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My Apology

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Amity Lane
Hek Mining Association
#261 - 2012-03-27 01:14:42 UTC
Bit of an interesting point now: if he doesn't resign (believing himself to be fit for purpose) he becomes a liar (having already said he's stepping down) which could potentially make people see him as being unfit for purpose.

Curiouser and curiouser.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#262 - 2012-03-27 01:14:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Jafit
I enjoy the misfortune of others in Eve, its one unified server shard does allow for the deepest and most delicious of drama. But like anyone else we who enjoy these things are, by and large, conciseness and moral people in real life.

If I were to learn that someone was seriously contemplating suicide over a game, I would do what I could to get them some help. However I can be amused in a case like this when someone sends a spergy rant over his ships getting blown up in which he threatens to commit suicide, because he's being an enourmous drama queen and is making a fool of himself, AS EVIDENCED BY THE FACT THAT THIS GUY IS STILL ALIVE AND DIDN'T EVEN REMEMBER THE INCIDENT!

The sad fact is that many people in this game can't seem to fathom that players who do bad things in a video game actually aren't bad people in real life, they can console themselves knowing that while their adversaries may kill them and scam them in a video game, that their a-moral ways will eventually lead to them being shanked in the shower bloc in prison, so you win after all! I find this attitude is comes across in the language and thoughts expressed by many of the usual anti-Goon/CFC posters. The big bad griefer king of space demonstrating that he is, in fact, human, does undermine some people's main mechanism for coping with the game. Which is very sad.

But it's interesting to see some of the pure bile directed towards Mittens, some comparing his drunken slideshow with vehicular homoside while intoxicated. Saying that being drunk is no excuse, while I think it's true that drunken words are sober thoughts, that doesn't mean he wants people to kill themselves over Eve, it means he and others are amused by drama queens who send spergy rage mails in which they say they're going to kill themselves when they're clearly not

In the end though you are not morally responsible if someone commits suicide, beats their wife, or kicks their dog because you blew their ship up or scammed them out of some isk in Eve. People don't commit suicide over internet spaceships, they do it because they're horribly depressed. It's a mental condition caused by an overall ****** life, it's simply not possible for a video game to take a happy well adjusted person and turn them into a suicidal wreck. If you find yourself getting too worked up over the game then I sincerely advise you to unsubscribe and reevaluate your circumstances..


Also kudos to all these brave NPC corp forum alts in this thread, you're the heros that the Eve-O forums deserve. o7o7o7o7o7m8m8m8m8m8m8m8
Tyrrax Thorrk
Guiding Hand Social Club
#263 - 2012-03-27 01:14:52 UTC
Mr M wrote:
Tyrrax Thorrk wrote:
10.7 bil, that's one damned lucky suicidal guy

Only 10.7b? That's not much.

it's over 100 hours of doing incursions (if you're just using a single account anyway)

I could barely stand to do 6 hours of that awful grind before I quit it forever, so I'd say that's a lot, especially considering none of this really hurt the "victim" at all, the guy profited immensly and should count himself lucky.
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#264 - 2012-03-27 01:14:53 UTC
Xenuria wrote:
You said some unkind things about me at fanfest as well as on the radio show and after we got off air. You did not tell me to kill myself but you did call me a "***" and made fun of my disability.

You seem to only say sorry when their are consequences should you not say sorry, you let consequences dictate your actions rather than governing yourself with a sense of morality.

Is it possible for you to post without mentioning how screwed up you are? Just try to post something normal.

Oh right, autism.

I wish I had autism so I could tell thousands of strangers about it everyday. Wah? I'm autistic and my doctor won't get me my meds! Wah I'm autistic because Goonswarm hates me! Wah I'll never be a real girl or lose my virginity! I'll never know love! Wah my GPA! My autism! My strange!

Christ on a stick.
Silence iKillYouu
Girls Lie But Zkill Doesn't
Pandemic Legion
#265 - 2012-03-27 01:15:21 UTC
He's trolling u all ffs

EVE Mail me i dont check forums often.

Alexandra Alt
#266 - 2012-03-27 01:15:25 UTC
Tippia wrote:
Alexandra Alt wrote:
What worries me, and made me loose all my respect over your, regardless of your apology (which would be mandatory nevertheless if you were a responsable person, which you showed you are already, for that, aplaud) in my eyes, the eyes of someone like you, I like to party and get's Inebriated quite often, I would never, ever do so before presenting a panel to a bunch of people, strangers of close friends, it simply shows an utter lack of respect for the people who went to attend your panel and a huge lack of responsability, something you should have given your age and profession.
Why is it disrespectful and irresponsible to be drunk while presenting on a panel where everyone in attendance is expecting the people doing their presentations to be drunk (because that's half the fun of the panel)?

