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Dedaf's industrial tool

Adelin Atakami
Transformative Solutions
#221 - 2013-03-04 23:32:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Adelin Atakami
Thank you mate for the incredible tool!

All in one place like never before....
United Brothers Of Eve
#222 - 2013-03-05 11:10:28 UTC
Mauy Thai wrote:
Hi Dedaf,

Firstly, Thank you for making such a incredible tool. it has allowed me to maximize my manufacturing and be much more efficient.

I would like to request a future addition to the sheet if at all possible. Instead of having 5 ship slots for capital manufacturing, could you increase that to 11 + to bring up with the other ship and item manufacturing tabs ? Thank you in advance if you are able and willing to do this!

Hi Mauy Thai

Im glad you like and find the tool useful its good to know others can benefit from the work put in to it.
Regarding the extra slots, in the capital sheet. When I build it, I was using Office 2003, back then 2003 couldn’t handle all the calculations that was needed, for calculating mineral needs for both ships and component. I think it has changed in 2007/2010, so it should be possible to add more Ship slots. However I do not think I will add more than 5 extra ship slots, to get to a total of 10 as I like to keep the sheets simple and not too big.
I cannot tell you when I will extend the capital sheet, but I will keep it in mind for some rainy days. Smile


Want to know what is best to mine or build at which cost? then try out Dedaf's Industrial Tool

Mauy Thai
Waffle Batter Trade Consortium Holdings
Waffle Batter Trade Consortium
#223 - 2013-03-05 20:57:47 UTC
Fair enough, just would be great to have more! in the meantime I will keep using your tool on a near daily basis and I will keep checking back in to see if those valuable extra 5 slots have been added!

Fly safe!
Amarr Empire
#224 - 2013-03-12 07:47:13 UTC
Hi Dedaf,

The download in XLSM file, i've no idea how to use it. Tried 7-Zip on it, but in vain.

Anxious to try out your great tool, can i be enlighened, thx

United Brothers Of Eve
#225 - 2013-03-12 07:57:04 UTC
Hi Nothingtolose
It is an excel file, you need Excel 2007 or newer to use the file to its fullest.
The M in the file type stands for Active Macros, which are used to pull the API and market stat.

Want to know what is best to mine or build at which cost? then try out Dedaf's Industrial Tool

Jerrick Chase
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#226 - 2013-03-25 11:23:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Jerrick Chase
Hey Dedaf,

First off and most importantly, amazing spreadsheet. This thing has everything! Thank you for sharing the work that you've put into it.

My question is with the corp mining tab. Is there any way to determine or change the payouts that certain ships will get at the end of the op? As it seems to me now (or I've overlooked it) that the payouts are at a fixed payout percentage based on the ship that is being flown. I'd like to personalize this if possible.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#227 - 2013-03-25 11:41:07 UTC
I seem to be having an issue with mineral prices, the average prices seem to be a little glitched at the moment. Megacyte is appearing at 1.02isk per unit, buying and selling prices seem correct for the region though.
United Brothers Of Eve
#228 - 2013-03-26 06:49:55 UTC
Jerrick Chase wrote:
Hey Dedaf,

First off and most importantly, amazing spreadsheet. This thing has everything! Thank you for sharing the work that you've put into it.

My question is with the corp mining tab. Is there any way to determine or change the payouts that certain ships will get at the end of the op? As it seems to me now (or I've overlooked it) that the payouts are at a fixed payout percentage based on the ship that is being flown. I'd like to personalize this if possible.

Hi Jerrick
The payout is calculated on ship used and time spend mining.
The % payout for ships is locked, as The hulk is the ship with the best yield in game, therefore using a hulk will give u a 100% time payout.
The sheet "ship % payout" is calculated from best fit. So hulk will always be best, I don't see why you would change that.
If you think someone has not fitted his ship right, then set him as using a ship with a lower yield. That way he will get a lower payout.

Want to know what is best to mine or build at which cost? then try out Dedaf's Industrial Tool

Jerrick Chase
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#229 - 2013-03-26 11:28:12 UTC
Dedaf wrote:

Hi Jerrick
The payout is calculated on ship used and time spend mining.
The % payout for ships is locked, as The hulk is the ship with the best yield in game, therefore using a hulk will give u a 100% time payout.
The sheet "ship % payout" is calculated from best fit. So hulk will always be best, I don't see why you would change that.
If you think someone has not fitted his ship right, then set him as using a ship with a lower yield. That way he will get a lower payout.

Thanks for responding. After getting some sleep and playing around with that sheet a little more yesterday a corpmate and I were better able to understand how much each ship was getting. We were essentially over thinking the process the night I posted. After looking through it, though, we agreed it wasn't needed to be personalized.

But thank you for explaining, it cleared up quite a bit for us.

I also would like to second MainDrains post about the average prices for megacyte. Buy and Sell prices are correct, but average seems to be stuck at 1isk.
Mark Reis
A Blessed Bean
Pandemic Horde
#230 - 2013-03-26 13:13:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Mark Reis
This tool is amazing!
United Brothers Of Eve
#231 - 2013-03-26 20:23:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Dedaf
MainDrain wrote:
I seem to be having an issue with mineral prices, the average prices seem to be a little glitched at the moment. Megacyte is appearing at 1.02isk per unit, buying and selling prices seem correct for the region though.

Hi MainDrain and Jerrick
The statistic is retrieved directly from Eve-central, my sheet doesn't modify the numbers. So the medium price you see is what eve-central provide us. However, i don't see the megac. at 1isk. I'm using Jita market for my import. Maybe you could tell me which region you are using and also you could try to change from just one system to a region, or from one region to another.

But the import prices are never 100% correct, so i would advice you to use them only as a guidance. if you want a much more correct price, then you should enter the price you buy the minerals or material at, and use Own price for calculating build price.

Thanks for your feed back.

Want to know what is best to mine or build at which cost? then try out Dedaf's Industrial Tool

The Insane One
#232 - 2013-04-08 02:43:06 UTC
Hey Dedaf, I like using your excel sheet, only problem is I was curious as to if you could make the Ore sheet ( how much you have to mine to get minerals). If you could make it so you can put in different m3 ammounts ( due to having multiple mining accounts ), so then that way incase i had 10000 m3 a cycle ( from multiple accounts) It would be easier to figure out how long it would take to mine said ores.
Felton Fundenberger
Venoo's garden and greenhouse inc
#233 - 2013-04-09 05:50:21 UTC
Hello Dedaf,

Does this work with Open Office?
Tallon D'Karrde
Blue-Sun Corporation
#234 - 2013-04-20 15:36:39 UTC
Hello Dedaf.

I am running Microsoft Excel 2007... and every time I choose "Update Everything" it locks up excel.

Any idea what could be causing this?
Arial Enterprise
Sigma Grindset
#235 - 2013-04-24 16:15:54 UTC
Hello Dedaf, your tool is by far the most user friendly, but could you please add more cells for more partecipants in Corp Mining Tab? Cause i can't use it anymore if you don't add more space for more ppl in a Mining Operation.
United Brothers Of Eve
#236 - 2013-04-27 18:34:35 UTC
Tallon D'Karrde wrote:
Hello Dedaf.
I am running Microsoft Excel 2007... and every time I choose "Update Everything" it locks up excel.
Any idea what could be causing this?

Hi Tallon
I do not know what could be the reason for this. I have tested the sheet in both 2007 and 2010 without seeing that problem.

xXxNIMRODxXx wrote:
Hello Dedaf, your tool is by far the most user friendly, but could you please add more cells for more partecipants in Corp Mining Tab? Cause i can't use it anymore if you don't add more space for more ppl in a Mining Operation.

Hi Nimrod
I have had the request before, and i am thinking about how to expand the Corp mining sheets. But i want it to be in a simple and functional way, so i cant say when i will be able to release the version with extra slots.

Im glad you like this tool and using it to its limit. I will do my best to find a good solution for you.


Want to know what is best to mine or build at which cost? then try out Dedaf's Industrial Tool

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#237 - 2013-05-07 13:53:16 UTC

sorry to be a pest, but do you have any plans for a Beta Version of the sheet featuring the upcoming changes to ore refine amounts

Eloria Thuk
#238 - 2013-05-08 11:21:54 UTC
Hi Dedaf,

one question: I always upgrade your spreadsheet by a Tab called "T2 Ship Invention Costs". It basically calculates the costs for datacores and decryptors, the propability of a succesful invention and the invested costs per bpc/bpc run. I did it to get a clue where invention with/without decryptors has its cutoff to be worthy or not.

However, I got no clue about macros or vba and all that stuff, but I desperately wish to have an "import prices button" (for decryptors and datacores depending on race and shiptype) and some other "wishes" for the überskilled Big smile


Do you have any idea? Or even better.. Can I send you my dedaf and you just put these tiny little buttons in it? Roll

United Brothers Of Eve
#239 - 2013-05-08 14:01:41 UTC
MainDrain wrote:
sorry to be a pest, but do you have any plans for a Beta Version of the sheet featuring the upcoming changes to ore refine amounts

Hi Main
I normaly dont release before the game patch has been deployed.
Its not that i dont want to share it, but mostly cause i dont want to keep making corrections to the tool, as those kind of game corrections, often changes when the game patch are deployed.
Therefore i mostly do the sheet correction after the patch deployment.

Eloria Thuk wrote:
Hi Dedaf,
one question: I always upgrade your spreadsheet by a Tab called "T2 Ship Invention Costs". It basically calculates the costs for datacores and decryptors, the propability of a succesful invention and the invested costs per bpc/bpc run. I did it to get a clue where invention with/without decryptors has its cutoff to be worthy or not.

However, I got no clue about macros or vba and all that stuff, but I desperately wish to have an "import prices button" (for decryptors and datacores depending on race and shiptype) and some other "wishes" for the überskilled Big smile


Do you have any idea? Or even better.. Can I send you my dedaf and you just put these tiny little buttons in it? Roll

Hi Eloria
I really like what you have done here, its very simpel and smooth looking.
maybe we can help eachother out here? I have never done invention myself, that is why i dont have this kind of tool in my sheet.
I see you are very skilled in it, so i will contact you ingame, then we can agree on how to continue.


Want to know what is best to mine or build at which cost? then try out Dedaf's Industrial Tool

Railok Skor
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#240 - 2013-05-10 20:55:33 UTC
Hi Dedaf,
For some reason I get the Runtime Error '-2147217376 (80041020)'. After trying to get rid of if by doing what was on the FAQ on your website it still is appearing. I am running it on Microsoft excel 2010.