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Why are "generalized" t3's betters at "Specialization" Command ships at givi

First post
Mea Culpa.
Shadow Cartel
#81 - 2012-05-29 07:10:29 UTC
Viribus wrote:
Daniel Plain wrote:
Viribus wrote:

Nowhere did I actually say that you said that, however you did come out and say it was possible, hence the "defend it" part

so... i didn't say it, but i did say it? kids these days...

and as for the fit

Doesn't even approach a proteus, keep trying though, I'm sure one day you'll get it

You need to select a Proteus with your mouse and click Approach (Q), then it indeed does approach a Proteus.

As what comes to dps race, not other T3 does nearly as much damage at those ranges. Doesn't even need to be an EFT fit, the normal 700dps that hits at full damage at 0-110km is way better than the others, especially when you consider the selectable damage type.

On topic: idk why CCP doesn't just switch the command bonuses in the next patch? All of EVE agrees with it, very easy thing to do.


Lunkwill Khashour
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#82 - 2012-05-29 11:05:04 UTC
T3 are waaayyyy better than T2 cruisers at most of their jobs. They even outclass T2 BC's at their jobs. They need to be dialed back.
Daniel Plain
#83 - 2012-05-29 11:48:42 UTC
Viribus wrote:
Daniel Plain wrote:
Viribus wrote:

Nowhere did I actually say that you said that, however you did come out and say it was possible, hence the "defend it" part

so... i didn't say it, but i did say it? kids these days...

and as for the fit

Doesn't even approach a proteus, keep trying though, I'm sure one day you'll get it

show me where i claimed it did. keep trying to build a strawman, i'm sure one day you'll get it.

I should buy an Ishtar.

Lin-Young Borovskova
#84 - 2012-05-29 14:30:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Lin-Young Borovskova
Viribus wrote:
Daniel Plain wrote:
with perfect skills and implants and heat, a tengu can project 1k dps to 100km. just sayin...

Show me this fit, then do the same to a proteus.

I guess you don't understand the point. I fly proteus and tengu so I can tell you I can shoot heavy missiles beyond 100km (122 for me with faction) and THIS doesn't change the amount of dps from 0 to over 100km

Now, what's the point to bring Proteus and compare it to Tengu? - everyone in this thread should already be aware despite the latest hybrid rebalance, helping hybrid ships and most precisely blaster boats to have better dmg projection was a NECESSARY change.
However rails still suck, at least medium models, you can't fit a decent sniper hack Deimos, a decent sniper Brutix, but this shouldn't even be a point of discussion since it's supposed to be balanced somewhere soon by CCP

Let's just admit for a second CCP does the required balance so you can fit a 5x250's deimos/proteus or full rack brutix and still able to fit decent tank etc.
It's just close to impossible to reach 100km with 100% dmg because of dmg formulas and this is not a bad thing, after all those are cruisers and should not be the tool for engagements over 50/70km, after this you should start thinking about battleships and new T3.

The only issue about missiles it's not their dmg, witch is not by any means overpowered, the issue it's the flight time.

Then you look at HAM's and Cruise, you use them and you look like this Shocked

EDIT: if you can't fit in game a decent tengu fit and shoot T2 heavy missiles at 100km or Navy Faction ones at over 100km, you have some skills/implants missing
Also according to my simulation the highest dps/speed/tank compromise I've got with is a 10MN mwd fit around 13billion, witch is completely insane and by no means is a balance factor, but thing is that is possible.


Fronkfurter McSheebleton
Horse Feathers
#85 - 2012-05-29 14:47:52 UTC
Reading through this, I'm not sure I agree that HACs in particular should be better than T3s. If they were, you'd never see T3s, because you can buy 3-4 T2 cruisers to perform all of your intended roles for less isk.

I think perhaps they should be balanced out to be roughly equal, if a bit different. HACs could perhaps use a boost, given their somewhat low cost effectiveness atm.

thhief ghabmoef

Lin-Young Borovskova
#86 - 2012-05-29 14:48:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Lin-Young Borovskova
Mfume Apocal wrote:
Daniel Plain wrote:
you fail at eft. you also fail at arguments when trying to put words in my mouth.

Then by all means, demonstrate (EFT or in-game) how a Tengu breaks 1K DPS at 100km. Or even provide a description of the fit (pro-tip: stacking penalties mean 4 BCUs + T2 RoF rig is about as good as it gets).

