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Market Discussions

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Bitter Sea Trading - An advanced management tool aimed at market and industry.

Denu Vajet
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#101 - 2012-04-20 12:05:58 UTC
Is the profit/loss graph/report going to be implemented soon? Or should I have a bit more patience Bear
Keizai Inc
#102 - 2012-04-20 13:12:39 UTC
Denu Vajet wrote:
Is the profit/loss graph/report going to be implemented soon? Or should I have a bit more patience Bear

Haha, fairly soon - just fixing some rather glaring bugs with the reports suite :-).
Denu Vajet
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#103 - 2012-04-20 13:39:27 UTC
Kouryusei wrote:
Denu Vajet wrote:
Is the profit/loss graph/report going to be implemented soon? Or should I have a bit more patience Bear

Haha, fairly soon - just fixing some rather glaring bugs with the reports suite :-).

leth ghost
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#104 - 2012-04-20 15:15:33 UTC
will it have an out bid notification ?
Keizai Inc
#105 - 2012-04-20 19:02:19 UTC
leth ghost wrote:
will it have an out bid notification ?

I'm currently working on a flow for providing this sort of alert. :-)
Keizai Inc
#106 - 2012-04-21 14:33:37 UTC
Market campaigns will be here later today, here's a sneak preview (minus all the sexy graphs).
Kallie Rae
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#107 - 2012-04-21 15:35:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Kallie Rae
On the settings page i have this message:
"You currently cannot modify any of these settings, check back in a little while."
So looks like am unable to add a character.

Also, would be nice with some way of deleting your account/api data, can ofc just delete the api key, but my guess is that there still will be info left on the page, not a big deal though.
Keizai Inc
#108 - 2012-04-21 15:45:46 UTC
Kallie Rae wrote:
On the settings page i have this message:
"You currently cannot modify any of these settings, check back in a little while."
So looks like am unable to add a character.

Also, would be nice with some way of deleting your account/api data, can ofc just delete the api key, but my guess is that there still will be info left on the page, not a bit deal though.

You can still import a second character, ignore that message.

I'll add in the ability to delete your account or data. :-)
Keizai Inc
#109 - 2012-04-21 15:55:00 UTC
The ability to delete your account (along with all stored data), is now available to users via the settings overview. A logout option has also been implemented.
Kallie Rae
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#110 - 2012-04-21 17:03:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Kallie Rae
Another thing, on the setting page, importing new character, should add the link for the api, with the set checkboxes, as the one you get when you create the account, was gonna add a new character, but forgot the checkboxes i need :P

Edit: Also the "Change API Details" doesn't seem to work...
Keizai Inc
#111 - 2012-04-21 17:08:55 UTC
Kallie Rae wrote:
Another thing, on the setting page, importing new character, should add the link for the api, with the set checkboxes, as the one you get when you create the account, was gonna add a new character, but forgot the checkboxes i need :P

Edit: Also the "Change API Details" doesn't seem to work...

Good idea, I'll add that in!

And it doesn't work as it isn't yet implemented, working on that at the moment :-).
Kallie Rae
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#112 - 2012-04-21 17:23:35 UTC
Deleted my original api key, which i crated the account with, and when i try to make a new, and import it through the settings page, i just get this error:
This API key is already in use on our system."

And yes, i don't get any updated api info on the account any longer. Was thinking to delete the account and make a new one again, but got an error when trying to delete as well, hehe.
Keizai Inc
#113 - 2012-04-21 17:27:34 UTC
Kallie Rae wrote:
Deleted my original api key, which i crated the account with, and when i try to make a new, and import it through the settings page, i just get this error:
This API key is already in use on our system."

And yes, i don't get any updated api info on the account any longer. Was thinking to delete the account and make a new one again, but got an error when trying to delete as well, hehe.

Odd! Let me look in to this. Do you mind PM'ing me the API key that you're trying to use?
Bad Robot Trading Company
#114 - 2012-04-22 10:43:59 UTC
Kouryusei, i've sent you both an ingame and out of game mail about the website i paid you for. I still havnt heared anything back from you. Im starting to feel alittle bit concerned because i still havnt seen the prototype you said you would have for me last weekend. If your busy and unable to do the project, let me know. Otherwise could you please let me know whats going off.

Thank you.
Keizai Inc
#115 - 2012-04-22 12:58:54 UTC
Edenfalls wrote:
Kouryusei, i've sent you both an ingame and out of game mail about the website i paid you for. I still havnt heared anything back from you. Im starting to feel alittle bit concerned because i still havnt seen the prototype you said you would have for me last weekend. If your busy and unable to do the project, let me know. Otherwise could you please let me know whats going off.

Thank you.

Response sent to you quite some time ago, please check your spam filter.
Keizai Inc
#116 - 2012-04-22 14:20:20 UTC
Latest Metrics

Active Accounts: 1331
Assets Tracked: 474,653
Contracts Tracked: 10,289
Cumulative Balance: 1,931,702,716,607.45 ISK
Journal Entries: 140,324
Orders Tracked: 110,586
Transactions Tracked: 569,184
Keizai Inc
#117 - 2012-04-22 20:44:50 UTC
You can now create an alert to notify you when an industry job completes.
Bad Robot Trading Company
#118 - 2012-04-22 22:25:45 UTC
Kouryusei wrote:
Edenfalls wrote:
Kouryusei, i've sent you both an ingame and out of game mail about the website i paid you for. I still havnt heared anything back from you. Im starting to feel alittle bit concerned because i still havnt seen the prototype you said you would have for me last weekend. If your busy and unable to do the project, let me know. Otherwise could you please let me know whats going off.

Thank you.

Response sent to you quite some time ago, please check your spam filter.

The last mail i recieved from you was on the 15th, and nothing after that. I've checked my spam inbox just incase, but nothing on my end has been recieved. Have you been posting to the correct address? - Could you mail me in game instead with the update?


Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#119 - 2012-04-24 13:18:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Barakach
This is what I see for the NAV report
5,347,237,714.23 ISK 6,001,699,998.48 ISK 1,383,348,848.49 ISK 8,419,794,364.22 ISK 21,152,080,925.42 ISK

The escrow on the page has been in the 1.3b range for quite a while now and I've been below 1bil for a few days. I think it's only just now back up to 1bil.

Eve marketeer claims my assets at 3,560,939,095, not 5.3b. Not sure which is correct, but just letting you know.

Your site has been claiming 8b in sell orders for a while now also. The last few days EveMentat has had me under 6bil. While I can't be fore sure because of corp sell orders, my guess is Mentat is the correct one.

I'm at work. I can get you my API stuff, but I won't be able to get you exact numbers until I get home as these are mostly from memory.

Also, I only have access to the NAV the ore calculator. It says I don't have access to any widgets, which makes the site nearly useless to me. Is there something I'm missing?

P.S. I do SQL/Reports/C# for a living. While I only work with MS-SQL, other SQL engines are mostly dialect differences.
Lauren Hellfury
Super Happy Awesome Fun Times
#120 - 2012-04-24 15:56:31 UTC
May have missed this, but is the app out of closed beta. Yet?

Just picked up an android phone and looking for things to stick on it

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