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Dedaf's industrial tool

Joah Theron
Raumpatrouille Orion
#281 - 2013-07-29 16:09:54 UTC
Hey Dedaf,
I tool is very cool but i have a problem in my T1 Production i want to see instead of the avg. Price my own Price I wrote in the Data sheet. Why does it not work? :/
United Brothers Of Eve
#282 - 2013-07-29 19:42:36 UTC
Hi Joah
in each tool, you need to select which price to use, Own, Buy, Sell or Avg.
In the T1 production sheet you do that in Cell I5, in the top of the sheet.

Want to know what is best to mine or build at which cost? then try out Dedaf's Industrial Tool

United Brothers Of Eve
#283 - 2013-08-13 16:10:39 UTC
New version uploaded

Want to know what is best to mine or build at which cost? then try out Dedaf's Industrial Tool

TFK Killermaster
The Flying Killers
#284 - 2013-08-19 16:49:27 UTC
Hi Dedaf,

your tool is very great.

But i found a issue....

the skill three is not coming after updating from the API Key.

Version 15,4,8

check this pls.

and THX for your great work.

best regard

Bill Saisima
#285 - 2013-08-21 12:38:01 UTC

In version 15,4,9 the drop downs to select t2 rigs don't work for me. They do work on other sheets so probably just some problem with this one...
M Kernel
Cayman Applied Kinetics
#286 - 2013-08-21 14:53:06 UTC  |  Edited by: M Kernel
Hey Dedaf,

I think there is a rounding bug in the Capital_Production sheet:

Steps to reproduce:
- Set all the "To be build" to 0
- under "Construction Parts", set ML to 100 and "Build Additional" to 94.
- the line now displays "Tritanium: 349'733" (which is correct)
- however, on top of the sheet, "Production Need" says 32'874'895 Trit, but 94 * 349'733 = 32'874'902

I think you need to to round the mineral amount per component before multiplying by the number of runs.
I am using version 15,4,9.

Keep up the good work, really love your sheet!
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#287 - 2013-08-21 15:38:53 UTC
Bill Saisima wrote:

In version 15,4,9 the drop downs to select t2 rigs don't work for me. They do work on other sheets so probably just some problem with this one...

Can also confirm that the dropdown llsts for T2 rigs production do not work.

They were not working in in the previous version either.
United Brothers Of Eve
#288 - 2013-08-22 08:14:24 UTC
Bill Saisima wrote:

In version 15,4,9 the drop downs to select t2 rigs don't work for me. They do work on other sheets so probably just some problem with this one...

Hi Bill
Thanks for the hint, i have fixed it and uploaded a new temp version 15,4,9a, where the cells are working as intended.

M Kernel wrote:
Hey Dedaf,

I think there is a rounding bug in the Capital_Production sheet:

Steps to reproduce:
- Set all the "To be build" to 0
- under "Construction Parts", set ML to 100 and "Build Additional" to 94.
- the line now displays "Tritanium: 349'733" (which is correct)
- however, on top of the sheet, "Production Need" says 32'874'895 Trit, but 94 * 349'733 = 32'874'902

I think you need to to round the mineral amount per component before multiplying by the number of runs.
I am using version 15,4,9.

Keep up the good work, really love your sheet!

Hi M Kernel
I will have to look in to this a bit more, before i can make a change. I do not get the same numbers you are refering to, to me construction parts need 437166 trit. at ML 100
But i do see a rounding issue, however i need to test it with ingame values, to see which rounding calculation is correct.
I should be able to have a fix for this some time over the weekend.

Thanks to all of you for helping imporving the tool.

Want to know what is best to mine or build at which cost? then try out Dedaf's Industrial Tool

M Kernel
Cayman Applied Kinetics
#289 - 2013-08-22 12:53:55 UTC
Dedaf wrote:
I do not get the same numbers you are refering to, to me construction parts need 437166 trit. at ML 100

I just checked: This is with Production Efficency Skill at 0.

Also, i just started a Production Batch ingame, it needed 32'874'902 Tritanium. (with Production Efficency Skill at 5 and BP ML at 100)
United Brothers Of Eve
#290 - 2013-08-23 12:43:13 UTC
M Kernel wrote:
Dedaf wrote:
I do not get the same numbers you are refering to, to me construction parts need 437166 trit. at ML 100

I just checked: This is with Production Efficency Skill at 0.

