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Is the Titan nerf announced for April CCP kowtowing to GOONs?

Obsidian Hawk
RONA Midgard Academy
#41 - 2012-03-13 23:43:31 UTC
Darth Derpfarious is just a troll guys, he is just a whiney incursion runner, pay no attention to him.

Why Can't I have a picture signature.

Also please support graphical immersion, bring back the art that brought people to EvE online originaly.

Caldari State
#42 - 2012-03-13 23:50:11 UTC
More like the Titan nerf is trying to do something about average 0.0 battles looking like this:


Senorita putatita
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#43 - 2012-03-13 23:58:43 UTC
Ganagati wrote:
More like the Titan nerf is trying to do something about average 0.0 battles looking like this:

I'm confused are their just too many ships in the pic for you? Or would you rather see Rifters Maelstroms and Drakes?
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#44 - 2012-03-14 01:41:46 UTC
Ganagati wrote:
More like the Titan nerf is trying to do something about average 0.0 battles looking like this:

that was actually a move op

Twitter: @EVEAndski

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths."    - Abrazzar

Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#45 - 2012-03-14 01:42:04 UTC
Senorita putatita wrote:
Or would you rather see Rifters Maelstroms and Drakes?


Twitter: @EVEAndski

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths."    - Abrazzar

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#46 - 2012-03-14 03:55:59 UTC
Senorita putatita wrote:
Esmilis99 wrote:
Totally not OP

lock - web - puff, lock - web - puff

I learned last weekend was drakes and maelstroms suck against titans and sc's. Kinda like using hulks against canes. Nerf canes

You do realize that that scenario applies to all subcaps? I for one enjoy subcaps, and would hate to be forced into a super just to be able to play the game.

Ladie Harlot
Amarr Empire
#47 - 2012-03-14 05:04:49 UTC
Senorita putatita wrote:
Ganagati wrote:
More like the Titan nerf is trying to do something about average 0.0 battles looking like this:

I'm confused are their just too many ships in the pic for you? Or would you rather see Rifters Maelstroms and Drakes?

The latter. We believe big epic battles in nullsec should be enjoyed by everybody no matter how many skillpoints they have.

The artist formerly known as Ladie Scarlet.

Mara Rinn
Cosmic Goo Convertor
#48 - 2012-03-14 05:36:45 UTC
I don't want people who believe Titans are the "end game" to be playing my EVE Online. In fact, I don't want anyone who considers any activity to be "the end game" to be playing my EVE.

Nullsec politics is part of "the game". Lowsec piracy is part of "the game". Flying capital ships is part of "the game". Super capitals are tools to be used for specific purposes, just like a Torx screwdriver. You don't use a Torx to chisel a rebate, neither should you use a Titan to blap cruisers.

The sig res + target nerf is quite a nifty option.

Next up, using line of sight to nerf the blob. You want massive fleet fights? Bring discipline and tactics. No more blobbing and simply alpha-striking the biggest targets off the field first.
Barbara Nichole
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#49 - 2012-03-14 06:27:40 UTC
I'm not really sure why Titans have to be nerfed yet again.... I don't think it adds to the game to make the toughest and most expensive ship to get into in the game less and less powerful. but really..not able to target drakes? Just bring back the original doomsday.... who needs targets.

  - remove the cloaked from local; free intel is the real problem, not  "afk" cloaking -


Deep Core Mining Inc.
#50 - 2012-03-14 06:46:41 UTC
Barbara Nichole wrote:
I'm not really sure why Titans have to be nerfed yet again.... I don't think it adds to the game to make the toughest and most expensive ship to get into in the game less and less powerful. but really..not able to target drakes? Just bring back the original doomsday.... who needs targets.

Being able to jump in an entire fleet and single handily instagib any capital ship isn't powerful?

I don't always use hax. But when I do, it's because I'm an NPC..

Space Mermaids
#51 - 2012-03-14 06:51:01 UTC
DarthNefarius wrote:
NERFing of anything seems to be a bad thing IMHO is a tool of last resorts. I think this sort of complaint from those getting nerfed is justified:

"Well now that DEVs NERF BAT has gone and taken raiden's only defense GOONs should be able to steam roll them. CCP knows the titans were working just fine for when you were outnumbered. Now Raiden will loose all their space unless by some miracle goons stop fielding 800 man fleets. Well time to see how long before half of eve is blue once again. This is similar to the DRF but a little bit worse "

Those that trained for years to get a titan are putting them up for sale in droves. I suspect that ALOT of titan accounts will just unsub; they also may just quit because all the trainning they put into such ships are wasted & they won't get reimbursed for the time but I suspect they are so addicted to the game you are going to hear some incredible howls by bittervets.

