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Fanfest: War Declarations

First post
Victoria Sefica
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#261 - 2012-03-26 10:06:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Victoria Sefica
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:

... the other guy immediately moved all to NPC corp, docked in station some of his -10 alts, the Orca is neatly somewhere but can't be scanned. That's the "PvP thoughness" and "act with consquences" they have to deal with.

Oh well at least corp hopping is being dealt... oh, wait... it's not on the priority list Roll, "we want to make it more hardcore"
Destiny Corrupted
Deadly Viper Kitten Mitten Sewing Company
Senpai's Afterschool Anime and Gaming Club
#262 - 2012-03-26 10:10:41 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
Destiny Corrupted wrote:

2. It's a POS "lite," which entails two things: it's going to be easier to manage, and it will be cheaper to run. Those two things are offset by increased weakness to attack. I think it's a rational tradeoff.

It's rational only if they allow research to resume after the war ends. Else even if the POS is cheaper and easier, you still get 80M damage per slot and up to 33 lost days per BPO, which is the real damage.

Well, it is kind of unwise to set 25-day jobs then, don't you think? Do it a few levels at a time, one for the really high-end prints. Some print types should probably have their timers lowered a bit, that I would have no problem agreeing with. This is still a risk/reward situation, however. You can choose to take a bigger risk and set a longer job, and reap a greater reward in the form of having to devote less time to lab management. Or you might not.

PS: yes I called them "griefers," but I put the word in quotation marks. "Carebears" aren't really carebears either; we simply need to utilize labels for the sake of simplicity in our conversations.

I wrote some true EVE stories! And no, they're not of the generic "my 0.0 alliance had lots of 0.0 fleets and took a lot of 0.0 space" sort. Check them out here:

Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#263 - 2012-03-26 10:13:12 UTC
Victoria Sefica wrote:
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:

... the other guy immediately moved all to NPC corp, docked in station some of his -10 alts, the Orca is neatly somewhere but can't be scanned. That's the "PvP thoughness" and "act with consquences" they have to deal with.

Oh well at least corp hopping is being dealt... oh, wait... it's not on the priority list Roll, "we want to make it more hardcore"

See, EvE does this thing wrong. In another PvP MMO I play, there's a skill called "champion challenge". Both attacker and attacked are encased in a palisade until one of them dies. Both risk their skin.

In EvE it's only neut RR blob vs 1, 100000% stacking of odds against somebody and similar. Sure it's so much Sun Tsu and stuff but it's so lame.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#264 - 2012-03-26 10:15:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Vaerah Vahrokha
Destiny Corrupted wrote:
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
Destiny Corrupted wrote:

2. It's a POS "lite," which entails two things: it's going to be easier to manage, and it will be cheaper to run. Those two things are offset by increased weakness to attack. I think it's a rational tradeoff.

It's rational only if they allow research to resume after the war ends. Else even if the POS is cheaper and easier, you still get 80M damage per slot and up to 33 lost days per BPO, which is the real damage.

Well, it is kind of unwise to set 25-day jobs then, don't you think? Do it a few levels at a time, one for the really high-end prints. Some print types should probably have their timers lowered a bit, that I would have no problem agreeing with. This is still a risk/reward situation, however. You can choose to take a bigger risk and set a longer job, and reap a greater reward in the form of having to devote less time to lab management. Or you might not.

PS: yes I called them "griefers," but I put the word in quotation marks. "Carebears" aren't really carebears either; we simply need to utilize labels for the sake of simplicity in our conversations.

No capital ship BPO goes below 27 days even with implants. This is for *1* research level (usually takes much more for 1 PE level) or for *1* copy job.

I am all it to get fractional research up, but till that date it's 27 days or die.

Edit: a solution would be to enforce capital research in low sec. It'd force people to mass go low sec and thus finally there would be a "motivator" to aggregate players.
"Force" would go against the freedom of a sandbox though. Exactly like forcing them into fake massive hi sec alliances to avoid decs.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#265 - 2012-03-26 10:15:16 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
Oh if only "having one" was it. No, you have to grind the standings, buy one and then to fill it, anchor the modules, buy the BPOs (read: return of investment is measured in YEARS) and copy them and they take up to 1 month and longer and if you are wardecced you'll lose about 80M per each lab slot per each POS, not counting the now quite expensive fuel expense that just got made vain.
…most of which are complete non-issues since you can easily work around them and/or are the cost of doing business. I keep repeating this because it's apparently so hard to grasp: want the POS, you get the wardec. Don't want the wardec because of what it creates, don't get the POS.

