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Help me improve this Rupture Fit for PvP

Stellarium Alliance
#1 - 2012-04-02 13:05:50 UTC
Okay so I found this fit on the forums:

Damage Control 1
2x Gyrostabalizer 1
2x Tracking Enhancer 1

10MN MWD 1
Warp Scram 1
Large Shield Extender

4x 220mm Vulcan AC 1
Small Nosferatu 1
Small Energy Neut 1

Medium Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer 1
2x Medium Core Defense Field Extender 1

But how can I improve it? Keep in mind that I need to keep things cheap, so probably not much T2 stuff. Mostly I want to know what to do with the Nos and the Energy Neut. I dont know how much of a tactical advantage they really are giving me. Also the ACs are giving me a dps a little over 200, which doesnt seem like that much. Should I shift the extender rigs to screen reinforcers? I only have 35% shield EM resistance

Wat do?
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#2 - 2012-04-02 13:25:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Intigo
Your fit is pretty close to the standard shield Rupture:

[Rupture, Standard Shield]
Gyrostabilizer II
Gyrostabilizer II
Tracking Enhancer II
Tracking Enhancer II
Damage Control II

Experimental 10MN MicroWarpdrive I
Large Shield Extender II
Warp Disruptor II

425mm AutoCannon II, Republic Fleet EMP M
425mm AutoCannon II, Republic Fleet EMP M
425mm AutoCannon II, Republic Fleet EMP M
425mm AutoCannon II, Republic Fleet EMP M
Medium Energy Neutralizer II
Small Energy Neutralizer II

Medium Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer I
Medium Core Defense Field Extender I
Medium Core Defense Field Extender I

Warrior II x5
Warrior II x1

You should use 425s and the Medium + Small neut mix.

Otherwise, your fit is pretty good. Tier 1 is obviously gonna be terrible, but shrug - if you want to save ISK, go for it. You lose out on a ton of efficiency by having T1 guns, though.

hydra provail

Stellarium Alliance
#3 - 2012-04-02 13:43:36 UTC
Disruptor or Scrambler? As far as i have seen Scrambler is the better choice
Dradius Calvantia
Lip Shords
#4 - 2012-04-02 13:56:36 UTC
Having the NOS on that fit is ****. Either go with the previously mentioned med/small nuet combo or you can also go with HAMs to up your damage potential.

The neuts are there for one reason and one reason only, to nuet off scramming frigates. They will never win you a cap war against any equally sized target and should not be used as such. Which fit you use will depend greatly on exactly how you like to fly and what you expect to come up against. I personally tend towards the HAMs on my ruptures as I fly it in a rather balls deep fashion and we do not find too many AFs or other scraming frigates around our parts.

Also, if you go with 2 em and one therm rig instead of the CDFEs you will cut the cost of the ship nearly in half while having slightly less EHP and a more even resist profile.

The rupture can do amazing things when flown correctly, and T1 cruisers will always be underestimated.
An example of this being this fight in which our two ruptures, an arbitrator, and a hurricane killed a sacrilege, cynabal, prophecy, and cane.

Xedam Praxis
#5 - 2012-04-02 17:29:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Xedam Praxis
Knus'lar wrote:
Disruptor or Scrambler? As far as i have seen Scrambler is the better choice

Disruptor = long-range point that prevents warp. Scrambler = short range point that prevents warp and shuts down enemy MWD.

Disruptor is so you can kite with Barrage ammo, which is an excellent (standard) tactic with this fit. With T2 modules this Ruppy...

[Rupture, Standard Shield]
Gyrostabilizer II
Gyrostabilizer II
Tracking Enhancer II
Tracking Enhancer II
Damage Control II

Experimental 10MN MicroWarpdrive I
Large Shield Extender II
Warp Disruptor II

425mm AutoCannon II, Republic Fleet EMP M
425mm AutoCannon II, Republic Fleet EMP M
425mm AutoCannon II, Republic Fleet EMP M
425mm AutoCannon II, Republic Fleet EMP M
Medium Energy Neutralizer II
Small Energy Neutralizer II

Medium Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer I
Medium Core Defense Field Extender I
Medium Core Defense Field Extender I

Warrior II x5
Warrior II x1

... is as fast (or faster -- 1591 m/s unheated) than most other T1 cruisers, so generally the only ships you have to worry about outrunning you are frigates. The neuts are there to break their point/make them sitting ducks if the catch you.

Generally you can just pulse the MWD, orbit at 20KM-ish and pew pew your target into oblivion.

