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EVE General Discussion

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Why isn't Eve more successful?

Jame Jarl Retief
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#121 - 2012-04-17 16:24:00 UTC
Cipher Jones wrote:
Because WoW is the fourth game in a 2 decade old franchise FFS.

By now, yes. But back when WoW came out in 2004, it was just a decade. Warcraft: Ocrs and Humans came out in 1994. And WoW really took off in 2004, right off the bat. So much so that they had to temporarily stop selling it, because servers couldn't keep up.

And franchise had little to do with it, because the previous 3 games belonged to a different genre entirely. Warcraft I-III were RTS games. And WC1 was a relatively lackluster RTS game at that. Dune II: The Building of a Dynasty was vastly superior in complexity (sandworms, carryall/harvester mechanics, unit speed, etc.) But I digress. The point is, I know plenty of people that got sucked into WoW who have never played WCI-III, simply because they don't like the RTS genre.

I would go as far as to say that most of WoW's players had no idea about the lore before they started playing. Heck, most still don't know much about the lore even after they finished playing. Truth be told, I myself paid very little attention to it, especially before WC3.

I don't think WoW was the best thing to happen to MMO genre since sliced bread, but it also got where it is today on its own merits, not because it was a part of a long franchise (he said looking at Modern Warfare 3 and shaking his head).

Look at how many MMO's Eve has conquered and outlived. Even Guild Wars.

You have to also consider that EVE, unlike many/most other MMOs, really had ZERO competition in its lifetime so far.

I mean, what other similar MMOs came out since 2003? Sci-fi or space sim? None? Jumpgate came out in 2001, but since then we haven't had anything even remotely decent. Black Prophecy sounded good in development, but turned out to be just a cheap shallow uninteresting thing. In a way, EVE has been very, very lucky. If a competent studio came up with a decent game that was similar to EVE, it might not have been here today.

I'm not trying to detract anything from EVE, it is special and unique in oh-so-many ways. But it also could have been much, much more by now had it been properly handled. Incarna is a good example, 2+ years of development pretty much 100% down the drain. A game with any kind of real competition would not have survived it. But by being a niche game, with a tiny following and no natural predators, EVE survived up until now. So, in a way, EVE owes its very survival to its relative obscurity.
Serge Bastana
GWA Corp
#122 - 2012-04-17 16:26:39 UTC
Tippia wrote:
Ban Bindy wrote:
Just read the forums and you'll know why this game is small and likely to get smaller. The game is designed to encourage theft, betrayal, player scamming, abuse of new players, and outright bullying. This is called a "sandbox" by the people who like it. In other words, forget any idea of decency or community in this game.
…and yet, it has been growing and only keeps on growing. It also pretty consistently wins rewards for having the best community.

Of course, there are always those who have a hard time separating the game from real life, and who call people “sociopaths” for playing the game according to its rules (kind of like calling people sociopaths for building hotels in Monopoly), and it's not so strange that those people also can't separate the gameplay conceit and the community that enjoys that kind of gaming environment.

It's far to easy for people to experience the disassociation and lack of empathy that some mistake for being a sociopath when online, most communication it via dry text and we all have avatars that show no emotions and disconnect the real person from their online presence.

I find it amusing that so many throw the word sociopath around when it bears little relation to the person behind the character. You don't hate an actor that plays a really despicable bad guy in a film, you hate the character, that's the step you need to take with games like EVE too, we can play the good and bad guys because in the end it's only pixels, a bit of fun, generally nothing personal. If you get blown up you're just a name on a killmail or in local chat, you may never encounter that character again and they'll be just a face in the crowd by the next day.

In the end it's just a game that allows people to play a character, whether that be a hero or villain, or in many cases a bit of both. It's all just pixels and we sit behind an avatar that removes that connection and thus absolves the conscience of having done any real harm. I blow your pixel up, you blow mine up, who cares in the end, that's part of the game, it doesn't make either of us a cold hearted sociopath out to wreck someone's day.