How many of the "new POS for everyone" users are going to bother with the above if they can be decced once a week?
How many accept it now? I think you've fundamentally misunderstood what they want with the plan you keep quoting for the simple reason that you keep omitting the key component: it's only for everyone who can accept the wardecs. People have been using POSes without the “or not“ bit for nearly a decade. Once this short period where “or not“ was available is over, peolpe will still be using them.

If the new type isn't to you liking for some reason, don't use it. If it offers some benefit over the current ones (and they will), people will use them for the same reason they use POSes now. All it is is a new option and a new choice to make. It doesn't change

With the new rules? Care to list those ways?
Work in shorter cycles. If they are not available, work in parallel with offsets. Or just figure out that what you're doing simply isn't a good or efficient way of using the BPO in question.

Too bad POSes exist and their disruption or destruction is more than "annoying", it's a setback of months.
Yes. That's the whole point of having both POSes and wardecs.

And once they tied it together? They have never never achieved anything final against viral spamming, they won't even catch a one time scan that can be refreshed every some months.
Ok, you completely missed what I was talking about. I'm talking about you doing research about the corps you're dealing with and tie the clues together to the point where you can easily spot the scam.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#266 - 2012-03-26 10:18:12 UTC
CCP Punkturis wrote:
you guys write many words Shocked

I've nothing specific to say though because I'm "just" a programmer, just wanted to post here because I noticed some people thought nobody from the team was reading this thread Cool

Btw, Punkturis, could you explain (or ask someone else on the team to explain) the whole “can only have one surrender negotiation in progress” part in more detail?

My first throught when I heard this was that it could easily be used to block other people's ability to surrender a war by tying up the aggressors with continuous negotiations that never really end.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#267 - 2012-03-26 10:31:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Victoria Sefica wrote:
Hm, wait I became a miner/industrialist in the first place because PvP didn't appeal to me, and I managed to play the game successfully so far
Oh, you mean those two things that are 100% PvP? Everything in this game is PvP because of its sandbox nature. It is pretty much inevitable when you put the two words “multiplayer” and “sandbox” together. In EVE, continuous, unavoidable, non-consensual PvP in its many forms is hard-coded into the game at every step of the way.

Ting von Amarr wrote:
Maybe because PVP is a part of the game, not THE game. Maybe because players can just love trading, crafting, researching ?
All of those things are PvP in and of themselves, and they also directly feed into, and completely rely on, destruction of assets through warfare.

Vladimir Norkoff wrote:
Xorv wrote:
Point me to the part of EVE's economy that has nothing to do with warfare and blowing stuff up?
P.I. resources > Fuel Blocks > Research POS > Fuel Block BPCs... regardless of whether or not there is PvP that cycle could continue indefinitely.
Ehm… let's see.

P.I. Resources → competition over resources.
Fuel blocks → competition over production facilities.
Research POS → competition over margins.
Fuel block BPCs → for what?

All of the things you've listed are competitive and all of them are part of, and feed directly into, the industry that feeds and lives on warfare. So that doesn't really answer Xorv's question — it has everything to do with warfare simply by being a part of the industrial side of EVE.

Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
The changes are going in because of YOUR whining. The others outsmarted the system and invented dec shields and the hi sec PvP CAREBEARS (notice how they are the SAME and lame substance of the non PvP CAREBEARS, i.e. stay tight in hi sec like a pu$sy) went to cry on the forums.
No. The changes are going in because people were exploiting parts of the wardec system to make themselves safe, and CCP got fed up with simply policing these exploits and instead coded them out of the game. The changes are going in because all assets are meant to be open to attack, especially the ones in open space, and because the old system made it possible to avoid the risks.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#268 - 2012-03-26 10:37:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Vaerah Vahrokha
Tippia wrote:
…most of which are complete non-issues since you can easily work around them and/or are the cost of doing business. I keep repeating this because it's apparently so hard to grasp: want the POS, you get the wardec. Don't want the wardec because of what it creates, don't get the POS.

Cost of doing business, have you ever tried to sell a product adding in such "costs"? Because nobody will give a damn if you had 3B of damage, your BP will sell for 2.5M exactly like everybody else's or it just won't sell.

But hey, don't worry we'll have some more lessons to explain that too. In the mean time I'll keep my safe niche in low sec and enjoy another super hyped Fanfest feature going well short of its planned success.

Tippia wrote:
Work in shorter cycles. If they are not available, work in parallel with offsets. Or just figure out that what you're doing simply isn't a good or efficient way of using the BPO in question.

