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swap T3 5% with CS 3% link bonuses

Lili Lu
#41 - 2012-04-03 02:44:01 UTC
Joyelle wrote:
Artemis Ahab wrote:
It's really the combination of factors that makes it unbalanced. Mobility + nigh improbability + higher boosts and all with a lower training time is kind of ridiculous. If isk wasn't a factor with supercaps what makes these people think it's a factor with T3 link alts?

Super capitals have specific roles and were meant to be expensive right from the get go which was why isk wasn't a considerable factor during the balance discussions. The only problem with said super capitals was that it filled more roles than intended. T3 links, on the other hand, is working as it should be. It would be simply uncalled for, if CCP made T2 ships better than T3s at everything.

Tech III alt tears. Lol It's coming.

CCP is saying - no it hasn't been working as intended. So, don't give a rat's ass what you think.

Just wish they weren't so glacial in recognizing and changing these unintended consequences with introducing new stuff to the game, even when warned about it. Tech III obsoleting tech II ships, Drakes Tengus and Heavy Missiles for a very long time topping kills by a huge margin, Technetium bottleneck, etc. Seriously, they need to get faster at fixing **** ups or things that are out of balance.
Shadowbane Syndicate
#42 - 2012-04-03 03:51:02 UTC
Not sure how helpful on grid-boosting is when how you have to do is a little grid -fu. Don't know what that is you say? Google it...

Oderint Dum Metuant

Shadowbane Syndicate
#43 - 2012-04-03 03:52:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Aralieus
Double post

Oderint Dum Metuant

Jack Miton
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#44 - 2012-04-03 05:22:41 UTC
Aralieus wrote:
Not sure how helpful on grid-boosting is when how you have to do is a little grid -fu. Don't know what that is you say? Google it...

it's also an exploit, gw.

There is no Bob.

Stuck In Here With Me:

Down the Pipe:

Muad 'dib
State War Academy
Caldari State
#45 - 2012-04-03 05:54:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Muad 'dib
why are people discussing on grid boosting when this thread as got FUnK ALL TO DO WITH FUnKING ON GRID BOOSTING I DO NOT GIVE A STINKING RATS ASS ABOUT ON GRID BOOSTING.

The difference is by swapping the boost levels of the t3 and the CS you FORCE people who want the better boost to WORK for it, they DO NOT need to on grid to get them but they WILL need to keep them safe while moving etc

christ you people are annoying can you not read a single damned post.

omg swap t3 and cs boost levels LETS SPAM ABOUT WEATHER OR NOT THEY ARE ON GRID..... sigh

Cosmic signature detected. . . . I got 99 likes, and this post aint one.

Artemis Ahab
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#46 - 2012-04-03 16:19:25 UTC
Joyelle wrote:
Artemis Ahab wrote:
It's really the combination of factors that makes it unbalanced. Mobility + nigh improbability + higher boosts and all with a lower training time is kind of ridiculous. If isk wasn't a factor with supercaps what makes these people think it's a factor with T3 link alts?

Super capitals have specific roles and were meant to be expensive right from the get go which was why isk wasn't a considerable factor during the balance discussions. The only problem with said super capitals was that it filled more roles than intended. T3 links, on the other hand, is working as it should be. It would be simply uncalled for, if CCP made T2 ships better than T3s at everything.

Like titans tracking AB cruisers with XL guns? And supercarriers raping everything on the field?
Ho, waaaii...
Jorma Morkkis
State War Academy
Caldari State
#47 - 2012-04-03 16:57:17 UTC
Muad 'dib wrote:
why are people discussing on grid boosting when this thread as got FUnK ALL TO DO WITH FUnKING ON GRID BOOSTING I DO NOT GIVE A STINKING RATS ASS ABOUT ON GRID BOOSTING.

The difference is by swapping the boost levels of the t3 and the CS you FORCE people who want the better boost to WORK for it, they DO NOT need to on grid to get them but they WILL need to keep them safe while moving etc

christ you people are annoying can you not read a single damned post.

omg swap t3 and cs boost levels LETS SPAM ABOUT WEATHER OR NOT THEY ARE ON GRID..... sigh

Currently it takes fully skilled prober in CovOps with Sisters gear and full Virtue set to find your Tengu. If they swap those you don't have to boost with your Tengu. Ever heard of Fleet Command Ships?
#48 - 2012-04-03 18:15:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Joyelle
Lili Lu wrote:
Joyelle wrote:
Artemis Ahab wrote:
It's really the combination of factors that makes it unbalanced. Mobility + nigh improbability + higher boosts and all with a lower training time is kind of ridiculous. If isk wasn't a factor with supercaps what makes these people think it's a factor with T3 link alts?

Super capitals have specific roles and were meant to be expensive right from the get go which was why isk wasn't a considerable factor during the balance discussions. The only problem with said super capitals was that it filled more roles than intended. T3 links, on the other hand, is working as it should be. It would be simply uncalled for, if CCP made T2 ships better than T3s at everything.

Tech III alt tears. Lol It's coming.

