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EVE General Discussion

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EVE - The Brigand Sandbox

Alara IonStorm
#21 - 2012-03-31 16:53:01 UTC
Judge Solace wrote:
CCP Diagoras wrote:
Exhumers destroyed in 2011: Hulk 27,806, Mackinaw 11,669, Skiff 654. Of the 40,129 total, 11,770 were lost in PVE

52,811 mining barges destroyed in 2011. Retriever 38,102, Covetor 11,537, Procurer 3,172. 22,981 of those were lost in PVE.

More sociopaths then just the 10,000 then using same standards? So the problem is larger than the media. Blink

That is 4800 Mining Craft lost to PvP a month in all sec statuses including Null Miners, Wormholes, War Targets and Can Flippers in a game of 400000.
Nariya Kentaya
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#22 - 2012-03-31 16:54:31 UTC
Aylleen wrote:
The mechanics of the so-called EVE's sandbox has created a pervasive gaming culture where every foul behavior normally not condoned in the real world- short of breaking the EULA/TOS - is allowed, even encouraged. Griefing, ganking, bashing, lying, cheating, killing, mass-murdering. That's the brigand mindset that EVE has created.

"EVE is Real", advertises CCP. Recently we found out that it's actually true. We saw that a supposedly normal, decent person cannot keep separate mindsets -one good, another bad. Forcefully the bad one will prevail, and illegal acts may be perpetrated. We also saw that not even CCP is able to make a judgement call based upon the laws of the country. CCP has been promoted as the ultimate court instance and law upholder. A 30-day ban is the ultimate punishment for an illegal act commited. A private apology and monetary compensation - made virtually using in-game tools - is substitute for a real-world hearing in front of a flesh-and-bones judge.

Everyone is lacking a moral compass, including EVE's sandbox.

Yes, EVE is all about brigands. Those who excel in the art of being a bad criminal are glorified, promoted, and politically supported. This is an important factor to explain why EVE - after almost 10 years after launch - remains a niche game. It's a cult, a sect, a religion of a minority who mostly seek an outlet to nurture their bad side.

There is no place for those like me that would like to create a better future by engaging in law-abiding activities. If EVE were really a sandbox, we "carebears" would have tools at our disposal to seek, promote, and even enforce our way of life against the brigands pounding at our doors.

A brigand game - what would you expect from Icelanders descended from Vikings?

EvE is the "wild west" of the MMO world.

you wanna do law-abiding noncombat activities? then do what the caravneers did... HIRE MERCENARIES TO ESCORT YOU.

seriosuly, so much butthurt, if you knowingly go into a abd part of town where people just got robbed and murdered,a dn you egt jumped in an ally, dont whine to the cops that they should work harder, you did soemthing that put yourself in danger. and i know for a FACT that if you give them a chance, any car dealer in the WORLD would trya dn screw you oevr for a few extra bucks, its called BUSINESS.
Die Hard Carebears
#23 - 2012-03-31 16:56:25 UTC
Nariya Kentaya wrote:

seriosuly, so much butthurt, if you knowingly go into a abd part of town where people just got robbed and murdered,a dn you egt jumped in an ally, dont whine to the cops that they should work harder, you did soemthing that put yourself in danger. and i know for a FACT that if you give them a chance, any car dealer in the WORLD would trya dn screw you oevr for a few extra bucks, its called BUSINESS.

So it's the victim's fault? Yours is the argument of a criminal.

I am Aylleen, and I approve this message.

Nariya Kentaya
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#24 - 2012-03-31 16:58:46 UTC
Aylleen wrote:
Nariya Kentaya wrote:

seriosuly, so much butthurt, if you knowingly go into a abd part of town where people just got robbed and murdered,a dn you egt jumped in an ally, dont whine to the cops that they should work harder, you did soemthing that put yourself in danger. and i know for a FACT that if you give them a chance, any car dealer in the WORLD would trya dn screw you oevr for a few extra bucks, its called BUSINESS.

So it's the victim's fault? Yours is the argument of a criminal.


and like i said, if your too scared to fight for what you want, there is always the "law abiding citizens" way fo shelling out some fo your potential profit to hire some mercs to protect you, or are you just an evil eman greedy person who cant let go of a single isk?
Judge Solace
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#25 - 2012-03-31 16:59:26 UTC
Alara IonStorm wrote:
Judge Solace wrote:
CCP Diagoras wrote:
Exhumers destroyed in 2011: Hulk 27,806, Mackinaw 11,669, Skiff 654. Of the 40,129 total, 11,770 were lost in PVE

52,811 mining barges destroyed in 2011. Retriever 38,102, Covetor 11,537, Procurer 3,172. 22,981 of those were lost in PVE.

More sociopaths then just the 10,000 then using same standards? So the problem is larger than the media. Blink

That is 4800 Mining Craft lost to PvP a month in all sec statuses including Null Miners, Wormholes, War Targets and Can Flippers in a game of 400000.

