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so, eve is getting some heat from the gaming industry, 2 new space games from major players coming

First post
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#81 - 2012-10-20 22:12:15 UTC
digitalwanderer wrote:

So they will have real physics, and eve doesn't and it doesn't matter?
They'll have way better graphics and that doesn't matter too?
They'll have first person view, and the ability to walk around the larger ships, and that doesn't matter right?
They'll actually have a single player campaign and that doesn't matter either?
Pilots will be able to discover new systems and name them or even sell them for profit, and that doesn't matter?
Pilots will be able to be pirates or engage in marketing activities online and that doesn't matter?
Pilots will be able to engage in 100 ship fights, wich i suspect that's the limit since with the amount of detail the game has, it would kill pretty much every PC out there, FPS wise, but that doesn't matter too right?
Players will be able to set up their own servers if they wish, something that eve doesn't even allow, period.

Frankly i see it as way more than just a twich space sim in first person view....they're trying to make it as realistic as possible in every aspect, so with eve being 10 years old and using a way older graphics engine with no realistic physics and no ability to walk in ships at all, i see at least some aspects for them to worry about.

As far as CCP screwing up, they already have in the 4 years they've teased the walking in stations aspect, and all we got in the end is a single room that adds no gameplay value at all and with ****** FPS when walking around in it, and let's see how dust turns out given that it's on a single console with no PC version or a version on the X360, wich in any case is on it's last year before being replaced by the playstation 4 anyhow....Blink

All of the points you list don't matter.

Better gfx, so what Eve still looks good, even considering it's age.

Real physics don't matter because the combat style of Eve won't suit it not to mention the complexity of running it on a single shard with the average user numbers on tranq, the real physics issue was looked at and discarded very early in Eve iirc and I don't think that it even made it into anything beyond the very early days of Eve if ever, I'm talking pre alpha never mind beta, I can't remember how early into the beta I started but I know it was before the autopilot was introduced and there was never any talk of real physics back then.

Walking around ships doesn't matter beyond a little immersion that would get old very quickly unless there was good game play reasons to do it.

Single play campaign, Eve is weak in this area not even denying it but if you're here for that then you need to get to grips with what "multi" means in terms of a MMO.

Naming your own systems, nice idea but beyond that what difference does it really make, besides I know most will use it to see just how far they can push the boundaries of what's acceptable language, I know if I ever play it and I find a system to name I'll call it "Coquebag".

I'd go out on a limb here and say no one does MMO markets like Eve online or comes close, it also took a few years and a lot of patience and effort to make it truly player driven and you expect that Star Citizen will deliver that straight off the bat, as for piracy it's been around since day one but it's a bit stale, can't see what Star Citizen will offer there that Eve doesn't, expect real physics and prettier graphics piracy.

100 ships like you say at the level of detail he wants will bring most systems to there knees, though anyone will tell you big fleet battles in Eve are no fun either but I've never had any game come close to the buzz you get in big fights when things are running fairly well in Tranquillity.

Setting up your own server, great, I loved freelancer mp and in this respect it will beat Eve hands down, it also tells you if you had any doubts that it is not and nor will it ever be a game that will seriously hit Eves player base.

I still say it will be a twitch space sim with some impressive whistles and bells and I genuinely hope it gets off the ground, I'd love to try it, but it will not stop me playing Eve because it won't offer me what Eve offers me, it will be another game I play.

WiS was always something, in my mind, that the devs liked but were never really sure where to go and only the development of WoD led to it seeing light of day. I was never a fan and after a 5 minute wander around the hanger I switched to the view of that f**king door until they put the old ship hanger back in, space barbies can burn for all I care, immersion is all well and good but it must serve a purpose, even a whole space station to wander around in is bollox if that is all you can do. The fact it's all but been discarded is a plus not a negative.

As for Dust, don't care, still won't change Eve that much for me unless my brother gets into it and hassles me for Aurum.

Those reasons may be enough for you to leave Eve and play Star Citizen if it offers up most of what it promises, but if it does then did you really enjoy Eve that much, because you'll gain very little from Star Citizen that'll you'll be giving up in Eve.

The closest game to Eve in recent memory was Perpetuum, that didn't make a difference and that is way closer to Eve than Star Citizen will be and that was Mechs.

I still maintain that they will be 2 different games sharing the same genre.

Oh I almost forgot, the moment you login, get online, and undock you are consenting to PVP whether you like it or not.


