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EACS - Jump Clones; Corp Update; Alliance Creation!!!

Alacta Lithia
Carniffles Corp
#1 - 2011-09-10 17:11:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Alacta Lithia
Estel Arador Corp Services – Spreading the Love
Est 2008.12.03

Arrow EACS Jump Clone Service

  • Total Pilots Served: 54,858
  • Station list: List of Stations
  • QuestionAccept applications generally twice per day.
  • QuestionFREE

Arrow Alliance Creation and Corp Update Service

  • Create / update corp to 12600 members
  • Corps Updated: 82
  • Corp Creation: 20
  • Alliances Created: 99
  • QuestionAvailable: Immediately
  • QuestionFREE, Corp updates carry no charge. If we create an alliance, you are required to pay the 1bil for Concord.

Arrow Faction Boosting Service

    We no longer offer the Faction Boosting service.


Alacta Lithia
Carniffles Corp
#2 - 2011-09-10 17:12:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Alacta Lithia
Estel Arador Corp Services – Spreading the Love
Est 2008.12.03
Previous Thread: Old Forums

Original post by Estel Arador
Ownership Transfer: 2010.10.16
Estel's Sale Thread
(Business As Usual)

We have expanded our services to offer additional benefit to the community.

Arrow EACS Jump Clone Service Jump Clone Service

Are you tired of grinding missions for weeks on end just to get enough standing to create a jumpclone?
Can't afford to pay a service 5 to 15 million isk for a simple jumpclone?
EACS has jumpclone-grade standings with 49 NPC corporations
and gives access to 1092 jumpclone facilities all over the universe.
That's 75 percent of all jumpclone facilities ingame!
The best thing? You can get access to these facilities at no cost at all!

Arrow EACS Alliance Creation and Corp Update Service. (12,600 Members) Alliance Creation and Corp Update Service

Why waste your time learning the skills required to update your corp to max members?
Why waste your time learning the skills to create an alliance?
EACS offer both of these services for FREE.

If you enjoy the service, please place a reply in this thread! EACS is a community service, taking up much of my time and resources. If you can afford it, please consider leaving a donation.
Donations can be sent directly to the corp: Estel Arador Corp Services
For more details on how the service works exactly, see the below posts or use the links above.

Feel free to contact EACS Manager (CEO of Estel Arador Corp Services) if you would like to make use of these services.
I am online most evenings between 18:00 - 21:00 eve time.
Question If you have a CSPA charge we might not respond, especially when higher then the default charge, under these circumstances you will need to convo us when we are online.
Question Should you have any restrictions in regards to starting communication or rejecting mail communication you will be required to start a convo and it will effect our service to you.


Alacta Lithia
Carniffles Corp
#3 - 2011-09-10 17:13:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Alacta Lithia
EACS - Jump Clone Service

Are you tired of grinding missions for weeks on end just to get enough standing to create a jumpclone?
Can't afford to pay a service 5 to 15 million isk for a simple jumpclone?
Then EACS is here for you!

EACS has jumpclone-grade standings with 49 NPC corporations
and gives access to 1092 jumpclone facilities all over the universe.
That's 75 percent of all jumpclone facilities ingame!
The best thing? You can get access to these facilities at no cost at all!
- - - -

Estel Arador Corp Services [EACS] is EVE's leading jumpclone service provider. Corp ownership changed on 16.10.2010 but will be run with the same principles which brought EACS its past success.

EACS revolutionized the jumpclone industry by offering a customer-oriented service unlike any seen before. Whereas other jumpclone services charge multi-million isk fees and only have limited locations available, EACS offers the service free of charge and in over a thousand stations. More than 10.000 people have enjoyed the service over the course of almost two years.

This service's guiding principle is "no hassle".
"No hassle" means:

  • Access to 1092 jumpclone facilities in 27 regions spanning all empires and even 0.0; wherever you are, there's one near you!
  • Apply anywhere! Just 'show info' on Estel Arador Corp Services [ticker: EACS] and use the "apply to join" button in the corp details window!
  • Stay in EACS corp for up to three (3) days; no rush in creating the jumpclones!
  • No fees except for NPC fees when creating the jumpclones; no corp tax so you won't lose any of your mission rewards!

