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Banks. We need them.

Jake Andarius
Andarius Trading Corp.
#141 - 2012-03-19 16:27:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Jake Andarius
Darth Tickles wrote:
Jake Andarius wrote:
(Darth Tickles: If you look over this forum thread, I believe I have shot down a lot of suggestions that are unrealistic and held up the realistic suggestions that could not only improve the game, but could be executed fairly easily.)

No, you haven't. The entire discussion is so disconnected from the relevant underlying realities that it is merely whimsy, the proverbial "flying purple unicorn". That you believe otherwise just shows how badly this thread does need the "cold shower" it is receiving.

Good ideas

  1. Black booking to provide a public list of scammers - It is as easy as creating a forum post, listing names of players, and getting feedback from other players to update it. I actually have recently started to maintain a "white list," because, if you are going to invest, it is incredibly useful to know the investment history of your options. (Akeirah)
  2. Promote only decentralized, diversified investments - If a corporation is starting to control large amounts of ISK by itself, avoid that corporation. Find a smaller place to invest your ISK if you choose to do so. (Adunh Slavy)
  3. Auditing corporation - The creation of a regulatory group that audits, rates, and places caps on overall deposits of all participating investment opportunities would be a fantastic idea. This would put some pressure on bonds or other investment groups that do not have the wallet history evidence to support their claims. (Adunh Slavy)
  4. Collateralized loans - This has already been implemented by a number of people, but it bears repeating. Collateralized loans are a really solid way for investment structures to function. (Darth Tickles)
  5. Anti-scam opt-in option for accounts - This idea does require CCP hardcoding something, but it would be relatively simple flag. The difficulty would be for CCP GMs to deal with the scams that did eventually occur once an account is flagged. But even that is not an incredibly unrealistic proposition. All other MMOs on the market have that as a standard. If players really wanted it as a whole, CCP would implement it. (Vaerah Vahrokha)
  6. Insurance - This idea seems to be in its development stages right now, but it shows a lot of promise. The general premise of risk diversification is extremely solid. (Hexxx, Utemetsu)

Bad ideas

  1. Corps that handle large ISK flow to other corps - This creates a huge, unnecessary risk. If that one corporation fails, it can take with it a large amount of the ISK of all those corporations.
  2. Central banking to provide loans to banks in liquidity trouble - It requires CCP hard-coding and handing over ISK creation to the players.
  3. Most New EVE Software Features - Most things in general that requires CCP hardcoding new features to the game are very difficult to achieve, because it takes a lot of player pressure to get any one specific design feature implemented.
  4. Commercial Bank Money - This idea works in the real world, but I think it would be a step backward in terms of functionality from what already exists in EVE.

These ideas are merely the ones for actually improving EVE, and I probably missed a couple as I just compiled this list in a few minutes. In addition, there was a lot of discussion of economic theory, which educates everyone as to how exactly the economy functions.
Kara Roideater
#142 - 2012-03-19 16:37:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Kara Roideater
Jake, in order for Darth to understand that you have shot down an idea you must also insult the person who forwarded said idea. Strange, I know, but it's just how his hearing works.

Seriously, though, it is well worth remembering how badly wrong banks have gone in the past and dwelling continuously on the negative aspects. What is missing is any good justification for their existence (contra the premise of this thread) and whilst abstract discussions are certainly interesting and of considerable value in and of themselves, so far as they appear to be validating the central premise of the OP they can be potentially dangerous themselves. So, a modicum of name-calling might be necessary just to clearly frame the evolution of the discussion. Taking the list you just gave, there is obviously nothing there that suggests there is any need at all for banks in eve and it is well-worth making that point emphatically since it might escape the notice of a casual reader who sees only detailed discussion of how banks might, hypothetically, work.

