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War Dec, Kill Reports and New Modules discussion

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CCP Explorer
C C P Alliance
#421 - 2012-05-14 19:12:56 UTC
BeanBagKing wrote:
St Mio wrote:

I don't care if they're male, female, a transexual midget, or an asexual amoeba, anyone (or thing) that works on improving EVE's UI gets my gratitude and appreciation! Big smile

Also, I wanted to point out that I agree with Exploerers statement too. Punkturis spends a lot of time talking to the players on the forums. Players appreciate that from -any- dev. I also get the feeling (I could be wrong) that Punkturis puts in a lot of extra time after hours to get these features working for us. That is, not just communicating with us, but doing "actual work" in her off time.
Indeed she does. Now, without downplaying anyone's contribution (and in particular not CCP Punkturis' contribution) then CCP karkur probably spends the most after-hours on actual coding of extra projects.

Erlendur S. Thorsteinsson | Senior Development Director | EVE Online // CCP Games | @CCP_Explorer

Renan Ruivo
Forcas armadas
Brave Collective
#422 - 2012-05-14 19:22:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Renan Ruivo
CCP Punkturis wrote:
Ranger 1 wrote:
Silly Slot wrote:
Tess La'Coil wrote:
CCP Punkturis wrote:

heh it's unfortunately not a thing for me to sneak in, since that's not a UI changeBlink I hope logi pilots will keep loving me despite that!
Since we're talking about Logis.. would it have a point to add a positive effects too like we have EWAR? So you can see incoming reps/transfers?

Just brainstorming..

like the idea, hate the idea of misclicking the icon to lock and shooting my own logi lol, especially since the icons sorta move as new effects add on, they'd have to be different, perhaps a smaller bar of icons above the negative effects icons but with green instead of red, or blue perhaps might be better looking

Well, honestly friendlies should be targetable from the watch list and if done that way show up in a completely different area of the screen to cut down on accidental friendly fire. In other words only boosting modules of the various types (including remote repair) can activate when those "target" icons are highlighted. This would also open up some interesting possbilities elsewhere.

what's wrong with shooting blues??? Cool

Only blues that i'm OK with shooting are the ones witl blue label on their faces.


By the way, this one @CCP SoniClover

The drone damage amplifier module, will they have stack penalty with the Sentry Damage rig?!

The world is a community of idiots doing a series of things until it explodes and we all die.

Azura Solus
Rules of Acquisition
#423 - 2012-05-14 19:59:47 UTC
Sry this may be a little off topic but in the past few TQ patches have yall uploaded any prep code for the war deccing changes I have had a Bug with the wardeccing system on the live server that has cost me a very expensive ship I have submited a bug report petition and made a post on the forums about what happened here.
#424 - 2012-05-14 22:32:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Tobiaz
CCP Punkturis wrote:
Thomas Gallant wrote:
Was there any change in the cost of war decing? I heard about basing the cost on the number of members in the target corp/alliance and the removal of limits on number of concurrent wars in I think a dev diary, are those changes here?

Yeah it's been changed, it'll be described better in a dev blog soon, I'm not sure the latest version is in this sisi update though

I really don't like it though. I read the blog, I still think this worksl is better.

Operation WRITE DOWN ALL THE THINGS!!!  Check out the list at Collecting and compiling all fixes and ideas for EVE. Looking for more editors!

mine mi
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#425 - 2012-05-14 22:56:51 UTC
Can anyone tell me the idea behind the target breaker ?, which can only be used in T1 ships and leaves a cruise with the scan resolution of a titan
#426 - 2012-05-14 23:27:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Tobiaz
mine mi wrote:
Can anyone tell me the idea behind the target breaker ?, which can only be used in T1 ships and leaves a cruise with the scan resolution of a titan

It's meant to counter blob fights in battleships, alpha striking primaries. Another attempt of CCP trying to alleviate symptoms while ignoring the deeper underlying causes of blobbing like the negligible cost of jump and bridge mechanics and the necessary warpspeed reduction after the Wt0 implementation.

It's not unlike the result that the early railroads had on the wars and society end 19th, early 20th century. And this is definitely not the way to keep the game fun and challenging for individual players.

Operation WRITE DOWN ALL THE THINGS!!!  Check out the list at Collecting and compiling all fixes and ideas for EVE. Looking for more editors!

