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Getting into solo PvP, general questions

David Caldera
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2012-03-20 17:09:52 UTC
Right, I know I'm probably going to get a lot of flak for this, but I'm going to go ahead and ask people on the forum for advice anyway, and hope I don't get flamed too much. :)

I've recently returned to the game. (About 1 week ago) I've joined up with an FW corp and I'm having a good time, but I'd like to get into the mysterious art of solo PvP. I've been trying to read up on some guides but I still have the feeling I don't have a clue what I'm doing. Most of the things I've been reading are several years old as well, so I'm afraid the things I'm learning from them are outdated.

This is where I'd like to ask for general advice. What are some good general tactics for finding targets or in fights, or what are good guides to help me? I've been looking up some videos on Youtube, but more often than not they're from people showcasing their kills without any actual advice in their video.

I'm a Gallente pilot, and I'd currently like to work on my skills in T1/T2 frigates and destroyers before moving up. I've been trying to get some action with an Incursus, but what it currently feels like is that I simply orbit at 500 with an AB on, hit the T2 antimatter loaded blasters and pray that whatever I'm attacking dies before I do. It doesn't feel like I'm thinking much with this thing.

Currently I'm training to be able to fly the Rifter. (For some reason I never trained Min but I did train Gal BS... I honestly have no idea what I was thinking years ago.) I'm hoping it will offer me some more options/tactics in a fight when I can fly it than the Incursus.

So can anyone offer me general tips for the Incursus/Catalyst or other Gal ships in PvP? Am I doing it right or totally wrong with the Incursus? I've been avoiding T2 frigates because I'm unsure I can take them. I have no idea what i can or can't attack in the Incursus.

Would looking into a T2 Frigate help? I'm considering either the Enyo or the Taranis. What would be best for me and how should I fit it? I'm hearing a lot of contradictory info on Taranis fits, so I'm confused.

I want to solely focus on low-sec PvP.

I'd really appreciate any help or advice people could give me with this. Just pointing me in the right direction of a good guide will mean a lot.

Thanks in advance,

(I hope this is the correct board?)
#2 - 2012-03-20 19:02:24 UTC
There are a fair number of posts and blogs that offer up help and advice, if you look in the MyEve section on the forums you will find them. Kil2 has started doing some podcasts and vids, not much frig related stuff, but have a listen here. If you look at some of the posters in that threads sig's you will also find some good vids and discussions. Also some blogs that I found interesting is flight of the dragons, and there was a rifter one, can't remember exactly but think it was rifter drifter.. google will help you there. Eve UNi and agony run courses, never tried them. I did try RvB, and its a good place to get your feet wet.

Caldari Loving needed..

Lady Spank
Get Out Nasty Face
#3 - 2012-03-20 20:28:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Lady Spank
Instructional videos. 3, 4 and 5 will be of most use to newcomers especially with regards to positioning and understanding how to move about to your advantage

Bringing solo back with Kil2 and Kovorix is a great series of podcasts covering all sorts of topics. Watching the youtube vids mentioned in that thread will also go a long way to teaching you some things. (find this on page one of the My Eve subforum.

Wensleys rifter guide is still relevant and covers fitting and engagement philosophy which applies outside of that one ship. His blog is here

Miura Bulls blog has lots of detail on frigate fits but also more importantly on roaming and how you should think about intel gathering and assessing local activity while roaming solo.

Garmon wrote a guide about using the taranis to draw tackle off large gangs and finish them off... while a lot of the information is still valid from a tactical point of view, the game has changed since then and it's less viable. Partly because of changes to the types of ships you use this against, partly because of the type of fleet compositions that are used these days but primarily because people are a lot wiser to the dangers of chasing down ships and leaving their blob behind. This still happens though not as much and it's still a very informative read...

There are many more but these will all help to get you into the swing of things in terms of thinking about your roams, engagements and fittings.

Oh. one key guide that I think is often overlooked and REALLY shows you some good tactics that are relevant to all forms of frigates is this lovely 'interceptor 101' guide

Over time, by getting out there and having a go, you will learn so much and gain invaluable experience of what works, what doesn't work, and every time you win or lose you will learn a valuable lesson and should be able to come out of each and every engagement more knowledgable and prepared for future engagements.

