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EVE General Discussion

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Avila Cracko
#101 - 2012-04-01 17:27:04 UTC
Maxpie wrote:
Interesting, there no longer seem to be npc sell orders for Pax, at least in Domain. There were yesteday.

I was that's not only an error and that it wont appear after DT.

truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

#102 - 2012-04-01 17:53:19 UTC
Perhaps this is CCP's idea of an April Fools joke. Tomorrow they will all be seeded again in tenfold.

I hate this day...

Operation WRITE DOWN ALL THE THINGS!!!  Check out the list at Collecting and compiling all fixes and ideas for EVE. Looking for more editors!

Tanya Powers
#103 - 2012-04-01 17:57:00 UTC
Testerxnot Sheepherder wrote:
Time to start exploiting this, kthxbai.

This too.
Sister Rhode
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#104 - 2012-04-02 01:26:38 UTC
Quartzlight Evenstar Icefluxor wrote:
ACE McFACE wrote:
What kind of book is made from metals?

Seriously serious.

This is pretty whacked-out.

Not really, Eve is like 10 000 years in Earth's future. You really think they would still make books out of such a scarce resource such as wood pulp (paper) when already in 2012 we have things like the Kindle?
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#105 - 2012-04-02 03:47:06 UTC
yess i just almost doubled my investment
Minmatar Heavy Industries
#106 - 2012-04-02 16:51:49 UTC
Amarr god is not happy with you all burning his book then recycling it for profit... sounds like a Minmitar conspiracy!
An' then, he come scramblin outta the    Terminal room screaming "The system's crashing! The system's    crashing!" -Uncle RAMus, 'Tales for Cyberpsychotic Children'
Nova Fox
Novafox Shipyards
#107 - 2012-04-02 17:14:18 UTC
So was it entirley removed yet?

Dust 514's CPM 1 Iron Wolf Saber Eve mail me about Dust 514 issues.

Raven Ether
#108 - 2012-04-02 17:26:30 UTC
It's gone.

Nocxium is going to skyrocket in the coming weeks, especially when the drone region nerf hits, along with zydrine and morphite.
Markus Reese
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#109 - 2012-04-02 17:28:35 UTC
gfldex wrote:
It's funny how anybody is rushing for Nocx while Pax Amarr was also a cap to Isogen and there is much more need for the latter. :)

Iso can be highsec mined so I don't think it ever even came close to a cap to be noticable? Well, we have more mechanic to make lowsec ores worth more than highsec, now we just need a way to promote miners into low. Need lowsec mining ships. Hulk that can fit missile turrets and no mining bonus?

To quote Lfod Shi

The ratting itself is PvE. Getting away with it is PvP.

Miss President
#110 - 2012-04-02 17:46:40 UTC
looks like 0.0 alliances will try to recruit/hire empire miners into null sec, give them systems and protection and buy their mined ore ), at a discount but still profit to everyone

Can be interesting turn of events.
Nova Fox
Novafox Shipyards
#111 - 2012-04-02 17:50:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Nova Fox
Cool now make all cans player built and we would offically gotten rid of just about every mineral cap in the game.

I doubt the free frgiates donned upon the rookies tutorial missions is going to factor in for the amount of minerals they produce.

Dust 514's CPM 1 Iron Wolf Saber Eve mail me about Dust 514 issues.

Nova Fox
Novafox Shipyards
#112 - 2012-04-02 17:50:32 UTC
Miss President wrote:
looks like 0.0 alliances will try to recruit/hire empire miners into null sec, give them systems and protection and buy their mined ore ), at a discount but still profit to everyone

Can be interesting turn of events.

keep dreaming....

Dust 514's CPM 1 Iron Wolf Saber Eve mail me about Dust 514 issues.

My Neutral Toon
#113 - 2012-04-02 18:38:10 UTC
With Noxium @ $535 x 6 = $3210

PAX AMARRIA cost $3283

The price of selling the 2 isogen should cover your taxes...maybe....

How is this profitable?

...Can't. Tell. If ...Troll? Or Serious....

Butt Hurt about Harrasment? Read first GM post:

Riley Moore
Sentinum Research
#114 - 2012-04-02 18:41:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Riley Moore
My Neutral Toon wrote:
With Noxium @ $535 x 6 = $3210

PAX AMARRIA cost $3283

The price of selling the 2 isogen should cover your taxes...maybe....

How is this profitable?

price rises, like every other mineral to 540-600, people with large volumes (lol pun) of pax reproccesed nocx would dump, netting 10-70 isk a unit profit. This drives the price back down to the equilibrium.

Large volumes of highly researched Ammo, drones, charges and ship bpo's. Biggest BPO store in EVE!

Zoloft Rx
Forged Prophets
#115 - 2012-04-02 18:45:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Zoloft Rx
My Neutral Toon wrote:
With Noxium @ $535 x 6 = $3210

PAX AMARRIA cost $3283

The price of selling the 2 isogen should cover your taxes...maybe....

How is this profitable?

Its a cap. this book allows the price from of noxium from sky rocketing..

if nocxium were to be 700 X 6 =4200 and the book costs 3283, then everyone will buy tons of the book for tons of profit; and flood the market with nocxium. The flood brings the price down to around the price of the book.
#116 - 2012-04-02 18:52:26 UTC
My Neutral Toon wrote:
How is this profitable?

Pretty much the whole week (before Sunday) Nocx buy orders where at 525.07 and Iso was at 83.95 .

545.07 * 6 + 83.95 * 2 = 3438.32

If you take all the sand out of the box, only the cat poo will remain.

Ana Vyr
Vyral Technologies
#117 - 2012-04-02 19:25:22 UTC
Miss President wrote:
looks like 0.0 alliances will try to recruit/hire empire miners into null sec, give them systems and protection and buy their mined ore ), at a discount but still profit to everyone

Can be interesting turn of events.

Yeah, I've heard that one before. It doesn't work out that way though.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#118 - 2012-04-02 19:32:53 UTC
Nova Fox wrote:
Cool now make all cans player built and we would offically gotten rid of just about every mineral cap in the game.

I doubt the free frgiates donned upon the rookies tutorial missions is going to factor in for the amount of minerals they produce.

Aren't cans so overly priced that the mineral prices would have to sky rocket above dangerously unhealthy levels?
My Neutral Toon
#119 - 2012-04-02 19:34:29 UTC
Riley Moore wrote:
My Neutral Toon wrote:
With Noxium @ $535 x 6 = $3210

PAX AMARRIA cost $3283

The price of selling the 2 isogen should cover your taxes...maybe....

How is this profitable?

price rises, like every other mineral to 540-600, people with large volumes (lol pun) of pax reproccesed nocx would dump, netting 10-70 isk a unit profit. This drives the price back down to the equilibrium.

OP specifically named the Nox price as 'capped' at $535, I was only using the OP's measurements and reasoning.

...Can't. Tell. If ...Troll? Or Serious....

Butt Hurt about Harrasment? Read first GM post:

My Neutral Toon
#120 - 2012-04-02 19:35:30 UTC
gfldex wrote:
My Neutral Toon wrote:
How is this profitable?

Pretty much the whole week (before Sunday) Nocx buy orders where at 525.07 and Iso was at 83.95 .

545.07 * 6 + 83.95 * 2 = 3438.32

you must also factor in the tax of where ever you are.

...Can't. Tell. If ...Troll? Or Serious....

Butt Hurt about Harrasment? Read first GM post: