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Dev blog: The Retribution of Team Super Friends

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CCP Punkturis
C C P Alliance
#661 - 2012-10-13 07:59:36 UTC
Bloodpetal wrote:
CCP Punkturis wrote:
Kreed Ellecon wrote:
so as of right now i can go to my overview settings and tag every player with buyable kill rights and select them to be color coded in my overview,,, that option does not exist right now,,,

there's a show pilots with bounty's option (which currently only works in the overview, not in local list - but we're fixing for the expansion) but we want to add an option to show pilots with buyable kill rights in there too, with some specific icon and color (I already mentioned pink, I WANT PINK)

(I had already replied to this question here - does nobody notice my posts??????????)

Hey... I don't know if you guys have acknowledged this issue with the overview...

But the filtering is totally completely "whack". As in, it is totally nonsensical in how you filter things. It shows things based on UNION logic, so it won't show corp members, it will only show CORP members with bounties, if there is a bounty clicked, or for example... it won't show corp members with NEUTRAL standings if you don't have neutral standings checked. Meaning, you can never ONLY see corp members, you can only ever see CORP members AND NEUTRALS.

Does that make sense? Can you please seriously look into that functionality (at least ackowledge it's working as intended or not please?)

Thank you.

yeah we know it's not good Cry it kind of needs massive overhaul

♥ EVE Brogrammer ♥ Team Five 0 ♥ @CCP_Punkturis

Laechyd Eldgorn
Hole Control
#662 - 2012-10-13 08:00:16 UTC
Just make sure there's indicator everywhere when someone has killrights on you and it is not bugged i.e. invisible

On other hand I feel this crimewatch boohoo is just another reason to stay out of lolsec which is sad.

CCP Punkturis
C C P Alliance
#663 - 2012-10-13 08:00:41 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
CCP Punkturis wrote:

(maybe the font being larger too, but I didn't make the font, apparently they don't let programmers make fontsP)

Because usually (male) programmers love to create fonts like:

"Terminal 4" (four points). Characters only barely viewable on a 42" screen, with magnifying glass

Yes EvE fonts were male designed for a long time, I am sure P

they were also made by designers, not programmersBlink

♥ EVE Brogrammer ♥ Team Five 0 ♥ @CCP_Punkturis

Adriel Malakai
Shoulda Checked Local
Break-A-Wish Foundation
#664 - 2012-10-13 08:19:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Adriel Malakai
I haven't had the chance to read the entire thread, but have gone through and read the DEV posts. One thing I haven't seen you guys respond to is the idea to give the target of a kill right being activated a short warning before LAWLGANKED.

Specifically, I'm thinking a timer that shows up telling them they have X seconds until they go suspect because a kill right was activated against them. Even if it was short, say 10-30 seconds, it at least a) informs them they're going suspect because of a kill right being activated, not some magic wonder bug, and b) it gives the target a fighting chance before the entire system opens up on them.

Personally, I'd rather see buying kill rights open up a LE between the buyer and the target, and to allow everyone to buy the kill rights simultaneously. That way, if you want to be a badass that hunts down mean people with kill rights, you have to actually stand your ground rather than call in the whole world (ie Jita).

Any dev thoughts on this?
Nalha Saldana
Gallente Federation
#665 - 2012-10-13 08:30:44 UTC
Adriel Malakai wrote:
I haven't had the chance to read the entire thread, but have gone through and read the DEV posts. One thing I haven't seen you guys respond to is the idea to give the target of a kill right being activated a short warning before LAWLGANKED.

Specifically, I'm thinking a timer that shows up telling them they have X seconds until they go suspect because a kill right was activated against them. Even if it was short, say 10-30 seconds, it at least a) informs them they're going suspect because of a kill right being activated, not some magic wonder bug, and b) it gives the target a fighting chance before the entire system opens up on them.

Personally, I'd rather see buying kill rights open up a LE between the buyer and the target, and to allow everyone to buy the kill rights simultaneously. That way, if you want to be a badass that hunts down mean people with kill rights, you have to actually stand your ground rather than call in the whole world (ie Jita).