Use meta 4 modules if you don't want to use T2. T1 is junk, but if you wanna to use them all the power to ya.

“The word of a gentleman is as good as his bond; and sometimes better.”

  • Charles Dickens
Ice Fire Warriors
#6 - 2012-04-02 18:34:49 UTC  |  Edited by: ShahFluffers
Knus'lar wrote:
Okay so I found this fit on the forums:

Damage Control 1
2x Gyrostabalizer 1
2x Tracking Enhancer 1

10MN MWD 1
Warp Scram 1
Large Shield Extender

4x 220mm Vulcan AC 1
Small Nosferatu 1
Small Energy Neut 1

Medium Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer 1
2x Medium Core Defense Field Extender 1

But how can I improve it? Keep in mind that I need to keep things cheap, so probably not much T2 stuff. Mostly I want to know what to do with the Nos and the Energy Neut. I dont know how much of a tactical advantage they really are giving me. Also the ACs are giving me a dps a little over 200, which doesnt seem like that much. Should I shift the extender rigs to screen reinforcers? I only have 35% shield EM resistance

Wat do?

*sighs* I'll take responsibility for this fit since I posted it elsewhere on the forums.

- As was pointed out to me in the newbie thread you pulled this fit from... you will want to swap out the Warp Scrambler for a Warp Disruptor as you don't want to come within 10km of the enemy.
- With the Energy Neut... as someone pointed out above, the reason for their existence is to ruin the day of any frigate that gets too close to you. If you have the extra Powergrid/CPU, upgrade it to a medium one.
- The Nos is there because... well... I typically fly Gallente ships so it has kind of become a force of habit to always fit a Nos. Swap it out for a small Neut as Minmitar ships can continue shooting even when you have no capacitor power left (and if something is that close anyways, you're probably going to die).
- Your low DPS is probably due to low skills. Try training up your projectile weapon skills up a bit and see what happens.
- If you are going to fit the other medium shield rigs, you might as well fit some better mods. Those other two rigs are about 2 to 3 million a pop on their own... might as well go the extra mile and squeeze out every last drop of effectiveness (pro-tip: work on getting the Tech 2 Damage Control... it is the single most cost effective module you will ever train for and fit).
Cyrus Gandohmei
Persian Peddling and Logistics
#7 - 2012-04-02 18:54:11 UTC
ShahFluffers wrote:
*sighs* I'll take responsibility for this fit since I posted it elsewhere on the forums.

wow. someone actually takes responsibility on the forums for something. 1 e-honour point for you sir!
Uppsy Daisy
State War Academy
Caldari State
#8 - 2012-04-03 14:38:05 UTC
Watch this to learn to fly it.
Veren Sark
Amarr Empire
#9 - 2012-05-14 14:10:30 UTC
Uppsy Daisy wrote:
Watch this to learn to fly it.

link and site is nerfed

Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#10 - 2012-05-14 17:32:47 UTC
Veren Sark wrote:
Uppsy Daisy wrote:
Watch this to learn to fly it.

link and site is nerfed


All their videos are excellent and worth watching. Unfortunately the website was screwed over by a selfish prick that they used to work with.

hydra provail

Mars Theran
Foreign Interloper
#11 - 2012-05-15 07:39:02 UTC
[Rupture, Cheap PVP Rupture]
Damage Control II
Gyrostabilizer I
Gyrostabilizer I
Tracking Enhancer I
Tracking Enhancer I

10MN MicroWarpdrive I
Warp Disruptor I
Large Shield Extender I

220mm Vulcan AutoCannon I, EMP M
220mm Vulcan AutoCannon I, EMP M
220mm Vulcan AutoCannon I, EMP M
220mm Vulcan AutoCannon I, EMP M
Medium Energy Neutralizer I
Small Energy Neutralizer I

Valkyrie I x1
Hobgoblin I x4

If you're going T1 anway and want to keep it cheap for practice runs until you get used to it, I'd probably go with this. Skip the rigs and use a Damage Control II, but keep the rest T1. Should make for an inexpensive fit you can get podded in for awhile.

Not going to be as effective as the recommendations here, but at least you can get used to flying it and mitigating damage, using the Neuts, keeping Cap. and pulsing the MWD without too much expense. Also, you can kite if you swap for Titanium Sabot or one of the longer range ammunitions. Not much dps, but good practice.

Might even get a few kills. I've never really flown a Rupture for PvP, so I don't know how well it'll work though.