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The Best Anti-Burn Jita Strategy

Lapine Davion
Outer Ring Applied Logistics
#61 - 2012-04-16 06:33:04 UTC
Vince Snetterton wrote:
Lapine Davion wrote:

So what is wrong in highsec that isn't in the process of being fixed already? What are the injustices that high-sec people need to rally around? Ganking? It's part of the game. Scamming? Also part of the game.

The simple matter is that if the majority of high-sec had all their wishes granted, EVE Online as we know it, as we all like it, would cease to exist.

Spoken like one of the zealot minority I just described.
The zealot minority knows better than the majority of players, right?

Love that phrase " EVE Online as we know it, as we all like it".
Who is this "we all" you describe?

Seems to me that the game as YOU know and love is NOT the game that AT LEAST SOME, more likely MOST, do not love.

So why don't you answer the question. It was asked in earnest. What are the hardships that High-sec dwellers have to deal with while the CSM raids their ghettos and sends the pubbies off to the camps?

[b]Don't worry about posting with your main!  Post with your brain! "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."[/b]

Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#62 - 2012-04-16 06:43:35 UTC
Flawless "Anti-Burn Jita" strategy:

Fly to Rens.


"To know the true path, but yet, to never follow it. That is possibly the gravest sin" - The Scriptures, Book of Missions 13:21

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#63 - 2012-04-16 06:50:27 UTC
I do not think that any special will happen. The local will spike, TiDi to the max, jita goes slideshow, traffic will be jammed, gates locked and then the jitanode dies.. restarts with new maxPopulationSettings.

[X] < Nail here for new monitor

Sycho Pathic
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#64 - 2012-04-16 07:17:51 UTC
Everyone weeds through the spam in local to see if anything interesting or funny is said. Lag grows. Game starts to resemble a filmstrip. Node crashes. Lather-Rinse-Repeat. Apathy kicks in. Everyone leaves.

I fail to see why strategic planning is necessary.

Ciar Meara
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#65 - 2012-04-16 07:31:05 UTC
Serene Repose wrote:
On the 27th pull out any ship you have there, unless you want to try to follow in local for grins. At any rate, don't undock anything on the 28th. If the only thing flying are Goon ships, they're gonna have a helluva time staring at each other, wondering why Mitt said this was such a great idea. Mitt, the mighty leader....burn Jita. Yeah, right.

The funny part will be with no targets, the Goons complaining in local...while their complaints are scrolled out of chat by Jita spam bots. They won't even be able to smack talk.

I don't think thats gonna happen. I'll be there though, checking it out.

- [img][/img] [yellow]English only please. Zymurgist[/yellow]

Zimmy Zeta
Caldari State
#66 - 2012-04-16 08:07:05 UTC
I for one think the "burn jita" idea is funny and needs to be supported. Since a T1 industrial costs below 1M, I will be hanging out there and circle with hoarders full with militants, janitors or tourists around Jita 4/4. Looking forward to some cool fireworks.

I'd like to apologize for the poor quality of the post above and sincerely hope you didn't waste your time reading it. Yes, I do feel bad about it.

Akrasjel Lanate
Immemorial Coalescence Administration
Immemorial Coalescence
#67 - 2012-04-16 08:41:44 UTC
Nedes Betternaem wrote:

There will always be idiots in EvE and there is nothing you can do about it. Goonswarm will have targets, no doubt about that.

Yea, wonder how many people know about this Jita burn stuff and how many live in ignorance.

CEO of Lanate Industries

Citizen of Solitude

#68 - 2012-04-16 08:46:57 UTC
Whatever happens, this burn-jita thing promises to be fun and interesting! Big smile (...if they really do it...hope so...)
I'm gonna try to do like the Native Americans and "count coup" (it was considered more of an achievement to touch your "enemy" rather than injure or kill him outright). So I'll take a screenshot at the moment I bump someone (just for me...nobody else is gonna care about unprovable pics)...if I can get close enough before my trusty ships get turned into sparkly spacedust. Big smile So if you guys see some idiot hurtling towards you jinking and weaving at high might be it even possible?...oh, well...woohoo! Yay, goons, for shaking it up, regardless!
Otrebla Utrigas
#69 - 2012-04-16 09:09:09 UTC
namron 7 wrote:
It will happen as

1. 95% of people who play this game would never dream of reading these forums
2. The 5% who do will be in Jita just to watch.

Pretty much this. Free fireworks are best fireworks :D
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#70 - 2012-04-16 09:55:01 UTC
Serene Repose wrote:
On the 27th pull out any ship you have there, unless you want to try to follow in local for grins. At any rate, don't undock anything on the 28th. If the only thing flying are Goon ships, they're gonna have a helluva time staring at each other, wondering why Mitt said this was such a great idea. Mitt, the mighty leader....burn Jita. Yeah, right.