I'll bet my left testicle that wont be in Star Citizen.
All Kill No Skill
#82 - 2012-10-21 00:23:52 UTC
digitalwanderer wrote:
they've teased the walking in stations aspect, and all we got in the end
Since this isn't the end, but only a pause (til next year no doubt) as subscribers demanded CCP put WiS on the back burner for a bit and work on much needed iteration, that I assume you mean the end for you. So, ur stuff can I haves?

I'm in it for the money


DW inc
#83 - 2012-10-21 02:29:33 UTC
I am used to to real physics by having played independence war 2, and it was a riot to play both in first person view and pulling maneuvers that are simply impossible in eve.

So with that in mind, that also means that CCP's attempt with walking in stations is also wasted time for the most part, especially how long they've been teasing the player base with it and how little we got in the end...


Single play campaign, Eve is weak in this area not even denying it but if you're here for that then you need to get to grips with what "multi" means in terms of a MMO.

It wouldn't be a bad idea for eve, as it would prepare new pilots better, and would be a lot better than simply having tutorials


Naming your own systems, nice idea but beyond that what difference does it really make, besides I know most will use it to see just how far they can push the boundaries of what's acceptable language, I know if I ever play it and I find a system to name I'll call it "Coquebag".[

Who knows what the limits are.....If you're part of a pirate corp and discovers a new system that's valuable in any way, and have the force to keep control of it and make money off it, you just expanded the universe size and added to the game by your own means......It's better than having new regions simply showing up thru an expansion release, like the drone regions or sleeper space.


I'd go out on a limb here and say no one does MMO markets like Eve online or comes close, it also took a few years and a lot of patience and effort to make it truly player driven and you expect that Star Citizen will deliver that straight off the bat, as for piracy it's been around since day one but it's a bit stale, can't see what Star Citizen will offer there that Eve doesn't, expect real physics and prettier graphics piracy.

I'm not asking anything right off the bat and you're right it takes time for things to develop, but there's no reason that they can't pull it off, and i especially like the fact that modding tools will eventually be freely released, players can submit their own ship designs, and updates will happen on a 2~3 week interval, rather than waiting 6 months for an expansion where a lot of the content that will be released has no impact on how you, or me or any of the older players enjoy the game.


100 ships like you say at the level of detail he wants will bring most systems to there knees, though anyone will tell you big fleet battles in Eve are no fun either but I've never had any game come close to the buzz you get in big fights when things are running fairly well in Tranquillity.

And how many times does that happen in eve?......YeahP


Setting up your own server, great, I loved freelancer mp and in this respect it will beat Eve hands down, it also tells you if you had any doubts that it is not and nor will it ever be a game that will seriously hit Eves player base.

I still say it will be a twitch space sim with some impressive whistles and bells and I genuinely hope it gets off the ground, I'd love to try it, but it will not stop me playing Eve because it won't offer me what Eve offers me, it will be another game I play.

Fair enough, to each their own reasons why they play, but i kinda like the ability to set up your own server, generating your own content with the tools they provide for free, and playing by your own rules if you wish.
DW inc
#84 - 2012-10-21 02:42:24 UTC
Dray wrote:

WiS was always something, in my mind, that the devs liked but were never really sure where to go and only the development of WoD led to it seeing light of day. I was never a fan and after a 5 minute wander around the hanger I switched to the view of that f**king door until they put the old ship hanger back in, space barbies can burn for all I care, immersion is all well and good but it must serve a purpose, even a whole space station to wander around in is bollox if that is all you can do. The fact it's all but been discarded is a plus not a negative.

As for Dust, don't care, still won't change Eve that much for me unless my brother gets into it and hassles me for Aurum.

But it does affect you in a big way since a fair amount of people got diverted into those 2 projects and content for eve the space ship game got seriously delayed in a big way, to the point where here i am getting close to 200 million skill points, can fly every ship in game and there's not much left to aim for unless i got for research, or manufacturing or marketing activities in eve, wich i don't have an interest in at all to begin with.


Those reasons may be enough for you to leave Eve and play Star Citizen if it offers up most of what it promises, but if it does then did you really enjoy Eve that much, because you'll gain very little from Star Citizen that'll you'll be giving up in Eve.

I did enjoy eve, but when there's no more objectives to aim for, fighting for the sake of fighting because you're bored stupid, have all the skills nicely trained, tons of isk and the best implants and hardwires and fly the largest ships avaialble for all races( yes even all 4 titans are maxed out) isn't particularly a good reason.....