Edit - Also, 5 and 6 on your pro list are baaad ideas Blink

Edit2 - To expand on that last point, 5 would effectively remove scamming as no one would deal with non anti-scam accounts (no rational actor anyway). 6 requires a set up something like a bank and suffers from all the weaknesses. There is also, by Hexxx's testament, insufficient demand for it within a framework that would not be guaranteed to lose money.
Adunh Slavy
#143 - 2012-03-19 16:38:08 UTC
Jake Andarius wrote:
[quote=Utemetsu]Where do you think Banks get their money?
Central banks (Federal Reserve, Bank of England, etc.) are the origins of all money that enters their respective economies. Usually this process is heavily regulated in a way that limits the amount of currency creation so inflation does not occur. But the point is that, in times of crisis, a central bank can in fact create money out of nothing and loan it to a private commercial bank that might have otherwise failed because of a lack of liquidity for debt obligations.

This is a side comment, I don't want to derail the thread, but Modern Central Banks, with Fiat Debt money can do nothing but inflate the money supply. Can go to out of pod if we want to go into that more.

Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.  - William Pitt

Darth Tickles
#144 - 2012-03-19 16:39:52 UTC

those are all terrible ideas except #4

they betray both a juvenile understanding of the nature of interactions in Eve and complete lack of awareness of what has been tried before in terms of financial institutions

i'll spend my lunch hour banging something quick out for you guys, so you have the option of expending your commendable enthusiasm on something remotely useful that is grounded in actual knowledge about the nature and history of financial institutions in eve

whether you choose to take advantage of that and actually try to innovate or just continue to circle jerk each other about purple unicorns is your call
Jake Andarius
Andarius Trading Corp.
#145 - 2012-03-19 16:42:55 UTC
Darth Tickles wrote:
those are all terrible ideas except #4

I think I love you just for that quote. Really. That just made my day.
Darth Tickles
#146 - 2012-03-19 16:44:10 UTC
Kara Roideater wrote:
Jake, in order for Darth to understand that you have shot down an idea you must also insult the person who forwarded said idea. Strange, I know, but it's just how his hearing works.

Hey, I've been nice.

If this was just the dynamic duo of hex and secnes, where i think there is no hope of anything positive ever emerging, i'd just be slamming cocks in doors with my usual charm and panache.

If these are just eager young minds pointing in the wrong direction, then i'll take an hour of my life and try and change their minds for the better

Kara Roideater
#147 - 2012-03-19 16:50:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Kara Roideater
Darth Tickles wrote:

those are all terrible ideas except #4

they betray both a juvenile understanding of the nature of interactions in Eve and complete lack of awareness of what has been tried before in terms of financial institutions

i'll spend my lunch hour banging something quick out for you guys, so you have the option of expending your commendable enthusiasm on something remotely useful that is grounded in actual knowledge about the nature and history of financial institutions in eve

whether you choose to take advantage of that and actually try to innovate or just continue to circle jerk each other about purple unicorns is your call

1 is a terrible idea? Seriously, a player maintained public list of scammers is a terrible idea? I think you may have slid into the realms of rhetoric in pursuit of your otherwise valid central point.

Just drop the name-calling and aggressive flourishes, eh?

Edit - Just saw your post above. fair enough but try to play nice!
Adunh Slavy
#148 - 2012-03-19 16:51:04 UTC
Jake Andarius wrote:

Most New EVE Software Features - Most things in general that requires CCP hardcoding new features to the game are very difficult to achieve, because it takes a lot of player pressure to get any one specific design feature implemented.

IMO, this is the only thing that will get anything serious off the ground, and although rather crude and crass about it, Darth is correct that what we discuss will likely never happen.