This amount of dps can't be achieved without a fit going over 3bill isk, thing is that no one said the regular fit (T2 fit) can do this.

I can perfectly say Tengu can do 1K dmg at over 100km, however if you ever used Tengu, and I know you do, you know perfectly well the usual "slightly better" than T2 fit does only in between 750 and 800dps with HML but the fact it reaches 100km is undeniable no matter how much pimp you can put on it.

We can't have a serious discussion if someone don't understand the difference between "it can" and "it does" . It's quite obvious for me not everyone fly with 3 or 5billion Tengus and the performance difference between T2 fit and those is significantly different but "it can".

Also: you don't need more than 3 BCU's because stacking penalties will reduce the %dmg increase, however no one ever said those can't be the most expensive mods in game, and the dps difference in between those is significantly enough to all in all be able to state "it's possible", and some do.

Now for the sake of this discussion can we stop talking about extreme fits and move to something else?
Let's all assume T2 fits, instead of 1K dmg it will be 700/800 but the 100km distance doesn't change. How does this make progress the discussion?-it doesn't.

Because the real discussion here should be about how can CCP balance the dps/distance of this dmg application and not Tengu is grey and Proteus is green.

And the real discussion should not be Proteus is green and Tengu is grey but how the hell some mechanics can make those be better at some roles than specific role ships? - Command ships vs T3

Answer: links off grid, seems the majority in eve agrees this is a very bad mechanic, once it's away how much overpowered it is a boost Loki vs the command ship? -it isn't


Alticus C Bear
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#87 - 2012-05-29 15:16:19 UTC
I can understand a lot of the points here. I think it is important to remember that it is certain subsystem combinations that are overpowered and it is through the subs T3’s should be balanced.

I would be wary of balancing HACS against T3’ this will result in a direct nerf or a massive boost to HACS, HACS should be a cheaper faster DPS alternative. Balancing combat performance against command ships gives a much closer match in capabilities with the T3 being a bit faster and smaller, yes the command bonus needs changing, but a number of T3 subs are underused.
Mfume Apocal
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#88 - 2012-05-29 17:15:43 UTC
Daniel Plain wrote:
Viribus wrote:

Nowhere did I actually say that you said that, however you did come out and say it was possible, hence the "defend it" part

so... i didn't say it, but i did say it? kids these days...

and as for the fit

I like how you accuse other people of EFT warrioring, then use a DPS figure that doesn't account for reload time.
Arden Bastilla
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#89 - 2012-05-29 20:47:55 UTC
It seems like the role of the T3 was to be able to go into WH's solo and still survive. Modularity was the key point behind the T3s. Why not make that modularity more of the focal point than it currently is. Make it so that you can fit multiple subsystems to one ship and that you can swap fittings on the fly with some kind of time penalty/vulnerability/etc. This makes it so that you don't have to buy more than one T3 for multiple fits. Maybe have the subsystems cheaper so that you can justify loading more onto one ship.

They shouldn't be allowed to have better capabilities at one role than the specialized T2s since that does negate the purpose of them.

If command ships are such a joke either we need to revamp them or merge their capabilities into the T3s

I see the T3s as more of an amorphous ship that can shift its role as needed. It will never be good enough to fully fill the role of a web boat, RR, tank, etc. Maybe however it can provide that cutting edge on the battlefield where your RR goes down or you need more webs and it would take too long to bring in another ship you can just shift your role in your T3 so that you can hold out.

Or even give it some kind of role that makes it unique so that it doesn't overlap the T2's. Anomaly effects generation for example, or nullification. Allowing you to make the battlefield favor your fleet.

CCP needs to ask its self what do they want T3's to actually do and how are they unique compared to T2's without making them obsolete.
Tribal Liberation Distribution and Retail
#90 - 2012-05-30 05:13:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Mechael
It's the "generally better than" part that needs to go, ideally from all ships. We can replace it with "more specialized."

For example:
Take the Rupture, the Muninn, and the Loki. The Muninn ought to be better at sniping than any of them. Should it out-tank a rupture? No, but the rupture can't snipe like a Muninn. Should it out maneuver a Rupture? No ... but the Muninn is just so much better at sniping that it ends up balancing out.

