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Crime & Punishment

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The Black Shell
#101 - 2012-03-14 14:14:34 UTC
Another stealth nerf from the last patch (yesterday)
When you want to gank someone in highsec, the stupid popup is now by default on "no" instead of "yes".


Proud co-admin of, a French fansite about EVE !

Comy 1
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#102 - 2012-03-14 14:29:10 UTC
This affects more people than suicide gankers.

I personally know that I many times have traveled through nullsec and given persuit to people and/or been in gang with an outlaw.

When the persuit leaves nullsec and continues to low, most of the times it ends with me having to GCC to either not let my target get away, or to assisst an outlaw friend that gets engaged.

Don't get me wrong, I'm fine with a sec hit for doing so, but having the entire gang split up and individually grind their sec status back above -2 is kind of a design flaw imo since it counteracts teamwork.

I'm not a die hard pirate, but I don't back out from a fight in low sec if there is one to be had. But at the end of the day I like to be able to move freely in empire.

Now the old system I can agree on being stupid, but they could have implemented it in a much better way that still gave you a reason to work as a group. For example 2 guys splitting a rat could get 60% each of the ammount one would get solo, 3 guys 40% each etc. This way you still don't get the full ammount, but still have an incentive to work together.

And lastly, as a lot of people in this thread, I think it's really bad that no documentation of this change exists.
Tarsas Phage
#103 - 2012-03-14 15:18:15 UTC
Propotkin wrote:

I agree, if your doing the crime then don't moan that you have to put in the time.

Good show CCP

I'm going to make a bet that you're someone who has never gone on a serious pirating bender before.

Let me put it this way - Even 2 realistic nights of pirating fun can mean you're spending the next 2 weekends of your RL eve time ratting to regain the ability to enter 0.8-1.0 security status systems. Confronted with that prospect, and combined with the recent sec status nerfs outlined by Herr Wilkus and others in this thread, who would want to do that? I'd say it would range from "a scant few" to "no one."

CCP has now put in place a well-structured deterrent to casual pirating (be it in high- or low-sec) because "put[ting] in the time" as you say it is now far, far more time than it used to be. Would you want to spend half a month of RL eve time doing something you'd really rather not? I wouldn't.
Herr Wilkus
Aggressive Salvage Services LLC
#104 - 2012-03-14 16:09:34 UTC
Herr Wilkus wrote:

Remove Multiple GCC Warnings: Highsec Gankers are slowed down having to reply to repeated GCC pop-up warnings when trying to kill multiple target, and seconds count. If you ARE GCC, you shouldn't have to keep 'confirming' if you want a GCC. FIX IT. If outlaw is ALREADY GCC'd - no more 'mandatory pop ups' to screw up my attacks.

In light of the new reported pop-up stealth nerf....looks like I called it before it happened. Roll

They can't be bothered to streamline the interface for us in a common sense way, but they WILL go out of their way to exploit their own clunky interface and server-client lag to make things worse for us. Way to go, CCP.

Guess its time to kill another several dozen miners and hopefully make some of them quit the game in frustration.

Its also pretty insulting that they will fill patchnote lists up with the tiniest of details....
"Stupid typo in obscure mission X fixed"
"Random "Y" function should be slightly faster and less laggy"

But changes that can affect an entire playstyle are mysteriously left out of the notes.
A note for changing a pop-up default is one thing (not nearly as important as fixing a typo) - but FORBIDDING the boarding of a ship while GCC'd in a 'sandbox' game is a fairly major game mechanic change and worthy of advance notice.

-Workarounds for GCC ship boarding nerf:

Have a throwaway alt in system.
Gank 150km away from Concord.
When ganking with Tornados - don't die in the belt, warp to SS with Orca and unfit mods.
Don't be Smodab Ongelot, as his techinques have now been specifically nerfed twice.

-Workaround for popup
Hit Tab-Enter, instead of Enter - new fastest way to clear warning? haven't had a chance to try it yet.

Arguably this isn't an issue for run-of-the-mill gankers who kill a single target, but when you are chain killing Exhumers while under a very tight schedule - having to fight the interface and lag instead of focusing on targeting and shooting is undesirable.

