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Poseidon-style safespots: Can you still make them within system confines?

Substantia Nigra
Polaris Rising
Goonswarm Federation
#1 - 2012-03-28 02:07:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Substantia Nigra
Does anyone know whether it is still possible to make Poseidon-style deep safe spots?

I realize that you cannot get out beyond a certain distance from the edges of the system (?10AU) but am wondering whether the warp-quit-reboot dynamic still works within the available space. I tried last session and it did not work, but I was in unfamiliar w-space with a frigate … so did not have a suitably cumbersome ship for the job and did not have the option of swapping.

p.s. For those who don't know what i am talking about here's what used to be done .

I guess I am almost a 'vet' by now. Hopefully not too bitter and managing to help more than I hinder. I build and sell many things, including large collections of bookmarks.

Zircon Dasher
#2 - 2012-03-28 03:29:19 UTC
Not that way no.

Now you land on the spot you were warping to and THEN warp off to the e-warp location.

Nerfing High-sec is never the answer. It is the question. The answer is 'YES'.

Gerrick Palivorn
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#3 - 2012-03-28 03:39:26 UTC
The Poseidon Style Safes were 'dealt' with by CCP a while ago with a fix that you land at your destination and then warp to the emergency safe. There are other ways to make deep safes, abandoned fighters can be scanned down to get safes beyond the d-scan range of any celestial, in essence pocket safes. If you aren't in a WH the same effect can be accomplished by jumping through to a cyno (either by bridge or jump drive) and if the cyno goes down before the grid loads you will appear at a random (I think there are 4 set spots in each system) safe spot in system. Also clone jumping to a rorqual will get you a good safe as well.

Good luck and hope that helps.

MMOs come and go, but Eve remains.  -Garresh-

Substantia Nigra
Polaris Rising
Goonswarm Federation
#4 - 2012-03-28 04:29:41 UTC
Thanks. Not what I was hoping to hear, but thanks all the same.

Given that I can't do what I was hoping to try (and yes, I just landed at the destination when I ran the old poseidon method) I'd appreciate any thoughts on how I might, or might not, do what I want.

My 'problem' is a small w-space system where the planets are all over one side. I was wanting to try setup some safe spots out in the empty half of the system. Even the old sig/anom spawn BMs I have don't extend far into the empty half and every in-system location I seem to have access to is within easy DS of every celestial. Not much good for hiding :-)

Previously I'd have just poseidoned towards the sun and then built on that, but now??

I guess I am almost a 'vet' by now. Hopefully not too bitter and managing to help more than I hinder. I build and sell many things, including large collections of bookmarks.

Ikra Atarm
The defenders of Greyskull inc.
#5 - 2012-03-28 06:53:27 UTC
In nOrmal space (k-space) probing down missions can lead to some pretty sexy safes I have an 150 au one no such luck in wh space so go with a cloak for hiding
Substantia Nigra
Polaris Rising
Goonswarm Federation
#6 - 2012-03-28 07:08:21 UTC
yes, w-space sigs and anoms spawn within 10AU of celestials. I have a couple of old bookmarked sites in the empty half of the system and am working on extending them now. I don't have far to go b4 i am outside DS range of all celestials (and POSes), mebbe I will just leave a toon slowboating all day in the direction I need.

I guess I am almost a 'vet' by now. Hopefully not too bitter and managing to help more than I hinder. I build and sell many things, including large collections of bookmarks.

#7 - 2012-03-28 07:57:52 UTC
Incursions also give you a good supply of deep saves. I've only been able to take advantage of this once and didn't really check how far away from celestials they where, but purely on sight they looked pretty good.
Task Force 641
Empyrean Edict
#8 - 2012-03-28 10:19:29 UTC
Substantia Nigra wrote:
yes, w-space sigs and anoms spawn within 10AU of celestials. I have a couple of old bookmarked sites in the empty half of the system and am working on extending them now. I don't have far to go b4 i am outside DS range of all celestials (and POSes), mebbe I will just leave a toon slowboating all day in the direction I need.
covops with some overdrives cloaked overnight should do it. If you're sure the system is empty, use an intie :P

Not Flyinghotpocket's alt. At all.

Faction Warfare is like Fight Club. But with spaceships.

Gypsio III
Questionable Ethics.
Ministry of Inappropriate Footwork
#9 - 2012-03-28 18:30:24 UTC
You used to be able to add to the overview, bookmark and warp to the secondary suns in wormhole special-effect systems. Typically they'd be a few 10s of AU off in a random direction. Awesome deep safes and yeah, you could just chill at zero on a Black Hole. Cool

CCP nerfed it with the 10 AU change thingy a while back. You can't warp to any bookmarked secondary sun any more - all you can do is "approach" them.