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Log of a Minmatar Capsuleer

Alica Wildfire
Industry Network
#1 - 2011-09-11 12:34:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Alica Wildfire
Dear Log,

while I started this log quite a while ago, I will proceed it here in the new forum, for I have been asked to do. Still I'm recovering from a long lasting sickness and am bound to the medical center of the Hek system, Boundless Creation station, waiting for my joints to move again and the capsuleer interface to work, only thing I can do all day is reading, watching media from the Pator Republic Library and share my thoughts about what it means to be a warrior with you, dear Log.

You of cause already know that I think that a warrior has to understand arts to understand the art of war. And this was the reason for my study of certain oldtime Minmatar fiddle styles to get it done. Funny is, that the only joints on my body that are not infected by this sickness are the joints of my left hand, the joints I need to play the instrument. I can barely hold the bow but it's enough to play. So I was able to keep it up. As I know, dear Log, you understand why I do that because you too have the heart of a warrior.

And I was thinking about the heart of music and the heart of a true warrior and what they share. See, there is a saying about the point in arts in my Sebiestor dialect: "Kunst kommt von Können, nicht von Wollen, sonst hieße es Wunst", but you know what? There is no source of a Minmatar saying this in our historic libraries, it is the kind of traces in our culture that are left by the Amarrian occupation and that we have to overcome. It means that arts is coming from ability not from wanting. But that's wrong. And I explain why.

If something is produced for the demand and not from the urge to create, it is just product. If something is not coming from the heart it can be nice, it can be pretty, it can be pleasing, but it can't be art. In the best case it's kitsch, in the worst it's just a product. Because art sources from the wish, from the heart and to draw the line of what is art and what is not on the line of the perfection of it's execution means that no artist never can reach it. Because this line is arbitrary. And drawing this line has just created suffering in past. The Amarr have a cruiser named after that concept, the "Arbitrator".

To understand the heart of this error you have to understand the difference between the heart of a soldier and the heart of a warrior. The soldier is like the studio musician that is just producing notes for money, soulless for he has no other intention to do so but to get paid. The soldier is following an order, the warrior is serving a cause. The soldier will remain docked in station when no commanding officer is kicking his ass out of the station, the warrior is undocking because he is willing to fight from the core of his heart. It is the will that drives him.

It without meaning to divide the warrior from the soldier on their class of ship, on the line of the perfection of their performance and execution. You will never be able to reach perfection. Perfection and control are both illusions. Illusions to keep people from following their hearts. Do not let someone else draw the line where the only one you shall listen to is your own heart. And if you hear the call - follow.

That's why arts are coming from the heart, from the willing of creation and not from excellence of performance. This excellence of performance can be pleasing, can be nice, can be entertaining. But it is neither art, nor it is what a warrior does. Excellence in performance can follow the will of creation. But it is not what is the core of it.

He throws himself in battle. Because that's what he is. And the Minmatar Militia is strong of this kind, dear Log. The core of a warrior is the same as the core of a musician, any true artist: the truth of his heart and this he is listening to and following.


Rockets ponies and rainbows
#2 - 2011-09-12 13:35:47 UTC
Welcome back miss Alica, and get well soon!

Disclaimer: I do not actually play this game, I just forum warrior.

Alica Wildfire
Industry Network
#3 - 2011-09-14 06:08:38 UTC
Dear Log,

you have asked me what that PUNK is for I have put under every of my posts besides FREEDOM and AUTOCANNONS? Well, I'll try to explain why a punk is not just a geezer with bright colored hair and ragged clothes, an electric guitar and someone who's preferring shouting over singing.

This geezer is just vain, just fashion. To be punk is something different. A true scientist is more a punk than everything, because she's following the two important principles of punk.

  1. Proof it or remove it.
  2. Do it yourself.

Not to accept self-proclaimed authority, to question every authority, to fight the suppression of a hierarchical structure in society, to be equal instead. The punk not only questions the structures that are, does not fight them without cause, he questions them. If they can't proof their existence he removes them. Not by revolution. By building up an alternative.

And this is why a young Sebiestor rebel flying a Rifter and playing the fiddle can be a punk. She believes she makes a difference. That there is music from the people for the people if we work on that, if we try our best. Well she'll never be a virtuoso on her fiddle and she knows that. But if she's not looking for an alternative to the music from V.I.P. -from aristocracy- for the mob, nobody will. Do not let them take it from your hands.