Let's face it, CCP took on too many projects at tthe same time and had too few people left over to make sure EVE stays updated and challenging even for veteran players, and they should stop with this whole new player experience since it isn't working, and there's been no increase in logged in players or a noticable increase in subscriptions over the past few years.


I'll bet my left testicle that wont be in Star Citizen.

So you're in the carrier within the game, and all of a sudden a gang of hostile ships pops up on sensors and every fighter is ordered to scramble and take off and engage the gang, wich might be NPC's or actual players is what exactly?...Sounds like PVP to me.
DW inc
#85 - 2012-10-21 02:49:33 UTC
Webvan wrote:
Since this isn't the end, but only a pause (til next year no doubt) as subscribers demanded CCP put WiS on the back burner for a bit and work on much needed iteration, that I assume you mean the end for you. So, ur stuff can I haves?

We'll see what happends, but having been playing the game since 2003, and this being CCP, the notion of timescale seems to escape them quite easily, and on way more than a few expansions content was release only in it's initial stages of developement and never touched upon for years.

A good example is tech T3 cruisers, wich have been out for what 2+ years now.....Where he hell are the other classes of tech 3 ships going to be released?.....CCP made a big fuss when they were first anounced and hasn't done anything since and this isn't the only example.

All Kill No Skill
#86 - 2012-10-21 05:55:12 UTC
digitalwanderer wrote:
Webvan wrote:
Since this isn't the end, but only a pause (til next year no doubt) as subscribers demanded CCP put WiS on the back burner for a bit and work on much needed iteration, that I assume you mean the end for you. So, ur stuff can I haves?

We'll see what happends, but having been playing the game since 2003, and this being CCP, the notion of timescale seems to escape them quite easily, and on way more than a few expansions content was release only in it's initial stages of developement and never touched upon for years.

A good example is tech T3 cruisers, wich have been out for what 2+ years now.....Where he hell are the other classes of tech 3 ships going to be released?.....CCP made a big fuss when they were first anounced and hasn't done anything since and this isn't the only example.

Because CCP waaaaants WiS, it was the community that stopped them (though not entirely stopped development), for the moment at least. CCP isn't just internet spaceships any longer, but DUST and WoD bi-pod character developers, and that's for EVE too.

I may have interest in SC, but it's no EVE killer. This is bs WoW type thinking that should stay in WoW communities, while most of us would like to see multiple successful sci-fi games when there are just way too many high-fantasy mmo's yet doing fine business wise. This only does WC a disservice as well as to us sci-fi game fans.

I'm in it for the money


DW inc
#87 - 2012-10-21 17:58:11 UTC
Webvan wrote:
Because CCP waaaaants WiS, it was the community that stopped them (though not entirely stopped development), for the moment at least. CCP isn't just internet spaceships any longer, but DUST and WoD bi-pod character developers, and that's for EVE too.

I may have interest in SC, but it's no EVE killer. This is bs WoW type thinking that should stay in WoW communities, while most of us would like to see multiple successful sci-fi games when there are just way too many high-fantasy mmo's yet doing fine business wise. This only does WC a disservice as well as to us sci-fi game fans.

So let me understand this correctly, CCP shows of several versions of WIS in a 4 year period( from 2006 onwards), wich is usually the amount of time it takes to make an ENTIRE GAME and we get a single room at the end and are supposed to be impressed by it?...Am i getting this right?

Here's the impression i get.....CCP biting off more than they can chew by involving themselves in several labor intensive projects,for wich they don't have enough staff to pull this off in a resonable amount of time, that's what i think and dust is the next casualty.

Don't you find it odd that as soon as it became known that no PC version was going to be made, and no deal was able to be struck with microsoft for an X360 version, that it drastically reduces the chances of dust being a commercial success by being limited to the PS3, wich to make matters worse, is on it's last year of existance since the PS4 is coming next year, and there's no news if there is backwards compatibility with PS3 titles or not?....Not to mention there's plenty of first person shooters for it too.

I see a fairly large number of red lights with this project, yet CCP is still steaming right along with it's developement and dedicating a fair chunk of it's workforce to it, at the expense of EVE online, wich is still the only game actually making money for them right now?....It's a shocker i know.
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#88 - 2012-10-21 20:05:16 UTC
digitalwanderer wrote:

So you're in the carrier within the game, and all of a sudden a gang of hostile ships pops up on sensors and every fighter is ordered to scramble and take off and engage the gang, wich might be NPC's or actual players is what exactly?...Sounds like PVP to me.

The point I was making was that no where is safe not even in hi-sec, unless you choose never to undock. I would bet that Star Citizen will have safe areas, not that it wouldn't have PvP.

Eve is just a huge killing ground and that is a good thing, in my opinion.

Still different games for me.....
Caldari State
#89 - 2012-10-21 21:08:22 UTC
Dray wrote:
digitalwanderer wrote:

So you're in the carrier within the game, and all of a sudden a gang of hostile ships pops up on sensors and every fighter is ordered to scramble and take off and engage the gang, wich might be NPC's or actual players is what exactly?...Sounds like PVP to me.

The point I was making was that no where is safe not even in hi-sec, unless you choose never to undock. I would bet that Star Citizen will have safe areas, not that it wouldn't have PvP.

Eve is just a huge killing ground and that is a good thing, in my opinion.

Still different games for me.....

What is the point of making a game exactly as EvE?
The game will be different ,but it has the promise to be good competition.
And you read the word promise i hope ,bc yes it can fail


DW inc
#90 - 2012-10-21 21:13:19 UTC
Dray wrote:
digitalwanderer wrote:

So you're in the carrier within the game, and all of a sudden a gang of hostile ships pops up on sensors and every fighter is ordered to scramble and take off and engage the gang, wich might be NPC's or actual players is what exactly?...Sounds like PVP to me.

The point I was making was that no where is safe not even in hi-sec, unless you choose never to undock. I would bet that Star Citizen will have safe areas, not that it wouldn't have PvP.

Eve is just a huge killing ground and that is a good thing, in my opinion.

Still different games for me.....

C'mon now, you're basing that on the fact that there are suicide gangs in eve willing to lose their ships in high sec since they're so easy to replace, given the massive amount of isk entering the game.

If doing pvp in high sec in eve the conventional way, with an official war declaration so concord doesn't intervene, it's all about numbers and playing the dock and undock game while within range of the station, wich i agree is highly annoying, but it's a fact.

As for star citizen, who know's yet if their safe areas will truly be 100% safe all the time....The game isn't even close to finished yet and i'm sure there's plenty left to implement before it's even close to being released in november of 2014....that's still 2 years away.
All Kill No Skill
#91 - 2012-10-22 00:16:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Webvan
digitalwanderer wrote:

So let me understand this correctly, CCP shows of several versions of WIS in a 4 year period( from 2006 onwards), wich is usually the amount of time it takes to make an ENTIRE GAME and we get a single room at the end and are supposed to be impressed by it?...Am i getting this right?
Yep, that's pretty much it. And not only that, but they did add expansions to EVE during that time. Also they are working on WoD and as you know DUST is out in beta. So you are leaving out the point that they didn't thrown all their resources into WiS, and then part of that development was most likely split/shared with WoD.

SOE/LA had the same problems with JTLS, development went slow when they wanted it at launch but added it later as an expansion due to the difficulty of adding bi-pod and internet spaceships to the same game client, they actually scraped the first attempt and rewrote it. Look at EnB, same thing, very difficult, and all they wound up with is something much like CQ being only a small amount of station environments for trading and mission ATM's. EA of course abandoned the game, too difficult to develop and EA turned attention to SIMSO/EA-Land until that failed. Other games, like Vendetta online, just didn't bother with it, and they're still around. WiS type play is a death trap historically, though maybe CCP will pull it off, and you should be happy that they will even try no matter the outcome since internet spaceship play is well rounded and unique.

Looks like SC did it, but then they just ignored the problems that previous games had to work around. To play SC, you will need a strong computer and fast broadband. Maybe not so much an issue now, but five or ten years ago it was an issue for most developers; to keep requirements low to reach the general audience of players and not just the few. I'm not buying a new computer next year so I'm not signing on. In two years I may get a new one (I just got one this year), so maybe this game will be ready by then. Chances are that whatever system you are running now, it won't run it.

