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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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S0uthern Comfort [S0C0] Recruiting PvP Pilots EU/US/AUS TZ's

Alemanha Pereira
S0utherN Comfort
#141 - 2012-09-04 22:45:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Alemanha Pereira

Corp Video:

S0C0 was founded upon the ideal of corp brotherhood and attempting to achieve excellence in PVP. We are loyal to our comrades in corp and those who have left us on good terms. We stick together and attempt to leave no man behind.

Recruitment is now: Open
Join Recruitment channel: -SOCO- RECRUITMENT

Recruitment Officers:

Alemanha Pereira


What we offer:

* TS Server, Forum, and KB
* Knowledge from Veteran Players
* Corp Ran Logistics High > Low > NULL Sec
* Daily Large and Small PvP
* SOV with Isk Grind Locations
* Fleet fit FULL SRP (Corp Ran)


* PvP Focused Players
* 20mil SP Min.
* Be Self-Sufficient
* Willingness to Train into required ships
* Full Custom API
Alemanha Pereira
S0utherN Comfort
#142 - 2012-09-08 15:56:23 UTC
Bump for pvp pilots
Alemanha Pereira
S0utherN Comfort
#143 - 2012-09-14 23:35:59 UTC
Recruitment is once again opened
Alemanha Pereira
S0utherN Comfort
#144 - 2012-09-15 22:43:29 UTC
to the top
Alemanha Pereira
S0utherN Comfort
#145 - 2012-09-18 21:08:18 UTC
recruiting people who enjoy undocking from stations
Alemanha Pereira
S0utherN Comfort
#146 - 2012-09-24 18:12:24 UTC
to ze top
Alemanha Pereira
S0utherN Comfort
#147 - 2012-09-30 19:13:32 UTC
Selective recruitment open
Alemanha Pereira
S0utherN Comfort
#148 - 2012-10-01 17:22:09 UTC
Recruiting PvP pilots
Alemanha Pereira
S0utherN Comfort
#149 - 2012-10-03 17:56:44 UTC
Alemanha Pereira
S0utherN Comfort
#150 - 2012-10-08 20:18:06 UTC
Selective recruitment opened for pvp pilots
Alemanha Pereira
S0utherN Comfort
#151 - 2012-10-11 16:25:15 UTC
Recruiting pvp pilots
Alemanha Pereira
S0utherN Comfort
#152 - 2012-10-13 01:06:52 UTC
Recruiting people who know how to pvp in large fleet battles
Alemanha Pereira
S0utherN Comfort
#153 - 2012-10-14 15:39:55 UTC
Selective recruitment open
Alemanha Pereira
S0utherN Comfort
#154 - 2012-10-16 19:30:26 UTC
recruitment open
Alemanha Pereira
S0utherN Comfort
#155 - 2012-10-28 16:00:29 UTC
to ze top
Alemanha Pereira
S0utherN Comfort
#156 - 2012-11-10 22:53:55 UTC
Recruitment open
Alemanha Pereira
S0utherN Comfort
#157 - 2012-11-12 16:41:03 UTC
Recruitment open
Alemanha Pereira
S0utherN Comfort
#158 - 2012-11-14 16:48:47 UTC
recruitment open
Alemanha Pereira
S0utherN Comfort
#159 - 2012-11-16 22:43:10 UTC
to ze top
Alemanha Pereira
S0utherN Comfort
#160 - 2012-11-26 17:05:54 UTC
recruitment open