What they take is freedom. Simple like that. Don't let them do it. Instead, do it yourself.

If you fly from Auga to Kourmonen in your Rifter and meet again the usual 30+ Abaddon-Guardian heavy Amarrian blockade fleet, fly through and greet them on local with a "too slow Amarr". You might not be able to fight them directly, but you make the difference. Don't wait for someone to take it from your hands. Instead look out for people who are like you, join them, build a community, come back together and send them home to their clone bays. Salvage the remains.

You make the difference, warrior.


Alica Wildfire
Industry Network
#4 - 2011-09-15 12:19:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Alica Wildfire
Dear Log,

reading todays news I found the Human Scam Shield Organisation, based in Gallente space to protect people from scammers by going to buy the stuff before some braindeads can hurt their wallets. They were making a huge fundraising effort to do this.

Human shields against scam. That's a Gallente idea, I say.

If there would not be so many braindeads around, we'd suffer less scam. We suffer a dumming down. And that's not because people actually get genetically dumber. It's because to be smart is uncool. Every media star, every music starlet, every model we see on the media is not prominent for their smarts. They are prominent for all other things but smarts. Often people fill up hours on broadband media by being exceptionally stupid.

And that makes an example to follow.

Where are the talkshows with lots of interesting and intelligent people? But it's not all because of the media. The media shows only what's fact. It's because our teachers are not selected by the grade they are able to teach their pupil or by the level they can inspire their audience. They get selected by the grade they fit into the system.

And so a lot of uninspiring people, be a bit less polite say dead boring people have the job to thrill our youngsters with the idea how wonderful it is to ask questions, to watch our world, to discover new things. To just watch and find things out. To learn. To see and understand the wonderful world around us.

Instead they get tests and notes. And this puts them under stress or under discouragement. And even if they learn something in school, like solving differential equations for example they just do that. They do not understand why they do it. And what they can achieve by doing this. They do not understand the why, just the how. And this in a boring detail obsessiveness that has nothing to do with the reason why this is all so important to know. Important to know besides the next test and the note they get for it.

We live in a fully industrialized society. And in this everything gets rationalized until it's so entmenschlicht -dehumanized- that nothing has any sense anymore. Creative work get's down to turning some screws. Friends and families get down to short messages and notes we post on social networks. Time gets scheduled until we don't have a minute anymore. We shorten the time for school for our kids to make them earlier productive. Instead we put additional learning time into the afternoon, in the evening hours they solve their homework, then they sleep until they raise again and go again to school.

Playmeetings have to be made to free some time for them to be "free" and "creative". Or whatever. They of cause can't walk to those meetings anymore because in our global society they need cars to do so. And their play partners are exact on their level of intellect and age to be a perfect match.

Everything is about rationality. Nothing is about freedom. Nothing is about inspiration. About the wonders of this world. We can't show them this because it's not scheduled. We would have to stop and stand for a while to watch and see. A while to understand. But that's against the system we are in.

That's why less and less kids start playing an instrument and if they do, everyone expects them to be great musicians one day who are able to get a decent paycheck from this. "Why do you want to be a musician?" I once asked a kid. "I want to be famous."

He didn't say: "It's fun. I share this with my friends, when we are together." No.

And you ask yourself why society is dumming down? Why scam is this loud on all market hubs?

Because it's the system, I say. Let's break it.

Join the Gallente League of Human Scam Shields.


Rek Jaiga
Teraa Matar
#5 - 2011-09-15 12:24:40 UTC
Yes! Glad to see you're back; your logs are always an interesting read!
General Stargazer
The Bastards
#6 - 2011-09-15 13:27:50 UTC
As always, a pleasure to read.
Alica Wildfire
Industry Network
#7 - 2011-09-16 07:54:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Alica Wildfire
Dear Log,

thank you very much for your best wishes. And I do my part and get better every day now. Yesterday was the first day I was able to walk without crouches again and the clonetech said that my interface shall work again - not perfect but it'll do they said. So I was in TakComs with pilots of my corporation to talk about how to best destroy Amarr Navy Slicers.

The F.I.A. pilots were able to shoot down two of them solo during the last days, which was the reason that I used coms to congratulate the pilots and to ask how they achieved that. After a bit chatter about the incidents they showed their specification of ship setups that they used for it and I frowned: "What? You used 200mm Autocannons? 125mm would have been better."