Any dev thoughts on this?

Maybe also give suicide gank targets a advanced warning? Oh yea i forgot this game isnt fair Blink
non judgement
Without Fear
Flying Burning Ships Alliance
#666 - 2012-10-13 08:32:35 UTC  |  Edited by: non judgement
Edit: removed old post.

The changes seem pretty good.
Adriel Malakai
Shoulda Checked Local
Break-A-Wish Foundation
#667 - 2012-10-13 08:42:00 UTC
Nalha Saldana wrote:
Maybe also give suicide gank targets a advanced warning? Oh yea i forgot this game isnt fair Blink

The difference is that a gank is from a specific player or subset of players. Kil-rights invoking suspect means literally all of eve can shoot you. There's quite a big gap there, cupcake.
#668 - 2012-10-13 09:18:57 UTC
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:

The goons, among others, have proven that money is no object when it allows them to grief players (Ice Interdiction, Burn Jita, sponsoring Hulkageddon, etc etc.)
They have virtually unlimited resources, and a psychopath for a leader.
They have a proven track record of griefing anyone that crosses them. Ask one of the high sec CSM members.

I fully expect that they will perma-bounty some Eve players until they are driven from the game.
It is one thing to play in null, when you have intel channels telling you when you have bad people on the way in.
It is quite another to play the game where EVERYONE, ANYWHERE, could gank you. It is like soloing all the time in hostile space, which no one can do forever.
I am looking forward to reading about how bounty hunters join specific corps, then fleet up, just to gank someone at the precise time they are flying a very expensive ship.

Imagine you are the head of logistics for a corp. Would you let someone with a high bounty on their head fly a freighter of corporate material?

I don't think it's going to be much of a problem. Having a bounty placed on your head doesn't invalidate Yulai Rules of Engagement, CONCORD will still step in. If anyone is flashy, it's his own fault. As a matter of fact, I have the feeling that a lot of <-5.0 are going to grind sec status back.

Goons, who have hurt egos, are online sociopaths and find solace in the herd for their individual stupidity and lack of common decency, have still business to attend, they won't be able to gank more than they already do. There will be lolrandum Goon Death Squads (probably named after South American ones, because, it's so funny and random to make references to RL monstrosity! XDDD), but their outsourcing hunting people won't magically be tenfold more efficient due to bounty hunting becoming a valid profession. Only flashing criminals will be actively hunted down by the new bounty hunters.

It's however very much probable that highsec corps will have huge bounties put on them by Goons or armchair tough guys. Guess what, they'll still haul high-value cargo with alts, and be wary when doing mining ops or PvE, as their are now, having entities hunting them down flagged as terrible standings.
However, ethics-deprived bounty hunters may join the fray, at the expense of their sec status and their ships. It's fairly safe to say that the very vast majority of people who haven't indulged in suicide ganking up till now, won't do so once the expansion rolls in.

You may think the new system is going to be a problem for high sec dwellers, but non-criminals character need not fear much, since they'll still be on the right side of the law. You can do your PvE in t1 hulls, they're unexpensive and will offer little bounty, not enough for bounty hunters disregarding sec status to recoup their losses.

Also consider this: entities with huge bounties on their head may hire bodyguards, and there's no doubt quite a few characters will just act as so, without even wanting to be paid. If some forum poster whom I enjoy and agree with gets a few billion on his head just because he pissed off jerks, you can be sure I'll have a lot more fun protecting him than I ever had doing pointless PvP or isk grinding. It'll finally instill some sense of duty in New Eden.