I'm really sorry if I think it's disrespectfull and don't agree with what you think it's fun...
DelBoy Trades
Trotter Independent Traders.
Stealth Alliance
#267 - 2012-03-27 01:15:28 UTC
Xython wrote:
I know, I know, it's far more fun to picture Mittani as this nefarious cartoon villain, twirling a handlebar mustache, but it turns out that Alex is just a guy -- a really awesome, very classy, highly intelligent guy, but just a guy.

It's quite clear you have a gay space boner.

Damn nature, you scary!

Helicity Boson
Immortalis Inc.
Shadow Cartel
#268 - 2012-03-27 01:15:42 UTC
Alexandra Alt wrote:
Helicity Boson wrote:

newsflash, EVERY human being is a douche when disinhibited. From preachers to popes, from kings to bums.

yes, you too have a douche inside when not being restrained by /nurtured/ social mechanics.

That's just human nature.

Actually no, you are wrong, or your sample base is skewed.
Actually many of my friends and knowns (as me) aren't actually douches, were overly joky, just more disinhibited to be a joke than normally.

No everyone is a douche inside, and being one is not human nature, that your education also, your education, your life experiences that's what makes your personality. The only difference is drunk, you quickly forget your ethical barriers and quickly become more transparent.

If your sample is skewed to your perspective, then I pitty you, for your drunking moments shouldn't be quite fun.

While I appreciate your view of man as a Noble Beast, all the things I've seen over the past 30-odd years seem to indicate that it simple isn't true.

The only thing that varies is how much control people can /keep/ while under the influence of materials that undermine societal conditioning.

We're still just monkeys, and monkeys can be very very cruel.
The Dark Space Initiative
Scary Wormhole People
#269 - 2012-03-27 01:15:45 UTC
Hm. I like alcohol and drinking with friends. But I don't drink on a daily, weekly, or even monthly basis.

Usually once after several "full moons" or "special occassion" (like family member's death or a major celebration). That's whereI get really drunk, but even as "really drunk", granted I will be walking all wobbily like a drunktard, I can still play console games really well, watch what I say, and aware of my decisions. I actually always test myself on how much I can get drink, and experiment on my motion control and my conciousness.

So, in my opinion, because a guy was drunk and someone said it, it is not an excuse. When you are drunk, more or less, it shows the nature of your personality, whether you want to show that "side" of you to someone or not.

So from what Mittani said, it shows him as a person and his views, whether he likes it or not, with intention or not, whatever the reason is, it is what he is. So there you have it, you seen the true side of Alex, not The Mittani.

When you drink, you drink RESPONSIBLY. So again, no excuse.

Mittani, I must ask you, whether I voted you or not, you are my representative for Eve-Online. I am offended by your action. Is apology enough? I think so, but you need to take responsibility on your actions whether it is intentional or not. Are you already taking action of your responsibility?

Do I think you need to step down? Personally, I don't know. I'll leave that to CCP's decisions. Whatever result, I will be fine with it as long you get some form of punishment.
Serge Bastana
GWA Corp
#270 - 2012-03-27 01:16:01 UTC
Deen Wispa wrote:
Alex- it's just a game. Spend more time with RL friends and family. All this metagamming stuff you do isn't worth the damage that it is taking on you privately, even if you wouldn't admit that publicly.

The recent events have shown that it's no longer a game for you. You've assumed and immersed yourself into the online persona that you have meticulously built up over all these years. And I think you should consider your priorities both in game and in life now.

Please consider stepping down. Not just for the game and the community but for your own welfare. For any human being to do what was done on Thursday really does show that it's no longer "just a game".

I'll give you the advice you maybe should have used on Thursday, take a break, step away from the game for a little while and get some space.

WoW holds your hand until end game, and gives you a cookie whether you win or lose. EVE not only takes your cookie, but laughs at you for bringing one in the first place...

Mandy Spencer
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#271 - 2012-03-27 01:16:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Mandy Spencer
The Mittani's way!!!

Real-Life HUGE screw up with a mild half cooked "Avatar Driven" apology. Grow up, being "drunk" is not an excuse for such an embarrasement.

You have been weighed, you have been measured, and you have been found wanting.

EDIT: The only real proper action course is resign,
Epic Ganking Time
#272 - 2012-03-27 01:16:06 UTC
XxTheKmanxX wrote:
Daviclond wrote:
Xenuria wrote:
You said some unkind things about me at fanfest as well as on the radio show and after we got off air. You did not tell me to kill myself but you did call me a "***" and made fun of my disability.

You seem to only say sorry when their are consequences should you not say sorry, you let consequences dictate your actions rather than governing yourself with a sense of morality.

What's your disability?

i believe it has something to do with posting

/assuming some kind of mental handicap. I hate it when people demand sympathy or a special status.

Signatures should be used responsibly...

