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Dedaf's industrial tool

United Brothers Of Eve
#141 - 2012-09-12 16:49:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Dedaf
Aurora Quinn wrote:

You are correct. I was using LibreOffice. As soon as I switched to Excell, it worked like a charm. A little complicated, but I'm figuring it out. Your PDF could use a little work... And for the corp mining charts, does that take into consideration the changes CCP made with the mining barges?

Good to hear that you made it work.

I would like to update the manual, but i lost the word file that i converted to the pdf file. neither I or anyone else has been able to convert the file back from PDF to a usable text file. So if i want to correct it, then i need to redo it completely Sad

Yes, the Corp mining sheets has been corrected to be in line with inferno 1.2.

Want to know what is best to mine or build at which cost? then try out Dedaf's Industrial Tool

Obad-Hai Hanomaa
#142 - 2012-09-16 09:31:34 UTC
I really like this sheet (better then the one I created myself, lol).

However, I think I may have found a (small) bug.

For example: On the T2 production sheet, I'm able to set "in stock"-parameters for both the T2 item to be manufactured and the T1 item I need. The "in stock"-parameter for the Robotic assembly module can be set in L18 through L24, but it seems to be ignored and therefor the Produktion Need with regular materials like Trit seems to be incorrect.

United Brothers Of Eve
#143 - 2012-09-17 10:13:15 UTC
Hi Obad-Hai Hanomaa
I cant seem to find the issue you are mentioning. Please contact me ingame, then i can try to guide you in using the tool or find the potential bug.


Want to know what is best to mine or build at which cost? then try out Dedaf's Industrial Tool

Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#144 - 2012-09-17 23:53:08 UTC  |  Edited by: NarkoGirl
For some reason i can't seem to get the Minerals needed & Missing in the Capitals_Production tab to work.

Nothing happens, what am i doing wrong? I have entered my amount of minrals in the blue fields and chosen my char and updated..

/Thx for an awsome spreatsheet :)

nvm, forgot to enter the numbers i wanted to produce :) (Was so focused on the runs on bpc.
Morrigan Cerridwen
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#145 - 2012-09-18 12:10:08 UTC
Hi Dedaf,

Thanks for an awesome spreadsheet indeed. I first heard of it an hour ago and I already know it is the best I have ever seen.

One question: I couldn't seem to find the production page for freighters. I'm overlooking this or is it not yet implemented?

Thanks again.


PS. I sent you an evemail regarding your problem.
david war
#146 - 2012-09-20 02:45:46 UTC  |  Edited by: david war
I can't get it to down load keep's trying to repair all the time.can any 1 help.
ok got it to download
Pyrex Bandur
Amarr Empire
#147 - 2012-10-01 20:41:55 UTC
Would be nice if there would be a option to skip the whole T2 part production, i.e. if I build Sabres I want to see the mass for the T2 components and the price and not the mass and price for the parts to produce them.
Demos Mirak
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#148 - 2012-10-04 14:16:46 UTC
Nice tool, but I found two missing items, the Target Spectrum Breaker, and the Reactive Armor Hardener. Part of E-war and Armor and Hull respectively. If they are in the tool, please tell me where, because I could not find them in T1 Items and T2 items. They're both inferno prototypes.
Crunchy Crunchy
#149 - 2012-10-05 16:22:09 UTC
Nice tool, but I must comment...

Ever since you upgraded to where it requires 2010 or 2007 with compatibillity install I cannot hardly use it. I run on linux and have never even wanted to purchase 2007 and 2010 for my systems so the only time I can even look at these is when I'm at the campus library or so on. Why did you change from where 2003/openoffice/libreoffice could read it? Seems to be more of a detriment even for those on windows who cannot afford microsoft's overpriced crap software suite.
United Brothers Of Eve
#150 - 2012-10-06 11:25:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Dedaf
hi NarkoGirl
Im glad you managed to make the sheet work and thanks for letting us know what was wrong, im sure it can help others in same situations.

Hi Morrigan Cerridwen
I have already thank you in a mail, but i just want to say hanks again for helping converting the PDF file for the manual. I have already updated the manual with up to date pictures and screen shots. Soon i will start expanding the manual.
Thank you very much

Hi Pyrex Bandur
Its a good idea, i will see how i can implement that. Thanks for the feedback.

Demos Mirak wrote:
Nice tool, but I found two missing items, the Target Spectrum Breaker, and the Reactive Armor Hardener. Part of E-war and Armor and Hull respectively. If they are in the tool, please tell me where, because I could not find them in T1 Items and T2 items. They're both inferno prototypes.

Those 2 items are not in the tool because there are no original blueprint as fare as i can see. If i was to add them then i should also start to add all the named items. I have decided only to have T1 items with Original blue prints, so that is why you dont find them.

Rastuasi wrote:
Nice tool, but I must comment...

Ever since you upgraded to where it requires 2010 or 2007 with compatibillity install I cannot hardly use it. I run on linux and have never even wanted to purchase 2007 and 2010 for my systems so the only time I can even look at these is when I'm at the campus library or so on. Why did you change from where 2003/openoffice/libreoffice could read it? Seems to be more of a detriment even for those on windows who cannot afford microsoft's overpriced crap software suite.