WoW holds your hand until end game, and gives you a cookie whether you win or lose. EVE not only takes your cookie, but laughs at you for bringing one in the first place...

Serge Bastana
GWA Corp
#123 - 2012-04-17 16:29:52 UTC
Rekon X wrote:
SP to train. I love to watch a skill point counter tick buy all day. It makes for an exciting and fulfilling game experience.

I heard someone in help channel mention 'they don't need to dumb down this game like wow'.

Well I hate to break it to you, but you can't get any more DUMBED DOWN than this game.

You earn NOTHING.

You sit and watch an sp counter tick by so you can 'train'.

Wardec, for the weak to prey on the weaker.

Faction warfare, permanetly trashes faction.

PVP, you need an ingame job, or buy PLEX to support it.

EVE is such a lovely game.

Bounties, why?

I bolded/underlined the bits where you're going wrong in this game, I tend to do other things while the sp counter ticks by, far more interesting.

WoW holds your hand until end game, and gives you a cookie whether you win or lose. EVE not only takes your cookie, but laughs at you for bringing one in the first place...

Sevastian Liao
DreamWeaver Inc.
#124 - 2012-04-17 16:33:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Sevastian Liao
Games aren't just played to be "won" and make you feel good about yourself. I joined EVE because I like games that are actually a challenge, where I can actually learn something about myself - not games where "PvP" means getting back all your shiny because "Wahwah I earned it wahwah". Gathering up hundreds of thousands of the few other people in society who also think that way into the EVE community is a refreshing change from your typical MMORPG populace. Some have said that the EVE forums are trolltastic, and that's hardly a great community. Maybe so, but I'd rather a troll who can suck it up and trolls you to do the same instead of Mr Usually Nice Guy who flies into a rage because he can't PvP without the risk of dropping his shiny +10 Pants of Awesomeness. Successful community compared to most other games? Yes, I'd say so.

I don't scam, or gank, or whatnot. But it was the presence of such factors in the game that drew me to it in the first place. It's a challenge to survive and thrive in a harsh game world. Without that harsh game world there's not much to differentiate EVE from a lot of other games out there imo. So is the game still drawing in people? Yup, just not "This game is hard, and it can't possibly be because I fail to strategize. therefore the game sucks." kind of people. The EVE community's probably the first I've seen who're happy to chew them up and spit them out. Does it suck when you're on the short end of a gank, a scam, a manipulation attempt? Yes, and winners suck it up, learn their lesson, and go on to greater heights. Losers cry about other people and "Them Circumstances". I'm actually thankful for a community that keeps out the riff raff instead of babying them to become bigger babies in future. Anyone who deals with people like that IRL know what a pain in the arse it is. Do you really want more of those in the game you play as R&R? Do you really think having more of those in the game will make it successful? Is success measured just by how much you can pad your subscriber numbers? How about measuring success by how many of those numbers have the mental toughs to regularly laugh at adversity and kick it in the balls?

So - successful game? Yes, I'd say so. Until the smothering everyone with "safe space for all" gets excesssive. Then maybe it's Helloooo Darkfall.
#125 - 2012-04-17 16:35:14 UTC
Serge Bastana wrote:
Tippia wrote:
Ban Bindy wrote:
Just read the forums and you'll know why this game is small and likely to get smaller. The game is designed to encourage theft, betrayal, player scamming, abuse of new players, and outright bullying. This is called a "sandbox" by the people who like it. In other words, forget any idea of decency or community in this game.
…and yet, it has been growing and only keeps on growing. It also pretty consistently wins rewards for having the best community.

Of course, there are always those who have a hard time separating the game from real life, and who call people “sociopaths” for playing the game according to its rules (kind of like calling people sociopaths for building hotels in Monopoly), and it's not so strange that those people also can't separate the gameplay conceit and the community that enjoys that kind of gaming environment.

