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Banks. We need them.

Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#21 - 2012-03-17 13:16:54 UTC
Dane Eham wrote:
Most people wouldn't use a bank in the real world if they had an Eve wallet. I suspect most money in banks earns no or virtually no interest and is only there for security and the convenience of transfers. Eve banks are actually worse than keeping the money in your own wallet on both those counts.

Maybe the Eve economy needs lending but the average player has no desire or need for a bank.

We had hundreds of billions in ISK in accounts earning 1.5% per month. People are crazy like that. We had a few dozen billion in accounts with 0% rates. These were sweep accounts where nobody moved deposits into checking. This was great for lending, but lending is only one of the three major revenue streams a Bank could pursue in EVE and while it is one of the largest and most scalable - it isn't necessary. This was with only 6,000 players, but our growth was increasing month over month. These are facts.

If someone was able to nail down accounting and take advantage of the fungible nature of all goods in EVE, then mass commodities trading would reign supreme.
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#22 - 2012-03-17 13:17:55 UTC
Tanya Powers wrote:
Well humanity thought they were the top chain food now for a few century, they were wrong.

They have the worst predator they could ever imagine that kills humans every day by millions: bank and their weapon is monetary system.

Their technique is now better than first vague in 1930's, much better because since then they don't really need world scale conflicts to kill entire populations, even thou they still do it, but this time a little bit everywhere.
You know it, you see it, you probably have friends or family already victim of those but you do nothing afraid that your turn is next.

Your money has no other value than the one they decide it worth, you can't do whatever and you will not do whatsoever because your worthless clueless money junky leadership is dependant of a predator that put them in place and depend like a junky depends on his daily ****** dose.

Another failure: Madoff everyone?

And you want to come feck me in the game with that crap again? - go die

No need for in game banks, never.

That's nice. Big smile
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#23 - 2012-03-17 13:20:04 UTC
DoraTheExplora Taft wrote:
Well what we're getting into here really in terms of the creation of semi trustworthy banks is whether or not ccp is going to create more complicated tools for what have been up to this point completely voluntary and trust based transactions. Ultimately ccp is the only completely trustworthy auditor (at least if they aren't you're screwed anyway so don't worry about it).

Do not confuse trust and risk.

Auditing is a 3rd party detective control against fraud - it will only detect fraud after fraud has happened. Auditing is absolutely useless in PREVENTING fraud.
Jake Andarius
Andarius Trading Corp.
#24 - 2012-03-17 15:08:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Jake Andarius
Adunh Slavy wrote:
But we need some tools, a functioning stock market, or bonds, loan contracts, something like that.

Having to rely on external tools and markets, although there are a couple, they don't have much wide spread use, they're not very visible, and in the land of constant scams there's a huge hurdle there as it is.

I do agree that if there is ever to be a serious stock market in EVE, it can only come about if CCP provides an ingame market much like the current market for commodities. But if we are strictly talking about banking here, then I see less need for CCP to create tools. We currently have all the basic tools we need for banks--an easy money transfer system, customizabile corp wallets, and retrievable APIs. The missing ingredient is that the players have not developed a banking system that players can trust.

Dane Eham wrote:
Most people wouldn't use a bank in the real world if they had an Eve wallet. I suspect most money in banks earns no or virtually no interest and is only there for security and the convenience of transfers. Eve banks are actually worse than keeping the money in your own wallet on both those counts.

Maybe the Eve economy needs lending but the average player has no desire or need for a bank.

This statement is factually false. Hexxx is right--EBank and several other banking ventures have been enormously popular. As a bit of personal testimony, I run a private bank for friends whenever they are actively playing EVE. Also, take a look at the bond activity on the MD forums. People are very attracted to the idea of their money increasing steadily over time with zero effort from them. Hypothetically, if there were a banking system in EVE that players could implicitly trust, then players would flood it with money because there is such a high demand for banks.

Hexxx wrote:
Auditing is a 3rd party detective control against fraud - it will only detect fraud after fraud has happened. Auditing is absolutely useless in PREVENTING fraud.

I disagree a bit here. Auditing can determine the financial competence of the player through analyzing past transactions (i.e. trade, investment, etc.), and it can help guide a more personal questionnaire-driven inspection of the player's actions. In reading through bond offers, it seems apparent that a great deal of scammers can not hold up to the weight of an informal and formal audit of their wallet history, because they either lack wallet history to substantiate their claims or the financial competence to make reasonable claims about what they plan to do with the ISK. You are entirely right, however, that there are a few financially competent, yet corrupt, players who are unhindered by audits. But I think you can use an auditing process to weed out a great majority of scammers.