That however does not discount the usefulness of the academic hypothetical debate. May not be very useful for Eve, but provides entertainment. So I hope when and if any purple unicorns do come, puns intended, their horns and other phallic like appendages are pointed in the proper directions. ;)

Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.  - William Pitt

Darth Tickles
#149 - 2012-03-19 16:54:48 UTC
Kara Roideater wrote:
I think you may have slid into the realms of rhetoric

I never left. I don't hold subscribe to any code of behaviour in the pursuit of ultimate truth, all I care about is achieving functional results with the least untruths possible given the relative importance of the subject

dont try and box me in maaaaaaan
#150 - 2012-03-19 16:54:49 UTC
Darth --

Before this thread heads the way of the red herring, I just wanted to make a couple of personal opinions regarding the conceptual idea of a bank with regards to your comments:

Any time you invest ISK in anything (ships, bonds, IPOS, loans, banks) you are taking a risk. As is typical in eve, potential reward scales with the risk involved. Your 2.5 billion Tengu CAN net you some nice killmails, or a steady stream of bounty income. The risk associated with any purchase made is entirely dependant on two things:

A) Your willingness to take the risk
B) Other player's motives

It's on B where most of the 'tepidity' of your response to the idea of a Bank. EBANK ran fine until one player's motives changed, taking the money, and leaving the institute to implode in on itself. If that had not happened, and assuming that another player wouldn't have taken that place at a later date I think EBANK would still be around. The plain and simple truth is this: It's business model worked.

Collosal amounts of Risk are taken every day in every corner of the galaxy. Every time a corp hires a new player to join their ranks, they are taking the risk that they are a spy, one of which could comprise an entire coalition (with asset values far exceeding anything that a single, bank entity could hope to amass).

What reasonable security measures are in place now protecting bond-fillers and investors of other ilk? The answer: None. But people STILL continue to maintain a healthy bond and loan market DESPITE the complete lack of 'insurance' (for lack of a better term) on said investments.

I'd say your purple-flying-unicorn exists already in that form, moreover, I'd go to say that that unicorn isn't large enough as it is.

Despite a massive amount of ISK existing within EVE, how often that ISK is moved (e.g. it's velocity) has remained stable. A bank could facilitate a very healthy amount of monetary velocity through deposits and withdrawals alone, putting aside any potential investments that It could make with it's available funds.
Darth Tickles
#151 - 2012-03-19 16:57:48 UTC
I read up to the point where you shared your completely uninformed version of what happened to ebank, and then i stopped reading

Kara Roideater
#152 - 2012-03-19 17:00:52 UTC
Darth Tickles wrote:
I read up to the point where you shared your completely uninformed version of what happened to ebank, and then i stopped reading

That's good because if you made it two paragraphs further things would have really got ugly.
#153 - 2012-03-19 17:01:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Utemetsu
Darth Tickles wrote:
I read up to the point where you shared your completely uninformed version of what happened to ebank, and then i stopped reading

Splendid. Glad to hear it.
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#154 - 2012-03-19 17:04:26 UTC
Darth Tickles wrote:
Kara Roideater wrote:
Jake, in order for Darth to understand that you have shot down an idea you must also insult the person who forwarded said idea. Strange, I know, but it's just how his hearing works.

Hey, I've been nice.

If this was just the dynamic duo of hex and secnes, where i think there is no hope of anything positive ever emerging, i'd just be slamming cocks in doors with my usual charm and panache.

If these are just eager young minds pointing in the wrong direction, then i'll take an hour of my life and try and change their minds for the better

I have had my successes and my failures. I also make a point of learning from my failures. If you fear failure (as you seem to), then you will never move forward. Perhaps it's comforting to you; not taking risks, not putting your name on the line. You risk far more in proposing a new idea then you do in criticizing one...which I'm willing to bet is why you haven't suggested a single new idea. Likewise, putting your reputation on the line for something you believe in isn't something we'll be seeing soon either.

Criticism is safe; trying something new isn't.

Darth Tickles
#155 - 2012-03-19 17:13:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Darth Tickles
Ok, except I just said I'll spend an hour of my life pointing people in the right direction. Even if I hadn't promised that, there is nothing inherently valuable about bad ideas. Nothing that privileges the creator of bad ideas over the criticizer.

The best part is I'm sitting at home right now writing a book about social theory at great risk to myself financially and professionally IN THE REAL WORLD, so I laugh in your face over your childish suggestions that pointing out the flaws in bad spaceship bank ideas somehow defines my whole personality.