I'm in it for the money


Nachteule Kohen
#92 - 2012-10-22 00:35:09 UTC
a lot of you people don't seem to understand that WiS is a hectic idea (neat but hectic)

why? there's 5000 systems, with moons and planets and stations... only 400,000 subscribers... if there is a "bar" in space to hang out with barbies and listen to music and play mini games in, who will be there? either it will be similar to Jita where everyone is compact in one area (star citizen) or no one will be around until eve gets a billion subscribers. that is the main issue with WiS.

i repeat, star citizen has "wis" because it isn't as vast as eve. if CCP added 5 wis stations to jita only, then star citizen would be completely forgotten.
DW inc
#93 - 2012-10-22 05:34:26 UTC  |  Edited by: digitalwanderer
Webvan wrote:

Yep, that's pretty much it. And not only that, but they did add expansions to EVE during that time. Also they are working on WoD and as you know DUST is out in beta. So you are leaving out the point that they didn't thrown all their resources into WiS, and then part of that development was most likely split/shared with WoD.

Wich is what i just said earlier basically....taking on too many projects at the same time for the available amouunt of people they had on hand.....There was a time when they only left enough people for eve to bug fixing and adding small amounts of new content and that was it....Their focus was somewhere else, yet it's only EVE bringing in the money to finance the other projects, so you don't forget about it in the first place.

I've been waiting for a couple of years now for content dedicated to the older player base of the game and there's been nothing for the old farts of the game....A good chunk have either quit the game or only log on to change the skill they're training.....Yes it's that bad.

though maybe CCP will pull it off, and you should be happy that they will even try no matter the outcome since internet spaceship play is well rounded and unique.

hate to break it to you but by the time they complete walking in stations for eve, star citizen might already be done and available.....Granted, the game is using an existing engine( Crytek 3) so that cuts developement time by at least 18 months as it takes time to build your own graphics engine, but they only started developing star citizen in 2011 and will be done by 2014 if all goes to plan, so it's only 3 odd years to make it happen

so maybe this game will be ready by then. Chances are that whatever system you are running now, it won't run it.

I already have the system to run it now.....twin Xeon 6 core CPU's with 4 video cards( HD7970's), 48 GB of ram and 3 screens, and you know the sad part about it, EVE only makes use of a fraction of it's abilities, but i'm sure star citizen will definitely give it a workout....
All Kill No Skill
#94 - 2012-10-22 06:47:04 UTC
digitalwanderer wrote:

Wich is what i just said earlier basically....taking on too many projects at the same time for the available amouunt of people they had on hand.....There was a time when they only left enough people for eve to bug fixing and adding small amounts of new content and that was it....Their focus was somewhere else, yet it's only EVE bringing in the money to finance the other projects, so you don't forget about it in the first place.

I've been waiting for a couple of years now for content dedicated to the older player base of the game and there's been nothing for the old farts of the game....A good chunk have either quit the game or only log on to change the skill they're training.....Yes it's that bad.

They haven't put that much into WoD yet. It's still too early yet to increase the development team for such a project which seems to be in no big rush like AAA studios do. Generally you start out with a very small dev team, then later as you have your engine and vital systems ready you increase staff especially with content developers which WoD will need a lot of work with compared to EVE. What was worked into EVE most likely went into WoD. And if they have such a big team laboring over WoD as you suggest, than that is good for WiS as it will filter back into EVE. You being a WiS advocate, I don't understand your protests to that.

So there has been no content for EVE the past five years? Not speaking of WoW like content, as this is a sandbox after all. I first started my original trial around six years ago, sometime around SWG was faltering with carebear updates that NO ONE wanted. Between then and now, EVE seems almost like a different game to me. Sure a lot more people now too, and most don't seem on the verge of ragequit over some sort of lack of expansions for EVE. I quite like iteration, EVE needed it, I can't seem to fathom arguments against it. More than "balance" issues, but just all the broken junk that needed it as they rushed to work on other content additions. After all, CCP is cant code properly, so takes 'em time to figure it out.

What kind of content? more systems? That is usually the common idea. SC won't have close to the depth that EVE has, and it's eight years behind for catching up, almost nine. Personally I hope they don't try, but keeps going in a totally different direction so that they are far from comparable. Meanwhile I'd like to see CCP do something crazy like link EVE directly into DUST (yeah I want to play DUST on a PC), so I can say screw WiS and go FoP (frag on planet), loading my EVE character right down on a planet much like loading CQ. WiS is no "game", it's social networking, and I already have a second life account though I'm a content developer and not a furry socialite. SC WiS type stuff will be novelty, not the core of the game. Maybe they will get to a point of putting PPG's in the hands of pilots to shoot it out, but most likely not anytime around launch.