I never tried it out in practice but by destroying Amarrian ships with this knowledge, I totally trusted the results of my scientific calculations on this. And those calculations had the result that in any situation of infight of a frigate against a frigate or something smaller than that the 125mm is way better delivering the packages than the bigger cannons do.

Cetegus Morr disbelieved this. So it came that we both found us in Rifters around a moon in Alakgur. A few minutes later Cetegus had to reconsider the setups of all his ships. The fight had a clear outcome.

And the lesson of a fight like this is, that science is your friend. There are many things that you should distrust. But a formular that has proven to work many many times is something you can trust. And you can hold on better than on a god or any other from of superstition or wish how the world should be. Science wins.

Science shows us how the world is. And not how we would like it to be. So we would like to use bigger cannons and we expect to do more damage with them. But the world is more complicated than the bore of a barrel, measured in millimeter. Several factors like agility and that also have to be considered. And people always try to make their world easier than it is. So take a look into science - and win. It's a mighty tool to deal with complicated things - like this world. It's a better thing than to pray and pretend that the world is how it should be. This is what the Amarr do. And it's causing suffering and defeat.

After that one of the veterans asked about the outcome of the battle. I said: "Science has won. Like always."

That's all that has to be said about that. Join the winning team - join science. Join the punks.


Alica Wildfire
Industry Network
#8 - 2011-09-17 06:51:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Alica Wildfire
Dear Log,

the ever ongoing disputes on the IGS between Minmatar and Amarr about slavery and if the Minmatar are brutal by nature and if slavery is just newly flashed. While I stopped to participate in such disputes I see it from the humoristical side of view. If a race like the Amarr is doing so much about profiling themselves as a thankful target they should not act surprised if someone is taking them for it.

But the Amarr are not the only ones that deserve to be slapped around with a bit trout all day.

Yesterday a small milita patrol of three Firetails and a Thrasher spottet a pirating Maller. It was of cause a bait because that's the only thing a Maller is good for, proud example of Amarrian technology. But that a hand full of frigates get hotdropped by capitals by Pandemonic Legion is something worth mentioning, I think. To aggress the bait wasn't a smart move either. But not smart is one thing. Capitals on frigates to get one kill is an other. That's poor and it's escaping my sense of understanding.

Pandemonic Legion! I don't get it. Have you been drinking spar varnish?

Once PL was an important force in the battle about zerospace but I didn't know that they new relay on ganking frigates with their capital fleets to get one or two kills a day. Can't they do something useful with all those ships? Like slapping CVA around with a big trout? CVA is a nice target and is profiling themselves as that on the IGS all day. You won't regret it, PL. Even if you are ot part of this slavery-antislavery thing you will admit that they are so wonderful loud when they get slapped around.

I just say I was a bit disappointed to hear them use such tactics.Tactics I am only used from the lowest pirates, those who camp the Amamake Pator Tech School station with capitals all day to kill the green pilots that fly to that station to get their Energy Management skillbook and things like that. Pilots who do such things usually are unable to do anything else to get a decent kill.

A warrior should keep himself some pride and ethics what he does and what he does not. Not for the public opinion about him. He should not care about public opinion. It's for himself, because the important thing is that he should to learn to respect himself. Because if he achieves this, his friends will respect him and his enemies too.

If he fails to gain his self-respect he just drops into the void of the lowlifes. And there he will achieve nothing. He is losing to be a warrior there. He's becoming a bloke with a gun in a dark corner. And his carcass will once be eaten by rats or just disposed into the next stinking channel.


Maximillian Triton
#9 - 2011-09-18 05:02:26 UTC
Well said Ms. Wildfire.

"One can never escape the glaring light of destiny, no matter how dark the hole they crawl into" ~ Commodore Maximillian Triton

Alica Wildfire
Industry Network
#10 - 2011-09-18 13:38:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Alica Wildfire
Dear Log,

I'm recovering faster and faster now. Still all joints hurt when used but the mobility comes back and while I reject to use unnecessary painkillers, the level of pain slowly declines so that moving around is easier and easier from day to day. Still it's a lot of more fun to get ripped apart in a Rifter than to stand up from a chair.

But I participate in the world around me more and more, now with my regained freedom. For example we launched an experiment. Some new recruits of the F.I.A. were asking if it is a good idea to join the Red versus Blue corporations that have each about 500 members and are fighting a permanent war against each other in the vicinity of Jita.

