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Post if you are unsubing over the new inventory, as thats the only way CCP listens

First post
The Executioners
#361 - 2012-05-24 09:09:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Maraner
This thread is about unsubbing in protest about the unified inventory, please just indicate if you are unsubbing. -2 accounts for my part.

If you like the UI feel free to post in the I like the UI thread. Or as I like to call it Incarna 2.0 - lets look shall we:

Large part of the paying community annoyed - Check

CCP not backing down - Check

Large number of previous posts on the forums in regards to Sisi testing suggesting not to deploy - check

Unsub thread started - check

So after the Incarna debacle and the cries from CCP that we have learned our lessons they unload this piece of unwanted code on a frustrated and annoyed player base, washing away all of the positive stuff in the Inferno expansion. And rather than thinking hmmm this isnt looking good we'll roll it back, take it to Sisi and finish it or at the very least make it optional we get the soundwave telling us that it isnt going away and that it will not be optional.

Is anyone else seeing a pattern? Someone shop a photo of soundwave burning in an inventory box, see if he can find his way out.
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#362 - 2012-05-24 09:09:28 UTC
The only problem is people are so lazy to learn how to shift + left clicking to open a new window Roll

CCP: Ambition but rubbish

The Executioners
#363 - 2012-05-24 09:11:57 UTC
4IN1 wrote:
The only problem is people are so lazy to learn how to shift + left clicking to open a new window Roll


try to fuel a tower, scoop from a wreck or swap stront between cans in your carriers corp hanger into your fuel bay.
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#364 - 2012-05-24 09:15:56 UTC
Maraner wrote:
4IN1 wrote:
The only problem is people are so lazy to learn how to shift + left clicking to open a new window Roll


try to fuel a tower, scoop from a wreck or swap stront between cans in your carriers corp hanger into your fuel bay.

I don't have any problem doing that, again, shift left clicking to open new window.

CCP: Ambition but rubbish

The Executioners
#365 - 2012-05-24 09:19:37 UTC
4IN1 wrote:
Maraner wrote:
4IN1 wrote:
The only problem is people are so lazy to learn how to shift + left clicking to open a new window Roll


try to fuel a tower, scoop from a wreck or swap stront between cans in your carriers corp hanger into your fuel bay.

I don't have any problem doing that, again, shift left clicking to open new window.

More likely you dont own a carrier, wouldn't know what a POS tower looks like and wonder what stront is. I'm going to keep quiet now and watch 2.0 unflold, suggest you do the same.
Biff Rodgers
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#366 - 2012-05-24 09:20:34 UTC
I was looking forward to the new bling of missiles comming from the Drake, it's cool! Thanks CCPBig smile

Then I opened up Inventory, Not cool! Thanks CCP. Roll

Still, I'd give it a chance, learn how to use it, find it's good points and bad.
Well the good points are everthing is in one place, errr that can also be a bad thing too. Clutter.
I find it clumsey and slow, and when in wormhole or null sec in a Noctis with my butt out in the wind salvaging, you cannot afford to stuff around.
Sadly this new inventory menu while looks different it actualy slows the process down of moving items.
I can see how this will put some people off.

The old menu system while boaring was loads faster.

So, this patch is a mixed bag. Some good, some not so good.

John Caligan
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#367 - 2012-05-24 09:32:01 UTC

Come on, it's an organizer system. It is no more difficult to figure out than a homework planner in grade school, or figuring out what order to dress in in the morning: All of these are things that are new when first experienced, or are different from previous systems, but I'll bet that 9/10ths of you figured it out. So give it some goddamn time and try to sink into a new routine before you bug out. The versions on Sisi were probably slightly different from release version, and in addition, it takes 30-60 days for the human mind to set in a new behavioral pattern.

