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AFs and Web

Perihelion Olenard
#1 - 2012-03-23 18:08:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Perihelion Olenard
It occurs to me that even though this is a new character I could still be useful tacking with an assault frigate until I get the skills to pilot the larger ships well. This is PvP of course. I'm looking at the enyo and ishkur.

I have played Eve for several years before this, so I know about tactics and how to fit ships. However, there is one thing that bugs me. I cannot fit a web on either of these ships as they have only three mid slots.

My first fit takes advantage of the incredibly long range and tracking bonus on the enyo. These bonused small rails go almost as far as unbonused medium rails can with much better tracking. It can shoot and track at just about any range and doesn't need a web. Pretty versatile, but not the greatest DPS. Pretty decent against frigs.

My second enyo fit is meant for point blank range and gets under the guns of most ships. If they get a shot to hit my sig radius and tank will keep me alive. It has the mandatory MWD to get into range to tackle. Obviously I need a warp scrambler to scramble the enemy, provides two points, and shuts down their MWD. So many people fly with neuts these days so I'll need a cap booster. Besides, one is needed to run the tank. Unfortunately, there is no slot left for the web.

The ishkur has the same low and mid slot layout so the tank and utility slot layout is pretty much the same. It just uses drones to deal most of the damage.

How are AFs getting by without a web? Without it I won't do a great job of immobilizing the target. All three slots are taken up by more important modules. Of course the close range DPSers should have a web but it would be great if I had one as well.
#2 - 2012-03-23 18:29:51 UTC
Fleet tackle? Just get an inty >_>
If you're going solo you can fit a web to an enyo, kind of a ***** to fit properly but it can be done.
No range? No problem!   Join the Church of the Holy Blasterâ„¢ . A Hybrid religion.
Perihelion Olenard
#3 - 2012-03-23 18:55:24 UTC
An interceptor isn't really my style, though. I'd probably find it boring.
Deen Wispa
Caldari Tactical Operations Command
#4 - 2012-03-23 19:06:51 UTC
What Pulgy said. He hero tackles alot of stuff. I'm not sure quite sure how hero tackling Tengu pilots, sniping tornadoes at gates, and other unfathomable ships that the rest of the fleet can't do is considered boring.

You have to understand the limitations of the ship and your terms of engagement. If it doesn't fit the way you want and you've explored all options, then you have to move on.

BTW- if they have a neut, an armor repping Enyo will only survive for so long before it's neuted out so the point is moot.

High Five. Yeah! C'est La Eve .

Perihelion Olenard
#5 - 2012-03-23 20:03:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Perihelion Olenard
Look, spinning around in circles using a warp disruptor is not my idea of combat. I'm not going to do what I'm going to hate. This is a thread of webs on AFs, not going around in circles warp disrupting in an interceptor.
Caldari State
#6 - 2012-03-23 21:52:33 UTC
I usually use a nos in the utility high slot and a web in the mid slot. This works fine for me in frig 1v1s, which usually have a duration of seconds, not minutes. And it works fine against larger ships, where you don't take much damage once you get under their guns. In both cases, you often just use a few reps towards the beginning of the fight. And the nos is there to keep your tackle turned on while you're being neuted.

So that's my general answer. Of course it's much more complicated than that for various specific situations. I see cap boosters more often on dual-rep or shield boosting frigs.

Regarding inty vs. AF, well you'll be going in circles around the target in both cases. You'll just be describing a wider arc in an inty and a tighter one in an AF.
Ice Fire Warriors
#7 - 2012-03-23 23:51:07 UTC
Here are my favorite Enyo and Ishkur fits:

[Enyo - Brawler]

Damage Control II
Adaptive Nano Plating II
100mm Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plate I
Small Armor Repair II

Limited 1MN MicroWarpdrive I
Warp Scrambler II
Stasis Webifier II

Light Ion Blaster (Antimatter)
Light Ion Blaster (Antimatter)
Light Ion Blaster (Antimatter)
Light Ion Blaster (Antimatter)
Small Diminishing Power System Drain I

Small Anti-Explosive Pump I
Small Nanobot Accelerator I

Hornet EC-300

Notes: I tend to generally prefer tank over gank which is good for prolonged slug-outs. The nos in the highs cycles every 3 seconds so if you do get neuted you can still run your tackle and weapons. Drones to taste.