It's far to easy for people to experience the disassociation and lack of empathy that some mistake for being a sociopath when online, most communication it via dry text and we all have avatars that show no emotions and disconnect the real person from their online presence.

I find it amusing that so many throw the word sociopath around when it bears little relation to the person behind the character. You don't hate an actor that plays a really despicable bad guy in a film, you hate the character, that's the step you need to take with games like EVE too, we can play the good and bad guys because in the end it's only pixels, a bit of fun, generally nothing personal. If you get blown up you're just a name on a killmail or in local chat, you may never encounter that character again and they'll be just a face in the crowd by the next day.

In the end it's just a game that allows people to play a character, whether that be a hero or villain, or in many cases a bit of both. It's all just pixels and we sit behind an avatar that removes that connection and thus absolves the conscience of having done any real harm. I blow your pixel up, you blow mine up, who cares in the end, that's part of the game, it doesn't make either of us a cold hearted sociopath out to wreck someone's day.

Trying telling people liek Mittani that.. some peole actually do take this game too seriously.
Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#126 - 2012-04-17 16:36:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Ranger 1
evereplicant wrote:
Matrix Operator wrote:
I don't get it. The most beautiful graphics in the industry, a great storyline with great lore, and the lure of space, and Eve only gets 300k subscribers even after 10 tens of work. Some company makes an MMOPG with dancing Elves and ponies and it peaks at 9mil subscribers...

It can't be that wizard/fantasy is more popular than space-sci-fi. Aren't Star Wars and Star Trek proof that space-fiction has the larger following (as opposed to say, Lord of the Rings). And if so, why would 9mil players play with Elves, but only 1/30th of that choose sexy spacegraphics.

I don't get it. Can someone explain it to me?

Heres my thoughts

1) Community, yes eve has some decent people but 99% of them have an attitude and just dont help and troll the forums. With the usual go back to Wow BS (boring) or if you dont like it leave crap.

2) Risk vs Reward - quite frankly for new players they can be instantly killed anywhere anytime, and if they have been grinding for months only to end up back to square 1 then its an instant put off.

3) Eve is a niche game, CCP refuse to change the game to make it mainstream, goodf or bad? depends... I mean i playued a stronghold kingdoms not so great online browser type game still in beta really and its grown to 500,000 players in just a year...eve has stayed stagnant.

4) Eve is not saturated, all the major alliances own everything, and for newer people its either be a pet or a renter and pay stupid amounts of isk. You think you will ever own a tech moon? never! Thats the problem people dont have a CHANCE to get any of this stuff...

1) Many people in EVE are, in fact, very helpful. However they have a low tolerance for whiny people.

2) If a "new" player has been grinding for months he isn't actually a new player... and should know the score by then.

3) EVE has never been stagnant, its player base has increased every year since it went gold. It has also grow from a handful of guys to a company employing hundreds of people, which equals successful and growing in anybodys book.

4) I assume you meant to say "EVE 'is" saturated". I think it's cute that you actually think the current owners of those tech moons are the original owners. You do realize tech moons will be going away soon right?

You do realize that "new" players that end up in a renter alliance don't pay anything themselves, although their corp might.

Or perhaps even they might join a major alliance themselves, once they get the hang of the game?

No, if there is a problem with EVE it is that people actually think those things are true, when they are blatantly not.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#127 - 2012-04-17 16:36:34 UTC
I can't really comment any better than other posts regarding Eve and it's success. I'll just offer my own introspection :

Preface - I've been a diehard gamer for the last 21 years (I'm 39 IRL), of which Eve has been part of my gaming for the last 9, on and off.

For me at least, compared to my years in WoW, and shorter stints in SWTOR, COH and the like, Eve is less a "necessary grind" than the other games, which keeps me coming back. In WoW for example, I'd level cap to whatever the latest level was and since I don't get into the whole e-peen of smashing every dungeon available, it's kind of game over short of crafting stuff to increase my virtual bank. It just wasn't very satisfying in the end, and most MMOs have that effect on me.