CCP is saying - no it hasn't been working as intended. So, don't give a rat's ass what you think.

Just wish they weren't so glacial in recognizing and changing these unintended consequences with introducing new stuff to the game, even when warned about it. Tech III obsoleting tech II ships, Drakes Tengus and Heavy Missiles for a very long time topping kills by a huge margin, Technetium bottleneck, etc. Seriously, they need to get faster at fixing **** ups or things that are out of balance.

I'd like to know the T2 ships that are being made obsolete by their T3 counterparts. It's also sad that you can't figure out why heavy missiles are topping most kill mails. You definitely aren't informed.

Artemis Ahab wrote:
Like titans tracking AB cruisers with XL guns? And supercarriers raping everything on the field?
Ho, waaaii...

You might want to add some extra lines because I clearly don't know what your point is.
Shadowbane Syndicate
#49 - 2012-04-03 21:48:16 UTC
Jack Miton wrote:
Aralieus wrote:
Not sure how helpful on grid-boosting is when how you have to do is a little grid -fu. Don't know what that is you say? Google it...

it's also an exploit, gw.

This whole process is quite complex but not an exploit of game mechanics.


Like I said, this won't help as much as people seem to think it will. All it requires is a little determination and knowledge of game mechanics and on grid boosting can be just as effective as sitting off grid in a POS.

Oderint Dum Metuant

Artemis Ahab
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#50 - 2012-04-03 22:47:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Artemis Ahab
The point was, if something is OP it needs to be changed. Nigh unprobability, mobility, better bonus than dedicated T2 command ships. Pick two.

Edit fir clarification: if T3 boosters were made as vulnerable as command ships I could see only bringing the CS bonus to 5% and leaving the T3 bonus as is. As it stands now there is absolutely no reason to fly a command ship over a T3 booster. None whatsoever.
#51 - 2012-04-04 00:02:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Joyelle
Artemis Ahab wrote:
The point was, if something is OP it needs to be changed. Nigh unprobability, mobility, better bonus than dedicated T2 command ships. Pick two.

Edit fir clarification: if T3 boosters were made as vulnerable as command ships I could see only bringing the CS bonus to 5% and leaving the T3 bonus as is. As it stands now there is absolutely no reason to fly a command ship over a T3 booster. None whatsoever.

I'll give you reasons to fly command ships since you are new to the game. They are sleipnir, astarte, absolution, nighthawk, damnation, vulture and claymore... and guess what? you can buy any three of these for the price of one T3 so obviously, the reason you fly a command ship over a T3 booster is because one can't afford to acquire a T3 and it's easier to dispose a command ship ... same reason you fly a T1 over a T2 ship.
FT Diomedes
The Graduates
#52 - 2012-04-04 00:12:46 UTC
Joyelle wrote:
Artemis Ahab wrote:
The point was, if something is OP it needs to be changed. Nigh unprobability, mobility, better bonus than dedicated T2 command ships. Pick two.

Edit fir clarification: if T3 boosters were made as vulnerable as command ships I could see only bringing the CS bonus to 5% and leaving the T3 bonus as is. As it stands now there is absolutely no reason to fly a command ship over a T3 booster. None whatsoever.

I'll give you reasons to fly command ships since you are new to the game. They are sleipnir, astarte, absolution, nighthawk, damnation, vulture and claymore... and guess what? you can buy any three of these for the price of one T3 so obviously, the reason you fly a command ship over a T3 booster is because one can't afford to acquire a T3 and it's easier to dispose a command ship ... same reason you fly a T1 over a T2 ship.

That only makes sense if you actually plan to lose a ship. Which you never should with the current state of T3 off-grid boosters. Under the current game mechanics, there is no reason to use a CS as a booster. A more expensive ship that does a more effective job, which you never lose, is better than a cheaper ship you can lose.

CCP should add more NPC 0.0 space to open it up and liven things up: the Stepping Stones project.

Lili Lu
#53 - 2012-04-04 00:56:04 UTC
Joyelle wrote:
Lili Lu wrote:
Joyelle wrote:
Super capitals have specific roles and were meant to be expensive right from the get go which was why isk wasn't a considerable factor during the balance discussions. The only problem with said super capitals was that it filled more roles than intended. T3 links, on the other hand, is working as it should be. It would be simply uncalled for, if CCP made T2 ships better than T3s at everything.

Tech III alt tears. Lol It's coming.

CCP is saying - no it hasn't been working as intended. So, don't give a rat's ass what you think.

Just wish they weren't so glacial in recognizing and changing these unintended consequences with introducing new stuff to the game, even when warned about it. Tech III obsoleting tech II ships, Drakes Tengus and Heavy Missiles for a very long time topping kills by a huge margin, Technetium bottleneck, etc. Seriously, they need to get faster at fixing **** ups or things that are out of balance.

I'd like to know the T2 ships that are being made obsolete by their T3 counterparts. It's also sad that you can't figure out why heavy missiles are topping most kill mails. You definitely aren't informed.