Capital BPOs cycles can't be shortened, work in parallel would only save an average of 1 BPO reserarch over the total slots.

Figuring out is easy: this puts capital research / copy services in the exclusive hands of huge corps who can have a PvP organization able to defend their multiple POSes around, 24/7. The smaller BPOs yield like 30% of a capital BPO (save special speculation events and similar) and make a POS unprofitable.

So not only they won't get new players to set up "POS lite" but also the old owners are stuck with unprofitable asset and with tens of billions worth of now pointless BPOs, whose market will crash.

Tippia wrote:
Too bad POSes exist and their disruption or destruction is more than "annoying", it's a setback of months.
Yes. That's the whole point of having both POSes and wardecs.

The point of having everything stacked against someone unable to fight back? Hey even the non Einsteins in RL got it that not everybody is a Chuck Norris and thus Police and similar have born to protect the weak and the handicapped.
I suppose "EvE is real" is just real till it's convenient, right?

Tippia wrote:

I'm talking about you doing research about the corps you're dealing with and tie the clues together to the point where you can easily spot the scam.

Never had to deal with mafia?

Once somebody spotted the scam? I mean, they can racket at will and if somebody "spots the scam" they can just actually kill what that guy got.

I.e. racket 500 small corps for risk free money and the one that rebels gets quickly nuked to extinction so more 500 small corps will pay risk free money.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#269 - 2012-03-26 10:40:15 UTC
Tippia wrote:
Victoria Sefica wrote:
Hm, wait I became a miner/industrialist in the first place because PvP didn't appeal to me, and I managed to play the game successfully so far
Oh, you mean those two things that are 100% PvP? Everything in this game is PvP because of its sandbox nature. It is pretty much inevitable when you put the two words “multiplayer” and “sandbox” together. In EVE, continuous, unavoidable, non-consensual PvP in its many forms is hard-coded into the game at every step of the way.

A miner or industrialist have to fight PvP in 5-6 layers.
Glad to see you agree how an hi sec "PvP guy" is basically the one doing less PvP of all and actually acting as pure parasite.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#270 - 2012-03-26 10:43:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
Cost of doing business, have you ever tried to sell a product adding in such "costs"?
Yes. If you can't pay the costs, don't do the business (unless you're the philanthropic kind). It's no different than "if you want the POS, you get the wardec"

Capital BPOs cycles can't be shortened, work in parallel would only save an average of 1 BPO reserarch over the total slots.
…so, like I said, work in parallel with offsets.

The point of having everything stacked against someone unable to fight back?
Nice strawman. No. The whole point of having both POSes and wardecs is that you can disrupt and destroy them, setting people back by months (and billions).

Once somebody spotted the scam? I mean, they can racket at will and if somebody "spots the scam" they can just actually kill what that guy got.
…or get killed in the process and break off, once the target realises that pouring mony into these particular corps won't solve his problem.

A miner or industrialist have to fight PvP in 5-6 layers.
No. Just one. Just like everyone else.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#271 - 2012-03-26 10:53:39 UTC
Tippia wrote:
If you can't pay the costs, don't do the business (unless you're the philanthropic kind). It's no different than "if you want the POS, you get the wardec"

I heard Incarna did well with your model.
I also heard that adding more doors shut in face is the one way to promote Fanfest announced content.

Tippia wrote:

so, like I said, work in parallel with offsets.

Which would be? Self taught English is not my forte.

The point of having everything stacked against someone unable to fight back?
Nice strawman. No. The whole point of having both POSes and wardecs is that you can disrupt and destroy them, setting people back by months (and billions).

The whole point of having absolutely ZERO drawbacks at distrupting and destroying them is?

Tippia wrote:

…or get killed in the process and break off, once the target realises that pouring mony into these particular corps won't solve his problem.

- So they get the pew pew they wanted

- Whatever happens their potential losses are 1 order of magnitude less than the attacked corp. Even more evident if hiring a docking games guy(s), minimum risk vs maximum kills.

- The target understands that pouring money to them won't solve his problem. Oh yes. And then he can do... what? Let me guess, hire a branded merc corp (the attackers will just retreat because hey, they only want to shoot the short bus guys not to be fired back) or hire a crappy merc corp which will join the wardec train on that guy 1 week later, on their alts.
Destiny Corrupted
Deadly Viper Kitten Mitten Sewing Company
Senpai's Afterschool Anime and Gaming Club
#272 - 2012-03-26 10:55:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Destiny Corrupted
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
The whole point of having both POSes and wardecs is that you can disrupt and destroy them, setting people back by months (and billions).