I think your underlying sentiment was that auditing is not a foolproof method to verifying whether or not someone is a scammer. In that sense, I completely agree with you.

Tanya Powers wrote:
Well humanity thought they were the top chain food now for a few century, they were wrong.

They have the worst predator they could ever imagine that kills humans every day by millions: bank and their weapon is monetary system.

I was more entertained reading this post than I probably will be doing anything else today.
Tinu Moorhsum
Random Events
#25 - 2012-03-17 15:33:21 UTC
I think having a savings and loan bank is an interesting idea in principle but there are two major problems:

1) you can't do anything about it if someone doesn't pay back their loan. (and if someone can put up the collateral they usually don't need the loan).

2) nobody in this game can be trusted to run it.

I think before any theory crafting about a banking system can even begin, these two problems need water-tight solutions. Otherwise, the whole discussion is pointless.

Jake Andarius
Andarius Trading Corp.
#26 - 2012-03-17 15:40:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Jake Andarius
Tinu Moorhsum wrote:
I think having a savings and loan bank is an interesting idea in principle but there are two major problems:

1) you can't do anything about it if someone doesn't pay back their loan. (and if someone can put up the collateral they usually don't need the loan).

2) nobody in this game can be trusted to run it.

I think before any theory crafting about a banking system can even begin, these two problems need water-tight solutions. Otherwise, the whole discussion is pointless.

I completely agree with your two points, but I do not believe your conclusion follows from them. I think these two problems need water-tight solutions, so before we create any bank we should only concern ourselves with theory crafting about a banking system. This whole discussion is exactly the intellectual environment that creates solutions to those problems.

/Philosophy B.A. >_<
Callean Drevus
Caldari State
#27 - 2012-03-17 15:49:00 UTC
1) That is what auditing is meant to prevent a bit, isn't it?

2) I can. In terms of not being interested in running off with the money anyway. Trusting me to actively put lots of time in it for withdrawals and deposits is another thing however.

That said, EMK might eventually include a (micro-)loan system, possibly even a full fledged bank if everything continues well.

Developer/Creator of EVE Marketeer

Broken Thoughts
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#28 - 2012-03-17 15:51:08 UTC
how would you like the thought of an automated loan system that automatically withdraws money from your wallet after the arranged time?
would that be bad for the sandbox?
Tasko Pal
Spallated Garniferous Schist
#29 - 2012-03-17 16:00:18 UTC
Broken Thoughts wrote:
how would you like the thought of an automated loan system that automatically withdraws money from your wallet after the arranged time?
would that be bad for the sandbox?

I borrow a zillion isk, move it to another alt and biomass the borrower alt. Good sized sandbox breaker right there. But it's a lot more fun, if the automated system withdraws money from my wallet whether I have it or not. It'd be a race to see who's first to break wallet functionality with an out of bounds negative amount.
Broken Thoughts
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#30 - 2012-03-17 16:09:29 UTC
Tasko Pal wrote:
Broken Thoughts wrote:
how would you like the thought of an automated loan system that automatically withdraws money from your wallet after the arranged time?
would that be bad for the sandbox?

I borrow a zillion isk, move it to another alt and biomass the borrower alt. Good sized sandbox breaker right there. But it's a lot more fun, if the automated system withdraws money from my wallet whether I have it or not. It'd be a race to see who's first to break wallet functionality with an out of bounds negative amount.

of course it would withdraw money wether you have it or not, biomassing characters is.. well .. another thing
Darth Tickles
#31 - 2012-03-17 16:37:42 UTC
Collateralized loans are actually a large market by isk volume, and they function very well. In addition you could probably increase the market size by many orders of magnitude with an aggressive marketing campaign promoting the concept, and then capture that market.

Lending without collateral as a business transaction between strangers will always be a terrible idea in Eve, whether that's as a "bank" making loans or as depositors lending money to a "bank". Furthermore, CCP has never made any hint of ever having any interest in developing more tools for financial transactions, and I highly doubt they ever will, as it goes against the very nature of the game as they promote it.

