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The new Reaper..

Kolya Medz
Kolya Inc.
#21 - 2012-03-28 02:49:21 UTC
The reaper looks like a caldari frig with a minmatar paint job. It was too bulky. Also, the back of the cockpit looked particularly un-minmatar, there should be a big hole with exposed machinery, or another plasma engine, not that square butt thing they put there.
Tribal Liberation Distribution and Retail
#22 - 2012-03-28 03:06:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Mechael
The new reaper really blows. It's totally not Minmatar. Way too smooth. I think Minmatar ships are by far the best looking ships in the game. They also seem to have a very Star Wars motif. Wires and panels hanging out, rough edges, hard lines, that kind of thing. The new reaper looks like a cracked out electric shaver, not very Minmatar.

The ships need to look hard, and sharp. Not glossy and smooth. They need to look hacked together, like the previous 10 pilots each re-routed all of the wiring towards some mysterious purpose, and now who knows how it really works but it sure as **** does.

Kinda like an old beat up car that no one can start but its owner. You have to kick it in just the right place before the sparks will fire.

Whether or not you win the game matters not.  It's if you bought it.

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#23 - 2012-03-28 03:44:51 UTC
Arlen Fehrnah wrote:

Also, I don't know how some people play the game really far zoomed out. I always like to have my ship close enough to see. I just couldn't play the game when everything is just a coloured square. I certainly didn't save up the cash for my Armageddon, just to give my green square a few more low slots.

I prefer more tactical view, that is why I zoom out. If my view is right on top of my ship, I can not see where groups of rats are or which group of rats is which, Overview is nice, but the best it gives me is the distances to each rat, if you warp in and you are surrounded by several groups of rats, you will want to zoom out to see the overall picture.

Of course if you get stuck on the asteroid or structure, you will want to zoom in to untangle your ship from the obstacle. Big smile

Life is short and dinner time is chancy

Eat dessert first!

Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#24 - 2012-03-28 04:19:37 UTC
Mechael wrote:
The new reaper really blows. It's totally not Minmatar. Way too smooth. I think Minmatar ships are by far the best looking ships in the game. They also seem to have a very Star Wars motif. Wires and panels hanging out, rough edges, hard lines, that kind of thing. The new reaper looks like a cracked out electric shaver, not very Minmatar.

The ships need to look hard, and sharp. Not glossy and smooth. They need to look hacked together, like the previous 10 pilots each re-routed all of the wiring towards some mysterious purpose, and now who knows how it really works but it sure as **** does.

Kinda like an old beat up car that no one can start but its owner. You have to kick it in just the right place before the sparks will fire.

Look at the Hurricane, then look at the Ravager in Kotor 2. Tell me, except for the command tower, its not the same ship elongated with a rust paint job.
Caldari State
#25 - 2012-03-28 05:50:52 UTC
Veneth wrote:
Shouldn't some Minmatar ships start to look.. you know.. NEW?

Caldari, Amarr, Gallente are developed empires with hi-tech factories funded by wealthy corporations.
Minmatar is a developing empire, poorer, more backward with lower-tech factories.

This is why Minmatar ships would not look as slick as the other empires.
Minmatar ship designs must be adapted to manufacturing in more backward systems with cheaper materials.
Overly slick finishings, smooth surfaces would
a)be troublesome to manufacture and maintain on more backward areas of the Republic
b)be expensive when the Republic has to save resources for priorities only


Arlen Fehrnah
Amarr Empire
#26 - 2012-03-28 13:46:24 UTC
Caleidascope wrote:

I prefer more tactical view, that is why I zoom out. If my view is right on top of my ship, I can not see where groups of rats are or which group of rats is which, Overview is nice, but the best it gives me is the distances to each rat, if you warp in and you are surrounded by several groups of rats, you will want to zoom out to see the overall picture.

Of course if you get stuck on the asteroid or structure, you will want to zoom in to untangle your ship from the obstacle. Big smile

I'm not saying zooming out is wrong or anything, just that I'm partial for eye candyP I do sometimes zoom out to get a quick look at where everything is etc. but I usually zoom back in afterwards. I also find manual piloting is easier when your zoomed in, which is handy considering the Orbit button is actually a secret "fly me into the nearest station/asteroid" button.

Oh, and Darthewok, if the Minmatar were that troubled by smooth surfaces, I would think making warp drives and nuclear bullets would be beyond them too. I mean, today we can craft curved/smooth surfaces from metal with ease, why wouldn't they in the future? I'm pretty sure building a shield generator is harder than making a shiny curved bit of metal.

Overall I like the Minmatar ships that actually have proper hulls, Thrasher/Cyclone/Rifter/Star Destroyer erm...Hurricane etc. It's just the flying scaffolding with sails look of some ships(old reaper) that look silly to me.

Hopefully redoing some of the ships will help draw more players in. I know several people who won't even try Eve because the ships look awful. I admit at first I disliked most of the ships myself, they just kinda....grow on you after a while.
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#27 - 2012-03-28 14:07:26 UTC
Sorry guys, I'm just venting because they're mutilating my Hound.

Except I lied, the new Reaper is still awful and I probably wouldn't have fallen in love with EVE to realize that I was actually in love with EVE and not just puppy love if it wasn't for rolling Minmatar and spawning in the old Reaper.

"To know the true path, but yet, to never follow it. That is possibly the gravest sin" - The Scriptures, Book of Missions 13:21

Sahara Uhuru
#28 - 2012-03-28 14:35:24 UTC
There are other Minmatar ships that don't look like they're made of rust and tape. And they look good.
So I don't see why it should be a bad thing to have others of those, as well.

Only to name a few of my favorite minmatar ships (favorite by their looks): Mammoth, 'cane, typhoon, fenrir.
For me non of those looks too much cobbled together but has a very unique minmatar look.
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#29 - 2012-03-30 11:53:29 UTC
Right, but the complaint isn't that the new Reaper doesn't look like 'rust and duct tape'. It just doesn't look Minmatar.

You don't need rust and duct tape to be Minmatar, but it does help.

"To know the true path, but yet, to never follow it. That is possibly the gravest sin" - The Scriptures, Book of Missions 13:21

Nano Rhinos
#30 - 2012-03-30 12:10:49 UTC
Christine Peeveepeeski wrote:
I like it too..

What I don't get is why people have to have racial similarity in ship designs.... because the model T Ford looks just like a Ford Mondeo doesn't it.

Old ships were designed quickly to perform the job, now the Minmatar have had a little time to actually polish the edges off. Nothing wrong with that at all. What would be cool though is that the models were all still in game so new ones were built with new model, old ones left with old. Too much to ask I know but still.....

Completely hijacking the **** out of this thread but this is a GREAT idea. In fact it would be downright awsome to have all the balance changes take effect like that too.

Meaning, for example, that their would still be Thoraxes with 8x Ogres running around somewhere in eve but so few of them they d cost you a pretty penny... or stealth bombers some with torps and some with cruise...

I wonder if they could even make new stats on modules take effect after the module had been removed from the vessel... As in having Nonaophoons still running around provided no one has touched the modules.

In some cases it would be a pain in the be you tee tee ... Imagine the price for a pre nerf built Titan after the nerf hits and after a could of hundred of the old ones have been killed :D :D :D

Ok I am not asking for this... just having fun thinking about the possibilities... I would LOVE to have a precision heavy Cerberus squirreled away from the time when they one volleyed the average AF or ceptor Bear

Not to mention the last 8xHS Geddon of pre stacking enrf glory!!!! ok I should stop this now...
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