Which is 4697 larger than your reported figures which comprises 2.1% of the total picture based on your method of reckoning.
Potamus Jenkins
eXceed Inc.
Plucky Adventurers
#26 - 2012-03-31 16:59:35 UTC
Tippia wrote:
Aylleen wrote:
If EVE were really a sandbox, we "carebears" would have tools at our disposal to seek, promote, and even enforce our way of life against the brigands pounding at our doors.
Top tip: you do have them. People — or, more accurately, the carebears in question — just choose not to use them.

i do believe someone is doing it wrong?

did i do that right?
Potamus Jenkins
eXceed Inc.
Plucky Adventurers
#27 - 2012-03-31 17:01:03 UTC
brigands and highwaymen

all of you

Alara IonStorm
#28 - 2012-03-31 17:02:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Alara IonStorm
Judge Solace wrote:

Which is 4697 larger than your reported figures which comprises 2.1% of the total picture based on your method of reckoning.

Which just proves that the so called problem is very small and doesn't represent the game as much as media pretends it does.

BTW my reported figures were in response to shot at Goonswarms 10000 being greifers. They were the amount of Industry Ships they destroyed. Thank you for showing that even if they were not posting the mails they could not make it to 1 Barge per member a month. Griefing = Pig Problem. Roll
Potamus Jenkins
eXceed Inc.
Plucky Adventurers
#29 - 2012-03-31 17:03:03 UTC
Alara IonStorm wrote:
Aylleen wrote:

There are at least ten thousand of them... You know, they managed to elect the CSM chair.

I voted for him before the incident. His platform on new content and ship balance was good.

A very small part of the CFC actually took part in the Interdiction.

In an ecomomy driven by War especially null War Goonswarm destroyed over 10000 ships this month.

Across all sec statuses here is the number of Non Combat Ships destroyed this month.

Mining barge 27
Exhumer 76
Industrial 60
Transport 40
Freighter 2
Jump Freighter 1
Cap. Industrial 0

Ten Thousand Sociopaths seemed to be to busy playing the game to make much of an impact on the 200000 High Sec Accounts. During the interdictions they manage on average 500 kills of Exhumers a month in an 8000 man corp. Expecting that a few of the pilots ganking are repeat offenders I am guessing that High Sec isn't being hit by the full force of these 10000. Almost like most of these people are average players flying around doing EVE Null Sec Stuff.

Perhaps media is blowing things slightly out of proportion. Ugh

null sec stuff

is that like a place where


have tools at our disposal to seek, promote, and even enforce our way of life

Judge Solace
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#30 - 2012-03-31 17:07:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Judge Solace
Alara IonStorm wrote:
Judge Solace wrote:

Which is 4697 larger than your reported figures which comprises 2.1% of the total picture based on your method of reckoning.

Which just proves that the so called problem is very small and doesn't represent the game as much as media pretends it does.

Indeed, it does not prove that EvE are considered full of sociopaths at all. So the claim of a Brigand Sandbox is perhaps flawed.

Doesn't mean there isn't an imbalance in the associated encounters relating to pirating however that do exist. Nor do official kills identify which "players" are related to the activity either.
DeMichael Crimson
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#31 - 2012-03-31 17:24:01 UTC
Alara IonStorm wrote:
DeMichael Crimson wrote:
Alara IonStorm wrote:

Makes me wonder where all these Sociopaths I keep hearing about are?

Here in the forums, where else would they be?

I suspect that you sir are likely some sort of brigand attempting to trick me.

Nope, no trick and I'm definitely not a Brigand either.
Justa Altlol
#32 - 2012-03-31 19:47:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Justa Altlol
Aylleen wrote:
Yes, EVE is all about brigands. Those who excel in the art of being a bad criminal are glorified, promoted, and politically supported. This is an important factor to explain why EVE - after almost 10 years after launch - remains a niche game. It's a cult, a sect, a religion of a minority who mostly seek an outlet to nurture their bad side.

Tomayto tomahto. I choose to see it as the only game whose population is still growing after 10 years, the opposite of how it goes in most MMOs. Besides, being a niche game isn't a bad thing.
Zircon Dasher
#33 - 2012-03-31 19:50:25 UTC
Justa Altlol wrote:
Aylleen wrote:
Yes, EVE is all about brigands. Those who excel in the art of being a bad criminal are glorified, promoted, and politically supported. This is an important factor to explain why EVE - after almost 10 years after launch - remains a niche game. It's a cult, a sect, a religion of a minority who mostly seek an outlet to nurture their bad side.

Tomayto tomahto. I choose to see it as the only game whose population is still growing after 10 years, the opposite of how it goes in most MMOs. Besides, being a niche game isn't a bad thing.

Thats only because CCP keeps introducing stuff that requires more accounts.

Real Life Player numbers keep slowly dropping.


Nerfing High-sec is never the answer. It is the question. The answer is 'YES'.

