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[Service]-CorpsUnlimited™-High Faction Standing Corps

First post First post
Uber Pie
#841 - 2014-02-01 14:47:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Uber Pie
Next Available Gallente/Minmattar: Feb 3rd
Next Available Caldari/Amarr: NOW

CorporationsUnlimited™ - Providing New Eden with High Faction Standing Corporations since 2010

Uber Pie
#842 - 2014-02-02 07:41:17 UTC
Next Available Gallente/Minmattar: Feb 3rd
Next Available Caldari/Amarr: NOW

CorporationsUnlimited™ - Providing New Eden with High Faction Standing Corporations since 2010

Ikuko Hurtini
Brotherhood of Pain
#843 - 2014-02-02 12:21:11 UTC
Hey Uber Pie

i would like Ravenhold Research

if you can let me know who to send the isk and when i can take ownership of the corp

from Ikuko
Uber Pie
#844 - 2014-02-03 19:49:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Uber Pie
Next Available Gallente/Minmattar: NOW
Next Available Caldari/Amarr: Feb 9th

CorporationsUnlimited™ - Providing New Eden with High Faction Standing Corporations since 2010

Uber Pie
#845 - 2014-02-06 15:59:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Uber Pie
Next Available Gallente/Minmattar: NOW
Next Available Caldari/Amarr: Feb 13th

CorporationsUnlimited™ - Providing New Eden with High Faction Standing Corporations since 2010

Uber Pie
#846 - 2014-02-07 17:20:37 UTC

CorporationsUnlimited™ - Providing New Eden with High Faction Standing Corporations since 2010

Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#847 - 2014-02-08 02:24:16 UTC
please contact rare beauty ingame i need caldari standings please.
Uber Pie
#848 - 2014-02-09 10:49:23 UTC
Next Available Gallente/Minmattar: NOW
Next Available Caldari/Amarr: NOW

CorporationsUnlimited™ - Providing New Eden with High Faction Standing Corporations since 2010

Don Garibaldi
Armilies Corporation
Domain Research and Mining Inst.
#849 - 2014-02-12 21:30:49 UTC
Great service! Worked smoothly! Can honestly recommend it to everyone!

Thanks again,

Business Hours
The Staff
#850 - 2014-02-12 22:17:41 UTC
sent you in-game mail
Uber Pie
#851 - 2014-02-13 07:41:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Uber Pie
Next Available Gallente/Minmattar: NOW x2
Next Available Caldari/Amarr: NOW x2

CorporationsUnlimited™ - Providing New Eden with High Faction Standing Corporations since 2010

Chronic Widow
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#852 - 2014-02-13 09:29:47 UTC
Interested in Corp Caldari/Amarr standing,
Uber Pie
#853 - 2014-02-14 09:32:17 UTC
Next Available Gallente/Minmattar: NOW x2
Next Available Caldari/Amarr: NOW x2

CorporationsUnlimited™ - Providing New Eden with High Faction Standing Corporations since 2010

Business Hours
The Staff
#854 - 2014-02-14 15:00:14 UTC
ISK transferred
Uber Pie
#855 - 2014-02-15 10:48:56 UTC
Next Available Gallente/Minmattar: NOW x2
Next Available Caldari/Amarr: NOW

CorporationsUnlimited™ - Providing New Eden with High Faction Standing Corporations since 2010

Calgoose Rin
To Hell
#856 - 2014-02-16 22:52:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Calgoose Rin
Hi, im looking to boost my caldari navy standings from 3.95 (4.92 with connections 4) to 6.7 (for refining) could you advise if this is possible, price etc?
Lenoia Okaski
The Restless Few
The Initiative.
#857 - 2014-02-24 23:07:43 UTC
Do u still have a Caldari/ Amarr Corp for sale?
Please contact me if u do!
#858 - 2014-04-03 20:04:45 UTC

interested on buying a premade corp for jump clones for amarr/caldari and also gallente (but I believe gallente will not be possible, thats ok)

Name and ticker of the corp doenst matter, but shouldnt be ABXZEC. Just a normal name.


Uber Pie
#859 - 2014-04-08 12:40:24 UTC
back after a LONG break due to family issues.

hope to be up to speed in the next few days!

CorporationsUnlimited™ - Providing New Eden with High Faction Standing Corporations since 2010

Incognito Mode
Brotherhood of Spacers
#860 - 2014-04-08 12:49:29 UTC
you have a caldari corp what i can buy now ?