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Banks. We need them.

Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#161 - 2012-03-19 17:45:40 UTC
Darth Tickles wrote:
Ok, except I just said I'll spend an hour of my life pointing people in the right direction. Even if I hadn't promised that, there is nothing inherently valuable about bad ideas. Nothing that privileges the creator of bad ideas over the criticizer.

The best part is I'm sitting at home right now writing a book about social theory at great risk to myself financially and professionally IN THE REAL WORLD, so I laugh in your face over your childish suggestions that pointing out the flaws in bad spaceship bank ideas somehow defines my whole personality.

Finally, your exact fault is that you haven;t learned a single thing from your mistakes as was evidenced by your insurance plan, where i also slammed your **** in the door, and this very thread.

Please, enlighten us with the lessons you've learned from ebank, so I can call you on your bullshit again though.

First; let's not turn this into a bash Darth thread. I'm trying to set something straight, that's all.


You seem convinced that all new ideas are bad ideas is the point. There's been a tremendous diversity of new suggestions and ideas here and you've uniformly shut them all down.

You like to say that I haven't learned anything; yet the Insurance experiment was 100% profitable and no one lost money. It was backed by cash just in case it did lose money (as a business). It started just fine and gracefully shut down. I was not afraid to try, I was not afraid to fail, and I ensured the customers who took a risk were protected.

You like to say I haven't learned anything - yet you haven't read or addressed all the work I've described and stated I'm doing around semi-automated FIFO accounting and auto-generating financial statements. You also haven't drawn any connection between my post-mortem analysis of EBANK that I've stated a few times and how reporting was an Achilles heel. To be fair, perhaps not everyone has, so let me spell it out...

Until I get semi-automated consolidated financial accounting across multiple characters with auto-generated financial reporting....I will not be starting another Bank. I was able to do Insurance because the business model involved transactions that were almost all out-of-game, so the ledger entries were easy. All my future projects have to have this level of accounting - this is why it takes me longer to launch things these days. I've written pages and created in great detail the methodology for this and the challenges (such as the "magic bucket" that requires asset reconciliation against known transactions). I have expended a great deal of energy learning and acting on the things I've learned.

Part of EBANK's great challenge in liquidation was it's reporting - to this day I can tell you how much Ricdic RMTed, but I cannot tell you exactly how much was lost in total when his account was banned. The hardest lesson I learned was that detailed and timely reporting is absolutely critical. A report that takes weeks to compiled manually is no good. Loans were was when we diversified into research, production, market manipulation, and trading is when we got into trouble from a reporting perspective.

Semi-Collateralized loans were actually quite profitable, even with the standard rate of default. It's when we risked larger amounts of uncollateralized debt in a single large customer (a large alliance) is when we got into trouble.

These are the things I've learned. I'm sure you can tell me which lessons I've missed? Blink

Darth Tickles
#162 - 2012-03-19 17:48:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Darth Tickles
Adunh Slavy wrote:
Acerbic advice delivered on a plate of ego, is rarely considered.

Hey, your hangup, not mine.

I care about results, you care about...spaceships forums reputations or something? I don't even know...

You were the guys cooing about the inherent value of you're crying because people aren't following what you believe to be proper rules and forms of discourse.

Jake Andarius
Andarius Trading Corp.
#163 - 2012-03-19 17:50:40 UTC
Hexxx wrote:
First; let's not turn this into a bash Darth thread.

Seriously. There seems to be a fair amount of disagreement, and that is to be entirely expected on such a heated topic as banking in EVE. But let us try to move things back on the topic itself rather than letting things devolve into a personal argument.
#164 - 2012-03-19 17:52:57 UTC
Jake Andarius wrote:
Hexxx wrote:
First; let's not turn this into a bash Darth thread.

Seriously. There seems to be a fair amount of disagreement, and that is to be entirely expected on such a heated topic as banking in EVE. But let us try to move things back on the topic itself rather than letting things devolve into a personal argument.

Kara Roideater
#165 - 2012-03-19 17:54:09 UTC
Darth Tickles wrote:

I care about results, you care about...spaceships forums reputations or something? I don't even know...

You were the guys cooing about the inherent value of you're crying because people aren't following what you believe to be proper rules and forms of discourse.


I'm gonna call bullshit on that. If you actually cared about results you would engage with people in the way most likely to influence their actions. Instead you opt to engage with them in such a way as to suggest that you are rather concerned about .... the projection of a certain spaceship forum personality/reputation. None of the valid points you make gain additional traction through the manner you choose to make them in. Quite the contrary in fact.

Now, let's get back to bashing Hexxx. That's the important thing.
Darth Tickles
#166 - 2012-03-19 17:54:10 UTC
Hexxx wrote:
You seem convinced that all new ideas are bad ideas is the point.

That's just what you need to tell yourself because your ideas are ******. I've seen plenty of great new Eve ideas in this forum and others, just not in this thread.

Hexxx wrote:
These are the things I've learned. I'm sure you can tell me which lessons I've missed? Blink

Everything. Fortunately, I can tie it in with my recommendations on how our brave young forum warriors here can better spend their time. Unfortunately, it's all going to have to wait until after work now, as I've wasted my lunch hour defending from personal attacks.

Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#167 - 2012-03-19 17:57:05 UTC
Kara Roideater wrote:

Now, let's get back to bashing Hexxx. That's the important thing.


Darth Tickles
#168 - 2012-03-19 17:57:35 UTC
Kara Roideater wrote:
I'm gonna call bullshit on that. If you actually cared about results you would engage with people in the way most likely to influence their actions. Instead you opt to engage with them in such a way as to suggest that you are rather concerned about .... the projection of a certain spaceship forum personality/reputation. None of the valid points you make gain additional traction through the manner you choose to make them in. Quite the contrary in fact.

You're incorrectly assuming you know whom I'm trying to influence and the priorities I've assigned to them.

You gotta break free of your self-imposed intellectual cages, maaaan.

Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#169 - 2012-03-19 18:05:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Vaerah Vahrokha
Some additional random points.

I brought an example of possible opt-in trustability (or better, a model for enforced penalty) which seems to be the only concrete thing in this thread.

Now, don't hate me but my suggestion was in theme with a purple unicorns thread because it's basically the only thread worth reading in MD since weeks, even just for relaxing purpose.

Otherwise, I suggest to look at why CCP won't implement anything:

1) As I said before strives to slow down money velocity and segregate it. It's their only way to keep giving in game faucets well larger than sinks (it's a game after all) while not exploding the economy.

2) CCP modelled an economy, not a finance model. They introduced as little finance mechanisms (i.e. margin trading) as possible. Even shares were just sketched and not really functional beyond mechanical dividends payment.

This has to do with:

- the game being space ships themed and not Wall Street themed.

- the *vision* of the first developers has been totally lost. Those ancient guys could slam together inextricable code that somehow worked, somehow created the best PvP game ever, somehow put in all the foundations that even today are still at the basis of the game. Those who came later, may be the best "draw the lines between the numbered dots" ever, can be the best maintenance, code style guys in the universe, yet they can't create one fundamental new thing that completely changes EvE like the first ones. They lack of the mad scientist "insanity and genius" required to make something totally NEW. Therefore forget finance and whatever in EvE till they find new Creative people, with the capital C.

- risk of finance aware people to completely take control of the game. It seems impossible but it's not.
Even with one bank that was smaller than formally implemented banks would be, Ricdic could make the PLEX market, could push an alliance instead of another and so on. Put in some RL implemented fund / institution that can gather 10-20T (possible just by swing trading + fixed ratio money management) and you'll see the effects.

Last but not least: Hexxx (the following might be hard to read, my English is bad at drawing lines between concepts).

He is a charisma person, the "chairman incarnate". He could attract the big MD (and not just MD) players of the time and create an artificial meta-world. This is why EBANK could exist, it was a gigantic hype / hope bubble formed by people who believed in it.

This self convincing-quasi groupthink behavior has seen many studies and I see it happening everyday in RL finance.
It's also known as self fulfilling prophecy or Thomas theorem:

"If men define situations as real, they are real in their consequences"

Hexxx is a good cathalyzer for these meta-worlds, he convinced people to actually perform the gruelling task of semi-manual tellering because the grand idea looked so... superior, magnificent, unheard of. I don't blame him, HE is paying for a MMORPG game and purple unicorns are legit in there.

What happened then? Those who studied Popper know about reflexivity (RAW23, this is for you!). EBANK was an huge example of that. The general playerbase would see all those shiny important players involved in that incredible and self believed safe "too big to fail" venture (yes any RL connection is not a coincidence).

That created an huge trust bubble, with the same mechanics that slap "the rational markets" theories in face and make RL trading possible (see George Soros, Popper's student and big reflexivity principle proponent, once again it's not a random coincidence!).

Looking back, what was Bad Bobby if not another trust bubble? The original intent was different, the resulting bubble was similar.

When Hexxx tried the insurance, once again he created another bubble, this time convincing only the former most loyal friends.
But times were changed, the enthusiasm could not catalyze the general playerbase again. Plus it's harder to interest someone into a second insurance (when most don't care for the NPC insurance at all, except suicide gankers => adverse selection => BAD for insurance) than into a bank, a novel concept into a far younger and trustful EvE age.
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#170 - 2012-03-19 18:06:49 UTC
Darth Tickles wrote:

You gotta break free of your self-imposed intellectual cages, maaaan.

Pot, I'd like to introduce you to Kettle. I'm sure you'll find that you both have much in common. Big smile
Kara Roideater
#171 - 2012-03-19 18:08:15 UTC
Darth Tickles wrote:
Kara Roideater wrote:
I'm gonna call bullshit on that. If you actually cared about results you would engage with people in the way most likely to influence their actions. Instead you opt to engage with them in such a way as to suggest that you are rather concerned about .... the projection of a certain spaceship forum personality/reputation. None of the valid points you make gain additional traction through the manner you choose to make them in. Quite the contrary in fact.