When your throw something like the Loki into that mix, things just get weird because Tech1 ships are already supposed to be the ships that are generally good at everything, but not great at anything either. The difference with Tech3 is that they are customizeable. While the Rupture is generally good at being a combat mainstay cruiser without any real specialties, the fact remains that it's got a pretty weak shield tank. If you want a shield tanking catch-all Minmatar heavy combat cruiser, you'll need the Loki. That said, should the Loki ever be able to snipe like a Muninn? No. Should it ever be as fast as a Vaga? Nope. Should it be generally better at everything than any of the T1 cruisers? Nope, but it should come with more options.

Bottom line: balancing needs to be a question of playstyle and no one ship should ever be arbitrarily flat-out better in general than any other ship. You pay more for T2 for the specialization (better than anything else at one specific thing,) and you pay more for T3 for their customizeability (good at what you want it to do without being outright better in general.)

Same should go for faction ships. Minmatar/Gallente skilled boats should be special because they have characteristics of both races, not because they are just flat out better. They give you the option for, say, drones on a heavy shield tank, or a vicious neut/web combo. They shouldn't ever be flat out better, though. If they are, the balancing team isn't doing its job very well.

Taking this full circle to T3 Command vs Command Ships ... there is so much there that is broken that I really hope the balancing team takes a good long look at how leadership bonuses actually work BEFORE they rebalance the ships.

Whether or not you win the game matters not.  It's if you bought it.

Tribal Liberation Distribution and Retail
#91 - 2012-05-30 05:27:12 UTC
Lin-Young Borovskova wrote:
However rails still suck, at least medium models, you can't fit a decent sniper hack Deimos, a decent sniper Brutix, but this shouldn't even be a point of discussion since it's supposed to be balanced somewhere soon by CCP

Let's just admit for a second CCP does the required balance so you can fit a 5x250's deimos/proteus or full rack brutix and still able to fit decent tank etc.

LOLOL There's your problem. I take it you're also the type who likes to fit armor rigs on gallente boats, too? **** speed, yeah?

Here's a hint ... the races were each originally designed around basic concepts. Gallente weren't really designed around railguns. Or for heavy armor tanking, for that matter. Hence all of the bonuses that help most with short range, high speed, gank playstyles. If you're going to judge railguns, try putting them on Caldari gunboats first.

And yes, I do think rails still need some looking into. The whole turret damage formula in general needs a redo, really, to better take into account ranges and ship sizes.

Whether or not you win the game matters not.  It's if you bought it.

Lords of the Lockerroom
#92 - 2012-05-30 06:52:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Viribus
There's a term for ships that are mediocre at everything and excel at nothing. They're called "trash no one uses".

Customization is not enough of an advantage for a ship to stand on that alone. A ship could be fit to (barely) fill any conceivable role and no one would fly if it they could just hop into something cheaper and more effective. How does no one understand this?

Same should go for faction ships. Minmatar/Gallente skilled boats should be special because they have characteristics of both races, not because they are just flat out better.

HAH, you basically just described pirate faction ships before they were buffed, and they were the definition of trash no one used.
Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#93 - 2012-05-30 06:54:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Malcanis
Lunkwill Khashour wrote:
T3 are waaayyyy better than T2 cruisers at most of their jobs. They even outclass T2 BC's at their jobs. They need to be dialed back.

As I said above, T3s have to exceed at something. No one is interested in a "versatile" ship that has the ability to be mediocre at a number of roles; it's the niche equivalent of split damage bonuses that made those "versatile" pirate faction ships useless for so long.

A good example is the Loki and proteus web and scram bonuses: they're good enough to be very worthwhile, but still considerably less than the equivalent Recons. However, because they can be combined with very high armour EHP, they give those T3s the role of heavy armour fleet tacklers, which combat recons are worthless for. If you dial back their ability to have high EHP to match their T2 counterpart, then they're simply double-price, skillpoint-losing pointers and webbers whom no one will ever fly in that role. Why should they when they can just use cheaper Huginns and Lachs that also don't cost you 4 days training when you're inevitably primaried?

T3s don't have to exceed T2 cruisers in their specific specialisation (eg: extreme web range, ECM strength, remote repair, etc) but they most definitely need to be able to exceed T2 in a number of roles, or they're simply pointless. And for the most part, this is in fact what we see. Logis and Force & Combat Recons are not obseleted by T3s, it's only some of the HACs that have a problem. And in the case of those HACs, it's that they were bad even before T3s were introduced - the Deimos was being called "The Diemost" long before the Proteus was introduced.