I also fear that such a long-waited for and baffling change in EvE means the world is really coming to an end!
Megan DeMonet
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#669 - 2012-10-13 09:29:17 UTC
Adriel Malakai wrote:
Specifically, I'm thinking a timer that shows up telling them they have X seconds until they go suspect because a kill right was activated against them. Even if it was short, say 10-30 seconds, it at least a) informs them they're going suspect because of a kill right being activated, not some magic wonder bug, and b) it gives the target a fighting chance before the entire system opens up on them.

why should you get a warning when KR is activated? what makes a ganker, or a lowsec pvp hunter so special they deserve more warning than the miner they just smacked down, and usually not for profit or personal reasons, but just beacuse they think its fun to greif. Maybe the lowsec hunter with 70 mil SP hunting down the noob in the lowsec belt that was ratting. Why, why, why should you get any warning. Especially if said target actually has skills and came looking for you. you would get no warning then whould you, you just undock in your crappy BC and a vidi ***** slaps you.

Why cant someon in a vindi have the same rights, buy all accounts your a criminal in some for, hell we all are. WE PLAY EVE!

A Priest, a Rabbi, and an Imam walk into a bar......

Adriel Malakai
Shoulda Checked Local
Break-A-Wish Foundation
#670 - 2012-10-13 10:21:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Adriel Malakai
Megan DeMonet wrote:
why should you get a warning when KR is activated? what makes a ganker, or a lowsec pvp hunter so special they deserve more warning than the miner they just smacked down, and usually not for profit or personal reasons, but just beacuse they think its fun to greif. Maybe the lowsec hunter with 70 mil SP hunting down the noob in the lowsec belt that was ratting. Why, why, why should you get any warning. Especially if said target actually has skills and came looking for you. you would get no warning then whould you, you just undock in your crappy BC and a vidi ***** slaps you.

Why cant someon in a vindi have the same rights, buy all accounts your a criminal in some for, hell we all are. WE PLAY EVE!

If buying the kill rights just grants a limited engagement between the buyer and the target, then I'm perfectly fine with no warning. My problem is that it's a troll button to make people go suspect to all of eve. The scale of that is far greater than a gank, especially since the person paying for the kill right doesn't even have to get involved.

The trollololol suspect button (which most people will probably set to 0 ISK, just to **** the guy that shot them) is frankly over the top, especially when taken in the context that CCP intends for it to help foster a bounty hunter career path. All this does is makes kill-rights a thing that must be used with an alt when you're in a rookie ship, since it leaves you open to getting gang-banged by an entire system. The goal should be to make them powerful enough that they have an impact, but not so powerful that bad-people will just use loopholes to avoid the hassle. The implementation in which buying kill-rights sets the target suspect is, without question, in the latter category.

If you actually want bad people to worry about kill-rights, you make them start LEs, and be purchasable by multiple people simultaneously. That way, they're powerful enough that people have to keep an eye out for random folks suddenly ganking them via the LE, but they're not so OP that you have no choice but to kill yourself with an alt (much like how the current bounty system encourages people to pod themselves to gain the reward).
Megan DeMonet
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#671 - 2012-10-13 10:51:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Megan DeMonet
Adriel Malakai wrote:
Megan DeMonet wrote:
why should you get a warning when KR is activated? what makes a ganker, or a lowsec pvp hunter so special they deserve more warning than the miner they just smacked down, and usually not for profit or personal reasons, but just beacuse they think its fun to greif. Maybe the lowsec hunter with 70 mil SP hunting down the noob in the lowsec belt that was ratting. Why, why, why should you get any warning. Especially if said target actually has skills and came looking for you. you would get no warning then whould you, you just undock in your crappy BC and a vidi ***** slaps you.

Why cant someon in a vindi have the same rights, buy all accounts your a criminal in some for, hell we all are. WE PLAY EVE!

If buying the kill rights just grants a limited engagement between the buyer and the target, then I'm perfectly fine with no warning.

so your saying, like all the carebear pvpers, is that it is perfectly fine for you and 5 buddies to gank a miner. but not for 5 or 6 guys to catch you unprepared for just the same thing? the basical gank you in high sec. the only real difference is they bought the right to kill you, thus concord does not get involved.

like said in previous posts, "the only sure way to not get killed in eve, is to never undock"

A Priest, a Rabbi, and an Imam walk into a bar......