I came to Eve from a game called Mankind, itself a bit of an obscure game, with a group of friends. I remember talking to one of my employees and he mentioned Eve was coming out so we jumped into the Beta. I've liked it ever since.

I think the reason most people (MMO players) don't really stick with it, is as mentioned in multiple other threads, there's really no "perceived" endgame and therefore really no point to them in continuing to explore Eve beyond the first experience of getting blown up or POS bashing if they stick around long enough to get to that stage.

In the end, it's the mentality of the gamer that has kept Eve effective, but small. Again, strictly my view, but being a business owner and an entrepreneur (SP?) for years puts me in a self-starter mentality. For Eve, that's great since I can try one of many career paths and change them at will, which keeps Eve fresh for me. The flip side is, I'm not "obligated" to login every day if I don't want to, to run my dailies..... (I suppose fueling a POS somewhat qualifies, but you get my point). If I'm busy running my company, Eve will be there when I get back around to it, and that is why I stay subbed.

The only useful point to CCP I'd add would be that I do firmly believe they could open the game up a bit more and gain many for subs if there was a mechanic to allow folks to explore "lawless" space without the current status quo that dictates you really need to be in a Corp and in most cases and Alliance to be able to "settle down". Yeah, I know, wormholes kinda give that impression, but nothing feels like I know I felt back in 2004 when Pure Blind was lawless and being settled, and you could find yourself a ton of stuff to do in your shiny new Caracal. I'll get shouted down by those that say adapt or die, and I'd respond that I have adapted, having pretty much experienced everything Eve has to offer, career wise.

I'll liken it to coming to work for my company. If we just stuck you in the Data Center and said OK, here's a few hundred live customers, go explore stuff but don't mess anyone's server up, the average person would quit from the pressure and mistakes being taken. Conversely, as we do IRL, we have smaller data center facilities where our new guys can experience the data center and kind of make their own way. As they gain experience, they move up into the much more critical cloud facilities, etc. If there was a way to make that happen, you'd never have an "explosion' of new subs, but you would get more folks to get out in 0.0 without having to sign their souls over to whatever Alliance they need to join to just be able to survive. Not advocating care bearing (nothing wrong with that IMHO anyways, its your sub money) per se, just thinking that if there was a mechanic to expand without the new space being immediately taken over by "pick alliance name", that this would increase popularity.

TL;DR - Nothing wrong with Eve really, it's the gamer mentality that keeps the sub rate lower than "Tier 1" MMOs. Frankly, I like it largely the way it is and just wish that there was other perceived end-game options other than titan or POS bashing in the 10% of 0.0 that is actively occupied versus the wide open, empty, yet realistically inaccessible 90% of 0.0 that is vacant.

Markus Reese
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#128 - 2012-04-17 16:37:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Markus Reese
The new player experience, plain and simple to start. Most quit before learning the game. Just look at reviews, new player griefing I have seen is a huge one. So to the new player griefers, it may be eve, but driving the rookies out only makes eve worse cause the devs need to spend time with less money working on new player retention.

Next, game mechanics, pve is lame. Tougher npcs, random npcs, new ai, wee!

LocalHost wrote:
The only useful point to CCP I'd add would be that I do firmly believe they could open the game up a bit more and gain many for subs if there was a mechanic to allow folks to explore "lawless" space without the current status quo that dictates you really need to be in a Corp and in most cases and Alliance to be able to "settle down". Yeah, I know, wormholes kinda give that impression, but nothing feels like I know I felt back in 2004 when Pure Blind was lawless and being settled, and you could find yourself a ton of stuff to do in your shiny new Caracal. I'll get shouted down by those that say adapt or die, and I'd respond that I have adapted, having pretty much experienced everything Eve has to offer, career wise.

Well, in a way, yeah it is adapt. Low and null for small groups, solo isn't bad, just don't focus on controlling space. Proper planning and operation can work fine in non sov space. Small groups don't want sov anyways, more work for no gain.