I'm happy to know that you like the tool and that you want to use it. But i cant really do anything about compatibility in Microsofts products. I want to make use of all the nice new features in 2007 and 2010 instead of staying in a old version.
You could also argu that its too bad it doesnt work on Appel products. But im really making this tool for my own use and because i like playing with Excel, sharing it with others is just for the fun of it.
I tried to make a 2003 compatible version at one point, but at some point that just want possible anymore either.

So im sorry to hear that you cant use the tool, but im afraid i cant do anything about it.

Uploaded a new version 14.6.6

Want to know what is best to mine or build at which cost? then try out Dedaf's Industrial Tool

Lava Shark Productions
#151 - 2012-10-09 19:00:03 UTC
note sure whats going on went to download the new version and the website dont work gives me a error.
The Nordic Associates
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#152 - 2012-10-12 23:36:15 UTC
hi Dedaf,

amazing file, however i am not sure how to work with t2 rig production. I try changing runs for bpc, but values dont seem to change. Only get error if i change to 0, but 1 or 5, material consumption stays the same. Can you take a look into it?

Also i feel its a bit too automatic/restricted. Would it be possible to have a field to enter our "bought" price for materials and then calculate profit based on sold price? That would be amazing.
United Brothers Of Eve
#153 - 2012-10-22 09:40:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Dedaf
Zosius wrote:
hi Dedaf,

amazing file, however i am not sure how to work with t2 rig production. I try changing runs for bpc, but values dont seem to change. Only get error if i change to 0, but 1 or 5, material consumption stays the same. Can you take a look into it?

Also i feel its a bit too automatic/restricted. Would it be possible to have a field to enter our "bought" price for materials and then calculate profit based on sold price? That would be amazing.

Hi Zosius
You get an error because you can not have a 0 run blueprint. The reason why you dont see a change when you put number of runs is probably because you haven't entered a value in the BluePrint price field? NBR of runs only has effect on the build price, if u put a value in the BP price field. its like this. "item Build price" = minerals + ("Price of BPc" / "nbr of runs")

You can already enter the price of the minerals you bought, go to data sheet, and enter the prices in the field OWN, then select OWN in the field where you want to use those prices.

Want to know what is best to mine or build at which cost? then try out Dedaf's Industrial Tool

#154 - 2012-10-22 17:52:08 UTC  |  Edited by: p1ccard
Not sure if someone has mentioned this before, but you should port to google docs :p

(mostly joking; having ported an industrial spreadsheet myself it was easier to scrap the original and rebuild it, better, on Gdocs)
#155 - 2012-10-22 18:35:40 UTC
Awesome tool, thanks! Would it be possible to let us set a refining character for the ore mining calculations? My Orca pilot is my refiner, so if I use my mining character for the profit calculations, they're all wrong. Alternatively, just make the processing percentages editable so we can set them to 100%.
Dirty Old Bastards
Random Violence.
#156 - 2012-10-24 04:37:43 UTC
Hey mate, with the latest version I get an error when pulling all data, also when I use second char I can not select that char in drop down box;s etc.
United Brothers Of Eve
#157 - 2012-10-24 10:50:28 UTC
Kronarn wrote:
Hey mate, with the latest version I get an error when pulling all data, also when I use second char I can not select that char in drop down box;s etc.

Hi Kronarn

I checked it this morning and it seem the error comes from a change CCP has done to the SOV system feed. It seems that im no longer able to pull the system info, the way i have been doing till now.
A workaround for now untill i upload a new version, will be not to use the "update everything", but use the update bottons in each of the productions tools. Except for the update button in the POS production tool, as it is asking for system SOV, so you will get the same error her.

As soon as i have the time i will upload en corrected file.

Thanks you for reporting this.

Want to know what is best to mine or build at which cost? then try out Dedaf's Industrial Tool

Alenn G'kar
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#158 - 2012-10-29 10:33:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Alenn G'kar
Please can you unlock in the next version windows for skills. I'd like to rewrite some skills to know how it will be, because I could not get a fake API forming, or when i try to update price data, lines for manual skills informations disappear :(

Thx A
Cat Harkness
Twilight Labs
The Serenity Initiative
#159 - 2012-10-29 21:58:56 UTC
2 things,

1. When setting sell prices on T1 production (maybe on all did not check), the field is set to whole numbers. It would be nice to have 2 decimal places. (60.25 instead of 60).

2. Is there anyway to import your inventory of minerals and such.

Thanks for the great tool.

Cat Harkness


Twilight Labs

Dirty Old Bastards
Random Violence.
#160 - 2012-10-31 10:33:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Kronarn
Dedaf wrote:
Kronarn wrote:
Hey mate, with the latest version I get an error when pulling all data, also when I use second char I can not select that char in drop down box;s etc.

Hi Kronarn

I checked it this morning and it seem the error comes from a change CCP has done to the SOV system feed. It seems that im no longer able to pull the system info, the way i have been doing till now.
A workaround for now untill i upload a new version, will be not to use the "update everything", but use the update bottons in each of the productions tools. Except for the update button in the POS production tool, as it is asking for system SOV, so you will get the same error her.

As soon as i have the time i will upload en corrected file.

Thanks you for reporting this.

No thank you mate, love the support you offer on this tool.

Thanks for the fast response mate.

Now for the bad news P

In office 2010 I now get an XML parse error with the SS, cannot get chars from API etc