A key issue while soloing compared to being in a fleet are that you need to make all the decisions yourself, and any understanding of other ships and their typical methods of engagement will inform you of what is possible and what is a waste of time. Whether to kite, brawl, draw off tacklers, burn back to gate or simply to burn off and leave are all easier decisions to make when you know what the enemy ships are capable of, and like I said, you learn this best through direct experience.

You also benefit greatly from learning how to gather intel and actually find other ships to fight. Learn how to use your directional scanner well to find what ships are in system and where they are exactly. Using them to pin down what celestial a potential target is at is key to getting fights successfully. Learn to scan down a system quickly so you know if its worth sticking about or if you should just leave. Usually scanning from gate, then scan from sun or planet 1 and MAYBE then scanning from the outer planets (take time to look at a local sytem map and you will see lower numbered planets are in the centre and outlying planets will need scanning down individually by warping to them... its probably only worth it if they have lots of belts or a complex near them. can tell you where the high traffic, high npc and high pvp activity is taking place and is a great tool. the main page also lists currently 'hot' systems and while these themselves may be something of a deathtrap to a soloer, you can gravitate to the systems surrounding these places since there will typically be more activity there.

Roaming FW regions in a fast tech I or faction frig looking to catch some noobs in plexes can be fun for a change.

You can try killing people that camp out in 1/10 and 2/10 complexes but be aware that most of these people use every trick available to them and I've noticed many of them nowadays rely on links alts to let them keep you at range and are often not worth engaging unless you fit specifically for them.

The above is of course only my opinion and some will disagree completely but don't agonise over the theory so much that it stops you actually getting out there and finding stuff out for yourself. Also don't take all guides as gospel and if you think you want to try something out that seems unorthodox, it might be a bad idea that has been proven over time not to work.... or it could just be a great new strategy. Catching people off guard by doing something they don't expect is a great way to turn an engagement to your advantage.

Overall just get out there in a decent fit ship and get some experience.

(ಠ_ృ) ~ It Takes a Million Years to Become Diamonds So Lets Just Burn Like Coal Until the Sky's Black ~ (ಠ_ృ)

David Caldera
Gallente Federation
#4 - 2012-03-20 20:51:08 UTC
Ah, I didn't knew a lot of guides are in the MyEve section. Stupid, stupid, stupid!

Thanks for the great links and advice! I'll give a good look at them. Many thanks!
Deen Wispa
Caldari Tactical Operations Command
#5 - 2012-03-21 16:45:15 UTC
Rifter is a fine ship. I personally don't think the Rifter is a strong enough reason to cross train over especially given the recent null ammo buff. If you don't like the blaster incursus, try fitting out a rails incursus and lolkite cocky rifter pilots to death. Heck, try kiting thrashers with a rails incursus for lolz. They never see it coming.

I don't fly Inties but training for Gallente Inties is a fine choice. Any fleet will gladly have a competent forward scout who can fly inties and herotackle Tier 3 BCs sniping people at gates and cocky Tengu pilots.

High Five. Yeah! C'est La Eve .

Dmitri Dracov
Flames Of Chaos
Out of the Blue.
#6 - 2012-03-21 17:40:05 UTC
Some good advice for PvP nubs like me in this thread.

Another few questions if I may for PvP pro's to help me out. I believe you can tell what guns (and shield-armor mods?) a ship has by visually looking at it. If so is there a pictorial guide anywhere so I have an idea what to look out for?

Also, I'm skilling up in a Merlin - intending to switch to a Hawk. What viable targets would I be looking for apart from other T1 Frigs?
Karak Bol
Low-Sec Survival Ltd.
#7 - 2012-03-21 20:57:53 UTC
That was probably the most useful thread I have seen in a long time.
Borun Tal
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#8 - 2012-03-21 21:40:09 UTC
Holy crap, a post from Lady Spank that's worth reading!!!

A new day has dawned on the EveO Forums!!! Twisted
#9 - 2012-03-21 22:38:43 UTC
Dmitri Dracov wrote:
Some good advice for PvP nubs like me in this thread.