Also, i just started a Production Batch ingame, it needed 32'874'902 Tritanium. (with Production Efficency Skill at 5 and BP ML at 100)

Hi M Kernel
you are right i had used the wrong character.
I have done some more tests and corrected the rounding error of the capital components. It should now fit the exact amount of minerals needed as in game.

Thanks for highlighting this issue. I have now uploaded a new version with the correction, for you to download.

Want to know what is best to mine or build at which cost? then try out Dedaf's Industrial Tool

Athelas Loraiel
Amarr Empire
#291 - 2013-08-25 22:21:51 UTC
Thank you Daedaf,
it is very worthwhile to find a person so dedicated and developing his tool in such a long time.

Thanks again.

I donated a bit and will do again.
United Brothers Of Eve
#292 - 2013-08-26 06:08:06 UTC
Athelas Loraiel wrote:
Thank you Daedaf,
it is very worthwhile to find a person so dedicated and developing his tool in such a long time.

Thanks again.

I donated a bit and will do again.

Thank you very much!

Want to know what is best to mine or build at which cost? then try out Dedaf's Industrial Tool

United Brothers Of Eve
#293 - 2013-08-31 14:45:14 UTC
Thunder Jolt wrote:
Hi Dedaf,

I think there's a bug with the T2 items production mineral calculations or just specific to that item.
I just happened to test for T2 Gyrostabs and it says 8 units of morphite are need for ME -4.

Jitonomic says 6 units, Zofu says 6 units too, I can't check in game right now so I'm guessing it's probably a bug What?.
Could you check that out ?

Thanks for this fabulous tool ;)

HI Thunder
This issue should new be solved, as i have changed the calculation for the T2 items totally.
As i have been doing a lot of changed, then i could have made some mistakes, so if you find any material that are not correct, then let me know. Now i can fix it really fast with the new way that it is calculated.

New version

Want to know what is best to mine or build at which cost? then try out Dedaf's Industrial Tool

Cat Harkness
Twilight Labs
The Serenity Initiative
#294 - 2013-08-31 17:14:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Cat Harkness
Really enjoy your great tool.

But would there be anyway you could add a "backup/restore all" instead of one for each sheet?


Cat Harkness


Twilight Labs

United Brothers Of Eve
#295 - 2013-09-02 11:38:30 UTC
Cat Harkness wrote:
Really enjoy your great tool.

But would there be anyway you could add a "backup/restore all" instead of one for each sheet?


Good idea.
I will have that in the next version.


Want to know what is best to mine or build at which cost? then try out Dedaf's Industrial Tool

United Brothers Of Eve
#296 - 2013-09-03 18:01:39 UTC
New version, up to date with Odyssey 1,1

Want to know what is best to mine or build at which cost? then try out Dedaf's Industrial Tool

Dr Kev
Tashi Delek Construction
#297 - 2013-09-11 02:30:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Dr Kev
Firstly.... Great tool! i use it daily, thank you.

Found an error it think with t2 Assault missiles. They are showing the old names (Javelin/Rage) and the material quantities don't match BPs.
United Brothers Of Eve
#298 - 2013-09-11 06:58:41 UTC
Dr Kev wrote:
Firstly.... Great tool! i use it daily, thank you.

Found an error it think with t2 Assault missiles. They are showing the old names (Javelin/Rage) and the material quantities don't match BPs.

Hi Dr Kev
Glad you like the tool.
However i cannot seem to find the error you are referring to? To me all missiles and rockets, have the exact same names as ingame. Maybe you are using an old version?
Here you can download the latest Version 15,6,4

Want to know what is best to mine or build at which cost? then try out Dedaf's Industrial Tool

#299 - 2013-09-11 09:00:37 UTC
Thanks for this great tool!
I have a question, when planning a t2 Ship, it seems, that the tool doesn't count the extra materials of the prophecy for the amarr commandships.

Every winner needs a looser, only idiots need a leader!

United Brothers Of Eve
#300 - 2013-09-11 09:56:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Dedaf
B'atou wrote:
Thanks for this great tool!
I have a question, when planning a t2 Ship, it seems, that the tool doesn't count the extra materials of the prophecy for the amarr commandships.

Hi B'atou
i Just checked, you are right, the prophecy was missing the extra minerals!
Thanks for highlighting this, it will be corrected in the next version.

Want to know what is best to mine or build at which cost? then try out Dedaf's Industrial Tool