The only sensible public transactions are collateralized. They work and there is already a functioning market for them. Everything else is whimsy or stupidity.
Jake Andarius
Andarius Trading Corp.
#32 - 2012-03-17 17:15:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Jake Andarius
Darth Tickles wrote:
Collateralized loans are actually a large market by isk volume, and they function very well. In addition you could probably increase the market size by many orders of magnitude with an aggressive marketing campaign promoting the concept, and then capture that market.

While I think uncollateralized bonds on MD show a possible future for uncollateralized banking, I do agree with your points on collateralized loans. It really is an ingenious way to make an extremely safe loan market. I wonder if TornSoul would mind commenting on how much demand BMBE receives to get an idea of the saturation of the collateralized loan market.
Kara Roideater
#33 - 2012-03-17 18:25:56 UTC
Kouryusei wrote:
I've not played Eve in quite a long time (came back yesterday after a rather extensive hiatus following some real life stuff - think I need to give people some ISK!), but I do agree with the sentiment that we need in-game banks.

I'd be willing to talk with some respected players to bring this to fruition, and I'm willing to put a large sum of real-life money in escrow (or convert it directly in to a large quantity of PLEX and therefore ISK) to insure against losses (in return for equity of the overall business). Though, who could be trusted to deal with high £X,XXX to low £XXX,XXX of my money? I'd be looking for some real-life contracts in this regard, and a third-party escrow service between myself and the other party.

From a technical perspective, it's somewhat possible - though due to the lack of a transactional API, there's always going to be some level of manual intervention until it's dealt with.

I'm not sure someone who disappeared for 2.5 years with his investors' cash is the best person to be the poster-boy for eve's banking sector or to hold a significant stake in any bank. Blink
Kara Roideater
#34 - 2012-03-17 18:32:27 UTC
Darth Tickles wrote:

The only sensible public transactions are collateralized. They work and there is already a functioning market for them. Everything else is whimsy or stupidity.

What's your view of third party collateralised loans? They seem to be a significant proportion of the market in this area but, technically, have all the fallibility of uncollateralised loans as the third party still needs to be trusted.
Adunh Slavy
#35 - 2012-03-17 18:41:11 UTC
Dane Eham wrote:
Most people wouldn't use a bank in the real world if they had an Eve wallet.

Yep, no need of the gold smith's vault in Eve.

Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.  - William Pitt

Darth Tickles
#36 - 2012-03-17 18:49:23 UTC
Kara Roideater wrote:
What's your view of third party collateralised loans? They seem to be a significant proportion of the market in this area but, technically, have all the fallibility of uncollateralised loans as the third party still needs to be trusted.

It's tricky. I'm tempted to be dishonest to not invite ambiguity...but **** it:

I think third parties are valid when someone has built up a reputation beyond any isk value and ultimately disassociated with any isk value. I think certain people become so well-known and trusted through an organic process of playing the game and interacting with people in corporations, alliances, the forums, eve-related groupings and subcommunities that they can be perceived to have gone beyond "having a price". It also helps if they're fabulously wealthy already, though this isn't absolutely necessary. Regardless, the amount of such people can probably be counted on two hands, maybe one.

Now, the important distinction is someone who comes out of nowhere holding greater and greater amounts of isk in trust. I think you would be foolish to trust this person with your isk.

That said, with direct collateralized loans you have a very convincing set of incentives such that people can interact to their mutual benefit with reasonable confidence, given the proper "due diligence" by both parties.
Adunh Slavy
#37 - 2012-03-17 18:52:34 UTC
Jake Andarius wrote:
Adunh Slavy wrote:
But we need some tools, a functioning stock market, or bonds, loan contracts, something like that.

Having to rely on external tools and markets, although there are a couple, they don't have much wide spread use, they're not very visible, and in the land of constant scams there's a huge hurdle there as it is.

I do agree that if there is ever to be a serious stock market in EVE, it can only come about if CCP provides an ingame market much like the current market for commodities. But if we are strictly talking about banking here, then I see less need for CCP to create tools. We currently have all the basic tools we need for banks--an easy money transfer system, customizabile corp wallets, and retrievable APIs. The missing ingredient is that the players have not developed a banking system that players can trust.

Trust, or Risk as Hexxx terms it, two sides of the same coin really, is an issue. My idea in the past was an in game tool/system that allowed loans by way of bonds, failure to meet the obligation allowed kill rights upon the defaulting entity, which by the end of the discussion turned out to be alliances as bond issuers.