Another few questions if I may for PvP pro's to help me out. I believe you can tell what guns (and shield-armor mods?) a ship has by visually looking at it. If so is there a pictorial guide anywhere so I have an idea what to look out for?

Also, I'm skilling up in a Merlin - intending to switch to a Hawk. What viable targets would I be looking for apart from other T1 Frigs?

If you type the name of a gun and link it in your chat bar (or just open in info menu in some way) you can click on the icon of the gun in the top left, and it should open another window that will show you what it looks like in space. The nice thing is you only need to look up one gun per type as they just change colors for meta levels (IE, galium autocannons have the same model but different color than T2). Autocannons are pretty simple, I usually run into trouble with hybrids though.

Shield and armor mods are little trickier. Active mods like boosters and hardeners will cause a colored pulse over the hull, with the obvious regeneration of hitpoints for boosters and reppers.

Merlin is a hell of a ship, try fitting it different to see what fits your style. The 3 main types are medium shield booster (Jude Lloyd of the Heretics flies a mean active Merlin, can 1v1 damn near anything within reason), medium shield extender (my personal favorite) or the less common armor+dual webs. Don't feel locked in to one weapon system either. I've flown Merlins with lasers, blasters, autocannons AND railguns. They all have their advantages and pitfalls, and you should train T2 small weapons over most categories, it only takes a few days per.
Ignotis Imperium
#10 - 2012-03-22 01:00:36 UTC
I was all set to give some advice and tell you to go to my website for free video guides and articles, but Lady Spank gave you a ton of really great stuff to work on.

I vote this thread be made sticky...

Learn How PRO Players Make Billions of ISK and Dominate PVP:

Little Willies
#11 - 2012-03-22 03:46:00 UTC
I agree with deen, the rifter isn't a strong enough reason to train Minmatar. With very little skill points, you are better off concentrating on a single race. I also think that the Gallente assault frigates are much stronger than Minmatar's but this is arguable. Don't forget the Taranis either ! A few tips to keep in mind:

  • Learn the directional scanner.
  • Pay attention to Intel channel.
  • Know your ships limits.
  • Know your own limits.
  • Know your potential targets.
  • Know the ships to avoid.
  • Never listen to Deen :)
  • Have fun !

Also, something that hasn't been mentioned yet, know the game mechanics very well. It's too important to include in the list above. It's mind blowing the number of people who burn back to gate when they jump into a gatecamp without waiting for the session timer.

Lady Spank I admire you for taking the time to write what you did.

Lady Spank
Get Out Nasty Face
#12 - 2012-03-22 11:36:49 UTC
I could write much more but I'm not sure I'm qualified to be writing 'go to' guides for this stuff. I don't always 'do it right'. Hmm, maybe a guide to 'doing it wrong' would be good! I also realise the post above needs some editing but it reads well enough :oops:

(ಠ_ృ) ~ It Takes a Million Years to Become Diamonds So Lets Just Burn Like Coal Until the Sky's Black ~ (ಠ_ృ)

Andrea Griffin
#13 - 2012-03-22 14:11:13 UTC
Lady Spank wrote:
Hmm, maybe a guide to 'doing it wrong' would be good!
Knowing what you should do is great, but knowing what you shouldn't do is just as valuable. We tend to learn more from our mistakes anyway.
Lady Spank
Get Out Nasty Face
#14 - 2012-03-22 14:27:19 UTC
I certainly do : embarrassed:

(ಠ_ృ) ~ It Takes a Million Years to Become Diamonds So Lets Just Burn Like Coal Until the Sky's Black ~ (ಠ_ృ)

shal ri
Short Bus Window Licker
#15 - 2012-03-23 18:45:22 UTC
best advice i can give is to live in a nice low sec pocket. learn who the locals are. wat they do, how they do it, when they do and from where are all important things. using the battle field to ur advantage is key when doin solo.(the battle field being the sys ur in)
gal ships are great for spittin dps when in range plus the drone boat can put a real hurt on frigs and so on.