It's a kind of educational combat training program for young pilots and while we have not too much influence on the new recruits anyway we have given this experiment green light. Maybe something useful is coming from that. We were disputing this and most people said, that the only true way to learn combat is to join the Militia, go out and fight for the cause and rip the aggressors apart. Everything else can not be counted as true battle. Besides our own training program has been extensive and effective in past. Of cause most of it was executed by very few pilots, one of my duties was to do that myself for example.

But RvB is shredding a lot of ships on a daily base and military consultants are supervising the fleets. So many basic maneuvers can be learned there. We'll see on our new recruits if the training is good or if the circumstances are too pampered to be useful in militia warfare. Some say: "If you want to shred ships, go to RvB, if you want to learn battle, join the Militia." Don't know if this is true.

I'm watching this experiment with huge interest. Alas the standard of the fittings of the shredded ships on their killboard database is not looking any useful to me as a small dampener to the expectations. But on the other hand there were coming some very nice small unit tactics from pilots who earlier have joined them and have reported good things.

More about RvB


Alica Wildfire
Industry Network
#11 - 2011-09-19 07:15:40 UTC
Dear Log,

the Pandemic Legion forces in the warzone have some history and are heavy interfering with the ongoing war. They just hang around with their capital and more than that their supercapital fleets, wait until Minmatar brings something that's worth to fire the jumpdrives and hail destruction on the fleet.

It's not so much fun to fight with ten or twenty plaintech ships against several dozens of supercapitals and not one less carrier which support them. So it's no wonder that the Amarr are gatecamping unmatched in heavy Abaddon/Guardian fleets. The suppression on our side is suffocating.

Well we go nevertheless and kill Amarr where we can find them. That's what's our style and we have been fighting the largest Empire in New Eden even when we were unarmed slaves. So Pandemic Legion is just an other obstacle to freedom. They can't defeat us. Not even with their supercap fleets.

I found a comment about the typical fight against them from a militia pilot: "Baiting Maller. You point it, in comes an Archon. Someone points the Archon, in comes a Nyx. Guess what happens if somebody is infinipointing the Nyx?"

I checked the battle statistics and while it's serious, it's not too bad for Minmatar either. Even with their heavy capital fleets in backhand they get ripped apart often enough to count some losses. We are now facing the Amarr and PL. Still we're fighting. Still we're killing them. I have no idea why PL is supporting the slavers.

Like always we're with our back to the wall. That's where we fight best.

I have just this fantasy that the next time PL is fielding their supercap fleet somewhere in this universe an equal shark is sniffing blood and raining destruction on them. That would be fun and a day for celebration. It's not that we suffer from them or that I personally have any bad feelings. We had to face CVA fleets before and unequal encounters is nothing new for the Minmatar Militia. It's more that there are enough pilots out there that like to get a yummy supercap fleet.

And that I like to see carnage. Fleets are there to be destroyed. Not to pose for green pilots that want their Energy Management skillbook from Amamake Pator Tech School. The ultimate destiny for any fleet is the junkyard.

There it belongs to. And hopefully it was useful before it gets there.


Thgil Goldcore
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#12 - 2011-09-19 07:31:23 UTC
I hate to break it to you Alica, but the Pandemic Legion fleet is in this for the jollys. They shoot at just about everyone, Amarr or Minmatar alike... I have the kills to prove it!

Still, if thinking they side with the Empire makes you want to kill them all the more... I can't say I have a problem with that.

Rek Jaiga
Teraa Matar
#13 - 2011-09-19 11:36:15 UTC
Thgil Goldcore wrote:
I hate to break it to you Alica, but the Pandemic Legion fleet is in this for the jollys. They shoot at just about everyone, Amarr or Minmatar alike... I have the kills to prove it!

Still, if thinking they side with the Empire makes you want to kill them all the more... I can't say I have a problem with that.

Confirming that Pandemic Legion are third-party irritants. If they have a choice between chasing down an Amarr-loyal pilot or a Minmatar-loyal pilot, they just cyno in more carriers and assign fighters to both.

And misdirected hatred is not good! Alicia, if PL were working with the Empire they wouldn't just gatecamp. They'd gatecamp while broadcasting the hymn "God Our Lord and Protector" in local. Imagine that while warping away in pod!
Alica Wildfire
Industry Network
#14 - 2011-09-20 07:00:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Alica Wildfire
Dear Log,

well the latest news tell me that PL indeed doesn't only go after Minmatar, they destroy Amarr fleets as well.