Adriel Malakai
Shoulda Checked Local
Break-A-Wish Foundation
#672 - 2012-10-13 10:55:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Adriel Malakai
Megan DeMonet wrote:
so your saying, like all the carebear pvpers, is that it is perfectly fine for you and 5 buddies to gank a miner. but not for 5 or 6 guys to catch you unprepared for just the same thing? the basical gank you in high sec. the only real difference is they bought the right to kill you, thus concord does not get involved.

like said in previous posts, "the only sure way to not get killed in eve, is to never undock"

1) Look up my killboard sometime, I shoot people all over eve and pretty much only gank people when paid.

2) The LE system (in which multiple people can simultaneously purchase the kill-right) allows for 5-6 guys catching the target unprepared without making the system so powerful that people will just buy it/pop themselves with an alt.
Megan DeMonet
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#673 - 2012-10-13 11:01:18 UTC
Adriel Malakai wrote:
Megan DeMonet wrote:
so your saying, like all the carebear pvpers, is that it is perfectly fine for you and 5 buddies to gank a miner. but not for 5 or 6 guys to catch you unprepared for just the same thing? the basical gank you in high sec. the only real difference is they bought the right to kill you, thus concord does not get involved.

like said in previous posts, "the only sure way to not get killed in eve, is to never undock"

1) Look up my killboard sometime, I shoot people all over eve and pretty much only gank people when paid.

2) The LE system (in which multiple people can simultaneously purchase the kill-right) allows for 5-6 guys catching the target unprepared without making the system so powerful that people will just buy it/pop themselves with an alt.

i said in a previous post

if i sell my kill rights for 50 mil, and you want to pay me 50 mil to kill yourself, im all for it

A Priest, a Rabbi, and an Imam walk into a bar......

Adriel Malakai
Shoulda Checked Local
Break-A-Wish Foundation
#674 - 2012-10-13 11:03:09 UTC
Megan DeMonet wrote:
i said in a previous post

if i sell my kill rights for 50 mil, and you want to pay me 50 mil to kill yourself, im all for it

That may be the case, but I wager the vast majority of people are going to list them for 0 ISK to try to screw over the target of the KR (much like how most of the ally offers immediately after the inferno patch were for 0 ISK).
TWHC Assistant
#675 - 2012-10-13 11:08:57 UTC
Is this the beginning of the end for NPC bounties?
(For example, to reduce the ISK wells and sinks in the game and also as a means to fight botting.)

Are you planning to generate ISKs in some other ways in the future and to replace ratting as a source for ISK?
(For example, using sov mechanics to "print" ISKs and thus requiring the work of many players for new ISKs to come into the game.)
Megan DeMonet
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#676 - 2012-10-13 11:10:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Megan DeMonet
Adriel Malakai wrote:
Megan DeMonet wrote:
i said in a previous post

if i sell my kill rights for 50 mil, and you want to pay me 50 mil to kill yourself, im all for it

That may be the case, but I wager the vast majority of people are going to list them for 0 ISK to try to screw over the target of the KR (much like how most of the ally offers immediately after the inferno patch were for 0 ISK).

so your real problem is that you are going to die for free?

oh and why do they have KRs on you anyway? could it be that you "screwed them over"? as you put it

A Priest, a Rabbi, and an Imam walk into a bar......

Chirality Tisteloin
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#677 - 2012-10-13 11:12:06 UTC
ergherhdfgh wrote:

....... The risk reward thing needs to work on both ends of the scale. So instead of bringing more victimization to high sec why not bring more carebears to low/null ?

I agree very much. This is especially true for lowsec. From my (limited) experience it can be very comfortable from a security perspective to carebare in null if you are in a well organized alliance. Having said that, one has to keep in mind what a big effort it is to errect such a haven, though. So here the social aspect of the game is extremely important. Nullsec is nothing for solo carebears (and that is ok). It is thus most important to get noobs in touch with player corporations as soon as possible. It is here that the new bounty system might shine by offering improved ways of interaction between players and now even player organizations!