This service is set up to be as easy to use as possible. In short, it works like this:
Step 1: Apply to join EACS. You do not have to send an evemail before or after applying, just apply.
Step 2: Wait for your application to be processed (usually within 24 hours).
Step 3: Create jumpclones at one or more of the 1092 jumpclone facilities across the universe.
Step 4: Leave EACS and enjoy your jumpclones!

How to search for the corp to apply
You need to look up the corp "Estel Arador Corp Services."
The easiest way is go to the People & Places (Alt+E), change the search type to Corporations. Then type in Estel Arador Corp Services.
Once the search is complete, you should see Estel Arador Corp Services, right click and go "show info".
You can click on "apply to join."

If you enjoy the service, please place a reply in this thread! EACS is a community service, taking up much of my time and resources. If you can afford it, please consider leaving a donation. Donations can be sent directly to the corp: Estel Arador Corp Services
For more details on how the service works exactly, see the next post.


Alacta Lithia
Carniffles Corp
#4 - 2011-09-10 17:14:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Alacta Lithia
How does it work?
You will be getting access to the jumpclone facilities based on the corporation standings of EACS, so you will have to apply to EACS. Once you've been accepted to the corp you can create jumpclones after which you're done and can leave the corp again. Here's a comprehensive list of what to do:

Before you apply:

  • Make sure you have trained the skill Infomorph Psychology; you will be able to create one jumpclone per level of this skill. The skill has no prerequisites and training it to level 2 or 3 (to get 2 or 3 jumpclones, respectively) will only take a short while. Of course you can train the skill up to 5 to get the maximum of 5 jumpclones.
  • If you are in a player corp, drop your roles by right-clicking your portrait in ingame chat and selecting the appropriate option. You will be able to leave your corp and join EACS 24 hours after dropping your roles.

Joining the corp and getting jumpclones:

  • 'Show info' on the corporation "Estel Arador Corp Services" ingame and apply to join using the button on the bottom right of the corp details window. You do not have to send an evemail before or after applying, just apply. Applications are usually processed at least once a day.
  • After your application has been accepted, go to a station with jumpclone facilities (listed below) and go to the Medical Bay. Select the 'jumpclone' tab and click the 'install' button. The NPCs will charge you 100k isk for this.
  • If you want more jumpclones, go to another station with jumpcone facilities and repeat the process. Often there are a few stations near eachother, making it easy for you to create multiple jumpclones in a short amount of time.
  • Leave EACS. Once you're done, you can leave EACS. There's no rush so take your time; you will have 3 days to complete the process. I will kick anyone who's been in the corp for 4 days. [/*]

If you've used the service to create a jumpclone and decide you want more jumpclones just reapply! It is no problem at all.

How to find the jumpclone facilities
In the below posts there is a link to a complete list of jumpclone facilities, sorted by Highsec, Lowsec and Nullsec, then alphabetically by system name.
The security rating is listed in brackets for each system.
There's always a facility near you!

Caution - Concord does not protect you from other corp members.

  • Once in EACS, beware that concord will not protect you against other corp members. We have all walks of life joining the corp temporarily for jump clone, so take precautions if other EACS Members are in your system, they could be active pirates, gankers, etc..
  • We will take action against any EACS Members that create any problems or reduce the services we offer, but if it is due to PVP you would have already experienced a loss.
  • For most this is not a major issue, as you can get all the jump clones you require relatively quickly allowing you to leave corp again. But if you plan to stay in corp as you still training, and be involved in any activities out of station, take precautions.

Jumpclone guide
Since jumpclones can be a difficult concept to grasp, below are the comprehensive jumpclone guides previously supplied by Estel, explaining everything from how they work and how to create them to using and even destroying them.

You can download the PDF guide from EVE-files in several languages: English (original, by Estel Arador), German (translated by Maglamoore Maraga) and Spanish (translated by Crassus Detlator).
As of Juli 2010, the guide has been downloaded over 10000 times.