Pietr Serras
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#105 - 2012-03-14 16:23:50 UTC
Once again, the honorable Darius III stands up for the rights of pirates everywhere! It is good to know that the little guy is being looked out for by such an esteemed gentleman. CCP is constantly pushing this game into a direction that I do not agree with catering to the carebear and leaving the working pirate to fend for himself literally. This change makes an already tedious and mind-numbing task almost too much to bear. Some MMO this has become!
Kai Tel
State War Academy
Caldari State
#106 - 2012-03-14 16:44:13 UTC
Darius III wrote:
... I am unsubbing my alts, not in protest, but because they are now useless.

You do know that if you unsub those alts before the CSM election results are talied, any votes you made with them won't count.
Atomik Harmonik
Working Girls
#107 - 2012-03-14 17:36:02 UTC
Pietr Serras wrote:
Once again, the honorable Darius III stands up for the rights of pirates everywhere! It is good to know that the little guy is being looked out for by such an esteemed gentleman. CCP is constantly pushing this game into a direction that I do not agree with catering to the carebear and leaving the working pirate to fend for himself literally. This change makes an already tedious and mind-numbing task almost too much to bear. Some MMO this has become!

Darius, Herr Wilkus and Dr (among others) have made some very valid points in this thread...not just about this latest stealth nerf and pirates but for many of the players who were drawn to this game because of the concept of a 'sandbox' game.

CCP seems to be carving this MMO 'sandbox' into 'separate but equal' PvP and PvE zones. This all isn't just about lowsec and security status, it's about the changes from this last year which seem to be aimed at creating safe zones and discouraging interaction. From the alliance-hopping wardec wipers and the e-uni decshield crap to stealth nerfs of contracts, nerf loot drops, GCC mechanics changing, ships...etc. Posted earlier was the comment that CCP, rather than helping the players understand the risks and take their own steps to mitigate them, seems to be on the rush to simply remove risk and limit player interaction.

what's next? Separate PvE/PvP servers? Dueling areas only? 'safe' language filters?

I can see it now, the next Eve trailer will just be a rehashed Maple Story vid.

Well, as a former player of other MMOs which went this way and quickly became tediuous and boring, I'll just say to CCP to expect the same end as Star Wars Galaxies (as an example) if they continue down this path.
Pietr Serras
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#108 - 2012-03-14 17:54:50 UTC
Atomik Harmonik wrote:
Pietr Serras wrote:
Once again, the honorable Darius III stands up for the rights of pirates everywhere! It is good to know that the little guy is being looked out for by such an esteemed gentleman. CCP is constantly pushing this game into a direction that I do not agree with catering to the carebear and leaving the working pirate to fend for himself literally. This change makes an already tedious and mind-numbing task almost too much to bear. Some MMO this has become!

Darius, Herr Wilkus and Dr (among others) have made some very valid points in this thread...not just about this latest stealth nerf and pirates but for many of the players who were drawn to this game because of the concept of a 'sandbox' game.

CCP seems to be carving this MMO 'sandbox' into 'separate but equal' PvP and PvE zones. This all isn't just about lowsec and security status, it's about the changes from this last year which seem to be aimed at creating safe zones and discouraging interaction. From the alliance-hopping wardec wipers and the e-uni decshield crap to stealth nerfs of contracts, nerf loot drops, GCC mechanics changing, ships...etc. Posted earlier was the comment that CCP, rather than helping the players understand the risks and take their own steps to mitigate them, seems to be on the rush to simply remove risk and limit player interaction.

what's next? Separate PvE/PvP servers? Dueling areas only? 'safe' language filters?

I can see it now, the next Eve trailer will just be a rehashed Maple Story vid.

Well, as a former player of other MMOs which went this way and quickly became tediuous and boring, I'll just say to CCP to expect the same end as Star Wars Galaxies (as an example) if they continue down this path.

Very well said, it is pretty sad. I understand that CCP wants to draw in players, but let DUST do that. They continually make moves which seems to benefit the new player experience which is fine to a degree. They have this strange obsession with nerfing griefing and pirating instead of addressing the real problem: new player content stinks. To make money and be relevant most new players run missions. Problem is...You are running the same damn loop of missions constantly with no real content or challenge. It's boring as hell, I know so many people that were turned off because of that. I am sure folks leave due to hi-sec griefing/piracy, but that always draws so many of us in. Tighten up CCP!!!
Darius III
Interstellar eXodus
The Initiative.
#109 - 2012-03-14 18:18:47 UTC
I have forwarded our concerns to CCP via the CSM forums. I do hope that we get a response in a timely manner.I would be tickled pink to be able write that we have a diplomatic solution and hopefully before my alt accounts expire. Since CCP is yet to make a formal statement about this change, perhaps my response is unfounded. I am withholding judgement temporarily until such time as CCP makes public statement or an unreasonable amount of time has elapsed without communications from them regarding this matter.

