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A little incident

Kietay Ayari
Caldari State
#41 - 2012-05-12 06:16:41 UTC
Horus Ernaga wrote:

Your absolutely right. It seems it is not just Eve though. It is online gamers in general going south. Say what you people will, but ganking, greifing and dishonorable conduct used to be far less prevalent across the board. I had been hoping this had not reached Eve.

What the. You mean not spread from EVE?

Besides c: why is interacting with players bad. The game is for fun and the best fun in EVE is a reaction. You cannot blame people for getting the easy reactions - the negative ones. You can't have your cake and eat it too! Fun for fun's sake and adventure as much as you want in any way you want.

Ferox #1

Daneirkus Auralex
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#42 - 2012-05-12 07:39:51 UTC
hahaha i cant believe you actually created this thread at James' suggestion
Karn Dulake
#43 - 2012-05-12 08:45:55 UTC
OP help me out here

You were mining in a 0.5 system. Your attacker is in an NPC corp so there could not have been any war.

how did he kill an Orca and a hulk without Concord intervention?

Also why the hulk and Orca hang around while the killing was happening

This sounds very strange

Disclaimer ive just woken up
I dont normally troll, but when i do i do it on General Discussion.
Horus Ernaga
#44 - 2012-05-12 08:46:16 UTC
Kietay Ayari wrote:
Horus Ernaga wrote:

Your absolutely right. It seems it is not just Eve though. It is online gamers in general going south. Say what you people will, but ganking, greifing and dishonorable conduct used to be far less prevalent across the board. I had been hoping this had not reached Eve.

What the. You mean not spread from EVE?

Besides c: why is interacting with players bad. The game is for fun and the best fun in EVE is a reaction. You cannot blame people for getting the easy reactions - the negative ones. You can't have your cake and eat it too! Fun for fun's sake and adventure as much as you want in any way you want.

Is it really fun to be talked to in a abusive manner? There has always been an amount of smack talk sure, but it wasn't like I see today. Mostly it was "Wow your really bad" or "You suck". How about paying a ransom only to be killed anyway? Losing not only your ship, but your pod as well for no reason (So called pirate ganks and pods miner)? Wardecs with no rhyme or reason? Once used to extort ISK now used just because.

I get a little sick in my stomach when seeing people raving about "enjoying the tears", it's sad honestly. Now comes the part where you jump on me about how I must of lost a ship do to some gankers right? I have never in my 5 years of playing Eve lost a single ship to anything. I have ran a 0.0 corporation and been part of others, so it's not from a lack of danger. No you don't get my API either.

That my friend is why interacting with people has become bad in my opinion. I left my corporation of several years because they to decided ganking and podding anyone and everyone was acceptable.
Miniature Giant Space Hamsters
#45 - 2012-05-12 08:47:38 UTC
Edward, your losses are entirely your responsibility. Suck it up and learn from it.

As to whether James is honorable or not, well everyone has their price, and for James that was 900m isk, juicy killmails, and this lol thread.
Edward Khurelem
Khurelem Research and Development
#46 - 2012-05-12 08:50:12 UTC
Horus Ernaga wrote:
Kietay Ayari wrote:
Horus Ernaga wrote:

Your absolutely right. It seems it is not just Eve though. It is online gamers in general going south. Say what you people will, but ganking, greifing and dishonorable conduct used to be far less prevalent across the board. I had been hoping this had not reached Eve.

What the. You mean not spread from EVE?

Besides c: why is interacting with players bad. The game is for fun and the best fun in EVE is a reaction. You cannot blame people for getting the easy reactions - the negative ones. You can't have your cake and eat it too! Fun for fun's sake and adventure as much as you want in any way you want.

Is it really fun to be talked to in a abusive manner? There has always been an amount of smack talk sure, but it wasn't like I see today. Mostly it was "Wow your really bad" or "You suck". How about paying a ransom only to be killed anyway? Losing not only your ship, but your pod as well for no reason (So called pirate ganks and pods miner)? Wardecs with no rhyme or reason? Once used to extort ISK now used just because.

I get a little sick in my stomach when seeing people raving about "enjoying the tears", it's sad honestly. Now comes the part where you jump on me about how I must of lost a ship do to some gankers right? I have never in my 5 years of playing Eve lost a single ship to anything. I have ran a 0.0 corporation and been part of others, so it's not from a lack of danger. No you don't get my API either.

That my friend is why interacting with people has become bad in my opinion. I left my corporation of several years because they to decided ganking and podding anyone and everyone was acceptable.

Couldn't agree more
#47 - 2012-05-12 08:55:23 UTC
- Leaving ANYTHING unboarded in space is asking for it.

- You're an idiot for not paying attention DURING HULKAGEDDON.

- NEVER EVER EVER PAY RANSOMS. It only encourages further behaviour, and they have no responsibility to honour it. You're only taking their word for it that they will. The word of someone who has already attacked you.

- In conclusion, you're a senseless noob who deserved to lose over a billion in assets by risking it with that guy around in the first place.

Economic PVP

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#48 - 2012-05-12 08:55:47 UTC  |  Edited by: DF3CT
So you paid him more by accident and he used that as an excuse to gank you? Sounds like a mental invalid to me.

I'm sure this thread has many posts loling at you, but honestly.....if this guy is going to pay the ransom game "honestly" he needs to stick by his word. Obviously his word isn't anything and is a simple liar/scammer.

What a tool.

If he gets a rep for not being true to the ransom, people will stop doing it and he's out income.

Short sighted.....tool.

I think people are concentrating too much on the OP's fail and not the real was stated, people ransoming and not staying true to their word. Essentially a scammer.

Hiding behind a BS excuse that he didn't give him the right amount. Easy to see that he had no intention of NOT killing you. I can't abide liars.