The funny part will be with no targets, the Goons complaining in local...while their complaints are scrolled out of chat by Jita spam bots. They won't even be able to smack talk.

confirming that high sec folk are TOTALLY organised enough to avoid Jita over the burn jita period
Nirnias Stirrum
UberWTFBBQ and Battle Technologies
#71 - 2012-04-16 10:19:41 UTC
Serene Repose wrote:
On the 27th pull out any ship you have there, unless you want to try to follow in local for grins. At any rate, don't undock anything on the 28th. If the only thing flying are Goon ships, they're gonna have a helluva time staring at each other, wondering why Mitt said this was such a great idea. Mitt, the mighty leader....burn Jita. Yeah, right.

The funny part will be with no targets, the Goons complaining in local...while their complaints are scrolled out of chat by Jita spam bots. They won't even be able to smack talk.

Heres an even better idea, how about you just war dec goons then get in a combat ship and fight? HOLY SHITE DID I JUST BLOW YOUR MIND OR WHAT?
Raiz Nhell
Tactically Challenged
The Initiative.
#72 - 2012-04-16 10:54:54 UTC
I have 150 Badgers built to act as Goon targets...
With the express goal of turning said Goons into CONCORD targets...
I hope someone is around to watch it, cause I dare say I'll be waking up in a clone vat, a lot....

All we need is 10-15 people with the same idea and those 1800 Tornadoes will pop themselves...
And then we can all go back to normal...

Until more Goons turn up...

There is no such thing as a fair fight...

If your fighting fair you have automatically put yourself at a disadvantage.

Victor Dathar
Snuffed Out
#73 - 2012-04-16 11:55:08 UTC
You missed a zero, it is 18,000 Tornados.

No troll.

^^^ lol that post is so bad you should get back 2 GBS m8 o7

@grr_goons : Wisdom, Insight, GBS Posts

knobber Jobbler
State War Academy
Caldari State
#74 - 2012-04-16 12:01:15 UTC
Vince Snetterton wrote:
The null sec zealots, outside and inside CCP, working with the CSM to destroy high sec, that is the REAL crisis.

This man needs more tin foil. Get him more quick for his hat!
Serene Repose
#75 - 2012-04-16 13:15:01 UTC
Nirnias Stirrum wrote:
Serene Repose wrote:
On the 27th pull out any ship you have there, unless you want to try to follow in local for grins. At any rate, don't undock anything on the 28th. If the only thing flying are Goon ships, they're gonna have a helluva time staring at each other, wondering why Mitt said this was such a great idea. Mitt, the mighty leader....burn Jita. Yeah, right.

The funny part will be with no targets, the Goons complaining in local...while their complaints are scrolled out of chat by Jita spam bots. They won't even be able to smack talk.

Heres an even better idea, how about you just war dec goons then get in a combat ship and fight? HOLY SHITE DID I JUST BLOW YOUR MIND OR WHAT? do you know I'm not?

We must accommodate the idiocracy.

Galactic Rangers
#76 - 2012-04-16 13:17:21 UTC
omg people its one system, there are quite a few other market hubs with everything you need in in most areas of empire space i can not see why people just cant go to Amarr or Rens or some other market hub to trade at for a couple of days its not exactly rocket science.Roll
Serene Repose
#77 - 2012-04-16 13:19:49 UTC
ITTigerClawIK wrote:
omg people its one system, there are quite a few other market hubs with everything you need in in most areas of empire space i can not see why people just cant go to Amarr or Rens or some other market hub to trade at for a couple of days its not exactly rocket science.Roll
Shhhh...if you point out the obvious you ruin the surprise!

We must accommodate the idiocracy.

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#78 - 2012-04-16 13:21:48 UTC
namron 7 wrote:
It will happen as

1. 95% of people who play this game would never dream of reading these forums
2. The 5% who do will be in Jita just to watch.


Done, signature edited with perfection!...

Cybele Lanier
Amarr Empire
#79 - 2012-04-16 13:25:50 UTC
ITTigerClawIK wrote:
omg people its one system, there are quite a few other market hubs with everything you need in in most areas of empire space i can not see why people just cant go to Amarr or Rens or some other market hub to trade at for a couple of days its not exactly rocket science.Roll

But what if I need a Rocket Science skillbook?

"You don't need luck. You need theft things and run."

Serene Repose
#80 - 2012-04-16 13:27:30 UTC
Otrebla Utrigas wrote:
namron 7 wrote:
It will happen as

1. 95% of people who play this game would never dream of reading these forums
2. The 5% who do will be in Jita just to watch.

Pretty much this. Free fireworks are best fireworks :D

We've got people stationed in adjacent systems to spam a warning to all incoming traffic.

We must accommodate the idiocracy.