#273 - 2012-03-27 01:16:08 UTC
Amity Lane wrote:
Bit of an interesting point now: if he doesn't resign (believing himself to be fit for purpose) he becomes a liar (having already said he's stepping down) which could potentially make people see him as being unfit for purpose.

Curiouser and curiouser.

That's why I said I believe that he's made up his mind (at least according to what I know is happening on SA atm).
Today is a p sad day in goonwaffe history.

-- -.-- / -.-. .-.. --- -. . / .. ... / - --- --- / . -..- .--. . -. ... .. ...- . / - --- / ..- -. -.. --- -.-. -.- / ... - --- .--. / .--. .-.. . .- ... . / ... . -. -.. / .... . .-.. .--. / ... - --- .--.

Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#274 - 2012-03-27 01:16:11 UTC
The Mittani wrote:
Insert backpedaling
I like it how your where smug as **** until this blew up
Joe D'Trader
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#275 - 2012-03-27 01:16:16 UTC
DelightSucker wrote:
The Mittani wrote:
You're not a valid subscriber, you're a NPC alt. The opinions of NPC alts don't count for anything.


Im sry but i believe this statement more then you apology

They are not mutually exclusive. If someone feels so strongly about it, why use an NPC character?
Krixtal Icefluxor
#276 - 2012-03-27 01:16:23 UTC
Shere wrote:
Sure is a lot of pubbies venting frustration that GoonSwarm has the chair by blowing something way out of proportion. Give me a break, every single one of you self-righteous morons has said something disparaging or hurtful to someone in this game. Anyone saying otherwise is full of it.


Helping your case....


"He has mounted his hind-legs, and blown crass vapidities through the bowel of his neck."  - Ambrose Bierce on Oscar Wilde's Lecture in San Francisco 1882

Pampers Toralen
#277 - 2012-03-27 01:17:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Pampers Toralen
I for one welcome this news writing this in a sound state of mind mitten's has got to go not really what has been said parse more how he has tainted CCp's name, game, and brand.
I watch it all live even the CSM table the filth that was coming from his mouth was disgusting and he is quote KING OF SPACE end quote you as a player of eve and a very well known person the chairman of the CSM should know better your living playing in the public spotlight.
As a person after shadow of death burned in fire was looking and speaking with goon's to join this is why I didn't post with an alt I wanted you guys to know who I am.
Watching the fanfest online and I can quote CCP GUARD this,is a family show and yet the foul drabble still fell out of his mouth just to finish did a corp mail go out for ever single goon to spam this thread as every last on of you are troll's

My 2 cents
Princess Nana
#278 - 2012-03-27 01:17:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Princess Nana
JamesCLK wrote:
Ideally, I'd love to see Alex keep going as the Chairman of the CSM; but I do think he's made up his mind about this.

With any luck and by the letter of the law CCP will act and it will not be his choice to make. The line was crossed.
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#279 - 2012-03-27 01:17:34 UTC  |  Edited by: L00B
Xenuria, fight it all you like, but your return to irrelevancy has been complete since Saturday.

Jade, all I can hear when you talk is the monetization of your 15 minutes in the form of commercials that you can't even seem to find voice acting for. Once you get on the other side of a dollar from people, you're no longer in it for the game, but your own personal gain. Go spacewhore yourself out on your own website.
Akai Kvaesir
Itsukame-Zainou Hyperspatial Inquiries Ltd.
#280 - 2012-03-27 01:17:47 UTC
I would just like to clarify (for those who haven't had problems with depression) that telling someone you are suicidal, especially to an anonymous stranger (as 99% of EVE players are to each other), is not an attempt at attention, but a cry for help. Telling someone, even a stranger, that you would like to kill yourself is not something you just say nonchalantly. It takes a lot to confess such a painful and personal problem. EVE is full of attention-whoring, and you Goons are the masters of it (which is an art in its own right, and while I hate you for it, I gotta respect the talent), but threats of suicide aren't equal. You never know how serious someone is when they say they want to commit suicide, but you NEVER TAKE THE CHANCE. Life is precious, no matter your religion (or lack of one), politics (or lack of one), or morals (or lack thereof). That he is alive and well is wonderful, but IT COULD BE DIFFERENT THE NEXT TIME. This is a big deal, not because he really did kill himself, but that the CSM (who happens to be The Mittani) advocated players harrassing him into ACTUALLY KILLING HIMSELF. This is not so much about The Mittani (tho he admits he is an unrepentant *** ingame, which I also respect for the RP factor [and screw all the RP haters, flame on doughboys]) but about the CSM as representative of the community, and the Chair being the face and voice of said CSM.

Frogblast the Vent Core! When the W'rkncacnter came, Pthia was killed, and Yrro in anger, flung the W'rkncacnter into the sun. The sun burned them, but they swam on its surface.