Not even Daleks lie.(Well rarely anyways)
Romar Agent
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#49 - 2012-05-12 09:05:43 UTC
How to deal with a ransom request:

1. right click > initiate self-destruct
2. type something witty into local
3. go and get some coffee

(Ah, don't fly anything you cannot afford to loose.)
Zelda Wei
New Horizon Trade Exchange
#50 - 2012-05-12 10:36:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Zelda Wei
Noob lesson 101. Never pay ransoms it only encourages them and most will kill you anyway.
R0me0 Charl1e
Easy A Industries
#51 - 2012-05-12 10:46:15 UTC
My opinion on this matter is that James 315 should use the 900mil ISK and spend it on hookers and blow as a celebration for a job well done.
3 R Corporation
#52 - 2012-05-12 11:05:32 UTC
Edward Khurelem wrote:

What are your thoughts on the situation?

I really don't care, and the fact that you post this here to waste our time only makes me angry. Learn to type and HTFU.
3 R Corporation
#53 - 2012-05-12 11:08:27 UTC
Skorpynekomimi wrote:
- Leaving ANYTHING unboarded in space is asking for it.

- You're an idiot for not paying attention DURING HULKAGEDDON.

- NEVER EVER EVER PAY RANSOMS. It only encourages further behaviour, and they have no responsibility to honour it. You're only taking their word for it that they will. The word of someone who has already attacked you.

- In conclusion, you're a senseless noob who deserved to lose over a billion in assets by risking it with that guy around in the first place.

Not only that, but the "he started attacking my Orca and mining ships" part leads me to wonder where Concord was in all this. Surely OP isn't dumb enough to take an Orca to a belt in low sec. And if there was no Concord retaliation, then this is just a butt-hurt carebear who lost 2.whatever billion isk worth of assets to defend a cargo container worth of rocks. Well done.
Edward Khurelem
Khurelem Research and Development
#54 - 2012-05-12 11:11:26 UTC
Ptraci wrote:
Skorpynekomimi wrote:
- Leaving ANYTHING unboarded in space is asking for it.

- You're an idiot for not paying attention DURING HULKAGEDDON.

- NEVER EVER EVER PAY RANSOMS. It only encourages further behaviour, and they have no responsibility to honour it. You're only taking their word for it that they will. The word of someone who has already attacked you.

- In conclusion, you're a senseless noob who deserved to lose over a billion in assets by risking it with that guy around in the first place.

Not only that, but the "he started attacking my Orca and mining ships" part leads me to wonder where Concord was in all this. Surely OP isn't dumb enough to take an Orca to a belt in low sec. And if there was no Concord retaliation, then this is just a butt-hurt carebear who lost 2.whatever billion isk worth of assets to defend a cargo container worth of rocks. Well done.

Hhaha ... Do you see any butt-hurt in my comments?
Prt Scr
569th Freelancers
#55 - 2012-05-12 11:12:26 UTC
Rule 1 in eve, never fly whats you cant afford to loose, rule2, never pay ramsoms, when a ransom is demanded either shoot back or reply LOL

uɐıssnɹ pɐǝɹ ʇ,uɐɔ ı ʇnq ʎɹɹos ɯ,ı

#56 - 2012-05-12 11:22:16 UTC
Edward Khurelem wrote:
Golden Rule of eve. Never undock if you aren't afraid of losing it

Uhm , that's not the right line ... Roll

We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.

Mighty Leviathan Industries
#57 - 2012-05-12 11:36:35 UTC
Question For the OP:

What did you do to enable the other guy to ransom you? You were in a 0.5 system! Therefore he can not attack you without concord turning up to blow him up!

My Thoughts are that you are a terrible miner and were actually using a jet-can to transfer from hulk to orca! The other guy managed to steal your can without you noticing and then when you took from that can you were flagged as a can-flipper.
Therefore he could then shoot you without concord turning up!

You are an IDIOT, You deserve to lose everything, You do NOT know how EvE works!

But much respect to the guy asking the ransom then killing you, you deserved it.
Testerxnot Sheepherder
Get Isk or Die Mining
#58 - 2012-05-12 11:41:08 UTC
Meh, there is (or at the very least ought to be) honor even amongst pirates, HOWEVER;

Obviously he succumbed to his own greed when he noticed that you have sent 10x more than you should've.

Would you have done any different?
Otherworld Enterprises
Otherworld Empire
#59 - 2012-05-12 11:52:58 UTC
James 315 wrote:
I am the pirate referred to in the OP, and I am posting this to confirm that the story occurred as Edward Khurelem described it. He is not my alt; this incident just occurred and as soon as the auto-posts the API-verified killmail I will edit this reply and provide a link (if permitted).

Edward and I both decided it would be best to allow the bright minds of Eve-O to mediate this matter.


The killmails have been posted by API to, here's the link of the relevant battle (Edward was swapping between an Orca and Hulk, which were both destroyed, along with his capsule):

Technically, you're right, he didn't pay the right sum - but he overpaying and you use that as an excuse only makes you look greedy and tbh I wouldn't pay you based on the fact that you would dishonor the ransom unless the value is exact set amount (even if overpay).

So imo I'd refund, that would also make you come across as more honorable to the ransoms in the future.


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Roll Sizzle Beef
Space Mutiny
#60 - 2012-05-12 12:54:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Roll Sizzle Beef
A lot of people are missing "little" details.
-He was at war.
-He lost both ship with one account: useing orca as a can and would jump in when people showed up is the only explanation.
-Obviously not watching local while doing such a manuver.
-Both ships are horribly fit.
-In a .5 during hulkageddon as well.
-Couldnt even escape in a pod with one target.