#427 - 2012-05-15 00:36:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Tobiaz
Armor Adaptive Hardener I - Low slot. Armor Hardener that adjusts its resistance based on the damage received. Only one can be fitted. Just the tech I version now, but others will follow if this turns out well.

- Good. Best balanced when efficiency is between Energized Adaptive Membrane and Active Hardeners, unless the fitting stats are very different.

Extrinsic Damage Amplifier I & II - Low slot. A damage amplifier module for drones.

- Show some actual guts CCP! Don't balance weapons by making them all just the same, it's lazy, pathetic, and detrimental to diversity and versatily, both core gameplay values. Just make drone damage mods unique as high-slots. Have the art guys come up with a little dish-model for cool bonus points. But in low slots these mods won't be anything special at all. (drone boats prefer to tank here, or shield-tank with turret weapon mods preferred over drone mods, so they likely will either not be used at all, or be so much better then other weapon mods, they become a mandatory 'choice'. Both are BAD, so again: NEVER BALANCE BY MAKING EVERYTHING MORE THE SAME. It leads to min-maxing, with a few things used by everybody and the rest not used at all.

Small/Medium/Large/X-Large Ancillary Shield Booster I. Mid slot. A shield booster that gives a good boost, but has a very high capacitor need. Can use Cap Boosters as charge to negate the severe capacitor need. Only tech I version for now.

- Cool idea. But I can't wait for the next wave of shield vs. armor flames on the forums. I've seen many people prefer a version that only runs on cap-boosters though. Shieldboosting already is high-cap burst-tanking. When adding another 'tier' to this, make sure it's as different as possible so it can't become a total 'replacement'. Running on cap charges-only, will give it its own niche and that's the best way to do it.

MagSheath Target Breaker I - Mid slot. A module that has a chance of breaking the lock of ships targeting you, the chance increases the more ships target you at one time. Also breaks your locks. Reduces scan resolution significantly as a downside. Only one can be fitted at a time and the can not be fitted to capital ships.

- Meh. Sounds a bit like the poor Warp Core Stabilizer. A fun module (though perhaps a bit arbitrary and too much chance-based) allowing inventive tactics, but CCP not standing up enough to the verbose one-dimensionally 'tank&spank' players, to allow it a niche in PvP (not turning it into a mandatory 'choice' either).

Small/Medium/Large Overclocking Processor Unit I & II - A rig that increases the CPU output of your ship, at a cost of reduced shield recharge rate.

- Good

Light & Medium Web Drones - Light and medium versions of stasis webifying drones.

- Need to be more effective to be a valid choice. A problem shared with most other EW-drones. Ask CCP Diagoras for some stats about usage and balance accordingly, using a few iterations in the following months

Capacitor Battery edits - All capacitor batteries now also provide a defense against Energy Vampires (Nos) and Energy Neutralizer (Neut) effects. A portion of the effect is reflected back on the aggressor.

- Reflect back? Does that simply mean the effect of NOS and neuts are reduced? Or does it really mean the effect is occasionally refersed, because that seems not only a bit arbitrary, but downright silly. I'd much rather see Cap batteries shielding off an amount of cap off from the NOS and neuts (enough to keep low-cap stuff like hardeners running). Harder to implement, but gameplay-wise a much better move. Don't forget: chance based effects are BAD. Don't use them if not necessary. Players don't like them and for a good reason.

Easier to implement and also a good option would be making it a module that can restore a very large amount of cap (much more than cap injectors), but has a very long cycle time, so in most fights you are only likely to use it once, maybe twice. It's imperative that a capital version is implemented as well, so with good timing it becomes possible to counter the rather invincible Bhaalgorn+Archon combos.

Operation WRITE DOWN ALL THE THINGS!!!  Check out the list at Collecting and compiling all fixes and ideas for EVE. Looking for more editors!

snake pies
Dixon Cox Butte Preservation Society
#428 - 2012-05-15 02:29:14 UTC
CCP SoniClover wrote:
It's an active module with a 10 sec cycle, every cycle it checks the damage received in the cycle and adjust the resistance bonus the module gives based on that..

Won't this add additional lag? For something that isn't really needed...
#429 - 2012-05-15 02:38:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Tobiaz
We also wanted to update the Tracking Disruptors to affect missiles too, but the version we implemented was too limited (it only worked if you were flying certain ships and/or the enemy was using certain missiles). We haven’t found a good universal solution yet, so we’ll have to wait on this one.

