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EVE Online Development Strategy (CSM Public)

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Frying Doom
#61 - 2012-11-23 13:24:18 UTC
Kainotomiu Ronuken wrote:

That's not quite how it works. The CSM is representative of everyone who voted in the elections, since people presumably voted for candidates that promised things that they wanted. Therefore, if every candidate pushes for his own goals, it should work out properly. If you didn't vote, that's your own fault.

So as the majority of voters are from the Null sec blocks, while the vast majority of the game does not vote. So what your saying is CCP should just completely ignore the CSM as they will only give a minority point of view and listening to them will just make the rest of the game leave in droves.

As I said, A Null sec lobby group with a couple of rouge agents.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Kainotomiu Ronuken
#62 - 2012-11-23 13:25:45 UTC
Frying Doom wrote:
So as the majority of voters are from the Null sec blocks, while the vast majority of the game does not vote. So what your saying is CCP should just completely ignore the CSM as they will only give a minority point of view and listening to them will just make the rest of the game leave in droves.

As I said, A Null sec lobby group with a couple of rouge agents.

I'm suggesting that if carebears want representation they should vote. Is that so unreasonable?
Benny Ohu
Chaotic Tranquility
#63 - 2012-11-23 13:27:54 UTC
Frying Doom wrote:
So what your saying is CCP should just completely ignore the CSM as they will only give a minority point of view and listening to them will just make the rest of the game leave in droves.

that's pretty obviously not what he actually said
State War Academy
Caldari State
#64 - 2012-11-23 13:33:13 UTC
Snow Axe wrote:
This CSM isn't dominated by nullsec at all, quite the contrary actually; the only co-authors you could call nullsec residents are Alekseyev and Trebor (at least I think, anyway, I CBA to find out where merc corps live), and neither of them are sov null participants*.

* fun fact: Only 3 current CSM members are in alliances that actually hold sov - Greene Lee (AAA), Dovinian (TEST) and Darius III (Brick Squad). Only one of those members are top 7. Nullsec lobbying group, indeed!

Dunno about this... seems to have jumped from 2 members to 5 in the space of a single footnote. Another "fun fact" could push it over the top.
Frying Doom
#65 - 2012-11-23 13:34:00 UTC
Benny Ohu wrote:
Frying Doom wrote:
So what your saying is CCP should just completely ignore the CSM as they will only give a minority point of view and listening to them will just make the rest of the game leave in droves.

that's pretty obviously not what he actually said

No what he said was
Kainotomiu Ronuken wrote:

That's not quite how it works. The CSM is representative of everyone who voted in the elections, since people presumably voted for candidates that promised things that they wanted. Therefore, if every candidate pushes for his own goals, it should work out properly. If you didn't vote, that's your own fault.

And as I said as only a small minority of EvE vote for the CSM, so if they all just push their own agendas and do not try to represent all of EvE, CCP should not listen to them as they are for the most part pushing minority agendas.

So if you are only trying to represent 16.63% of the population don't you think the other 83.37% of the population will just get annoyed and stop playing if CCP carried out their agendas?

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Frying Doom
#66 - 2012-11-23 13:36:50 UTC
Kainotomiu Ronuken wrote:
Frying Doom wrote:
So as the majority of voters are from the Null sec blocks, while the vast majority of the game does not vote. So what your saying is CCP should just completely ignore the CSM as they will only give a minority point of view and listening to them will just make the rest of the game leave in droves.

As I said, A Null sec lobby group with a couple of rouge agents.

I'm suggesting that if carebears want representation they should vote. Is that so unreasonable?

Actually No it is not unreasonable at all, but over the years the CSM has gotten the name for being a Null sec thing and see no point in voting.

And a document like this only further strengthens this belief.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Kainotomiu Ronuken
#67 - 2012-11-23 13:43:04 UTC
Frying Doom wrote:
Actually No it is not unreasonable at all, but over the years the CSM has gotten the name for being a Null sec thing and see no point in voting.

And a document like this only further strengthens this belief.