The only thing I have to say to this is that I hate it when civilians interfere with a serious war. This can spoil every honest carnage. But I guess I was right when I said that the destination of every ship, every fleet is the junkyard. And that this is the place they belong to. And the only thing to divide the good fleet from the bad fleet there is if you can say about the good fleet she was useful for something.

While Pandemic Legions supercapital fleet is good for nothing on our battlefield, every loss they suffer will land their ships in the hell of hulls. Means it's a senseless loss. I'm waiting for the first Nyx to bite the dust. And I'm waiting too for the moment I am allowed from my doctor to participate in real battle again to do my share.

Damn I would kill a Nyx in a Rifter if I had to.

On the Red vs Blue front there had been the first encounter. It was not so much activity like I hoped because the first attempt to dock off in a Thrasher ended in a Rupture waiting on the dockingspot with 720mm artillery. I spent a whole lot of time on communication lines to explain why you never fight on docking points, why it is so important to have dock-off-bookmarks ready to warp to. How different ships use different angles to drift from the station and how you can try to get a dockingspot camper.

It's very difficult, simple said, and it's nothing for a rookie combat pilot. If you deal with someone who knows what he does. So my final advice was to get away from the damn docking spots and fight at gates or anywhere else.

And before anything, use communications. So just ask around on the corp channels if there is going anything on. I guess this is the most important lesson. Well, all this I have told my friend. All this should have been told by a officer of RvB. Which didn't happen and which is one of the reasons I think that you don't really learn to battle there. You just learn to shred ships.

But let's be a bit patient and wait what the further training produces. I learn from this very much even by watching from distance. Mainly I learn what kind of mistakes an officer can make. Which is more or less my job in the F.I.A. Really funny that not many other are keen on shooting newbies to shreds. Because that's the fun part of being a drill sergeant. You fight the newbies and if they learned a lesson -how not to be shredded- you pull an other card from under your sleeve and shred them again. This is especially fun with Gallente pilots, believe me.

In my experience every newbie who is figthing during my lessons is after some hours so gung ho of rage (because of card up the sleeves) that he would even go and suicide Chribba's carrier at Jita. But -well- they are ready for combat after that. You put them into a ship, give it a soft push into the direction of the enemy and better keep yourself behind them.


Alica Wildfire
Industry Network
#15 - 2011-09-22 06:53:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Alica Wildfire
Dear Log,

yesterdays log was eaten (again) by the forum. You must not put more work into a posting than 10 minutes or it will be eaten by CONCORD. Well in short I have been a guest speaker for Fish'n'Fun, a corporation I have some personal relationships to. I was giving a lesson about fitting ships, about all kind of tanks and that and how to make an idea, a strategy work on a ship.

After that I answered questions. It took three and a halve hour, what was planned as thirty minutes.

I sent a emissary into the ranks of RvB to give those of the FIA that want to test it some support. Yesterday his appliance was accepted and they tried our luck. But on the first evening they were not finding many targets and when they finally found some they were too heavy for the three of them and they lost their ships.

It's just not a good idea to attack a Vengeance when you don't have any serious firepower in fleet or to attack a fighting Rifter with nothing like a pseudo-Interceptor Rifter. Nevertheless he almost got the bastard. But alas I can understand my emissary -he just wanted to see blood- finally.

There was no training, just some veterans killing newbies mostly. That evening no fleet was building up. That's what I expected.

It was nothing like what we send our green pilots through when we school them for battle. But I told my emissary to use the situation and get some kills. There are not so many active pilots on the Red side like you would expect. So it's quite easy to analyze their tactics and ships and come up with some fine ideas how to shred them.

That will be the task for the greens that participate now.

Well there are some "neutral" corporations or alliances that have declared war on RvB so that it's a bit complicated to divide between "correct" targets and "hostiles". Those hostiles are the usual types of lowlife smacktalkers and I don't care about them. You have no problem ignoring their stupid dockingspot-games with halve hour smacking after they have blown a week old pilot out of his Slasher by having a working dock-off spot.

They'll try to ignore those people and wont give 'em a fight if they can. How sad is that, I ask? If I look at that it's more honorable to sit in a smartbomb battleship like a brain-dead on the Rancer route. Which is so brain-dead that I get headaches and blood dripping from my nose from imagining that alone.