A further benefit of having "good" T3s is that players have an alternate source of advanced ships that isn't reliant on the insanely imbalanced Technetium bottleneck - this applies to pirate cruisers also. I think that this is an absolutely vital consideration when we're discussing both T3s and faction ships.

EDIT: To amplify on this, let's look at the T2 Cruisers

Logistics ships: these are still very widely used - no problem whatsoever with T3s here. The T3 RR subs are practically useless, except for very specific PvE tactics, because they don't give a range bonus. The sub is only used for getting more EHP.

Heavy Interdictors: There's virtually no intersection between T3s and HICs at all.

Force Recons: these two are still widely used, the recons still get a better specific EW bonus than the T3s and although they're much more fragile, they're often used for extreme-risk roles where cost (and skillpoint loss) genuinely is a balancing factor.

Combat Recons: these are also still widely used, in fact they're even used as fleet tacklers for shield fleets, as shield Proteus and Lokis barely have more EHP than their Recon equivalents and have lower web/point range to boot.

Heavy Assault Cruisers: This is where the problem lies, but which HACs specifically are trespassed on by T3s? Well the Zealot is still fine, as is the Vaga and the Muninn, and the Ishtar is still as widely used as it ever was. As for the rest... well let's have a look:

Sacrilege: I guess the HAM Legion treads on the Sacrilege's toes, but neither are common, and the Sac wasn't exactly wildly popular before the Legion was introduced either.

Deimos: Similarly, the Deimos is definitely outclassed by the Proteus, but this is at least as much because the Deimos is bad to start with. The Proteus resolves the problems of an in-your-face balls-to-the-wall blaster cruiser role by having enough EHP to carry it off. Nerfing the Proteus won't make the Deimos good and people won't suddenly say "oh well now I don't have a good ship for this role, I guess I'll use a bad one". At best, they'll just switch to the Vigilant.

The Eagle: we could delete the Tengu from the database entirely and people still won't use it. You'd have to pretty much delete every other large (and most medium) turret ship to achieve that.

The Cerb: Slightly better than the Eagle, but it still wasn't exactly wildly popular before the Tengu was introduced, was it? We didn't see Cerb fleets or widespread use of the Cerb as a PvE ship (although it did OK as a Guristas ratter). What previously popular Cerb roles has the Tengu usurped, exactly? I honestly can't think of one. The role of "extreme range HML chucker" to deter Falcons still remains, and the Cerb can also utilise the Rapid Standard Launcher or whatever it's called now to make it a frigate-murderer, which the Tengu can't. The Cerb's actual in-game roles are largely the same as they always were.

To summarise: T3s only "obselete" T2 cruisers which were bad in the first place.

With respect to Fleet Command ships, they do still get used too, because being able to survive on grid is still a big advantage for mobile fleets, but I definitely agree that they should give better bonuses than T3s.

With respect to Field Command ships, the Absolution and the Sleipnir are fine tyvm. The Nighthawk and Astarte are heavilty trespassed on by the Tengu & Proteus, and this should be looked at - but again, let's remind ourselves that neither were popular before T3s were introduced.

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Tribal Liberation Distribution and Retail
#94 - 2012-05-30 07:00:38 UTC
Viribus wrote:
There's a term for ships that are mediocre at everything and excel at nothing. They're called "trash no one uses".

Customization is not enough of an advantage for a ship to stand on that alone. A ship could be fit to (barely) fill any conceivable role and no one would fly if it they could just hop into something cheaper and more effective. How does no one understand this?

"Trash no one uses" is the current state of things, yes, because T1 ships in general are very underpowered compared to T2 and T3. If you bring them all in line (whether through nerfing the more powerful ones or buffing the less powerful ones or a little of both,) however, things will be quite different than what we're used to. What is meant by specializing is that the Muninn (again, as the example) should be able to wipe the floor with the Rupture when it comes to sniping. However, in every other instance the Rupture should have a slight advantage over the Muninn. The same ought to be true of the Loki. It should be just as capable at being general as the Rupture without actually being more powerful than the Rupture. The difference is that it should do so in more ways than the Rupture can (via a shield tank, for example.) Will it out-snipe the Muninn? No, and it shouldn't. That's the Muninn's role. Will it out-perform a Muninn at every other task? Yep. You could also make it comparable to the Rupture, but tweak it so that it's shield or speed tanked instead of armor, or perhaps you want it to track better instead of that damage bonus.