This whole 'believe that CSM only supports whatever the most recent publication is about' thing is ridiculous. Just think, with that attitude, we'd have been believing that CCP was only interested in highsec for years.
Jame Jarl Retief
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#68 - 2012-11-23 13:50:17 UTC
Frying Doom wrote:
So as the majority of voters are from the Null sec blocks, while the vast majority of the game does not vote. So what your saying is CCP should just completely ignore the CSM as they will only give a minority point of view and listening to them will just make the rest of the game leave in droves.

CCP shouldn't "listen" to anyone, not 100% anyway.

As developers with access to the servers and logs, they have access to the kind of stats that we can only dream about. They likely know how many players there are, what the highest number of alts a player has, how many are paid for in PLEX and how many in cash, who does what and where and for how many hours a week. Etc., etc. And if they're not tracking that, they should.

Then, they should make decisions based on data, not opinions of a vocal minority that frequents the forums, or people with an agenda (like CSM).

For argument's sake, let's say they find, stat-wise that 60% of players spend their time exclusively (90%+) in hi-sec, and out of those 80% run L4s. Guess what needs to be focused on to be improved? Missions! Specifically L4s. Tada! You just made 80% of the largest player chunk very, very happy. That's the way it should be. Note, I'm suggesting no such thing, just making an example.

Frying Doom
#69 - 2012-11-23 13:53:41 UTC
Kainotomiu Ronuken wrote:
Frying Doom wrote:
Actually No it is not unreasonable at all, but over the years the CSM has gotten the name for being a Null sec thing and see no point in voting.

And a document like this only further strengthens this belief.

This whole 'believe that CSM only supports whatever the most recent publication is about' thing is ridiculous. Just think, with that attitude, we'd have been believing that CCP was only interested in highsec for years.

No I don't believe they do personally but releasing a paper that says to gain new players and increase player retention fix, pos and a critically fix is Null, seems well frankly an agenda not a thought process, with most of the players, new or veteran not residing in Null.

I am not saying null is all they do care about but with limited communication for months and then releasing a document that says Null deserves 2 updates using all the resources seems very agenda like.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Lord Okinaba
#70 - 2012-11-23 13:58:46 UTC
All I heard was "null sec".
Frying Doom
#71 - 2012-11-23 14:04:00 UTC
Jame Jarl Retief wrote:
Frying Doom wrote:
So as the majority of voters are from the Null sec blocks, while the vast majority of the game does not vote. So what your saying is CCP should just completely ignore the CSM as they will only give a minority point of view and listening to them will just make the rest of the game leave in droves.

CCP shouldn't "listen" to anyone, not 100% anyway.

As developers with access to the servers and logs, they have access to the kind of stats that we can only dream about. They likely know how many players there are, what the highest number of alts a player has, how many are paid for in PLEX and how many in cash, who does what and where and for how many hours a week. Etc., etc. And if they're not tracking that, they should.

Then, they should make decisions based on data, not opinions of a vocal minority that frequents the forums, or people with an agenda (like CSM).

For argument's sake, let's say they find, stat-wise that 60% of players spend their time exclusively (90%+) in hi-sec, and out of those 80% run L4s. Guess what needs to be focused on to be improved? Missions! Specifically L4s. Tada! You just made 80% of the largest player chunk very, very happy. That's the way it should be. Note, I'm suggesting no such thing, just making an example.

I must admit I find your logic flawless, and then just improve the game down the list, as I said what the players need the CSM to be is people focused on all the players needs to help guide CCP so Incarna never occurs again.

Issues effecting the whole game need to be tackled first. I personally am not against Null being fixed, actually it would be great but not 2 full cycles worth of fixes and not without a full plan of action being in place. This should not include things that would totally destroy the Hi-sec markets either.