To quote Lfod Shi

The ratting itself is PvE. Getting away with it is PvP.

Sunshine and Lollipops
#129 - 2012-04-17 16:37:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Ooh. Missed this one.
Rekon X wrote:
SP to train. I love to watch a skill point counter tick buy all day. It makes for an exciting and fulfilling game experience.


You sit and watch an sp counter tick by so you can 'train'.
Yeah, you see, what you're doing here is equivalent to sitting in front of the washing machine and look at your clothes go 'round and around, and complain that there is nothing good to watch. The obvious answer to this is: “maybe you should go look at the TV instead of the washing machine, since the former is the entertainment device and the latter is just a gizmo that will do its job while you entertain yourself elsewhere”.

SP to train means you can play the game rather than grind for character progression. If your only point of enjoyment is character progression, then you should probably look elsewhere because it's not actually a part of the gameplay in EVE. Perhaps ProgressQuest is more to your liking?
#130 - 2012-04-17 16:39:18 UTC
Matrix Operator wrote:
I don't get it. The most beautiful graphics in the industry, a great storyline with great lore, and the lure of space, and Eve only gets 300k subscribers even after 10 tens of work. Some company makes an MMOPG with dancing Elves and ponies and it peaks at 9mil subscribers...

It can't be that wizard/fantasy is more popular than space-sci-fi. Aren't Star Wars and Star Trek proof that space-fiction has the larger following (as opposed to say, Lord of the Rings). And if so, why would 9mil players play with Elves, but only 1/30th of that choose sexy spacegraphics.

I don't get it. Can someone explain it to me?

Because it requires players to think for themselves. Something most people don't even want to do in RL

"Measure Twice, Cut Once."

Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#131 - 2012-04-17 16:41:23 UTC
evereplicant wrote:
Serge Bastana wrote:
Tippia wrote:
Ban Bindy wrote:
Just read the forums and you'll know why this game is small and likely to get smaller. The game is designed to encourage theft, betrayal, player scamming, abuse of new players, and outright bullying. This is called a "sandbox" by the people who like it. In other words, forget any idea of decency or community in this game.
…and yet, it has been growing and only keeps on growing. It also pretty consistently wins rewards for having the best community.

Of course, there are always those who have a hard time separating the game from real life, and who call people “sociopaths” for playing the game according to its rules (kind of like calling people sociopaths for building hotels in Monopoly), and it's not so strange that those people also can't separate the gameplay conceit and the community that enjoys that kind of gaming environment.

It's far to easy for people to experience the disassociation and lack of empathy that some mistake for being a sociopath when online, most communication it via dry text and we all have avatars that show no emotions and disconnect the real person from their online presence.

I find it amusing that so many throw the word sociopath around when it bears little relation to the person behind the character. You don't hate an actor that plays a really despicable bad guy in a film, you hate the character, that's the step you need to take with games like EVE too, we can play the good and bad guys because in the end it's only pixels, a bit of fun, generally nothing personal. If you get blown up you're just a name on a killmail or in local chat, you may never encounter that character again and they'll be just a face in the crowd by the next day.

In the end it's just a game that allows people to play a character, whether that be a hero or villain, or in many cases a bit of both. It's all just pixels and we sit behind an avatar that removes that connection and thus absolves the conscience of having done any real harm. I blow your pixel up, you blow mine up, who cares in the end, that's part of the game, it doesn't make either of us a cold hearted sociopath out to wreck someone's day.

Trying telling people liek Mittani that.. some peole actually do take this game too seriously.

And some people take drunken jokes too seriously. Blink

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

#132 - 2012-04-17 16:43:17 UTC
- EVE is hard.

- EVE requires thinking, and thinking is hard.

- No elves, no magic.

- It's not Second Life with additions.

- You're never safe.

- Steep learning curve with overhangs.

- Requires faith and effort to get anything out of it.

- Solo is very hard, and shuts off most of the game.