Then again, SC can totally flop due to one of many reasons. It may be favorable, but it's not invulnerable to unseen circumstances that could sour it's launch or even vapor it. I recognize the project as legit, but **** happens.

I'm in it for the money


DW inc
#95 - 2012-10-22 18:29:11 UTC  |  Edited by: digitalwanderer
Webvan wrote:

They haven't put that much into WoD yet. It's still too early yet to increase the development team for such a project which seems to be in no big rush like AAA studios do. Generally you start out with a very small dev team, then later as you have your engine and vital systems ready you increase staff especially with content developers which WoD will need a lot of work with compared to EVE. What was worked into EVE most likely went into WoD. And if they have such a big team laboring over WoD as you suggest, than that is good for WiS as it will filter back into EVE. You being a WiS advocate, I don't understand your protests to that.

I don't care about walking in stations at all and never did......I started playing EVE because it's always been about being in space and flying space ships, wich has always been it's focus in the first place and nothing else......CCP are trying to create a whole universe around it with DUST and walking in stations and they don't have the resources to handle EVE to keep it up to date for all players, even those that have been playing since the start....That's the problem.


So there has been no content for EVE the past five years? Not speaking of WoW like content, as this is a sandbox after all. I first started my original trial around six years ago, sometime around SWG was faltering with carebear updates that NO ONE wanted. Between then and now, EVE seems almost like a different game to me. Sure a lot more people now too, and most don't seem on the verge of ragequit over some sort of lack of expansions for EVE. I quite like iteration, EVE needed it, I can't seem to fathom arguments against it. More than "balance" issues, but just all the broken junk that needed it as they rushed to work on other content additions. After all, CCP is cant code properly, so takes 'em time to figure it out.

There has, but apart from a few additions that actually made a difference to the end player like T3 cruisers, or rebalancing super carriers and titans, or removing learning skill books or completing all possible types of T2 ships, and having drone regions and sleeper space, or redoing 0.0 sovereignty, or incursions or tier 3 battlecruisers.....All of this is nice and all but a lot of the old players have everything related to what i listed( and more), already nicely trained up.

Things that sucked come in the form of P.I.( Planetary interaction), wich i don't know what the point was with this unless it's somehow tied to dust, but i did try it for a couple of months and it was boring as hell and isn't even close to matching the income thru other means....Maybe some out there do it as a form of passive income generation regardless if they're logged on or not, but it's boring as hell just the same.


What kind of content? more systems?

Then again, SC can totally flop due to one of many reasons. It may be favorable, but it's not invulnerable to unseen circumstances that could sour it's launch or even vapor it. I recognize the project as legit, but **** happens.

Not really... i'd say more Tech 3 classes of ships, starting to introducing T3 class weapons of all kinds and sizes( even T3 modules of all kinds), advancing the jove storyline wich has been stale since the start of the game, doing the same for sleeper space and even attempt to re-open the eve gate to see what's on the other side, if earth still exists and if they haven't become hostile to people they haven't seen in over 20 000 years.

These are just some ideas i thought up right now, but they sound way better than walking in stations or dust, wich there's tons of first person shooters on the market made by companies with a lot more experience than CCP in doing those types of games....Add that it's only available on the PS3 and the PS4 is coming next year to make matters worse.

There's basically so much expansion potential left in EVE, the space game that going into totally different directions like Dust simply isn't needed to begin with, and EVE is being largely ignored and now we have the retribution expansion coming up with 4 new destroyers and seeing cruisers rebalanced yet once again, or crime watch and i'm supposed to be excited given that i've been playing for 9+ years straight and i'm well beyond destroyers and cruisers at this point...Blink

I do realise that there are plenty of people out there that would complain if CCP introduced some of this stuff ,and it would be extremely skill intensive and potentially further the gap between new players and old ones, but this is a game with a death penalty, losing implants and hardwirings and always needing a clone and that insurance has been nerfed when using the largest ships, and mineral prices going out of control and making everything more expensive, so i think it's easy to say EVE has never been about being fair in the first place, and i find it almost offensive that the game is continously between watered down for the new player experience when us old farts started playing it when it was a lot tougher to get into in the first place.
Caldari State
#96 - 2012-10-22 22:19:00 UTC
digitalwanderer wrote:
Webvan wrote:

They haven't put that much into WoD yet. It's still too early yet to increase the development team for such a project which seems to be in no big rush like AAA studios do. Generally you start out with a very small dev team, then later as you have your engine and vital systems ready you increase staff especially with content developers which WoD will need a lot of work with compared to EVE. What was worked into EVE most likely went into WoD. And if they have such a big team laboring over WoD as you suggest, than that is good for WiS as it will filter back into EVE. You being a WiS advocate, I don't understand your protests to that.