PS: A sad news. I just learned to fly Caldari Cruisers on a level that allows me to fly Drakes. I hope I never will. I hate that flying bricks. But we were cleaning up some corp hangars and the ****** things were lying around everywhere and somebody had to move them. What? MESSAGE?! Certificate for being a Caldari Elite Soldier?! A Caldari Elite Special Forces!? You can use those two certificates where paper is usually used in rolls. I don't want them.

Sorry, sorry, sorry, Matari Anchestors! I will bath in blood when I have to sit in this Caldari crap and wash away the stink. There's nothing like flying Minmatar ships. I see that others have to exist because it's a shame to destroy Minmatar ships. We definitely need some targets out there.


Alica Wildfire
Industry Network
#16 - 2011-09-22 10:53:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Alica Wildfire
Dear Log,

two entries on a day. I'm so sorry. But there are going some things through my mind, I like to share with you. You know that I often talk about battle, flying fast ships, philosophy, being Matari and arts, especially music and how this is all connected.

I'm just studying some fiddle tunes and there's going something through my mind where I have no answer for. If you study the ancient Matari tunes like I did over most of the last year, you find that instruments are played in a style that differs from the usual way that instrument is played.

Like the sound ideal for the fiddle is more like that of the Matari bagpipes so it's sounding different, is played different. It's not the clear "perfect" sound of those Amarrian pieces that we had to play when we were their slaves to praise their god. Amarrians do it right, they play it like it's designed. Not in Matari music. It's a bit noisy, often with double stops, means two strings or even more together, scratching sounds and way faster and more rhythm. It's kinda punk. Not with all that vibrato sugar swept all over the melodies, rhythms and tones until they are barely recognizable anymore.

So the fiddle played like the bagpipe, the guitar played like a banjo, the singers singing like something that isn't, highly ornamented so it's not sounding like a voice anymore but more like something like a strange string instrument, the Theremin sounding like a voice, the drums sounding like dancing feet, the whistle sounding sharp and full of rhythm and ornament a bit like the bagpipe but a bit clear like a flute too.

So nothing tries to sound just as it is. Nobody is just taking his instrument and playing straight forward. And if people do this, if a band is doing this together, everybody sounding like something special, they get congratulations for having such a clean or clear sound.

What does it mean? It does mean that nothing that exist is clean if you just take it. You have to take everything and put something from yourself into it to make it special. Some imagination, something from your own personality. Something that can't be done by anybody else but you. And then it's clean sound. At least in Matari culture.

As a Matari you try to become yourself. If you do this you get support from the community.

So next time you are in a fleet and you fly the Rupture, try to be a Vagabond. If you fly a Rifter, try to be a Claw. If you fly the Stabber try to be a Rifter. Do something special with what you can. Use your imagination. Don't go for standards. Think like: "If I'd be Merdaneth right now, what would I try? How would I fly this?" Or: "Very few are flying a Bellicose. Isn't there a way I can shine in this vessel and sound like a Typhoon?"

Is it allowed to fly a Rifter as if it was a a mix of a Punisher and a Crucifier? That's exactly what I do, by the way. And the sound I get is not Amarrian. The sound is very Matari, believe me. It has a sharp, scratching noise with the rhythm of exploding Amarrian hulls.

Make music whatever you do. Don't just play instruments. Make music.


Alica Wildfire
Industry Network
#17 - 2011-09-23 06:44:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Alica Wildfire
Dear Log,

I have not much to report but the memo I got from my emissary at RvB, which I will quote here:

Salute Comrade,

RvB got a wardec from EVE-University. We were waiting for them most of the time finally we launched an attack into their main system at Aldrat. We had a nice fleet with 48 ships, not more than a third with battleships and battlecruisers, the rest support and only very few Caldari EWAR or logistic with us, guess people don't like to fly that crap.

When invading their home system they first hid inside the station and we had to wait for them for a good while. A solo Drake was undocking to see how the weather is and it got so hailed that it almost instantly popped.

Then their main fleet undocked, estimated 109 ships, not counted their plethora of logistic remote repairers, with heavy BS/BC, Logistic and swarms of EWAR Griffin frigates. It was what we expected. We as the aggressed stood our fight, even outnumbered 2:1 and outgayed something like 7:1 the evolving battle will be remembered as the "Opening slaughter of Aldrat".

Even under those unhealthy circumstances for us we parted from them with 43 kills to 36 losses. Yeah, they wiped almost our fleet and I lost my brave Rupture "Revenge" that I built around your specifications due to heavy primary fire of a shitload of battleships and crappy "launch de mizziles" Drakes.

