overdue POS fix
Silia Grau
The New Nobility Corporation
#966 - 2013-01-17 15:50:54 UTC
Yes , fix pls
Killer Capital Constructions
#967 - 2013-01-17 15:51:43 UTC
X for a pos rework - its pretty obvious that a significant portion of the eve playerbase say that this does matter.

The players are telling you it matters by using poses
The forums are telling you it matters in this tread
The CSM told you that it mattered
Devs decided that it mattered at last years fanfest

Dont turn round to us and say that it doesnt matter...
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#968 - 2013-01-17 15:52:53 UTC
I find it disgusting that CCP spends an entire devblog post talking about how important it is to give "enablers" better tools and help them do their job.

If I and my fellow logibros simply stopped playing this game because we're finally fed up with the hours of **** we have to go through, a 10000-man alliance would lose its jump bridge network, its cynogen network, its cyno jammers, all of its safe towers and 80% of its income practically overnight.

Affects a small portion of the playerbase my ass. You've made a massive mistake here Unifex/Seagull.
Gallente Federation
#969 - 2013-01-17 15:53:00 UTC
I dont see why people are surprised by this... CCP made a prototype for an actually usefull Avatar experiance... then they decided that it was too much work and they said not now... now they have done the same for a usefull pos exeriance and again they have said... not now...

it seams after the fearless thing CCP has lost guts to make bold changes to the game...
At the end of the game both the pawn and the Queen go in the same box.
Alicia Dominica
Jelly Baby Corporation
Guardian Society
#970 - 2013-01-17 15:53:30 UTC
POS management IS an issue for every player in every corp that uses them. So it should be a major issue to fix them asap.
Kusum Fawn
Caldari State
#971 - 2013-01-17 15:53:46 UTC
HI everybody! im so glad that you could all come out to the latest in the POS : Flogging the dead horse threads!

Congratulations! here's to another 9 years of being ignored!

Its not possible to please all the people all the time, but it sure as hell is possible to Displease all the people, most of the time.

Gordena Gecko
Greed Ltd.
#972 - 2013-01-17 15:54:03 UTC
If you can not do the modular system anytime soon, at least make placing and onlining modules easier. And while you are at it give the tower 1 large storage that all labs and factories can use. Maybe 1M m3 base storage extended by the amount of storage the individual labs have now.

Julius Aldeland
The New Nobility Corporation
#973 - 2013-01-17 15:54:22 UTC
If it won't be fixed for the reasons stated then it will never ever be fixed - is that acceptable?
The Initiative.
#974 - 2013-01-17 15:54:37 UTC
POSt damnit, POSt!!!!
Daenor Falknor
HunTim Trading Corp
#975 - 2013-01-17 15:54:41 UTC
"Unifex stated that what CCP did was spend effort and prototype what would make a good POS system. It would, however, only affect the group of people who manage POSes"

"Soundwave added, the POS system by itself would only affect a small portion of the community"

What utter and complete cluelessness! The problems with POS do NOT only affect the people who manage them. It affects everyone who uses (or could have used) them. The problems with POS, especially the security problems, played a major role (I would say it was probably THE major contributor) in the demise of my former corporation. That includes about 5 real life players that had started the game, played for about 6 months, then quit EvE. They were RL friends who enjoyed the game, were learning how stuff works, and were on the path toward being long-term players. They wanted to get into w-space with the corp vets, but the security hoops and roles issues screwed that up. They hated the idea of leaving all of their stuff "stealable" by others. The hassle factor ended up scaring them off and they quit.

While a total modular POS system revamp would be cool, it's not absolutely required. Just do SOMETHING to fix the security and roles problems.

Wildly Inappropriate
Wildly Inappropriate.
#976 - 2013-01-17 15:54:43 UTC
Working with over a dozen posses on a daily basis, i sure hope they can improve their useage coz sometimes its more of a chore then playing a game
mulgrew Zero
Weyland Mulgrew Corporation
#977 - 2013-01-17 15:54:56 UTC  |  Edited by: mulgrew Zero
yes as the pos system is so perfect and nothing ever goes wrong with them and everyone likes the 3km limit and ever so well set up security on them i can see why they think they dont need a rework

Allucia Darkcreft
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#978 - 2013-01-17 15:55:09 UTC

I am a new player; I bought in to EVE after years and years of abstaining with the advent of Retribution.

I come from years of playing virtually every MMO other than EVE. I have an MMO career that can be measured in decades. I have given years of my life to Zork, Everquest, World of Warcraft, Final Fantasy XI, Rift, Guild Wars and its sequel, and, most importantly yet not prominently, Star Wars Galaxies. Of those games, only my Star Wars Galaxies time is a time I yearn again for. That is because it was a sandbox that allowed true freedom, much to the same extent (though far further in its heyday) that EVE does.

After years of holy trininty hotbar gameplay, EVE has me rapt. It's different. It's freeform. It's bold and ruthless, cold and merciless. It challenges me to use every skill I have in real life — social skills, business skills, and of course some level of dexterity and strategic thinking — to make a path for myself in it. It is a fascinating universe, and I hesitate to call it a game: it is a simulation of reality, and as a result, I am hooked.

As a new player, I feel that my voice should be of utmost concern to you. I have not years of allegiance to EVE. I have not a swath of friends which keep me in the game regardless of the changes you make. I am the 99%; I am the non-subscriber turned subscriber on the verge of becoming an evangelist — an EVEangelist.

To me, the thought of having my own POS is the current driving force. That's what I want to do in your sandbox. Your sandbox is sold as one where I can make my own way and do what I love. POSs are exactly what I want to do, and to think that the one thing that is propelling me in my newfound journey is not of consequence to you has me reconsidering my newfound addiction to your fine product.

POSs represent what I believe to be the most unique aspect of EVE and one of its biggest potential selling points. The PVP aspects of EVE are well known to outsiders, but that you can own your own piece of the game world is something that largely exists only in the minds of outsiders as an element of SWG. I had no idea you could own your own chunk of space until I had already subscribed, and I would bet quite a great deal of money that if non-subscribers knew about POSs, and they were given the time in the limelight with a solid update, that a HUGE chunk of new players would come onboard. This would be especially true if the POS gameplay could offer newer players a way to manage a smaller base in high sec; something simple but something to call their own.

Prove to me that you listen, CCP. Prove to me, and to the new players like me — the ones that you want, which will grow your universe and your profits and give you another ten years — that I owe it to you to give you years of my life, my voice, my imagination, and my money.

Prove to me, and I will be yours.
Steve Ronuken
Fuzzwork Enterprises
Vote Steve Ronuken for CSM
#979 - 2013-01-17 15:55:31 UTC
While it's not simple, what I want to see as a minimum is:

Allow anyone in a player corp to launch a POS, anywhere in a system, then lock down who can use it/access it/unanchor it to specific lists of players (one for each). A player level resource, not a Corp level one.

Sure, there's lots of other things that would be nice (unified storage for one) but that's my main problem with it.

Woo! CSM XI!

Fuzzwork Enterprises

Twitter: @fuzzysteve on Twitter

Backwater Redux
Tactical Narcotics Team
#980 - 2013-01-17 15:55:40 UTC
Wtb pos fix!
Using them daily both for production and in 0.0