With a proper plan of action they could start to fix Null one part at a time starting with the crap sov system rather than the lets fix Null we have had so far with wasted resources in

  • Crucible
  • Incarna
  • Incursions
  • Dominion


If this had been done properly the first time it would not need to have more resources thrown on top of the now wasted ones.
If we just wanted agendas, They should form lobby groups and call them selves that.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#72 - 2012-11-23 14:14:26 UTC
Jame Jarl Retief wrote:
For argument's sake, let's say they find, stat-wise that 60% of players spend their time exclusively (90%+) in hi-sec, and out of those 80% run L4s. Guess what needs to be focused on to be improved? Missions! Specifically L4s. Tada! You just made 80% of the largest player chunk very, very happy. That's the way it should be. Note, I'm suggesting no such thing, just making an example.

Actually that would indicate to me that missions were far too popular and that they either neededd nerfing as an income source, or that other forms of PvE needed improving as entertainment. Or both.

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Frying Doom
#73 - 2012-11-23 14:21:37 UTC
Malcanis wrote:
Jame Jarl Retief wrote:
For argument's sake, let's say they find, stat-wise that 60% of players spend their time exclusively (90%+) in hi-sec, and out of those 80% run L4s. Guess what needs to be focused on to be improved? Missions! Specifically L4s. Tada! You just made 80% of the largest player chunk very, very happy. That's the way it should be. Note, I'm suggesting no such thing, just making an example.

Actually that would indicate to me that missions were far too popular and that they either neededd nerfing as an income source, or that other forms of PvE needed improving as entertainment. Or both.

I would agree that could be the case or it might also be that there was a certain type of player mentality that enjoyed the heavily guided processes that are placed on players when doing missions

for example, go to this location, kill these people, get this thing.

So yes they should look at all three things in that case, they have the data to be able to see if the first two are true as well as player feedback on the forums.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Jame Jarl Retief
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#74 - 2012-11-23 14:44:28 UTC
Malcanis wrote:
Jame Jarl Retief wrote:
For argument's sake, let's say they find, stat-wise that 60% of players spend their time exclusively (90%+) in hi-sec, and out of those 80% run L4s. Guess what needs to be focused on to be improved? Missions! Specifically L4s. Tada! You just made 80% of the largest player chunk very, very happy. That's the way it should be. Note, I'm suggesting no such thing, just making an example.

Actually that would indicate to me that missions were far too popular and that they either neededd nerfing as an income source, or that other forms of PvE needed improving as entertainment. Or both.

Possibly, but not necessarily! Big smile

See, CCP could also track how much ISK these players make from missions. They could track how many actions per minute (APM) the player does, while doing these missions. They could track other activity the player performs while doing those missions. Etc.

For example, statistics might show that ISK is actually low, relatively speaking. And the reason people do it anyway is because it requires low APM, so they're free to chat with friends or do other stuff in-game like browse the market. By comparison, they might find that people who do the same missions in low or null instead of chatting and low APM instead spam D-scan, thus not feeling like they're part of a larger collective or having any player interaction. In fact, they might find a correlation between D-scan spam and the amount of time players spend doing anything in space, not just missions. Could be as simple as "D-scan spam fatigue". Doesn't prove causality, of course, but does suggest that perhaps D-scan mechanics need to be overhauled. And fixing that might change the whole thing.

And yes, they might find hi-sec L4s are too profitable. But they'll also be able to compare which ships are used. For example, they might find that hi-sec L4s are ONLY too profitable when they're being run in 2+ billion ISK boats. Naturally it wouldn't be fair to compare ISK/hr from a 2+ billion ISK boat to ISK/hr from a 200 million ISK boat, because in low/null/WH people don't always fly 2+ billion ISK boats. And with a 200 million ISK boat, the stats might show that L4 hi-sec profit is actually incredibly low.

So they can try to tone down the income from L4s some more. And if people STILL do it, it'll prove that it is the gameplay (PVE) and NOT ISK/hr that governs this player behaviour, which suggests they should refocus their efforts from PvP content to PvE content OR make PvP content as profitable as PvE and see what happens. Or they could nerf mission income and see the missioning community collapse, like it did with Incursions, and even see a large number of cancellations rather than a move to low/null, and then they can buff them back up. Stuff like that.