Lol, post with your main, er, tech III alt, er ok post with your month and half old alt Lol

Yah, why me speek bout hevay missls i can't use? why they top of killboard, i keep sayin I don't know. me no know nuthin bout heavy missels, me you inform pleas, ok?Roll

Too bad you've already lost the tech III ship argument. Devs have spoken. As I said, only pita is it takes them so long to react to so many things that don't go as intended. But keep crying and posting counter arguments that make no sense, to keep your other alt in his tech III supremacy. It will surely work. If it doesn't I will Cry for you.
Artemis Ahab
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#54 - 2012-04-04 02:52:45 UTC
FT Diomedes wrote:
The point was, That only makes sense if you actually plan to lose a ship. Which you never should with the current state of T3 off-grid boosters. Under the current game mechanics, there is no reason to use a CS as a booster. A more expensive ship that does a more effective job, which you never lose, is better than a cheaper ship you can lose.

This. Also, field commands have their own issues, but we aren't talking about them right now. And yes, i'm so obviously new to the game because I happen to be NPC corp at the moment. Roll
#55 - 2012-04-04 03:32:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Joyelle
#56 - 2012-04-04 03:56:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Joyelle
@ FT Diomedes
are you asserting that t3 boosting ships can't be found and killed? Lol
one shotted boosting t3
If my noob corp can do it ... .A command ship won't go down in one shot and would be simply ignored until the end of the fight in most cases.

@ Lili Lu
Your comment has a **** ton of rant which clearly shows that you really have an idea of what you are talking about. Please, do come back when you are back to your senses and for the record, I'm not arguing with anyone here. I'm expressing my thoughts and anyone is free to relate to it however they deem necessary or move on.

@ ahab
didn't you know? that anyone in a NPC corp is a noob. *shocked*
Jerick Ludhowe
Internet Tuff Guys
#57 - 2012-04-04 13:58:04 UTC
Was stated at fanfest that things are not working as intended. Fleet Commands are supose to be specialized towards the role of Fleet Boosting, T3s are not...

From what I was able to gather the current idea proposed by ccp is to decrease the bonus value t3s get to links, and increase fleet commands. T3s will however get link bonuses to 2 or 3 types of links, instead of just 1 like the fleet commands.

Ironman Inc.
#58 - 2012-04-04 14:33:08 UTC
Muad 'dib wrote:
why are people discussing on grid boosting when this thread as got FUnK ALL TO DO WITH FUnKING ON GRID BOOSTING I DO NOT GIVE A STINKING RATS ASS ABOUT ON GRID BOOSTING.

The difference is by swapping the boost levels of the t3 and the CS you FORCE people who want the better boost to WORK for it, they DO NOT need to on grid to get them but they WILL need to keep them safe while moving etc

christ you people are annoying can you not read a single damned post.

omg swap t3 and cs boost levels LETS SPAM ABOUT WEATHER OR NOT THEY ARE ON GRID..... sigh

I think you are overreacting. The reason why people are talking about on grid boosting is because it will help the same way as swapping the bonuses.

1) Swapping bonuses. This will make people use more CSs if they want more better boosts. Exactly as you want.

2) On grid boosting This will also make people use more CSs as they can tank and boost at the same time. So the effect will be the same.

Both approaches has its drawback as one is more viable for small gang roaming, second for large fleet engagements.
Alua Oresson
League of the Shieldy
SLYCE Pirates
#59 - 2012-04-04 15:07:29 UTC
FT Diomedes wrote:
Joyelle wrote:
Artemis Ahab wrote:
The point was, if something is OP it needs to be changed. Nigh unprobability, mobility, better bonus than dedicated T2 command ships. Pick two.

Edit fir clarification: if T3 boosters were made as vulnerable as command ships I could see only bringing the CS bonus to 5% and leaving the T3 bonus as is. As it stands now there is absolutely no reason to fly a command ship over a T3 booster. None whatsoever.

I'll give you reasons to fly command ships since you are new to the game. They are sleipnir, astarte, absolution, nighthawk, damnation, vulture and claymore... and guess what? you can buy any three of these for the price of one T3 so obviously, the reason you fly a command ship over a T3 booster is because one can't afford to acquire a T3 and it's easier to dispose a command ship ... same reason you fly a T1 over a T2 ship.

That only makes sense if you actually plan to lose a ship. Which you never should with the current state of T3 off-grid boosters. Under the current game mechanics, there is no reason to use a CS as a booster. A more expensive ship that does a more effective job, which you never lose, is better than a cheaper ship you can lose.

There IS a reason to use a CS as a booster. Just because you have not thought of it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. The reason to use a CS as a booster is when you are running max sized fleets against each other. Large fleet battles you want your Booster ships where they can get reps. If not, you can be sure that someone will have a maxed out prober that WILL probe out your T3 booster and pop it.

I do agree that in small gangs a T3 off grid booster is effective, but don't make absolute statements unless you know all there is to know about a subject.

I Accidentally YourShip
Ronin ONE
Ronin Reloaded
#60 - 2012-04-04 17:26:50 UTC  |  Edited by: I Accidentally YourShip
Edit: Stupid post.