He is right CCP. These things are supposed to be a Sov defence tool. It's our fault we need 500 of them to hold Sov? I'm not saying you don't have a problem. I just question if this is the solution right now. Goons are trying to break an ingame stalemate and you guys are doing it for them. You are being used like tools.

Darth Gustav
Sith Interstellar Tech Harvesting
#52 - 2012-03-14 06:53:31 UTC
Ocih wrote:
DarthNefarius wrote:
NERFing of anything seems to be a bad thing IMHO is a tool of last resorts. I think this sort of complaint from those getting nerfed is justified:

"Well now that DEVs NERF BAT has gone and taken raiden's only defense GOONs should be able to steam roll them. CCP knows the titans were working just fine for when you were outnumbered. Now Raiden will loose all their space unless by some miracle goons stop fielding 800 man fleets. Well time to see how long before half of eve is blue once again. This is similar to the DRF but a little bit worse "

Those that trained for years to get a titan are putting them up for sale in droves. I suspect that ALOT of titan accounts will just unsub; they also may just quit because all the trainning they put into such ships are wasted & they won't get reimbursed for the time but I suspect they are so addicted to the game you are going to hear some incredible howls by bittervets.

He is right CCP. These things are supposed to be a Sov defence tool. It's our fault we need 500 of them to hold Sov? I'm not saying you don't have a problem. I just question if this is the solution right now. Goons are trying to break an ingame stalemate and you guys are doing it for them. You are being used like tools.

Titans should not be able to blap logi's. End of story.

He who trolls trolls best when he who is trolled trolls the troller. -Darth Gustav's Axiom

Nicolo da'Vicenza
Amarr Empire
#53 - 2012-03-14 07:05:03 UTC
no goons have plans and organizational ability and diplomatic skills to build solid coalitions so they can build titans of their own

this is a secret southern coalition buff
Nicolo da'Vicenza
Amarr Empire
#54 - 2012-03-14 07:06:36 UTC
oh good some highsec players/npc corp members have decided to contribute their valuable opinions on titan balancing
Space Mermaids
#55 - 2012-03-14 07:09:36 UTC
Darth Gustav wrote:
Ocih wrote:
DarthNefarius wrote:
NERFing of anything seems to be a bad thing IMHO is a tool of last resorts. I think this sort of complaint from those getting nerfed is justified:

"Well now that DEVs NERF BAT has gone and taken raiden's only defense GOONs should be able to steam roll them. CCP knows the titans were working just fine for when you were outnumbered. Now Raiden will loose all their space unless by some miracle goons stop fielding 800 man fleets. Well time to see how long before half of eve is blue once again. This is similar to the DRF but a little bit worse "

Those that trained for years to get a titan are putting them up for sale in droves. I suspect that ALOT of titan accounts will just unsub; they also may just quit because all the trainning they put into such ships are wasted & they won't get reimbursed for the time but I suspect they are so addicted to the game you are going to hear some incredible howls by bittervets.

He is right CCP. These things are supposed to be a Sov defence tool. It's our fault we need 500 of them to hold Sov? I'm not saying you don't have a problem. I just question if this is the solution right now. Goons are trying to break an ingame stalemate and you guys are doing it for them. You are being used like tools.

Titans should not be able to blap logi's. End of story.

Agreed, they shouldn't be insta-popping a Logi or more accurate, a HIC? But looking at EVE in it's larger picture, should a Destroyer really be able to one shot a Hulk? It isn't like it's out of line with the rest of EVE to Alpha pop anything in EVE.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#56 - 2012-03-14 07:10:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Senorita putatita wrote:
Then whats the point of working to lvl85?

If you bring enough lvl 20's then you can kill the lvl 85.
Welcome to EVE: a game without levels; a game where bigger isn't better; a game where age means versatility, not strength; a game where everything (ideally) has a hard counter that eats its prey as popcorn. Top tip: nothing you know from any other MMO is of any value here — leave it behind because it will only cause you to fool yourself into thinking things that are not true and which were never intended to be true.

There is no lvl 85 in EVE and you cannot work your way there.