They might find that just because players do something, it doesn't mean it's more profitable, or easier, or even more entertaining. It could be simply because it is convenient. I personally was in that boat at one point. My playtimes were hectic, and with very frequent interruptions - as in, I had to go AFK maybe 3 times in a 20 minute window, for 2-3 minutes at a stretch. With this playstyle, there was NOTHING I could do, combat-wise, besides running L4s in a heavily tanked drone boat. So I could go AFK for 5 mins and not worry about finding a wreck where my ship used to be. With that play time and habits, EVE did not offer any other combat content for me that was nearly as profitable.

And that could be why people do it! They could measure it! They could see how many times the player goes "AFK" (that is, no mouse movement, no keystrokes), what an average play session length is, etc. If they find an average player only has 45 mins a night, and during that time he goes AFK twice, obviously that severely limits what they can do in the game if they want combat. So they could change that. Instead of missions taking 6-12 waves across up to 5 rooms, they could change missions (or add many new ones) that only take 3-5 mins to run. Then, they might see more people running L4s in low/null! Who knows?

It could also be because starting from tutorial (and based on other MMOs) that's what people expect to do, so they do it because they don't know any better. And all of this can be measured and improved as needed. They could try giving one player a tutorial that is mission-based, and give another player a tutorial conducted entirely in-space with those cute new pointers they added, and see if player A is more likely to keep on missioning and player B is more likely to go another route, like exploration?

Heck, they could try something COMPLETELY different. I've said it before, but if PvE in EVE comes close to PvP, where most missions are 1v1, 1v2 or at most 1v3 fights that you can easily lose if you screw up, and ship losses from PvE eclipse ship losses from PvP, we might find that the economy will survive and be better and healthier based on PvE alone and PvP isn't even needed. Again, not suggesting any such thing, but it is a possibility.

That's the beauty of the statistics CCP can access. They can make decisions based on data, not personal experiences or conjecture.
Josef Djugashvilis
#75 - 2012-11-23 14:52:41 UTC
iskflakes wrote:
Azami Nevinyrall wrote:
I've read that, its does posses a lot of useful information...

But, sadly, it mainly says "Nerf hisec and buff null"

The current issue that I see is that the CSM is nullsec dwellers, who at the end of the day is really looking after themselves.

Damn, if only there was some kind of vote so higsec could choose its own representatives...

Oh wait...

I voted for Seleene on the basis that I believed he would represent ALL of Eve.

I hope I am not mistaken.

This is not a signature.

Inquisitor Kitchner
The Executives
#76 - 2012-11-23 14:58:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Inquisitor Kitchner
Frying Doom wrote:

For example fixing....

As the Saviour of High Sec James 315 is aware of and up to date on ALL issues effecting High Sec.

I'm not worried if he doesn't know Null Sec or Low Sec too well (though I suspect he does) as of course the CSM is run by null sec players isn't it? So We'll have plenty of say don't worry.


The CSM is a representative body of the whole of EvE, so their efforts really should come down to where the numbers of people play are and therefore if 20% of the population live in an area, it is reasonable to spend 20% of the remaining resources left (after using the majority on things that effect everyone) on the 20% of the population, even if 20% is just the slow building of a real roadmap of what to do.

By this logic if 51% of the population vote to have the other 49% eliminated then it should be done.

It doesn't work like that, this is a game and the developers want to improve the areas of the game that have been neglected, as chances are thats WHY only 20% of the players live there. If anything the places where the least population live that haven't been touched for a long time (e.g. null sec) deserve the most attention, as clearly they are lacking in appeal.

"If an injury has to be done to a man it should be so severe that his vengeance need not be feared." - Niccolo Machiavelli

#77 - 2012-11-23 15:04:17 UTC
Marlona Sky wrote:
People need to start seeing this game as a whole thing instead of putting on tunnel vision glasses and only giving a **** about one piece of the pie. This game, more than others, has a ripple effect. You toss a stone in one part and the other parts of the game are affected.