- Spreadsheets are required.

Economic PVP

In Bacon We Trust
#133 - 2012-04-17 16:53:22 UTC
It's highly niche and for good reason, EVE is for masochist. EVE is a microcosm of society and culture in many ways but brings the harshest aspects of it boiling to the surface. The things many seek to abhor or avoid in the real world are tantamount in EVE, aggression, competition, ruthlessness, cooperation, subterfuge, politics.

Many gamers are such because they want to avoid many of these aspects of reality. Couple that with the tangible investment of time you need to shape and mold the player you want to be and it's a huge turn off for most gamers. As much as these aspects keep EVE a niche game it's also the only true reason why it has not floundered and continues to grow.

EVE attracts dedicated people, perhaps the most fiercely dedicated community to be known for gaming to date. EVE has trudged along all these years and grown in direct spite of the fact that mechanics are sorely in need of attention, that aspects of the game are broken to a state of sheer frustration and apathy. The only reason why is because of EVE being this microcosm.

Say what you will about PVP, I waited years mistakenly to get around to it and from mine and many others perspective the difference between EVE and any other game we have played is this; never in any other game have we had a spike of adrenaline from combat or a challenge, even fighting in a tech 1 frigate the thrill of the hunt, the quickening of the pulse as you come closer to combat and the surge of adrenaline when it starts, the time dilation of battles that last minutes but seemed like an eternity.

Show me any other game where you can come out of any part of it with jitters from an adrenaline dump, wow and it's clones won't ever have it and if it means EVE won't ever have a huge consumer base so be it, we don't wan't this game to go soft and lose it's soul.

The advantage of a bad memory is that one can enjoy the same good things for the first time several times.

One will rarely err if extreme actions be ascribed to vanity, ordinary actions to habit, and mean actions to fear.

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#134 - 2012-04-17 17:04:35 UTC
Markus Reese wrote:
The new player experience, plain and simple to start. Most quit before learning the game. Just look at reviews, new player griefing I have seen is a huge one. So to the new player griefers, it may be eve, but driving the rookies out only makes eve worse cause the devs need to spend time with less money working on new player retention.

Next, game mechanics, pve is lame. Tougher npcs, random npcs, new ai, wee!

LocalHost wrote:
The only useful point to CCP I'd add would be that I do firmly believe they could open the game up a bit more and gain many for subs if there was a mechanic to allow folks to explore "lawless" space without the current status quo that dictates you really need to be in a Corp and in most cases and Alliance to be able to "settle down". Yeah, I know, wormholes kinda give that impression, but nothing feels like I know I felt back in 2004 when Pure Blind was lawless and being settled, and you could find yourself a ton of stuff to do in your shiny new Caracal. I'll get shouted down by those that say adapt or die, and I'd respond that I have adapted, having pretty much experienced everything Eve has to offer, career wise.

Well, in a way, yeah it is adapt. Low and null for small groups, solo isn't bad, just don't focus on controlling space. Proper planning and operation can work fine in non sov space. Small groups don't want sov anyways, more work for no gain.

Great points, I agree most small groups don't want the sov really and just want to get onto the business of a bit of danger along with some reward. That said, what I was trying to convey (probably poorly since I'm at work ATM) was the idea that low-sec I think was meant to be that next "big" step for the new guys as they earn their wings and experience, but really the risk/reward is poor for the new guys and either forces them into 0.0 before they're ready or relegates them to high-sec.

I had the wild idea once upon a time that if you had new sections of 0.0 where the gates wouldn't let an Alliance tagged pilot in (make up the reason, homesteading clause by Concord due to some impending invasion, tied to a story arc, whatever), that this would encourage smaller groups to get out there. Yeah, you can game the system by just having groups of corps, but it would strongly deter larger groups (Alliances) from going in and would promote a much more wild west feel to it. I can't see the likes of any +1000 member Alliance breaking apart just to be able to go there. Additionally, with the inability to put beacons out there (denying sov claiming) but still having some decent moons and plexs, I believe you'd most definitely have much more of the high-sec guys going out there to setup shop, and you'd still be promoting strongly PVP and competition...... Just my 2 cents.