Mediocre at everything is better than a one-trick-pony in every instance EXCEPT that one trick. This is not the way that generalized ships (whether T1 or T3) are today.

Whether or not you win the game matters not.  It's if you bought it.

Lords of the Lockerroom
#95 - 2012-05-30 07:09:30 UTC
Why should I spend half a bil and risk a week of training to fly a mediocre-at-everything ship when I can fly something cheaper and more effective for any conceivable role?

Hint: people don't fit their ships to juggle multiple roles at once. Well, no one outside of highsec at least.
Lunkwill Khashour
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#96 - 2012-05-30 07:33:27 UTC
Malcanis wrote:

As I said above, T3s have to exceed at something. No one is interested in a "versatile" ship that has the ability to be mediocre at a number of roles; it's the niche equivalent of split damage bonuses that made those "versatile" pirate faction ships useless for so long.

A good example is the Loki and proteus web and scram bonuses: they're good enough to be very worthwhile, but still considerably less than the equivalent Recons. However, because they can be combined with very high armour EHP, they give those T3s the role of heavy armour fleet tacklers, which combat recons are worthless for. If you dial back their ability to have high EHP to match their T2 counterpart, then they're simply double-price, skillpoint-losing pointers and webbers whom no one will ever fly in that role. Why should they when they can just use cheaper Huginns and Lachs that also don't cost you 4 days training when you're inevitably primaried?

T3s don't have to exceed T2 cruisers in their specific specialisation (eg: extreme web range, ECM strength, remote repair, etc) but they most definitely need to be able to exceed T2 in a number of roles, or they're simply pointless. And for the most part, this is in fact what we see. Logis and Force & Combat Recons are not obseleted by T3s, it's only some of the HACs that have a problem. And in the case of those HACs, it's that they were bad even before T3s were introduced - the Deimos was being called "The Diemost" long before the Proteus was introduced.

A further benefit of having "good" T3s is that players have an alternate source of advanced ships that isn't reliant on the insanely imbalanced Technetium bottleneck - this applies to pirate cruisers also. I think that this is an absolutely vital consideration when we're discussing both T3s and faction ships.

EDIT: To amplify on this, let's look at the T2 Cruisers

Logistics ships: these are still very widely used - no problem whatsoever with T3s here. The T3 RR subs are practically useless, except for very specific PvE tactics, because they don't give a range bonus. The sub is only used for getting more EHP.

Heavy Interdictors: There's virtually no intersection between T3s and HICs at all.

Force Recons: these two are still widely used, the recons still get a better specific EW bonus than the T3s and although they're much more fragile, they're often used for extreme-risk roles where cost (and skillpoint loss) genuinely is a balancing factor.

Combat Recons: these are also still widely used, in fact they're even used as fleet tacklers for shield fleets, as shield Proteus and Lokis barely have more EHP than their Recon equivalents and have lower web/point range to boot.

Heavy Assault Cruisers: This is where the problem lies, but which HACs specifically are trespassed on by T3s? Well the Zealot is still fine, as is the Vaga and the Muninn, and the Ishtar is still as widely used as it ever was. As for the rest... well let's have a look:

Mostly this. T3's have weaker special boni (like web range, neut power, ...) compared to special T2's but they largely make this up with increased eHP. In some cases the damage that they do while having a set of special boni is considerable aswell.

w.r.t. to Hac's, balancing is much more difficult since you only have got gank'n tank. IMO, the difference here should be focused on the survivability aswell. E.g. a gank zealot and a legion do roughly the same dps projection but the legion has a bigger buffer or has some small drones or has a cloak or something (not a combination of those)

the fact that a Tengu's dps ability is an upgrade compared to a drake however, is out of line. Similarly a Legion does slightly less dps than an Absolution but compensates this with an optimal bonus. This shouldn't be the case, an Astarte should be able to outgank a Proteus like it ain't no thing.

Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#97 - 2012-05-30 07:39:33 UTC
Lunkwill Khashour wrote:

the fact that a Tengu's dps ability is an upgrade compared to a drake however, is out of line

Why? DPS isn't the Drake's thing, there are T1 cruisers that easily outdamage the Drake.

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Pink Marshmellow
Caucasian Culture Club
#98 - 2012-05-30 07:47:51 UTC
Titans were a problem because they are a force multiplier than can easily take on fleet several times their size.