In all honesty every part of this game should get enough attention where everyone is at least a bit interested in every aspect, even if they decide to focus on one part at the time. You never know when you will become bored of wading in one part of the pool and want to go swim to another part of it. Won't be much fun if the part you swim to has a piece of ***** posing as a Baby Ruth candy bar in it.

I hope one of you out there gets my reverse reference... Blink

As a player who likes to change what he does every half year/year i totally agree with this.

I can understand the complaints from both sides but i'll never get the mud throwing up and down because people think the part they play in is the most important one of the game.

We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.

Jame Jarl Retief
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#78 - 2012-11-23 15:09:05 UTC
Inquisitor Kitchner wrote:
It doesn't work like that, this is a game and the developers want to improve the areas of the game that have been neglected, as chances are thats WHY only 20% of the players live there. If anything the places where the least population live that haven't been touched for a long time (e.g. null sec) deserve the most attention, as clearly they are lacking in appeal.

It's a possibility. But another possibility is that no matter how attractive those areas of space are made to be, people still won't go there because of a conscious decision they made - their preferred playstyle. I know it's a horrifying thought for some, but what if most of EVE's population are hardcore carebears that won't set foot into low/null no matter what? If this is true, then no matter how much null is buffed, people still won't go there.

It's the same with gaming in general. For example, I know Portal 2 is a fantastic game. I have had friends and family rave about it. But, I simply dislike that type of game, and I'll never play it. It's just not for me. Similarly, it's possible that many players in EVE see low/null as "not for me", no matter how lucrative CCP might make it, just like free DLC for Portal 2 still won't make me play it.

Sooo, nerf hi-sec? Not so fast. If EVE is a sandbox, it should accommodate most playstyles. And there's the rub. It's entirely possible null is the way it is because all the people willing to go there are already there, and no amount of content tossed on it will change that. Which is not to say that they shouldn't try it, they should.
Riddick Liddell
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#79 - 2012-11-23 15:43:23 UTC
I didn't read it word for word but what I saw was fine.

The only real question is, how long?
CCP have always had grand expectations from EVE. So have we. Yet here she is, in the same place every other MMO ends up in. On the decline. It just took a little longer but everything in EVE does.
Dinsdale Pirannha
Pirannha Corp
#80 - 2012-11-23 15:46:24 UTC
I just shake my head at all the whining and outright lying done by the null sec zealots.
They cry poverty.....and I just cry.

CCP Diagoras moved on, and no one took up the mantle of giving us fun facts.
The one I would love to know is how many supercarriers and titans are in null today.

People, a single fitted Titan costs more that 1,000 Hurricanes.
There are hundreds, if not thousands of titans in null.
And supercarriers are so much more prevalant than titans.

The last numbers we have were from May 29th of this year.
Diagoras tweeted that at that moment 6 months ago, there were 3,463 supercarriers in the game, and 942 titans.

The amount of wealth sitting in those ships alone staggers me.
Let's low ball a fitted supercarrier at 25 billion, and a titan at 50 billion.
So back in May, the amount of ISK sitting in those ships was 86.575 TRILLION in supercarriers, and another 47.100 TRILLION in Titans, for a grand total of 134 TRILLION.
And this does not even count the rampant build rates of supercaps in the past 6 months.
Oh, and another fun fact. Go to Jester's blog. He keeps track of supercap kills every week.
Last week, we had a whopping ONE destroyed, in all of null.
The week before : TWO.

Yet we are to believe that null sec players are destitute.

It is no wonder CCP did not have anyone else take up Diagoras labour of love of tweeting stats.
They and the CSM do not want the general public to have hard facts available.
Propaganda works so much better when there are no facts available to refute it so easily.

I would love to sit on the CSM for a term, and be the voice of honesty and reason in this rat's nest.
But even if I ran, and somehow got elected (not a chance of that happening), I would not last a term.
I am certain that the null sec zealots in and out of CCP would ensure I would get booted for some reason.