Serge Bastana
GWA Corp
#135 - 2012-04-17 17:05:08 UTC
evereplicant wrote:
Serge Bastana wrote:
Tippia wrote:
Ban Bindy wrote:
Just read the forums and you'll know why this game is small and likely to get smaller. The game is designed to encourage theft, betrayal, player scamming, abuse of new players, and outright bullying. This is called a "sandbox" by the people who like it. In other words, forget any idea of decency or community in this game.
…and yet, it has been growing and only keeps on growing. It also pretty consistently wins rewards for having the best community.

Of course, there are always those who have a hard time separating the game from real life, and who call people “sociopaths” for playing the game according to its rules (kind of like calling people sociopaths for building hotels in Monopoly), and it's not so strange that those people also can't separate the gameplay conceit and the community that enjoys that kind of gaming environment.

It's far to easy for people to experience the disassociation and lack of empathy that some mistake for being a sociopath when online, most communication it via dry text and we all have avatars that show no emotions and disconnect the real person from their online presence.

I find it amusing that so many throw the word sociopath around when it bears little relation to the person behind the character. You don't hate an actor that plays a really despicable bad guy in a film, you hate the character, that's the step you need to take with games like EVE too, we can play the good and bad guys because in the end it's only pixels, a bit of fun, generally nothing personal. If you get blown up you're just a name on a killmail or in local chat, you may never encounter that character again and they'll be just a face in the crowd by the next day.

In the end it's just a game that allows people to play a character, whether that be a hero or villain, or in many cases a bit of both. It's all just pixels and we sit behind an avatar that removes that connection and thus absolves the conscience of having done any real harm. I blow your pixel up, you blow mine up, who cares in the end, that's part of the game, it doesn't make either of us a cold hearted sociopath out to wreck someone's day.

Trying telling people liek Mittani that.. some peole actually do take this game too seriously.

Some do, true, I think most of us just shrug it off and have a laugh, I know I do. When I lost a freighter on my other character I typed in chat to a corpie 'well that was stupid' then got on with dealing with the loss and replacing the ship. I didn't call the guys who blew the freighter up a load of sociopaths, to them I was a kill and to me I made a mistake that got me blown up. I felt annoyed, more with myself for making the mistake that led me there but they were just playing the game and hats off to that.

WoW holds your hand until end game, and gives you a cookie whether you win or lose. EVE not only takes your cookie, but laughs at you for bringing one in the first place...

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#136 - 2012-04-17 17:24:22 UTC
Matrix Operator wrote:
I don't get it. The most beautiful graphics in the industry, a great storyline with great lore, and the lure of space, and Eve only gets 300k subscribers even after 10 tens of work. Some company makes an MMOPG with dancing Elves and ponies and it peaks at 9mil subscribers...

It can't be that wizard/fantasy is more popular than space-sci-fi. Aren't Star Wars and Star Trek proof that space-fiction has the larger following (as opposed to say, Lord of the Rings). And if so, why would 9mil players play with Elves, but only 1/30th of that choose sexy spacegraphics.

I don't get it. Can someone explain it to me?

Many people are not into spaceships.

Eve dosent provide imediate satisfaction.

Early game is totally dull imo, pve wise, and restrictive pvp wise for a fresh one just trying its foot (let me try pvp... oh **** concord!).

Seriously, I have convinced 2 friends to try it, and none sticked beyond the tutorials. Wow, Hon, Cs players, but Eve takes something more that the shallow experience these games provide, and thats just what most of gamers look for anyway.

One of them wanted to be a pirate. Well, I tought to myself, it wont be a short road towards that goal.

Eve is aimed to people that are seeking a very special and long term experience, and know what they seek beforehand.