It was a messy battle with EWAR frigs everywhere and every time one popped another took over. Not that alone there were so many frigates that it was like fighting against bunch of flies that found something… interesting. And everytime I thought: "This thing is going so down now", it got remote repair from somewhere and broke off. Fighting this swarm in my Rupture I was after about halve the fight not able to follow the orders for primary fire anymore (range, circumstances and my personal chaos with that hunting frig swarm) and tried to shred them instead, which is more or less the job of a Rupture in a situation like that. But the damn remote repairers took all the fun out of it. So finally I found myself kiting about ten frigates behind me, always shooting the ones that were coming too near until I pull them out of remote repair range to get a chance to shred them.

I managed that. And was in that moment on turn to be primary, tackled by a Merlin which I wasn't able to suck dry in time. My Rupture didn't survive longer than a few seconds. I got out in my pod, reshipped and am ready for the final execution of EVE University now. The weekend battle will show.

The battle was hilarious and besides our wipe we count it as one of those unforgettable historical battles from our history that were won even if all the Matari died during the fight.

You can check the battle on EVE-University battlereport site, Aldrat, 2011-09-22 around 20:00
Death to the aggressors! Freedom for the Teapot!

Yours Dian

P.S. send me more money, your 35 millions are already gone


Alica Wildfire
Industry Network
#18 - 2011-09-24 07:00:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Alica Wildfire
Dear Log,

not much to report but on the RvB front the great retaliation fleet of RvB was not encountered by the EVE-Uni fleet, which instead decided it was a good day to help Chribba on one of his POSes. Which ended for them sitting on a station in lowsec, camped in by a fleet of sixhundred, I've been told.

While the RvB fleet of equal size waited for them over halve of a day.

Because ammunition in barrels get stale after a time of not using the fleet decided to erase the POS of EVE-Uni in their home system. It didn't happen much that evening what was a bit disappointing because the war has been brought by them to RvB. A Drake drifted out of their POS field and evaporated.


Boring. At least one of the crappy things less. I hope I have more to report when the POS that's shot in reinforcement will come out. RvB left a lot to repair anyway for there was a lot of stale ammo that had to be put in a stable situation. They've told me when you put a candle into the POS now that there are so many holes in it that the light shines into the universe like a laterna magica. Projecting changing pictures and scenes of beauty, of cruelty, sex and tackiness…
and a fat Chribba sitting on a Veldspar asteroid, laughing.

One of my musicians has composed a short symphony for that incident that ends with the destruction of an electric guitar through a very small, controllable and almost totally harmless for your health nuclear explosion. But wear the protective sunglasses and the paper bag during the concert. Enjoy!
It's called "Symphony for an electric guitar and a critical mass of uranium".



Alica Wildfire
Industry Network
#19 - 2011-09-26 10:00:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Alica Wildfire
Dear Log,

the RvB war against EVE-Uni ended with a sudden because their POS went down. There had been a few clearing statements between the two parties and while of cause we all strive for peace it was a very nice bloody war going down the drain, which made a lot of people angry and frustrated.

For the moment the war is over. Bugger.

So there's not much to report, dear Log. But you know that I'm reading a lot and following disputes on the IGS and elsewhere. And is found some funny conflicts between people when one starts to call the other a troll.

You may ask yourself: "What's a troll?"

And some might answer: "That's the people that are whoring for attention."

But everybody who writes something tries to say something interesting. Something important. Something that's putting weight into a dispute. Everybody is looking for attention. What's different with a troll? First of all it's never that easy. Most likely if you call someone a troll you are trolling yourself. Because what most people forget about dispute on the IGS and elsewhere is that what's counting are arguments.

When no arguments come but the things said are only repeated in an endless manner, or just "no it isn't like that"'s are following some real arguments, without showing some arguments themselves, it's most likely that you have met a troll. A troll is not interested in solving a problem or disputing an argument.

A troll just wants to talk. Or wants to be right. Without the need to bring arguments for that. Without the need to fire up some neurons.

Of cause the art to be "right" in a public argument is an other thing where you can divide the troll from the honest partner in a dispute. The honest partner can be exhausting and he can make you mad sometimes. But he's playing fair. He's giving arguments, he's not putting bald lies to support his point of view.