I REALLY think the Tracking Disruptors also affecting missiles is a VERY BAD IDEA. I can't stress this enough and for me, as a +9 year vet, reading how that quote is worded is a massive face-palm.

  • Missiles already have problems hitting fast, small ships for meaningful damage and most missile ships they need all their rigs just to be competitive. Heavy Missiles and very specific rocket fits are pretty much the only missiles viable in PvP, that should be proof enough. Turrets have tracking mods for both high and low slots, can be remote boosted even further AND can easily overcome transversal by kiting&sniping small ships at enough range. While I don't mind the differences between weapons, the huge lack of options for missiles should for now, veto ANY additional nerf to them.

  • There is a very good reason why any effective ECM is divided over racials, because the second a module can be used to counter most of the enemies (turrets+missiles=huge majority of ships, drones are almost always a secondary weapon), it simply becomes a 'mandatory choice' and a blanket protection, opening the door to min-maxing, and unbalancing everything. If TD will also influence missiles almost every ship with 4 or more med-slots will equip them by default, and a lot of the 3-ones will use them as well.

  • If tracking disruptors are currently underused, simply boost their effectiveness a bit. This, in contrary to making it apply to more weapon systems, would at least keep missiles for players as a counter against them.

  • If missiles ever become balanced to the point where they could handle a counter (like making them better alpha weapons then projectikes, or only go redbox on hit), it would be much, MUCH better to add a new mod that is the individual counter for missiles. Maybe even a high-slot type, sacrificing dps for missile protection, with a missile, hybrid, projectile and laser variety (benefiting from ship bonuses).

Operation WRITE DOWN ALL THE THINGS!!!  Check out the list at Collecting and compiling all fixes and ideas for EVE. Looking for more editors!

Ashera Yune
#430 - 2012-05-15 03:55:25 UTC
To CCP about Weapon disruption:

I personally think that giving tracking or weapon disruptors the ability to affect missiles, without giving anything for missiles to use to counter that effect (like turrets can with tracking computers and enhancers) would be a bad idea. Missiles can only be boosted by rigs and implants. While turrets have modules that increase their tracking and range on top of rigs and implants.

And before you can argue that a target painter is for missiles, it is also for Turrets as well, so that doesn't count.

I believe a simple and fair way is to give tracking computers and enhancers the ability to boost missile velocity and/or explosion radius.

"Yesterday we obeyed kings and bent our necks before emperors. But today we kneel only to truth."

 Kahlil Gibran

#431 - 2012-05-15 04:02:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Tobiaz

  • CCP getting maintaining control over the distribution of blueprints through off-market distribution of BPC: excellent. Even better would be retro-actively taking control back over most of the current blueprints in game. Replace them with a year worth of BPC and it will eventually sort itself out.

  • EDAs, webdrones and rigs getting on the market anyway: spineless. Makes the above-mentioned just an half-assed attempt.

  • BPCs drop as loot in profession sites in normal space and as commander & officer loot: wait..what? Almost worse for prices then the T2 lottery if it's officer-drop only! I hope this should be translated as 'can be found in salvage&archeology mag sites' (these are in need for some love anyway).

  • The original idea was to have this very varied, with one module being available only through LP store and another only through Invention. In the end, we decided to lump them together into a single seeding method, so as not cause too much discrepancy in their availability. NO NO NO NO!!! Diverse EVE = Better EVE. Also the best way to balance out possible problems and bottlenecks is to have always at least two means to obtain something. Here an idea on how to better use the LP stores as a secondary source for BPC.

  • I wouldn't even mind a third though reverse engineering. Resulting in exploration (risky and uncertain, but 'free'), LP store (expensive, LP-grinding, possible quota, but risk and uncertainty free) and reverse engineering (skill-heavy, POS-costs, low-risk, but irregular low-yield results).

  • Seeding through loot drops gives better control over where and when and how much to seed: Regional diversity! Localized loot drops are currently the most effective way of making the players actually spread out over empire and low-sec. A very powerful tool that might even bring life back to low-sec if used correctly.

  • So that there is gameplay involved every step of the way (finding BPCs, trading them, manufacturing items, sell items, use items: Ever traded blueprints? The contract market and blueprint ME/PE/RUNS visibility & stacking desperately needs some improvements to make that less a pain in the butt.

