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[Service]-CorpsUnlimited™-High Faction Standing Corps

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Uber Pie
#281 - 2012-04-06 18:38:14 UTC

CorporationsUnlimited™ - Providing New Eden with High Faction Standing Corporations since 2010

Uber Pie
#282 - 2012-04-07 06:39:46 UTC
to the top

CorporationsUnlimited™ - Providing New Eden with High Faction Standing Corporations since 2010

#283 - 2012-04-07 20:04:57 UTC
Do you have a corp with amarr and caldari standing available?

I am online.
Uber Pie
#284 - 2012-04-08 09:50:23 UTC
to the top

CorporationsUnlimited™ - Providing New Eden with High Faction Standing Corporations since 2010

Uber Pie
#285 - 2012-04-10 05:00:52 UTC
Desu Terror, your contact settings do not allow me to mail you.

CorporationsUnlimited™ - Providing New Eden with High Faction Standing Corporations since 2010

Uber Pie
#286 - 2012-04-10 19:15:59 UTC
To the top

CorporationsUnlimited™ - Providing New Eden with High Faction Standing Corporations since 2010

Angela Bistot
The Founding Four
#287 - 2012-04-11 10:32:33 UTC
Awsome service will use agian Big smile
Crocodile Mick-Dundee
Cor Capital
#288 - 2012-04-11 12:39:18 UTC
What a great service, exactly as advertised. I would recommend to anyone.
Uber Pie
#289 - 2012-04-11 16:53:22 UTC
to the top

CorporationsUnlimited™ - Providing New Eden with High Faction Standing Corporations since 2010

Caldari State
#290 - 2012-04-11 17:01:53 UTC

Idea-Scion Technology (Available Apr 18th)

Faction Standings
Caldari State: 8.40
Amarr Empire: 7.49
Ammator Mandate: 8.17
Khanid Kingdom: 6.00
Mordus Legion: 9.00

NPC Standings
Ministry of Internal Order: 9.5
State Protectorate: 9.49

Davis Bacalou
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#291 - 2012-04-11 23:40:09 UTC
Honestly, I went with this service because the forum thread explained the process very clearly to someone who was a noob at the corp standings mechanics. It seemed like a pro setup, and was better presented than other similar services advertised on the forums.

The execution in-game did not disappoint. The process was clean, quick, and exactly as advertised. Price is competitive, and communication during the process is good. I'll definitely be going with Uber's gang for any of my future standings needs.
Uber Pie
#292 - 2012-04-12 05:19:14 UTC
Davis Bacalou wrote:
Honestly, I went with this service because the forum thread explained the process very clearly to someone who was a noob at the corp standings mechanics. It seemed like a pro setup, and was better presented than other similar services advertised on the forums.

The execution in-game did not disappoint. The process was clean, quick, and exactly as advertised. Price is competitive, and communication during the process is good. I'll definitely be going with Uber's gang for any of my future standings needs.

thanks for the feedback, much appreciated.

CorporationsUnlimited™ - Providing New Eden with High Faction Standing Corporations since 2010

Lithium Ice
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#293 - 2012-04-16 15:49:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Lithium Ice
Do these standings go away after a while? Or do they stick around? A bunch of friends are looking for a corporation with standings,but it would only be used for mission running standings. If they stay I'm interested in buying. I don't know anything about corporation standings mechanics. Please help. How much do they decline if someone wasn't neutral standings?
Lady Tiaon Kador
Kador Investment Bank
#294 - 2012-04-18 20:17:36 UTC
you have mail
Vera Penshar
Gaia Technology
#295 - 2012-04-18 21:23:14 UTC
Have sent mail.
Cosmos Troy
Data Dash Creations
#296 - 2012-04-19 01:15:33 UTC
please send me an in-game mail of the stock corps you have available.


Research is a game of patience. [u]Avatar Research[/u]

Uber Pie
#297 - 2012-04-19 06:07:31 UTC
Lithium Ice wrote:
Do these standings go away after a while? Or do they stick around? A bunch of friends are looking for a corporation with standings,but it would only be used for mission running standings. If they stay I'm interested in buying. I don't know anything about corporation standings mechanics. Please help. How much do they decline if someone wasn't neutral standings?

the corp standings reset to the average faction standings of the corp members 7 downtimes after the last member has joined, so it is unlikely you would be able to use it for mission running for long.

CorporationsUnlimited™ - Providing New Eden with High Faction Standing Corporations since 2010

Uber Pie
#298 - 2012-04-19 06:38:55 UTC
Vera Penshar wrote:
Have sent mail.

you have mail

CorporationsUnlimited™ - Providing New Eden with High Faction Standing Corporations since 2010

Uber Pie
#299 - 2012-04-19 06:39:08 UTC
Lady Tiaon Kador wrote:
you have mail

you have mail

CorporationsUnlimited™ - Providing New Eden with High Faction Standing Corporations since 2010

Uber Pie
#300 - 2012-04-19 15:10:16 UTC
to the top

CorporationsUnlimited™ - Providing New Eden with High Faction Standing Corporations since 2010