I don't care about walking in stations at all and never did......I started playing EVE because it's always been about being in space and flying space ships, wich has always been it's focus in the first place and nothing else......CCP are trying to create a whole universe around it with DUST and walking in stations and they don't have the resources to handle EVE to keep it up to date for all players, even those that have been playing since the start....That's the problem.


So there has been no content for EVE the past five years? Not speaking of WoW like content, as this is a sandbox after all. I first started my original trial around six years ago, sometime around SWG was faltering with carebear updates that NO ONE wanted. Between then and now, EVE seems almost like a different game to me. Sure a lot more people now too, and most don't seem on the verge of ragequit over some sort of lack of expansions for EVE. I quite like iteration, EVE needed it, I can't seem to fathom arguments against it. More than "balance" issues, but just all the broken junk that needed it as they rushed to work on other content additions. After all, CCP is cant code properly, so takes 'em time to figure it out.

There has, but apart from a few additions that actually made a difference to the end player like T3 cruisers, or rebalancing super carriers and titans, or removing learning skill books or completing all possible types of T2 ships, and having drone regions and sleeper space, or redoing 0.0 sovereignty, or incursions or tier 3 battlecruisers.....All of this is nice and all but a lot of the old players have everything related to what i listed( and more), already nicely trained up.

Things that sucked come in the form of P.I.( Planetary interaction), wich i don't know what the point was with this unless it's somehow tied to dust, but i did try it for a couple of months and it was boring as hell and isn't even close to matching the income thru other means....Maybe some out there do it as a form of passive income generation regardless if they're logged on or not, but it's boring as hell just the same.


What kind of content? more systems?

Then again, SC can totally flop due to one of many reasons. It may be favorable, but it's not invulnerable to unseen circumstances that could sour it's launch or even vapor it. I recognize the project as legit, but **** happens.

Not really... i'd say more Tech 3 classes of ships, starting to introducing T3 class weapons of all kinds and sizes( even T3 modules of all kinds), advancing the jove storyline wich has been stale since the start of the game, doing the same for sleeper space and even attempt to re-open the eve gate to see what's on the other side, if earth still exists and if they haven't become hostile to people they haven't seen in over 20 000 years.

These are just some ideas i thought up right now, but they sound way better than walking in stations or dust, wich there's tons of first person shooters on the market made by companies with a lot more experience than CCP in doing those types of games....Add that it's only available on the PS3 and the PS4 is coming next year to make matters worse.

There's basically so much expansion potential left in EVE, the space game that going into totally different directions like Dust simply isn't needed to begin with, and EVE is being largely ignored and now we have the retribution expansion coming up with 4 new destroyers and seeing cruisers rebalanced yet once again, or crime watch and i'm supposed to be excited given that i've been playing for 9+ years straight and i'm well beyond destroyers and cruisers at this point...Blink

I do realise that there are plenty of people out there that would complain if CCP introduced some of this stuff ,and it would be extremely skill intensive and potentially further the gap between new players and old ones, but this is a game with a death penalty, losing implants and hardwirings and always needing a clone and that insurance has been nerfed when using the largest ships, and mineral prices going out of control and making everything more expensive, so i think it's easy to say EVE has never been about being fair in the first place, and i find it almost offensive that the game is continously between watered down for the new player experience when us old farts started playing it when it was a lot tougher to get into in the first place.

So EvE is largely being ignored ? the DEVS must be loving you now
Some people are never satisfied .

Yeah sure Dust will retract a lott of resources from EvE ,and as long DUST is a success you will hear nobody
Only if DUST is a failure ,you will get some more that think DUST should never happen
At least it will take some WIShaters away and making them DUSThaters


DW inc
#97 - 2012-10-22 23:43:30 UTC
oldbutfeelingyoung wrote:

So EvE is largely being ignored ? the DEVS must be loving you now
Some people are never satisfied .

Yeah sure Dust will retract a lott of resources from EvE ,and as long DUST is a success you will hear nobody
Only if DUST is a failure ,you will get some more that think DUST should never happen
At least it will take some WIShaters away and making them DUSThaters

For a portion of the player base, specifically those that have been with the game since the start, when there were still a lot of rough edges, like server crashes 2~3 times a day, massive bugs and exploits and pretty much everything completely umbalanced, you better believe it.