Senorita putatita wrote:
I already have carrier and Dread. Whats my endgame now? Was working towards Nyx then Erebus. Now where do I spend my money? Cry
Same as before: whatever you want it to be. You decide your endgame, not the game itself. If you could decide on an endgame for yourself yesterday, you can do it today as well, so do that and get going. EVE isn't a game where the game starts once you reach the end anyway — it's a game where the journey towards that end is the real joy (because if you can't enjoy the journey, you're pretty much screwed: the end you're journeying towards will be no different than the journey itself, so if you can enjoy the latter, you will hate former once you get there).

Avid Bumhumper wrote:
To many people, Supercaps were part of the Endgame of Eve, yet you continue to make them a liability to own, at least for anyone that can't field 100 of them.
Just because some people decided to make titans their end goal doesn't mean they shouldn't have immense weaknesses that others can exploit to blow them up. The trick is to not play to those weaknesses, but to play to their strengths instead, just like with any other ship. The entire problem that they're trying to fix is exactly what you describe: that they had no liabilities, even though they should.

The perfect measure for a well-balanced ship in EVE is when you rclick-activate it (or board it), and then have a brief pang of regret and second thoughts, thinking to yourself “but on the other hand…” while your eyes dart across the ships in the hangar that you didn't choose. The trick lies in balancing this against the ship having actual use so you can easily overcome that tiny doubt. As long as people continue to think of titans as some kind of end-game where that doubt is removed, they need to be continuously stomped on.
Rivinshield Trading Inc.
#57 - 2012-03-14 07:10:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Momoyo
Ive always thought Titans should be giant command ship. Their toughness make it hard to instapop and deprive giant fleets of giant bonuses which happens to regular command ships. Plus with their clone vat bays and huge ship maintenance bays allows pilots to reship mid battle rather than being out of the fight and having to fly a long way back into battle.

From what Ive heard though they are not very useful in this role atm but I think they should be.
Nicolo da'Vicenza
Amarr Empire
#58 - 2012-03-14 07:14:45 UTC
Ocih wrote:
But looking at EVE in it's larger picture, should a Destroyer really be able to one shot a Hulk?

lol wut
Deep Core Mining Inc.
#59 - 2012-03-14 07:15:58 UTC
Nicolo da'Vicenza wrote:
oh good some highsec players/npc corp members have decided to contribute their valuable opinions on titan balancing

Oh Em Gee, you're right! I recant everything.

Bigger is always better, titans are endgame, Blizzard has the right idea.

I don't always use hax. But when I do, it's because I'm an NPC..

Darth Gustav
Sith Interstellar Tech Harvesting
#60 - 2012-03-14 07:16:09 UTC
Ocih wrote:
Darth Gustav wrote:
Ocih wrote:
DarthNefarius wrote:
NERFing of anything seems to be a bad thing IMHO is a tool of last resorts. I think this sort of complaint from those getting nerfed is justified:

"Well now that DEVs NERF BAT has gone and taken raiden's only defense GOONs should be able to steam roll them. CCP knows the titans were working just fine for when you were outnumbered. Now Raiden will loose all their space unless by some miracle goons stop fielding 800 man fleets. Well time to see how long before half of eve is blue once again. This is similar to the DRF but a little bit worse "

Those that trained for years to get a titan are putting them up for sale in droves. I suspect that ALOT of titan accounts will just unsub; they also may just quit because all the trainning they put into such ships are wasted & they won't get reimbursed for the time but I suspect they are so addicted to the game you are going to hear some incredible howls by bittervets.

He is right CCP. These things are supposed to be a Sov defence tool. It's our fault we need 500 of them to hold Sov? I'm not saying you don't have a problem. I just question if this is the solution right now. Goons are trying to break an ingame stalemate and you guys are doing it for them. You are being used like tools.

Titans should not be able to blap logi's. End of story.

Agreed, they shouldn't be insta-popping a Logi or more accurate, a HIC? But looking at EVE in it's larger picture, should a Destroyer really be able to one shot a Hulk? It isn't like it's out of line with the rest of EVE to Alpha pop anything in EVE.

Dessies ganking utterly tankless mining ships is an entirely different scenario than Titans blapping tanked out HICs or Logi.

For starters, the lone dessie don't "one shot" the Hulk. It takes a small fleet of them to do that, or several volleys from one pilot.

Sort of like how it should take a small fleet of ships or an extended engagement to pop a tanked logi or HIC.

He who trolls trolls best when he who is trolled trolls the troller. -Darth Gustav's Axiom