[Enyo - TaranisWannabe]

Damage Control II
Adaptive Nano Plating II
Nanofiber Internal Structure II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II

Limited 1MN MicroWarpdrive I
Experimental 1MN Afterburner I
Warp Scrambler II

Light Neutron Blaster (Antimatter)
Light Neutron Blaster (Antimatter)
Light Neutron Blaster (Antimatter)
Light Neutron Blaster (Antimatter)

Small Ancillary Current Router I
Small Hybrid Collision Accelerator I

Hobgoblin II

Notes: This is still a "fit in progress." Basically a slower but beefier Taranis that relies almost exclusively on turrets to do DPS. Use the same tactics as you would a 'ranis (i.e. bum rush, overload weapons, and pray).

[Ishkur - DroneBrawler]

Damage Control II
Energized Adaptive Nano Plating II
100mm Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plate I
Small Armor Repair II

Limited 1MN MicroWarpdrive I
Warp Scrambler II
Stasis Webifier II

Light Ion Blaster (Antimatter)
Light Ion Blaster (Antimatter)
Light Ion Blaster (Antimatter)
Small Diminishing Power System Drain I

Small Anti-Explosive Pump I
Small Nanobot Accelerator I

5x Hobgoblin II
5x Hornet EC-300

Notes: Same as the first Enyo except that the drones give greater tactical flexibility (you can still damage kiters and even pull range on them if you don't want to get too close). Drones also have the added luxury of not being affected by neuts, so you can keep laying on the pain while focusing your efforts on survival.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#8 - 2012-03-24 01:40:38 UTC
Perihelion Olenard wrote:
Look, spinning around in circles using a warp disruptor is not my idea of combat. I'm not going to do what I'm going to hate. This is a thread of webs on AFs, not going around in circles warp disrupting in an interceptor.

It seems to me that you are quite confused. Tackling in an inty is fantastic fun. And tbh, both go around in circles warp disrupting. One just does it faster. The other with a bit more DPS.
Perihelion Olenard
#9 - 2012-03-24 15:09:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Perihelion Olenard
BeforetheStorm90 wrote:
Perihelion Olenard wrote:
Look, spinning around in circles using a warp disruptor is not my idea of combat. I'm not going to do what I'm going to hate. This is a thread of webs on AFs, not going around in circles warp disrupting in an interceptor.

It seems to me that you are quite confused. Tackling in an inty is fantastic fun. And tbh, both go around in circles warp disrupting. One just does it faster. The other with a bit more DPS.

Well, there is a big difference between 300m/s and 6000m/s (or however fast interceptors go these days). I saw a video of an interceptor pilot and it was so ridiculous it just about made me dizzy. I could barely stand watching it.

ShahFluffers wrote:
Here are my favorite Enyo and Ishkur fits:

One nos is enough to run your equipment and a few armor reps if someone gets a neut on you?
Ice Fire Warriors
#10 - 2012-03-25 21:17:05 UTC
Perihelion Olenard wrote:
ShahFluffers wrote:
Here are my favorite Enyo and Ishkur fits:

One nos is enough to run your equipment and a few armor reps if someone gets a neut on you?

It's enough to perma-run your tackle at the very least. Your guns will go back and forth between working and being capped out (lead ammo helps with this by cutting the guns' capacitor consumption by 50%). The armor repper is there if you engage something without a neut and/or can scrape up enough capacitor in the middle of the fight (note: even with a nos and no neuts against you, you can't perma-run the repper... it's a "bleeder/burst tank").

Also... looking at module stats is quite handy.

Large Energy Neutralizer: cycles every 24 seconds.
Medium Energy Neutralizer: cycles every 12 seconds.
Small Nosferatu: cycles every 3 seconds.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#11 - 2012-03-25 21:26:13 UTC
Perihelion Olenard wrote:

Well, there is a big difference between 300m/s and 6000m/s (or however fast interceptors go these days). I saw a video of an interceptor pilot and it was so ridiculous it just about made me dizzy. I could barely stand watching it.

4000-5000m/s unheated is pretty typical. But it shouldn't matter. An interceptor pilot should be orbiting at 20-25+ kms from the target. And at least somewhat zoomed out. At that point the spinning is negligible.
Task Force 641
Empyrean Edict
#12 - 2012-03-25 22:07:41 UTC
Perihelion Olenard wrote:
Look, spinning around in circles using a warp disruptor is not my idea of combat. I'm not going to do what I'm going to hate. This is a thread of webs on AFs, not going around in circles warp disrupting in an interceptor.
So fit AC's, a decent tank (med shield extender on stiletto, for example) and go out hunting. Quite fun, inties are the funnest ships to fly.

But for the AF's you want to fly....I think AB/Scram/web or ab/scram/cap booster - the added speed of AB while under 10k means you'll be able to keep up with other AB ships, and the cap booster can counter neuts.

Not Flyinghotpocket's alt. At all.

Faction Warfare is like Fight Club. But with spaceships.