Alacta Lithia
Carniffles Corp
#5 - 2011-09-10 17:14:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Alacta Lithia
A special thanks goes out to Estel Arador, for starting the corporation and service, offering it free to the EVE universe.

Additional to those who have previously helped EACS to expand across the universe, thanks to the contributions of Je'Nann, Contralto, and Incusus. If it were not for them, EACS would have access to just one third of these facilities. Special thanks to Incusus, who's been grinding missions specifically to cover EACS' holes in Caldari and Amarr space.

To those that support and use EACS, as without you it would be for nothing.

Useful Locations
Facilities near trade hubs:
    Jita: 3 in system
    Amarr: 3 in system
    Rens: 5 in system
    Dodixie: 2 in Eglennaert (2 jumps)

ArrowFor a complete list of stations: List of Stations


Alacta Lithia
Carniffles Corp
#6 - 2011-09-10 17:15:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Alacta Lithia
EACS - Alliance Creation / Corp Update Service

EACS is offering the following services for free:

  • Create / update corp details to 12600 members
  • Alliance creation

  • Currently have 2 characters doing the updates / creations.

    Corp Update Service

    1. Character joins your corp.
    2. You make character CEO, at which point the character will update stats.
    3. Transfer CEO back to you.
    4. Character will leave in 24 hours due to previous roles. (Or you can just kick character in 24 hours)

    The whole process should take less then 10mins, actually less then 5 mins.

    Alliance Creation

    Although the service is offered for free, you will need to pay the 1 Billion that is required to create an alliance.

    Feel free to contact EACS Manager (CEO of Estel Arador Corp Services) if you would like to make use of these free service, I don't always monitor my mails on my other characters.
    I am online most evenings between 18:00 - 21:00 eve time.


    Alacta Lithia
    Carniffles Corp
    #7 - 2011-09-10 17:15:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Alacta Lithia


    Alacta Lithia
    Carniffles Corp
    #8 - 2011-09-10 17:16:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Alacta Lithia
    Reserved for future use.


    Alacta Lithia
    Carniffles Corp
    #9 - 2011-09-10 17:16:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Alacta Lithia
    Reserved for future use.


    Alacta Lithia
    Carniffles Corp
    #10 - 2011-09-10 17:16:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Alacta Lithia
    Reserved for future use.


    Alacta Lithia
    Carniffles Corp
    #11 - 2011-09-10 17:17:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Alacta Lithia
    Reserved for future use.


    Alacta Lithia
    Carniffles Corp
    #12 - 2011-09-10 17:17:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Alacta Lithia
    Reserved for future use.


    Alacta Lithia
    Carniffles Corp
    #13 - 2011-09-10 17:17:41 UTC
    Reserved for future use.


    Alacta Lithia
    Carniffles Corp
    #14 - 2011-09-10 17:18:06 UTC
    Reserved for future use.


    Kristan Nvar
    Alternate Existence Expeditions
    #15 - 2011-09-10 18:10:02 UTC
    Joined Corp last week took 12 hours to join and was able to get all clones need at moment in about 20 minutes work.
    Thank you for great service.

    Told all my friends about it.
    The Hatchery
    #16 - 2011-09-10 18:11:57 UTC
    Applied, was accepted in 2 hours. Everything done in 5 minutes. Was asked to post here and actually did so because this definitely deserves a little thanks.
    Enoch Schuldenberg
    Imperial Shipment
    Amarr Empire
    #17 - 2011-09-10 19:11:19 UTC
    Great Service, much appreciated! Thank you!
    Svanhild Ellecon
    Sebiestor Tribe
    Minmatar Republic
    #18 - 2011-09-10 20:45:11 UTC
    Used service. Was not attacked by bear. Very pleased with results, 10/10.
    Modesty Blaise
    #19 - 2011-09-10 21:58:53 UTC
    Thanks for a great service. I have donated 500 k. A small sum but that is what I can afford rigth now since I am new
    Thanks again
    Sonya Mag
    #20 - 2011-09-11 11:59:51 UTC
    5 start service

    Thank you
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