  • This thread here is a good place to post your ideas: It will be WRITTEN DOWN (see signature). Big smile

  • The next step is crafting an overall vision and roadmap of what purpose new module work serves in the bigger picture: I hope that involves the CSM from the early stages on.

Operation WRITE DOWN ALL THE THINGS!!!  Check out the list at Collecting and compiling all fixes and ideas for EVE. Looking for more editors!

Vera Coen
Electric Society
Renaissance Federation
#432 - 2012-05-15 07:53:30 UTC
I'd like to recommend a change to the new war dec mechanics:

1st week of war is 25%% of the listed price
2nd week of war is 50% of listed price
3rd+ week is 100%

The reason for the suggestion is my thought that a week or two of war shouldn't make or break a corporation/alliance but being able to keep someone perma-decced should cost the attacker quite a bit.

As it stands right now on a large corp/alliance target it would be more efficient for me to just AWOX them if I just want a few days or quick and easy kills. I don't think that is a good thing.

My apologies if a suggestion like this has already been mentioned.
Mea Culpa.
Shadow Cartel
#433 - 2012-05-15 09:24:59 UTC
I just realized that instead of being a buff to drone boats, webber scout drones just makes kiting even more OP as tactic.

Drone boats should receive bonuses to all drone effects.

Combined with the failure that is the new drone dmg module, I feel like drone pilots are treated like second class citizens.


Tenga Halaris
Galactic Traders Union
#434 - 2012-05-15 14:19:40 UTC
Dmg modifier has just been upped to 19%.

Very nice one. Try an Ishtar or Rattler, dps increase is significant.

Thank you devs @CCP.
Zarnak Wulf
Task Force 641
Empyrean Edict
#435 - 2012-05-15 15:52:20 UTC
There is alot of confusion with the cap batteries. Their description and attributes on SISSI indicate they're just Nuet/Nos resistant. People testing them indicate that the effect is partially cast back the aggressor. This was indicated in the dev blog as well.
#436 - 2012-05-15 20:50:03 UTC
Zarnak Wulf wrote:
There is alot of confusion with the cap batteries. Their description and attributes on SISSI indicate they're just Nuet/Nos resistant. People testing them indicate that the effect is partially cast back the aggressor. This was indicated in the dev blog as well.

Who at CCP ever came up with that mechanic? Ugh

Operation WRITE DOWN ALL THE THINGS!!!  Check out the list at Collecting and compiling all fixes and ideas for EVE. Looking for more editors!

Haakyra Fly
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#437 - 2012-05-16 12:38:18 UTC
Zarnak Wulf wrote:
There is alot of confusion with the cap batteries. Their description and attributes on SISSI indicate they're just Nuet/Nos resistant. People testing them indicate that the effect is partially cast back the aggressor. This was indicated in the dev blog as well.

Yes how exactly they work? U cannot switch off capacitor of a ship that uses these batteries? Or simply ifnu neut one of these ship a % of neuting is turned back to u?

For example if i should neut 100 of your cap... I neut 80 and 20 is drained from my cap?

CCP SoniClover
C C P Alliance
#438 - 2012-05-16 12:45:55 UTC
Renan Ruivo wrote:

By the way, this one @CCP SoniClover

The drone damage amplifier module, will they have stack penalty with the Sentry Damage rig?!

Kadesh Priestess
Goryn Clade
#439 - 2012-05-16 13:48:34 UTC
CCP SoniClover wrote:
It looks like they are mutually stacking penalized on sisi, when do you plan to have build where they are not?

Also, could you answer question from old thread?
Kadesh Priestess wrote:
Fueled shield boosters & shield booster bonuses. Do you plan to apply bonuses which work on plain SBs onto new FSBs? Because currently it looks like a mess.

Bonuses with skill requirement filter by Shield Operation work (because FSB has this skill requirement) - e.g. Hawk shield boost amount bonus.
Bonuses with group filter by Shield Booster do not work (because new SBs have Fueled Shield Booster group) - e.g. Golem

Do you plan to rectify this situation? Towards which variant?

#440 - 2012-05-16 13:57:02 UTC
Has anyone seen what will happen to wars that are currently active on the day of the patch? Do they all get reset? Stay as they are, or will the new war reports just get tacked on to existing wars?