I'll dig up the thread if anyone cares to read it, it's on the old forums, Hexxx may recall that conversation as he had some input, as did many others.

Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.  - William Pitt

Trading Gives MeWood
State War Academy
Caldari State
#38 - 2012-03-17 19:05:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Trading Gives MeWood
Collateral is key. One of the biggest differences between eve finance and real world finance is that in the eve, there is no claw back if the individual taking the loan doesnt pay. Essentially, once the money is transferred, the individual can do whatever they want with it.

The creation of a system where the money wasn't transferred into the actual wallet but rather is sequestered in an escrow account where the individual could trade and withdrawal their profit would solve this. The way I would envision this working is that if the individual stopped playing, the bank could take back whatever assets were left in essence "foreclosing" on the loan. This would take a lot of the risk out of lending, lower interest rates, and allow of more trust. It wouldnt remove the ability for the individual to do stupid things with the loan and lose money; however, it would allow for the expectation of repayment and reduce delinquency of loans.

Limiting the individuals ability to steal outright would allow banks to exist in a fashion that would protect the consumer without creating a "federal reserve" or FDIC insurance model that would literally explode the money supply and potentially create massive inflation. This system would also be more realistic because no one banker could withdrawl the entire value of a bank. This simply doesn't exist in the real world.

Not sure if such a tool is in the works; however, I think it would go a long way toward solving the problems we currently have.
Keizai Inc
#39 - 2012-03-17 19:23:53 UTC
Kara Roideater wrote:
Kouryusei wrote:
I've not played Eve in quite a long time (came back yesterday after a rather extensive hiatus following some real life stuff - think I need to give people some ISK!), but I do agree with the sentiment that we need in-game banks.

I'd be willing to talk with some respected players to bring this to fruition, and I'm willing to put a large sum of real-life money in escrow (or convert it directly in to a large quantity of PLEX and therefore ISK) to insure against losses (in return for equity of the overall business). Though, who could be trusted to deal with high £X,XXX to low £XXX,XXX of my money? I'd be looking for some real-life contracts in this regard, and a third-party escrow service between myself and the other party.

From a technical perspective, it's somewhat possible - though due to the lack of a transactional API, there's always going to be some level of manual intervention until it's dealt with.

I'm not sure someone who disappeared for 2.5 years with his investors' cash is the best person to be the poster-boy for eve's banking sector or to hold a significant stake in any bank. Blink

Real life gave me more pressing obligations at the time, everyone who invested was sent an in-game mail when I reactivated two days ago and actually remembered TBSTC. Life became hectic enough back then that I quite bluntly forgot about Eve, this character, the corporation and such. I actually recalled Eve primarily when playing WC3 after buying it on GOG a few days ago, at which point I spent the next day trying to remember my login details (took me a while to even figure out the email attached to it, going through old personal emails account till I could find the Eve Newsletter). Reactivated two of the three accounts and mailed the relevant people.

I'm not looking for investments from people, I can buy more than enough PLEX to raise the 50B capital I'm after for some of my own (non-banking) related investments, and to pay back the roughly 1B ISK I believe is outstanding. I will have to speak to people and negotiate over some form of return interest on their original investment however. I'll be doing the investing from now on, and working with my own trading plans. Finally going to put that Charon to good use, next (almost) step, a Jump Freighter.

I hold a significant stake in a number of real-life ventures (though a large chunk of my money is currently in property, as opposed to the markets), I'm offering to put forward a significant amount of collateral in escrow in return for some form of dividend payment. Either way, it is an offer, no one is forcing anyone to even consider it - nor am I looking to be the "poster-boy" of anything.

Regardless of all of this, we do honestly need some changes to the API (or perhaps mechanics as a whole), to make a banking venture within Eve be truly viable and sustainable. I'd be all for people signing the necessary agreements outside of the game making them liable for their own nefarious actions, though granted; dependent on location... that could be a legal minefield. A'las, I am not an expert on that.
Trading Gives MeWood
State War Academy
Caldari State
#40 - 2012-03-17 19:39:27 UTC
Also, thinking about the above idea, it would be Interesting if CCP created a system like alliances that banks or institutions could pay isk to create (say 10 billion, much like the fee to create an alliance) that would provide a charter or banking structure that in game players could reasonably trust. Think of this as documents of incorporation or some other sort of agreement that the individual institutions would sign that would provide a layer of trust insured by concord. Maybe I am way off base, just an idea.