Justa Altlol
#34 - 2012-03-31 19:51:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Justa Altlol
Potamus Jenkins wrote:
brigands and highwaymen

all of you


Awww, you flatterer! <3

Justa Altlol wrote:
Aylleen wrote:
Yes, EVE is all about brigands. Those who excel in the art of being a bad criminal are glorified, promoted, and politically supported. This is an important factor to explain why EVE - after almost 10 years after launch - remains a niche game. It's a cult, a sect, a religion of a minority who mostly seek an outlet to nurture their bad side.

Tomayto tomahto. I choose to see it as the only game whose population is still growing after 10 years, the opposite of how it goes in most MMOs. Besides, being a niche game isn't a bad thing.

And I have a hard time thinking of a game with a higher population than the country it was developed in being a niche game anyway.

Iceland = 320,000. Eve = 360,000 as of 2011.
Serene Repose
#35 - 2012-03-31 19:54:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Serene Repose
I play EVE in a system that averages 125 people a day. No one in that system ever engages in such activity that you've pointed out. On occassion we are set upon by half a dozen, or so, "visitors" at war with each other. I've yet to understand why they decide to come to our corner of the galaxy, but they do. The ONLY time said behavior occurs is when these folks happen by.

What's funny about it in a HA HA HA way is, they always last about the same amount of time before they become bored with each other, and their "FUN" activity, and disappear. Since the 125 people that RESIDE in this system are familiar with each other, local has an entertaining and amusing atmosphere, UNTIL these "real EVE players" drop by.

They then reveal themselves with their lame attempts at smacktalk, which we find all kinds of amusing - or nauseating. What these "real EVE players" don't seem to realize is, they're not the first, nor will they be the last to drop by and regale us with their snappy banter which amounts to the same things the last group of "real EVE players" came by to spew into local.

So, even when the "real EVE players" drop by, they comprise less than 10% of the population of the system. When their digital nailbiting session ends, of course, they comprise 0% percent, and the 100% just keep on truckin' like they've done all along. SO, to others reading along here, when people start up with this "all" and "everybody" and "everything" jibber jabber...consider the source.

We must accommodate the idiocracy.

Marduk Nibiru
Chaos Delivery Systems
#36 - 2012-03-31 20:01:34 UTC
Aylleen wrote:

Yes, EVE is all about brigands. Those who excel in the art of being a bad criminal are glorified, promoted, and politically supported. This is an important factor to explain why EVE - after almost 10 years after launch - remains a niche game. It's a cult, a sect, a religion of a minority who mostly seek an outlet to nurture their bad side.

I'm curious. How many times did you edit that last sentence?


There is no place for those like me that would like to create a better future by engaging in law-abiding activities. If EVE were really a sandbox, we "carebears" would have tools at our disposal to seek, promote, and even enforce our way of life against the brigands pounding at our doors.

Nothing's stopping you from attempting to enforce some "law and order" in EvE....except perhaps your cowardice.


A brigand game - what would you expect from Icelanders descended from Vikings?

Hey look! Surprise, surprise! A racist!

Ignorance becomes you.
Justa Altlol
#37 - 2012-03-31 20:02:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Justa Altlol
Serene Repose wrote:

So, even when the "real EVE players" drop by, they comprise less than 10% of the population of the system. When their digital nailbiting session ends, of course, they comprise 0% percent, and the 100% just keep on truckin' like they've done all along. SO, to others reading along here, when people start up with this "all" and "everybody" and "everything" jibber jabber...consider the source.

And if you did the same count in a non-NPC 0.0 system they would be 100% of the population. You can prove just about anything with a small enough sample size. I'm sure if I look hard enough I can find a system where 100% of the people fly hull tanked beam laser moas. One system isn't even close to being statistically significant.
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#38 - 2012-03-31 20:08:48 UTC
Nariya Kentaya wrote:
Aylleen wrote:
Nariya Kentaya wrote:

seriosuly, so much butthurt, if you knowingly go into a abd part of town where people just got robbed and murdered,a dn you egt jumped in an ally, dont whine to the cops that they should work harder, you did soemthing that put yourself in danger. and i know for a FACT that if you give them a chance, any car dealer in the WORLD would trya dn screw you oevr for a few extra bucks, its called BUSINESS.

So it's the victim's fault? Yours is the argument of a criminal.


and like i said, if your too scared to fight for what you want, there is always the "law abiding citizens" way fo shelling out some fo your potential profit to hire some mercs to protect you, or are you just an evil eman greedy person who cant let go of a single isk?

"She was totally asking for it. Look how she was dressed."

Hmmmmm food for thought.

**Space wizards are real, they can make 10058 votes vanish. "and for a moment i hurd 10k goons cry out, then silence" **

Karim alRashid
#39 - 2012-03-31 20:11:52 UTC
Aylleen wrote:
Griefing, ganking, bashing, lying, cheating, killing, mass-murdering. That's the brigand mindset that EVE has created.

What is the problem in a society of immortals, who, no matter what happened, will always have at least that rookie ship and one trit ?

Pain is weakness leaving the body

Richard Aiel
The Merchants of War
#40 - 2012-03-31 20:12:31 UTC
every foul behavior normally bannable in other games too.
This has long been the Mos Eisley of MMOs
And thus we trive