The whole point of having absolutely ZERO drawbacks at distrupting and destroying them is?

The drawbacks are spending days organizing a siege, securing attendees, and then spending tens, if not hundreds of man-hours on a siege. On top of that, alarm-clocking the strontium timer is necessary, since otherwise all of that effort gets wasted.

Killing a proper POS isn't a one-button ordeal.

Hey Vaerah I have a question for you: if you're doing so damn well with your "safe niche in low sec," then why are you complaining about high-sec POSes? I mean if it's so safe, and so profitable, then others can just go out and do the same thing, right? Then all the scumbags will just sit around twiddling their thumbs.

I wrote some true EVE stories! And no, they're not of the generic "my 0.0 alliance had lots of 0.0 fleets and took a lot of 0.0 space" sort. Check them out here:

Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#273 - 2012-03-26 10:56:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Vaerah Vahrokha
Tippia wrote:

A miner or industrialist have to fight PvP in 5-6 layers.
No. Just one. Just like everyone else.[/quote]

Nope they have to fight to get their stuff at minimum cost, fight to extract what's missing (miner), be possibly ganked by other though guys merrily exploiting CONCORD anyway, then fight on the market to get their stuff sold. Fight on the market so that they get the best price for their POS fuels...

Let me list which kind of layers your guy in a catalyst has to fight: 1) Buy 2M worth of hull. 2) Get out and gank.

Destiny Corrupted wrote:
Hey Vaerah I have a question: if you're doing so damn well with your "safe niche in low sec," then why are you complaining about high-sec POSes? I mean if it's so safe, and so profitable, then others can just go out and do the same thing, right? Then all the scumbags will just sit around twiddling their thumbs.

Because as I have said and re-said including explicitly at you, I am not forcet to talk about ME.
I know in this era of humanity it seems almost nonsensical talking in defense of somebody else but I am illogical like that.
Kira Vanachura
Green Visstick High
#274 - 2012-03-26 10:56:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Kira Vanachura
Well, since the 2 biggest posters seem mostly interested in how wardecs affect POSs, I might as well join that discussion. I think wardecs are an important tool as they enable combat. What we are looking for imo is 'meaningfull' combat. At present meaningfull combat is most likely to occur if there is a wardec over a POS or CO. Other wardecs generally just result in griefing and people sitting in stations.
I think the wardec meganism would improve if it was just a POS-removal tool. You wardec a corp and once the pos is removed the war ends. That would also mean that you cannot get a wardec if you don't own a POS.
Alternatively wardecs can be removed from the game altogether. Just allow people to shoot at POSs and COs and if people want to defend, fights can escalate. No wars, just fights.

One of the issues why there is so little fighting over POSs is that free moons to anchor a POS are just not scarce enough (except near trade hubs). Perhaps it would be a good idea to remove all posses from 0.7 space, so POS space would be scarce enough to fight over.

The creation of all these small corporations so people can manage their own POS is the result of inadequate granularity in corp role management. I think CCP should fix that problem rather than let it affect how they design the new wardec system.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#275 - 2012-03-26 11:00:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Vaerah Vahrokha
Kira Vanachura wrote:

The creation of all these small corporations so people can manage their own POS is the result of inadequate granularity in corp role management. I think CCP should fix that problem rather than let it affect how they design the new wardec system.

... which is exactly what was the point of my first posts pages ago.

The wardec system is bound to fail, because the "1 player 1 corp to do anything" is nonsensical exactly like it's nonsensical to impose many people joining a corp before making POS management less incredibly clunky and impractical (read: so easy to corp steal all and impossible to limit access privileges).


When I was in a low sec / 0.0 PvP corp we still could NOT share the POS and had to do all sorts of gimnicks to keep it well separated off the corpies.
How can someone pretend people begin to "conglomerate" (to be able to defend under the new wardec system) when sharing a POS is an exercise of stupidity to begin with?
Ersteen Hofs
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#276 - 2012-03-26 11:10:53 UTC
This is a good idea, basically will increase NPC corp tax isk sink efficiency a little. Since all the war evaders will join NPC corps now...