You're incorrectly assuming you know whom I'm trying to influence and the priorities I've assigned to them.

You gotta break free of your self-imposed intellectual cages, maaaan.

You are truly a riddle wrapped in an enigma wrapped in a sesame seed bun and your posting style is certainly not that of someone who gets a big kick from trying to make other people feel bad. It's all about the practical RESULTS dammit!

Darth Tickles
#172 - 2012-03-19 18:10:40 UTC
K...VV just saved me like 20 minutes of typing, and did it much better than I would have.

I'll stick to the lessons learned and what eager and ambitious young MD entrepreneurs SHOULD be looking at if they want to innovate something in the realm of "banking".
Darth Tickles
#173 - 2012-03-19 18:12:14 UTC
Kara Roideater wrote:
You are truly a riddle wrapped in an enigma wrapped in a sesame seed bun and your posting style is certainly not that of someone who gets a big kick from trying to make other people feel bad. It's all about the practical RESULTS dammit!

Hey, whatever you need to do to keep your world in order.
#174 - 2012-03-19 18:12:37 UTC
Darth Tickles wrote:
...and what eager and ambitious young MD entrepreneurs SHOULD be looking at if they want to innovate something in the realm of "banking".

Considering I'm not nearly as clever as you are, mind enlightening me in this regard?
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#175 - 2012-03-19 18:15:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Vaerah Vahrokha
Darth Tickles wrote:
K...VV just saved me like 20 minutes of typing, and did it much better than I would have.

I'll stick to the lessons learned and what eager and ambitious young MD entrepreneurs SHOULD be looking at if they want to innovate something in the realm of "banking".

My RL trading mentor said me: "are you enthusiastic about trading?"

"don't you feel all of this is just ... amazing?"

"don't you love the very market mechanics, how this gigantic social structure works?"

If so, then you are just at the beginning.

Because you'll be a grown trader only once you wake up in the morning with the idea you'll go make money. Boring, repetitive, tangible money but with the head on the shoulders and not in the clouds.

The above sentence depicts the two thoughts expressed in the thread.
Darth Tickles
#176 - 2012-03-19 18:21:18 UTC
Utemetsu wrote:
Considering I'm not nearly as clever as you are, mind enlightening me in this regard?

It has nothing to do with some non-existent absolute ordering of intelligence, it's merely experience. I've seen this all before.

As I've said, I will take an hour to point out where you guys are heading towards known pitfalls, and where I think your time and effort would be much better spent. Unfortunately, I need to get back to work, and I can only lie to myself to such a degree about the relevance of spaceships banks to my work and how I'm really just achieving "synergy".
Caldari State
#177 - 2012-03-19 18:25:09 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
They lack of the mad scientist "insanity and genius" required to make something totally NEW. Therefore forget finance and whatever in EvE till they find new Creative people, with the capital C.

I don't think this paragraph was entirely just. Incarna was the beginning of just this sort of creativity, although not as far as we know geared toward the marketplace. Now, I won't stand here and argue Incarna wasn't a disaster or that I have any interest in walking in stations, dust514, or vampires. What I will say; however, is that the player base is now hyper-sensetive to just this sort of development.

The player base, by-in-large, WANT those devs working the kinks out of existing code and making existing gameplay worthwhile. Any hint that CCP is off on yet-another "this is going to be awesome," trip and they loose their ****. Rightly so, seeing as the last two times it happened we got PI and new clothes on our avatars while the rest of the game stagnated hard.

TL;DR: Bemoaning the fact CCP isn't trying to innovate rather than fix the game is an extreme minority opinion.
Kara Roideater
#178 - 2012-03-19 18:26:47 UTC
Darth Tickles wrote:
Utemetsu wrote:
Considering I'm not nearly as clever as you are, mind enlightening me in this regard?

It has nothing to do with some non-existent absolute ordering of intelligence, it's merely experience. I've seen this all before.

As I've said, I will take an hour to point out where you guys are heading towards known pitfalls, and where I think your time and effort would be much better spent. Unfortunately, I need to get back to work, and I can only lie to myself to such a degree about the relevance of spaceships banks to my work and how I'm really just achieving "synergy".

If there is any truth to the lie you tell yourself on this front I'd be very interested to read your book when it comes out. You got a deadline from the publishers?
Darth Tickles
#179 - 2012-03-19 18:31:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Darth Tickles


Edit: I will absolutely send you a free copy. I'd honestly love to get your feedback and I think you'd really enjoy it.
Grouchy Smurf
Points Mean Prizes
#180 - 2012-03-19 18:50:04 UTC
Now, I don't have enough experience with real life banking so feel free to ignore me if you want, but I have a strong feeling that if a well trusted bank created a daughter corporation and issued its shares as "check book money", most of the problems discussed in this thread would be resolved.

Almost on every game where people can earn an ever increasing amount of in-game money, the trading medium shifts from the in-game currency to more rare item. I don't see a reason why this won't work in EVE.

Yes, people won't be able to use the shares in the market place, but as long as they are honoured by the bank, people would accept them for trades in lieu of real currency.

Or am I too naive?