CCP takes the old player base for granted and doesn't have to do a damn thing to keep them playing, and focuses on the new player experience instead for the last few years, so yeah it's kinda normal that the old farts are feeling somewhat ignored here.
All Kill No Skill
#98 - 2012-10-23 03:26:43 UTC
digitalwanderer wrote:

For a portion of the player base, specifically those that have been with the game since the start, when there were still a lot of rough edges, like server crashes 2~3 times a day, massive bugs and exploits and pretty much everything completely umbalanced, you better believe it.

CCP takes the old player base for granted and doesn't have to do a damn thing to keep them playing, and focuses on the new player experience instead for the last few years, so yeah it's kinda normal that the old farts are feeling somewhat ignored here.

Iteration is what the majority of subscribers wanted. Where does it say that they are only balancing frigs to cruisers? They have been working on FW and retooling the new player content. So obviously that's when they should start with supercaps? And since they started there with frigs, nothing more will ever be done? And if you have been here for nine years, obviously frigs, cruisers and FW is all pointless and beyond the enjoyment level for most players? Do you speak for the majority of "bitter vets"?

Really, I could care less about supercaps and 0.0 with it's politics as far as what I'm here for, and I hope SC stays far away from that stuff being as a large defining difference between the games. That won't ever change for me, not wanting that, but fine for other players if that's their poison. WiS won't do anything for me either, but then that won't even get back on track until after iteration is complete. DUST may interest me, but mainly for the enjoyment of carpet bombing fail console gamerz with my alt ...until a PC version is released where I actively do play shooters such as the dice battlefield series mostly. Meanwhile my primary char has progressed as far as my interest has taken me in the game, from BS's on down to frigs, great stuff, while I fine tune and train up this alt specializing in frigs and destroyers for pvp starting around winter patch into fw. Another too just for light frig support in pvp, very low sp.

I don't think your opinion is all encompassing of nine year vets. I'm sure some are even quite active in FW and even with frigs there as frig battles are favorable to most players. Caps may be good for 0.0, but what use beyond that for the most part? So I don't see a problem with CCP starting with frigs and working upwards as is where much of the game is in use not only by new players, but vets, 9yr vets and even bitter vets. It's iteration of the whole game, not just up to these worthless cruisers or whatever.

I'm in it for the money


DW inc
#99 - 2012-10-23 05:27:18 UTC  |  Edited by: digitalwanderer
Webvan wrote:

Iteration is what the majority of subscribers wanted. Where does it say that they are only balancing frigs to cruisers? They have been working on FW and retooling the new player content. So obviously that's when they should start with supercaps? And since they started there with frigs, nothing more will ever be done? And if you have been here for nine years, obviously frigs, cruisers and FW is all pointless and beyond the enjoyment level for most players? Do you speak for the majority of "bitter vets"?

Really, I could care less about supercaps and 0.0 with it's politics as far as what I'm here for, and I hope SC stays far away from that stuff being as a large defining difference between the games. That won't ever change for me, not wanting that, but fine for other players if that's their poison. WiS won't do anything for me either, but then that won't even get back on track until after iteration is complete. DUST may interest me, but mainly for the enjoyment of carpet bombing fail console gamerz with my alt ...until a PC version is released where I actively do play shooters such as the dice battlefield series mostly. Meanwhile my primary char has progressed as far as my interest has taken me in the game, from BS's on down to frigs, great stuff, while I fine tune and train up this alt specializing in frigs and destroyers for pvp starting around winter patch into fw. Another too just for light frig support in pvp, very low sp.

I don't think your opinion is all encompassing of nine year vets. I'm sure some are even quite active in FW and even with frigs there as frig battles are favorable to most players. Caps may be good for 0.0, but what use beyond that for the most part? So I don't see a problem with CCP starting with frigs and working upwards as is where much of the game is in use not only by new players, but vets, 9yr vets and even bitter vets. It's iteration of the whole game, not just up to these worthless cruisers or whatever.

Look up what's being added to the upcoming retribution expansion details to see if they're adding anything, even if it's only a single thing, that has any impact for the older player base that's been thru 17 expansions already...i don't think you'll find a single thing.....Blink
#100 - 2012-10-23 08:31:13 UTC
WOW! SC looks fantastic!
I wish i had some money to contribute and help make this happen:(