So chill, people. If you're gonna complain about something, make it worthwhile, for example: the fact that the Stealth Bombers still have WAY too many sharp angles to even THINK about calling themselves "Stealth"
Mirime Nolwe
Mantra of Pain
#368 - 2012-05-24 09:37:49 UTC
******* retards most of you are just stupid drama queens. How many of you play EVE for more than 2 years?
Victor Sane
A-1 Industrial and Salvage
#369 - 2012-05-24 09:39:55 UTC
Hi i took a quick look on your topic upon unsub'ing case of the unified inventory, and i would like to say that it is not the best way to approach CCP trying to bang heads like this saying you rage quit because of unified inventory. They dont care about threats made on unsubs but what you could do is write a simple list of what you dont like about the new inventory and how it could be compiled to be made better or the fact that you dont even like the change with the fact you feel that they should remain seperate from eachother and be nice to them...

cause you get no where with this man.
Andemnon Kohort
Good Fortune Shipping
Blue Sky Syndicate
#370 - 2012-05-24 09:45:07 UTC
Its the 'butterfly' principle, you change one little thing, and it impacts loads of others, possibly in ways that were unplanned or unintended. Funny thing is, didnt they talk about that exact thing at the fanfest.. pretty sure they did.. so how in hell did they manage to totally ignore it once again and totally stuff up a game mechanic that was working as intended in the first place, into one that can barely cope with the intended useage, and slows down gameplay with needless complications, it has become an added time sink in the game, and a frustrating one at that. And it lags out.. since when does your cargo hold become a lag issue.. isnt that supposed to be applied to things like large scale fleet battles.. well heres the thing.. what happens when 2000 people in a system suddenly decide to check out their inventory? do they have to suddenly reinforce the node, or just make people wait 10 minutes i mean.. its not like their doing anything important with their inventory now is it..

The sheer scale of the problems introduced by the so called *unified inventory system* beggars belief..

what also beggars belief is the fact that CCP is plainly willing to gamble a signficant proportion of their playerbase over it, which kind of asks the question .. WHY ?

SOE kind of underestimated player feeling with their introduction of the *new game experience* of SWG..

anybody who thinks there are no parallels here, is plainly either deluded or not paying attention.
Jazz Associates
#371 - 2012-05-24 09:48:40 UTC
Which genius decided it was time to remove the corp hangar/ market deliveries buttons in station? Can this be an attempt to force people to use the new interface? So if you set out to annoy people unnecessarily you have achieved your aims. I am not suspending my accounts because I've seen this kind of thing before and I predict ccp will have to backtrack on this very quickly. But can we at least suggest a user panel for practical issues instead of/ alongside the csm talking shop? Such interface disasters wouldn't happen if you tested them with people who actually play the game.
The Executioners
#372 - 2012-05-24 09:50:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Maraner
Mirime Nolwe wrote:
******* retards most of you are just stupid drama queens. How many of you play EVE for more than 2 years?

About three years longer than you - i direct you to the 'I dont care what others think - I'll just call them whiny bitches'' thread. I'd suggest you unsub as well, primarily from my desire to not run across your posts again
Biff Rodgers
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#373 - 2012-05-24 09:54:49 UTC
Victor Sane wrote:
Hi i took a quick look on your topic upon unsub'ing case of the unified inventory, and i would like to say that it is not the best way to approach CCP trying to bang heads like this saying you rage quit because of unified inventory. They dont care about threats made on unsubs but what you could do is write a simple list of what you dont like about the new inventory and how it could be compiled to be made better or the fact that you dont even like the change with the fact you feel that they should remain seperate from eachother and be nice to them...

cause you get no where with this man.

I agree.
Customers and suppliers need to get together and talk.
I believe we call the medium here CSM, a group of reps we vote in to represent us.

The new inventory system is ok for in station work, yes shift + left click works, but out in the field it's let down.
Especially when you have 20 plus cans at a salvage site, shift + left click on each can, then try and use the loot all button and see how fast it runs.
Rage quiting does not work, Thats like boycotting BP cause they put the gas price up.
So where too from here...

I would have though CCP would have leant something from Captains quarters.