Too bad it won't add any more targets (realistic ones I mean) for the empire deccerrs. But such is a life. You can't get something that does not exist in the first place (carebear pvpers that is). However, you can force out of existance that which does exists (carebear subscribers and their $$$ paid for accs), and that will be achieved easily. Good luck with that flawless business plan, CCP!
Remove Gang-Links
#277 - 2012-03-26 11:14:48 UTC
Tippia wrote:
[quote=Victoria Sefica]Hm, wait I became a miner/industrialist in the first place because PvP didn't appeal to me, and I managed to play the game successfully so far
Oh, you mean those two things that are 100% PvP? Everything in this game is PvP because of its sandbox nature. It is pretty much inevitable when you put the two words “multiplayer” and “sandbox” together. In EVE, continuous, unavoidable, non-consensual PvP in its many forms is hard-coded into the game at every step of the way.

This sums up Eve, the game is one big War Machine, everything feeds into PVP, directly or indriectly. All you here is bullshit carebears moan about ISK and there way of life in high-sec, pretty much everything in EVE is PVP.
Victoria Sefica
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#278 - 2012-03-26 11:31:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Victoria Sefica
Remove Gang-Links wrote:
Tippia wrote:
[quote=Victoria Sefica]Hm, wait I became a miner/industrialist in the first place because PvP didn't appeal to me, and I managed to play the game successfully so far
Oh, you mean those two things that are 100% PvP? Everything in this game is PvP because of its sandbox nature. It is pretty much inevitable when you put the two words “multiplayer” and “sandbox” together. In EVE, continuous, unavoidable, non-consensual PvP in its many forms is hard-coded into the game at every step of the way.

This sums up Eve, the game is one big War Machine, everything feeds into PVP, directly or indriectly. All you here is bullshit carebears moan about ISK and there way of life in high-sec, pretty much everything in EVE is PVP.

If only people had the good habit of reading through the last few pages (at least) of a forum thread before posting bull feces themselves. Roll
BTW, funny how the forums censor feces (latin for ****) but it doesn't do the same with bullshit Lol
Sunshine and Lollipops
#279 - 2012-03-26 11:33:45 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
Which would be? Self taught English is not my forte.
Week 1, start task 1 at site 1. Week 2, start task 2 at site 2. Repeat to fill available sites and slots.

The whole point of having absolutely ZERO drawbacks at distrupting and destroying them is?
What the hell are you talking about?

- So they get the pew pew they wanted
…a few times until their corp history is filled up with associative links that show what they're up to, at which point their plan has come to naught and they will no longer be able to extort any money or get any kills.

Nope they have to fight to get their stuff at minimum cost, fight to extract what's missing (miner), be possibly ganked by other though guys merrily exploiting CONCORD anyway, then fight on the market to get their stuff sold. Fight on the market so that they get the best price for their POS fuels...
Exactly. It's all fights, all the time, no layers inbetween what they do and the constant competition. Just like with everyone and everything else.

The wardec system is bound to fail, because the "1 player 1 corp to do anything" is nonsensical.
…except that one has nothing to do with the other. The wardec system will fail if no wardecs are being generated, or if only griefdecs are being generated — in the first case, it has failed because it managed to remove itself from the game; in the latter, it's because it doesn't actually change anything. If it manages to mix things up and generate new gameplay (and it will, simply due to the new rules of engagement that exist) then it will have succeeded. How people respond in terms of setting up their corps is of pretty much zero relevance.

Your complaint has pretty much nothing to do with wardecs.
Nomad I
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#280 - 2012-03-26 11:44:44 UTC
Destiny Corrupted wrote:
I typed this up quite a while ago, but I think it's as relevant now as ever:
Now comes the balancing part, and it's really simple: simply multiply the base bill by the ratio of characters in the entity that declares war versus characters in the entity that is declared upon. For example, if corporation A (50 members) declares war, and corporation B receives it, then:

If corporation B has 10 members, the bill becomes [50 * (50/10)] = 250 million ISK.
If corporation B has 50 members, the bill becomes [50 * (50/50)] = 50 million ISK.
If corporation B has 100 members, the bill becomes [50 * (50/100)] = 25 million ISK.

Now, what happens if corporation B has incoming wars from multiple entities? Once again, the answer is simple. Simply adjust the bill by the new ratio of total characters belonging to all entities that declare versus the total character count of the receiving entity. For example, let's say corporations X (10 members) and Y (40 members) join the hostilities by declaring war on corporation B. The base bill now becomes:

If corporation B has 10 members, the bill becomes [100 * (100/10)] = 1,000 million (1 billion) ISK.
If corporation B has 50 members, the bill becomes [100 * (100/50)] = 200 million ISK.
If corporation B has 100 members, the bill becomes [100 * (100/100)] = 100 million ISK.

This idea is superior!