Please read the Art of being Right to avoid these tricks yourself and disclose the tricks if your opponent in a dispute is using them against you. If that happens, most likely he's a troll and you should not talk with him at all. The complete article of the 38 Tricks is sadly not available in galactic standard but just in a Sebiestor dialect. "The 38 No-Gos." Makes me think a bit why this is only available in Sebiestor dialect. Why nobody else cares about the true Art of War with tongues. Especially not the Amarr.

Because there's nothing to win. A dispute is happening between two people as a method to find the truth. If not both sides of the dispute are interested in finding the truth but one side is only interested in "winning" the argument, you should not talk with him at all. Because there's nothing coming from that.

In science disputes happen often and happen with much emotion. But in a serious dispute both parties just want one thing: finding the truth. So they might argue against each other but they in reality pull at the same string. Only fight with people who are fighting like that.

This is an important lesson for all those out there, dear Log, who want to become a true warrior. Find your motivation for battle. Fight for your right cause. But do not fight for the cause, always fight for the right. The one leads you to suffering, the other to enlightenment. Because "the cause" is never changing, it's the dogma. The "right" might change like the world changes around you. And it might change when you discover that the enemy has a true point in the thing for which he is fighting.

So the "right" might not be the victory. The "right" might be the compromise.

A troll does not do this. Stay away from trolls. You can disclose a troll not on his looks. Not if he's ugly or fair. You can't say if it's a troll or not if he's popular or not. There have been a lot trolls that were popular. In fact most of them are. Because to "win" arguments in public disputes by using a smear campaign is very popular. To make the intelligent look bad is even comical.

But just for the trolls and their kind. The rest will be disgusted.

The troll is often even not the one with the different argument. Often enough it's the other side of the one without arguments and a lot of tricks and the mindless minions that lick his boots and yell: "He's right! Yeah, suck that!" So take a sharp look yourself. Don't fall for what "everybody" thinks. Watch the arguments and the way of argumentation. The way of war. This discloses the troll, nothing else.

The way a fight is fought tells you much about the warrior. Many just fight "for the win". Like Gatecamping with twenty ships to kill a lone Industrial, smartbombing at Rancer or whatever. But that's wrong. It's the win of the loudest, not the best, the true. That's the way a troll is fighting. My advice to you, dear Log, to fight for the truth. And be true while fighting. This makes you a true warrior. And those who have their eyes open will see it. A win of a troll doesn't count. A fight with a troll doesn't count and changes nothing.

So try to avoid fighting with trolls and people who just do everything "for the win". It's lost time.

Fight where it matters, with people that matter.


Alica Wildfire
Industry Network
#20 - 2011-09-27 12:06:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Alica Wildfire
Dear Log,

last day I've told you a lot about trolls. But I often forget that you may not be familiar with the Matari culture and what a troll is.

It's on the one hand just a mythological figure and may be meaningless for most as this. But it's on the other hand a symbol for the wrong kind of life you may chose. A life outside of the community. A life outside our culture. A life outside taking social responsibilities and a life of stagnation and backwardness. The trolls are symbolizing the ancient times before the Matari culture was forging us together to a sturdy community of steel and blood.

It's life without the civilization. A life without ethics. Without anything beyond maybe a very closed sense of family, the direct offspring. It's the life of animals.

And this is the sort of troll we fight on forums. It's the sort of troll we fight out in space. It's a symbol of what we can become if we don't take care about us and our kind.

Some say the Ammatar are kind of trolls. They have lost what it means to be Matari. But I see that as a too limited kind to view the things. There are ancient songs about a troll woman that tries to become a Matari again by marrying a Matari clansman. But even while she offers him great treasures he finally rejects her bidding.

Not because she is ugly.
Not because she is a troll.

But because she is without culture and doesn't want to belong to the culture but only wants to exploit the virtues of the community by the marriage. It's her selfishness he rejects. The true warrior does not act out of selfishness. He acts out of truth-fullness. And this means he is noble. The only nobleness we Matari accept and strive for is the noble of deed, the noble of spirit. You can't buy that. You have to sacrifice yourself for this.

Keep that in mind, warrior.

Not the noble of blood, which is without meaning. We reject if someone tries to become noble by blood, by marriage. Like the Amarr way who claim to be superior by blood. Born superior.

Be true in the fight.
Be true in the shadow.
Be true in the light.
Be true in your mind.
Be true to the trolls.
Be true to your kind.
Be true.


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