Mirime Nolwe
Mantra of Pain
#374 - 2012-05-24 10:05:24 UTC
Maraner wrote:
Mirime Nolwe wrote:
******* retards most of you are just stupid drama queens. How many of you play EVE for more than 2 years?

About three years longer than you - i direct you to the 'I dont care what others think - I'll just call them whiny bitches'' thread. I'd suggest you unsub as well, primarily from my desire to not run across your posts again

Lets unsub because CCP changed how inventory works!! I want a perfect feature or i will cry and stamp my feet on the ground until someone hear me. Everyone has the right to give their opinion but this kind of initiatives demonstrate the childishness and arrogance that prevails atm in the playerbase. And of course, this behavior will generate replys also arrogant and childish.
The Executioners
#375 - 2012-05-24 10:09:14 UTC
Mirime Nolwe wrote:
Maraner wrote:
Mirime Nolwe wrote:
******* retards most of you are just stupid drama queens. How many of you play EVE for more than 2 years?

About three years longer than you - i direct you to the 'I dont care what others think - I'll just call them whiny bitches'' thread. I'd suggest you unsub as well, primarily from my desire to not run across your posts again

Lets unsub because CCP changed how inventory works!! I want a perfect feature or i will cry and stamp my feet on the ground until someone hear me. Everyone has the right to give their opinion but this kind of initiatives demonstrate the childishness and arrogance that prevails atm in the playerbase. And of course, this behavior will generate replys also arrogant and childish.

This from someone that starts a post ******** retards? wow. Your right, childish and arrogant.
Andemnon Kohort
Good Fortune Shipping
Blue Sky Syndicate
#376 - 2012-05-24 10:10:52 UTC
Biff Rodgers wrote:
Victor Sane wrote:
Hi i took a quick look on your topic upon unsub'ing case of the unified inventory, and i would like to say that it is not the best way to approach CCP trying to bang heads like this saying you rage quit because of unified inventory. They dont care about threats made on unsubs but what you could do is write a simple list of what you dont like about the new inventory and how it could be compiled to be made better or the fact that you dont even like the change with the fact you feel that they should remain seperate from eachother and be nice to them...

cause you get no where with this man.

I agree.
Customers and suppliers need to get together and talk.
I believe we call the medium here CSM, a group of reps we vote in to represent us.

The new inventory system is ok for in station work, yes shift + left click works, but out in the field it's let down.
Especially when you have 20 plus cans at a salvage site, shift + left click on each can, then try and use the loot all button and see how fast it runs.
Rage quiting does not work, Thats like boycotting BP cause they put the gas price up.
So where too from here...

I would have though CCP would have leant something from Captains quarters.

I really don't think this is classed as 'rage quitting' .. certainly as a means of protest, it is a very effective one, which cannot be ignored, which is plainly not the case in terms of words, which CCP have ignored, and by that i mean the feedback that was given on this issue on SiSi.. if this had been discussed prior to release do you seriously think this level of protest would be occuring?
This could well, in fact probably will turn into yet another expensive debacle for CCP, and reinforces, for many, the impression that CCP is not listening to the players.. again.. so well done CCP for totally undoing all the good PR they managed to achieve with the fanfest..
Andemnon Kohort
Good Fortune Shipping
Blue Sky Syndicate
#377 - 2012-05-24 10:14:54 UTC
Mirime Nolwe wrote:
Maraner wrote:
Mirime Nolwe wrote:
******* retards most of you are just stupid drama queens. How many of you play EVE for more than 2 years?

About three years longer than you - i direct you to the 'I dont care what others think - I'll just call them whiny bitches'' thread. I'd suggest you unsub as well, primarily from my desire to not run across your posts again

Lets unsub because CCP changed how inventory works!! I want a perfect feature or i will cry and stamp my feet on the ground until someone hear me. Everyone has the right to give their opinion but this kind of initiatives demonstrate the childishness and arrogance that prevails atm in the playerbase. And of course, this behavior will generate replys also arrogant and childish.

your complaining because people are complaining, awesome, well until you can actually come up with a statement that isnt just more QQ'ing then perhaps you ought to try having an opinion that isnt just random stuff pulled out of your backside..

This isnt about something 'new' being introduced to the game, it isnt even about an improvement to the game, this is about reduced functionality and features being removed from the game, there really is a difference, but, unless you understand the topic in question, let alone what it is that people are actually complaining about, i suspect that your backside is the only source of any future material you may decide to contribute.

Tactical Farmers.
Tactical Farmers
#378 - 2012-05-24 10:21:32 UTC
OP, who are you and why should we care that you just can't figure it out on your own?

Agent of Chaos, Sower of Discord.

Don't talk to me unless you are IQ verified and certified with three references from non-family members. Please have your certificate of authenticity on hand.

The Executioners
#379 - 2012-05-24 10:23:38 UTC
Andemnon Kohort wrote:
Mirime Nolwe wrote:
Maraner wrote:
Mirime Nolwe wrote:
******* retards most of you are just stupid drama queens. How many of you play EVE for more than 2 years?

About three years longer than you - i direct you to the 'I dont care what others think - I'll just call them whiny bitches'' thread. I'd suggest you unsub as well, primarily from my desire to not run across your posts again

Lets unsub because CCP changed how inventory works!! I want a perfect feature or i will cry and stamp my feet on the ground until someone hear me. Everyone has the right to give their opinion but this kind of initiatives demonstrate the childishness and arrogance that prevails atm in the playerbase. And of course, this behavior will generate replys also arrogant and childish.

your complaining because people are complaining, awesome, well until you can actually come up with a statement that isnt just more QQ'ing then perhaps you ought to try having an opinion that isnt just random stuff pulled out of your backside..

This isnt about something 'new' being introduced to the game, it isnt even about an improvement to the game, this is about reduced functionality and features being removed from the game, there really is a difference, but, unless you understand the topic in question, let alone what it is that people are actually complaining about, i suspect that your backside is the only source of any future material you may decide to contribute.

Andemon is spot on Mirime, we're pissed because we've lost functionality and CCP have yet again ignored the Sisi feedback to implement something no one has asked for, and after that upon seeing the rage the first thing they have said is that it wont be either rolled back or optional.

That is why we are complaining, we're fighting for our game, not just posting for the QQ.
Biff Rodgers
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#380 - 2012-05-24 10:29:46 UTC
Andemnon Kohort wrote:

I really don't think this is classed as 'rage quitting' .. certainly as a means of protest, it is a very effective one, which cannot be ignored, which is plainly not the case in terms of words, which CCP have ignored, and by that i mean the feedback that was given on this issue on SiSi.. if this had been discussed prior to release do you seriously think this level of protest would be occuring?
This could well, in fact probably will turn into yet another expensive debacle for CCP, and reinforces, for many, the impression that CCP is not listening to the players.. again.. so well done CCP for totally undoing all the good PR they managed to achieve with the fanfest..

Yes, here we are again,
This would be the 3rd time this has happened in recent times.
Are CCP execs board?
Megalomaniacs wielding an iron fist thusting their will on us mere mortals?
No I don't think so, I think it's more a case of they want to improve the game, to help make it more enjoyable.
Trouble is (from apperances) they have their idea on what they think we will enjoy.
To help avoid this we need to talk, they need to listen.

TBO, CCP heart is in the right place.
Some might argue their heart is in their wallet.

In either case their actions will cause damage to both.
Seems they have not learnt from the past, sorry I have no answer as to why.
Perhaps they were sting from the past, fear opening channels to customers, under pressure from execs to make changes for the sake of changes.
We have no idea what the truth of the matter is.
Yet from past and present actions lessons have not been learnt. Other game software companies have gone bankrupt through not listening to customers, CCP apear to be heading down that path, I can only hope some one up in their ivory tower opens their eyes in time.