People that are just looking around for the next mmo to play, probably wont have much chances of giving eve a chance.

[b]~ 10.058 ~

Free The Mittani[/b]

Akiyo XI
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#137 - 2012-04-17 17:26:47 UTC
Matrix Operator wrote:
I don't get it. The most beautiful graphics in the industry, a great storyline with great lore, and the lure of space, and Eve only gets 300k subscribers even after 10 tens of work. Some company makes an MMOPG with dancing Elves and ponies and it peaks at 9mil subscribers...

It can't be that wizard/fantasy is more popular than space-sci-fi. Aren't Star Wars and Star Trek proof that space-fiction has the larger following (as opposed to say, Lord of the Rings). And if so, why would 9mil players play with Elves, but only 1/30th of that choose sexy spacegraphics.

I don't get it. Can someone explain it to me?

because games are suppose to be FUN

some people don't see the fun in doing odd job in high-sec or when someone ganks their brand new battleship or mining barge or paying $15/month for every little complex skill to train
as a person from RPS states....

There is a length of spacerope here.


You cannot pick up the rope yet.
-Rope Collection IV
-Opposable Thumb Operation V
-Crouching Down Specialization II

"the wise speak only of what they know"

Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#138 - 2012-04-17 17:32:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Malcanis
LocalHost wrote:

The only useful point to CCP I'd add would be that I do firmly believe they could open the game up a bit more and gain many for subs if there was a mechanic to allow folks to explore "lawless" space without the current status quo that dictates you really need to be in a Corp and in most cases and Alliance to be able to "settle down". Yeah, I know, wormholes kinda give that impression, but nothing feels like I know I felt back in 2004 when Pure Blind was lawless and being settled, and you could find yourself a ton of stuff to do in your shiny new Caracal. I'll get shouted down by those that say adapt or die, and I'd respond that I have adapted, having pretty much experienced everything Eve has to offer, career wise.

It's not that you'll get "shouted down", it's that you'll get an explaination that you may not like.

I assume you're referring to being able to own a bit of sov space? OK well the fundamental problem here is that there's only ever going to be a finite quantity of space, so for any given system, it will always be true to say that at least one other player wants to own it. Ergo your new guy who wants to have his little null sec homestead is going to be in competition with at least one other player for that homestead, and statistically speaking, being a new player, he's very likely to be less skilled, experienced and wealthy than those other player(s). So he's going to lose to them unless he gets together with some friends and can fight back

So the only way to give new players their 40 acres and a mule in null is to enforce ownership. But that could only possibly work for one generation of new players, who will then become the locked-in owners; they immediately become "older" players with an unassailable CCP-enforced advantage to next week's new players. Now the problem is even worse! New players can't even kick the incumbents out at all!

Basically, CCP would pretty much have to generate a new, personal 0.0 system for each new player that joins the game and give it to them personally to achieve what you want.

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Jake Warbird
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#139 - 2012-04-17 17:32:53 UTC
Niche game is niche. Working as intended.
Dradius Calvantia
Lip Shords
#140 - 2012-04-17 17:45:38 UTC
Zey Nadar wrote:
Roime wrote:


I've played for 1.5 years and there are still huge areas of the game I haven't even touched :o

Also not sure what you mean with "limiting PVP aspect", you can fight just the way you prefer.

Well I subscribed in 2006. And Ive done pretty much everything.

By pvp aspect I didnt mean actual pvp, rather every other activity where you have to take other players attacking you into account. This leads to "playing it safe" like hanging around at stations, cloaking, etc extremely boring. The other option is to be part of a big fleet where you lose all individuality. Been there, done that. Thats all there is to it, I pretty much summed eve up. You can do it in different ships, with different people, but its all the same in the end.

Note: My issues shouldnt be the ones troubling relatively new players though. I suffer from 'battle fatigue'.

you have no idea what you are talking about...

Just because you personally have never done anything but play it safe.. or blob in a huge fleet does not mean that thousands of other players stick to those two things as well.