Finally, your exact fault is that you haven;t learned a single thing from your mistakes as was evidenced by your insurance plan, where i also slammed your **** in the door, and this very thread.

Please, enlighten us with the lessons you've learned from ebank, so I can call you on your bullshit again though.
#156 - 2012-03-19 17:20:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Utemetsu
Darth Tickles wrote:

The best part is I'm sitting at home right now writing a book about social theory at great risk to myself financially and professionally IN THE REAL WORLD, so I laugh in your face over your childish suggestions that pointing out the flaws in bad spaceship bank ideas somehow defines my whole personality.

...and here's the entitlement.

Darth Tickles wrote:
Ok, except I just said I'll spend an hour of my life pointing people in the right direction. Even if I hadn't promised that, there is nothing inherently valuable about bad ideas. Nothing that privileges the creator of bad ideas over the criticizer.

Not sure if this guy would agree with you

If at first, the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it. ~Albert Einstein
Jake Andarius
Andarius Trading Corp.
#157 - 2012-03-19 17:21:31 UTC
Darth Tickles wrote:
Ok, except I just said I'll spend an hour of my life pointing people in the right direction. Even if I hadn't promised that, there is nothing inherently valuable about bad ideas. Nothing that privileges the creator of bad ideas over the criticizer.

The best part is I'm sitting at home right now writing a book about social theory at great risk to myself financially and professionally IN THE REAL WORLD, so I laugh in your face over your childish suggestions that pointing out the flaws in bad spaceship bank ideas somehow defines my whole personality.

Finally, your exact fault is that you haven;t learned a single thing from your mistakes as was evidenced by your insurance plan, where i also slammed your **** in the door, and this very thread.

Please, enlighten us with the lessons you've learned from ebank, so I can call you on your bullshit again though.

**** just got personal. <3. I would like to say for the record that I value your input on this thread. If you are familiar with the term Hegelian dialectic, you will understand why. Essentially, when two forces are in opposition, they collectively work off of one another to get to an end result that is actually productive. So <3 Darth. I might not agree with you on many things, but I believe your input is very valuable. Thank you, and I truly do mean that.
Darth Tickles
#158 - 2012-03-19 17:33:34 UTC
Utemetsu wrote:
~Albert Einstein

Oh ****, dethroned by an albert einstein quote.

The value comes from the challenge and refinement of ideas. As someone in the very process of working with 'crazy ideas", they're honestly a dime a dozen. It's the ones where people question and challenge; where they assume they're wrong, biased, the result of exuberance, the result of greed, the result of misplaced hope; and attack those ideas, keeping only that which stands up to scrutiny.

So again, I'm offering to take your effort and enthusiasm and point in a better direction, a direction based on experience and refinement, or you can just go on repeating the same old mistakes that have been hashed through already.

Your call.
#159 - 2012-03-19 17:41:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Utemetsu
Darth Tickles wrote:
Utemetsu wrote:
~Albert Einstein

So again, I'm offering to take your effort and enthusiasm and point in a better direction, a direction based on experience and refinement, or you can just go on repeating the same old mistakes that have been hashed through already

Your call

You're saying 'NO, that didn't work last time {yaddayaddayadda} and I slammed your **** in the door on that, remember?'' rather than 'That didn't work last time, here's why {reasonswhy.txt}

So far, all I've seen from you is effort and enthusiasm for slamming ****s in the door instead of constructive discussion. And really, what does that say about your own social theory?
Adunh Slavy
#160 - 2012-03-19 17:44:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Adunh Slavy
Darth Tickles wrote:
So again, I'm offering to take your effort and enthusiasm and point in a better direction, a direction based on experience and refinement, or you can just go on repeating the same old mistakes that have been hashed through already.

Acerbic advice delivered on a plate of ego, is rarely considered.

P.S. Do you. did you have an alt named gooumound or something like that back in ... 2008-2009?

Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.  - William Pitt