But Tech 3's are not the case. A tech 3 will beat a tech 2, T1, etc on a one vs one, but against two or more it will have trouble. Not to mention losing a T3 is several times more expensive that lolBCs and Tech 2 ships.

Cost should indeed give improvements.

If you want to argue why Tech 3 are better than Tech 2, then why Tech 2 are better than Tech 1?

If I put faction mods on my zealot, then I should have an advantage over some poor gimp who only can fit tech 1 and tech 2 modules on their zealot. Otherwise it would be all pointless. Its only when i start soloing gangs face to face solo with equal skill that it becomes a problem (no killing a hundred retards who put civilian boosters on their cruisers doesn't count)

Tech 3 ships mostly supercede roles of Tech 2 ships are were ******.

Tengu - Eagle and Cerberus. Seriously does when was the last time you saw anyone fly Caldari HAC's? These ships suck and removing or nerfing Tengus won't make people fly them.

Proteus- Deimos- Diemost anyone? A crappy hac that has fitting issues that its practically a glass cannon and primary every single time? It does less dps than a brutix for 4 times the cost and the same fragility.

If you want to argue Tech 3 to Tech 2, you should argue Tech 2 over Tech 1.

Tech 2 ships are better than Tech 1 ships and obsolete them in many roles.

Cost and skills are a limiting factor, same with Tech 3's.

Tech 3s are good ships because they can be configured to fill a certain role within the pilot's mind.

Making them a jack of all trades and master of none is death of a ship.
Scarlet Weather Rhapsody
#99 - 2012-05-30 08:13:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Marzuq
You gotta realize that its not really the ship themselves that make the improvement over T2 or Tech 1, its also INVESTMENT.

Its the amount of money you put into these ships that really make them shine.

For PVP purposes do you really see anyone fit a faction module on their Tech 1 ship? Absolutely not, because that faction mod will most likely exceed the cost of the entire ship. Do I really want to fit a 100million mod on a ship that's worth 20 million? Absolutely not.

For Tech 2 ships? Maybe but only one or two at most, until the cost of the modules exceed the ship by a good bit. The only time one really fits faction mods on tech 2 is if its really need or significant. E.g. RF disruptors that are 150 mil on Arazus for 60km points. 2-3X 70 mil Fed Navy Webs on Rapiers for 56km range, etc.

Now for Tech 3 ships are faction modules smart? ABSOLUTELY. Since you already put 500 million into the ship, you might as well protect and improve your investment with faction and deadspace modules. That while most PVPer's will fit expensive modules on their Tech 3 ships. A lot of Tech 3 fits easily reach over a billion isk. Faction shield hardeners/enams, faction damage mods, more faction/deadspace stuff.

With all the faction and deadspace mods you put on the ship it becomes better by a significant amount. And of course it should be, you just spend .5 -1 billion on the ship, you better damn well get something good out of it.

Not to mention people who have the isk to fly tech 3 and fittings have a tendency to have money for expensive implants, drugs, and gang boosts.

As a result you make a ship and setup that is significantly better than tech 2 or tech 1.

Not because of the ship itself, but the investment put in on it.

Are you people suggesting that we nerf faction modules, implants, drugs, etc, just because a few newbies in their scrapheap hurricanes worth a mere 70 mil in fittings can't solo a Billion isk Tech 3?

I don't think so. If you start nerfing tech 3, you might as well start nerfing tech 2 as well because Cost and skills should not be a balancing factor according to reason.

Tech 3 ship are fine in cost and performance. They should be able to solo a lower class ship one and one, but die when they get swarmed. They have a small increase for a high cost.

Tech 3 ships are only a bit better than tech 2, its only much better when you put expensive modules on them, that you normally don't put on tech 2 ships.

Would you a deadspace mwd on your tech 2,, probably no. What about a tech 3, probably yes.
Lin-Young Borovskova
#100 - 2012-05-30 11:37:24 UTC
Mechael wrote:
LOLOL There's your problem. I take it you're also the type who likes to fit armor rigs on gallente boats, too? **** speed, yeah?

So you assume what it's not said, you lack of reading comprehension and say I'm wrong. OK, it's your right to think I'm wrong.

And yes, I do think rails still need some looking into. The whole turret damage formula in general needs a redo, really, to better take into account ranges and ship sizes.

But then I'm right. Lol

What the heck are you trying to say, if you even know exactly what do you want to say. And please make some efforts, I'm not English native and have very hard time understanding your point.