See you at my blog:

Kaaii-Net Research Labs
#678 - 2012-10-13 12:48:41 UTC
Adriel Malakai wrote:
Nalha Saldana wrote:
Maybe also give suicide gank targets a advanced warning? Oh yea i forgot this game isnt fair Blink

The difference is that a gank is from a specific player or subset of players. Kil-rights invoking suspect means literally all of eve can shoot you. There's quite a big gap there, cupcake.

You do get a warning, flashy red on overview, the same one ANY ONE gets when all of EVE can gank you.


You'll have to do better,.....cupcake.

Mirajane Cromwell
#679 - 2012-10-13 13:11:32 UTC
CCP Punkturis wrote:
Bloodpetal wrote:
CCP Punkturis wrote:
Kreed Ellecon wrote:
so as of right now i can go to my overview settings and tag every player with buyable kill rights and select them to be color coded in my overview,,, that option does not exist right now,,,

there's a show pilots with bounty's option (which currently only works in the overview, not in local list - but we're fixing for the expansion) but we want to add an option to show pilots with buyable kill rights in there too, with some specific icon and color (I already mentioned pink, I WANT PINK)

(I had already replied to this question here - does nobody notice my posts??????????)

Hey... I don't know if you guys have acknowledged this issue with the overview...

But the filtering is totally completely "whack". As in, it is totally nonsensical in how you filter things. It shows things based on UNION logic, so it won't show corp members, it will only show CORP members with bounties, if there is a bounty clicked, or for example... it won't show corp members with NEUTRAL standings if you don't have neutral standings checked. Meaning, you can never ONLY see corp members, you can only ever see CORP members AND NEUTRALS.

Does that make sense? Can you please seriously look into that functionality (at least ackowledge it's working as intended or not please?)

Thank you.

yeah we know it's not good Cry it kind of needs massive overhaul
I was hoping this new bounty system would (eventually) bring us some kind of new modules and new bounty hunting class destroyers/cruisers/BCs with dedicated bonuses to bounty hunting... like bounty scanner module that would show up bounty on all nearby (inside 20km sphere) objects in space (module meta level would increase radius up to 200km)... and ships that have bonuses to how big percentage of the bounty you get from your target etc... just my 0.02 ISK today... These could also work as a stepping stone towards the player driven police force...
Anton Zuber
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#680 - 2012-10-13 14:10:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Anton Zuber
Adriel Malakai wrote:
Megan DeMonet wrote:
why should you get a warning when KR is activated? what makes a ganker, or a lowsec pvp hunter so special they deserve more warning than the miner they just smacked down, and usually not for profit or personal reasons, but just beacuse they think its fun to greif. Maybe the lowsec hunter with 70 mil SP hunting down the noob in the lowsec belt that was ratting. Why, why, why should you get any warning. Especially if said target actually has skills and came looking for you. you would get no warning then whould you, you just undock in your crappy BC and a vidi ***** slaps you.

Why cant someon in a vindi have the same rights, buy all accounts your a criminal in some for, hell we all are. WE PLAY EVE!

If buying the kill rights just grants a limited engagement between the buyer and the target, then I'm perfectly fine with no warning. My problem is that it's a troll button to make people go suspect to all of eve. The scale of that is far greater than a gank, especially since the person paying for the kill right doesn't even have to get involved.

That's actually a very good point. I was concerned about kill rights myself, partly because it's unclear to me how it works. But I was thinking more on the side of how they get added in the first place. Can they always buy that? are there things i have to do first? It was not entirely clear to me how that all works yet, and it could be really bad.

But you pointed out a more specific scenario which is quite scary all in itself. Let me illustrate how that could play out.

Hypothetical Scenario
Kill rights granted in some random now forgotten about encounter. An alt of your victim is now following you around in a covert just kind of watching you to see where you go, using locator agents occasionally when he loses you. He waits patiently until you come to a nice hub system (Jita, Dodixie, Hex, etc.) and go to dock. He now activates your kill rights and just to be sure, scrambles you real quick. You are now in PvP, you can't dock, you can't warp and you are now surrounded by 50+ random players who's screens just lit up with a juicy red target market.

Have a nice day.

She has a point. That's worlds apart from a suicide gank. That's just HARSH.