although not needed i would tell u to get an alt to help u solo pvp.( yes i know some will say its not solo if theres more then 1 char but **** u im using 2 screens *****) falcon, booster and added dps alts can be a great help as most ppl tend to blob with 5 to 7 ppl on just 1 guy. im sure u will see this as u get more into pvp.

expect to be hot dropped almost everytime u get a fight. now since u fly gal ships, i would say training for the enyo, ishkur, ishtar and myrm are ur best bets for solo pvp. the myrm is in no way easy to fly and solves ur issuse with just goin in and hoping for the best.
watchin ur cap use, range incoming dmg, drone hit points and d-scan make it ( for me any way ) the most mutitask heavy ship for solo as i use duel repps as my fitting. lady spank posted earlier that knowing wat certain ships can do can help u with engaging targets. i can't tell u how true and important this is when in pvp.

however knowing awhole lot can only do so much. gettin exp is goin to be ur best friend. if u think its bait shoot it any way see wat happens. try to think about wat u can do if **** hits BEFORE u engage a target.

best of luck dude and i hope to kill u at some point.
Lady Spank
Get Out Nasty Face
#16 - 2012-03-23 20:31:05 UTC
I dont blob on soloers, in fact i dont blob period unless its one of the two annual gank nights I might attend which are unashamedly terrible superblobs that at least head out to face an eventual certain death against some even more unrelenting force but...

... if you think boxing a falcon is fair then I think blobbing the ever living crap out of you for it is equally fair.

I have nothing against boxing, its a perfectly valid tactic, but dont use a force multiplier and complain that five people are attacking your two because frankly you deserve it.

Otherwise good advice, respect.

(ಠ_ృ) ~ It Takes a Million Years to Become Diamonds So Lets Just Burn Like Coal Until the Sky's Black ~ (ಠ_ృ)

David Caldera
Gallente Federation
#17 - 2012-03-24 14:00:48 UTC
Thanks for the many replies, everyone. I've got a lot of stuff to look at.

Having an alt for PvP scouting and whatnot isn't really an option for me. I can't afford to spend money on too many accounts and I lack the dexterity to dual-box properly, even with two monitors. If I would get myself an alt, it would primarily be an industrial I think, but thanks for the advice nonetheless.

Not so easy to find some fights I could take yet. If you see me flying around and you're up for it, I'm always willing to havea real/practice 1vs1 to get some experience with things.
Lady Spank
Get Out Nasty Face
#18 - 2012-03-24 19:54:39 UTC
Fly cheap and you really don't need a scout. Leave that for people that fly expensive setups.

I have tried dual boxing recons (arazu and rapier) and it's been interesting. I've also done a bit of scouting for battleships and other somewhat more vulnerable setups but 90% of what I do is run about in frigs which you really do not need to bother scouting for since they can survive most gatecamps simply by burning back to the gate anyway. More often than not a scout alt will just slow you down anyway.

Some people like their links alts to give them an edge but it's not soloing.... theres nothing wrong with it and it really does give you a competetive edge that you don't have solo but all it means is there are more fights available to you, it doesnt make you invincible and while it works and is valid, again, I really don't like how it slows me down. I tend to just stick to pure solo since it's faster to move about, slightly more challenging and just much less farting about worrying about the other account.

(ಠ_ృ) ~ It Takes a Million Years to Become Diamonds So Lets Just Burn Like Coal Until the Sky's Black ~ (ಠ_ృ)

Vordak Kallager
#19 - 2012-03-25 01:16:36 UTC
Spend a bunch of money on buying a Falcon Alt, a Booster Alt, some neutral Logi Alts and then you should be good to go. Pirate

Sa souvraya niende misain ye.

Lady Spank
Get Out Nasty Face
#20 - 2012-03-25 07:30:57 UTC
Vordak Kallager wrote:
Spend a bunch of money on buying a Falcon Alt, a Booster Alt, some neutral Logi Alts and then you should be good to go. Pirate

Oh look, its that clueless and unfunny joke again. Well done.

(ಠ_ృ) ~ It Takes a Million Years to Become Diamonds So Lets Just Burn Like Coal Until the Sky's Black ~ (ಠ_ృ)

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