I urge players not to do anything rash until we get a statement or clarification from them about this. It is possible that the mechanic will be reverted at some point or that the failure to announce this change was unintentional. The ball is always in their court, but the matter has been addressed by me in the official channels, in a (semi)professional manner and hopefully we will see clarification and or resolution. D3


Dirk Decibel
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#110 - 2012-03-14 19:35:36 UTC
What cowardice is this Darius?!?! Go and pod as many jita dwellers with ur alt accounts as possible!
Psychotic Monk
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#111 - 2012-03-14 20:25:13 UTC
#112 - 2012-03-14 20:32:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Mutnin
Andrea Griffin wrote:
A bit of an overreaction, don't you think?

Real pirates go -10 and stay there. : >

Yeah, it makes highsec suicide ganking a little more problematic but that's not piracy anyway. It's just lame suicide ganking.

Piracy is about making ISK.. Pirates whom want to make ISK will go where the ISK is.

As far as the OP's topic, I didn't notice when he said this change took place, but I was just out in null the night b4 this latest patch cleaning up my sec status on 2 chars. I tag teamed them in bombers as I always do and both received their gains. There does seem to be a bug from time to time when one char doesn't gain sec status, but it seems to be only every so often.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#113 - 2012-03-14 22:38:54 UTC
Darius III wrote:

I urge players not to do anything rash until we get a statement or clarification from them about this.

stuff that, ima go smartbomb the jita undock with as many trial accounts as i can.
Lance Dragmire
Agrarian Peanut Society
#114 - 2012-03-15 00:55:40 UTC
Dear CCP:

If you don't want my pirate character to be in the game, please just ban the account now so I'm never tempted to spend money on your game ever again.

I was actually aiming to get my sec on that character back up again, and it's boring as hell. Doing it with my roommate made it tolerable.

Doing it alone is just going to be frustrating, and most likely, I'll just say "**** it" and just not subscribe anymore.

This will be the second time I've quit over stupid changes you have made. It will also be the last.

I'll give it a few weeks to see if this gets fixed with a hotfix. If not, then to hell with this game.

No, you can't have my stuff. I'll just trash the characters.
Distinguished Gentleman's Boating Club
Domain Research and Mining Inst.
#115 - 2012-03-15 01:40:33 UTC
Lance Dragmire wrote:
Dear CCP:

If you don't want my pirate character to be in the game, please just ban the account now so I'm never tempted to spend money on your game ever again.

I was actually aiming to get my sec on that character back up again, and it's boring as hell. Doing it with my roommate made it tolerable.

Doing it alone is just going to be frustrating, and most likely, I'll just say "**** it" and just not subscribe anymore.

This will be the second time I've quit over stupid changes you have made. It will also be the last.

I'll give it a few weeks to see if this gets fixed with a hotfix. If not, then to hell with this game.

No, you can't have my stuff. I'll just trash the characters.

How difficult is it to pull dps right at the end back and forth to make sure you and your roomate both get final blows on rats? If you're not a subhuman species with a brain the size of an english pea you should be able to manage it. You only have to get 1 final blow each 15 minutes. No part of this change at all forces anyone to rat solo.

Also, if something this small is enough to make you quit, you're probably not cut out for it.

I used to have a clever sig but I lost it.

Distinguished Gentleman's Boating Club
Domain Research and Mining Inst.
#116 - 2012-03-15 01:45:02 UTC
Tarryn Nightstorm wrote:
disillusional wrote:
I have to agree with all of the criticism of CCP in this thread, this stealth nerfs/mechanics changes are just not good for the game or it's playerbase. For all of you who agree with these sorts of changes, it's all fun and games until it changes something that affects you. Personally I think CCP should apologise for this change, hold some form of consultation on lowsec and hi-sec pvp and ask the community as a whole what they actually want instead of what seems to be a series of broken patches and stealth nerfs towards EVE 'Carebear Adventure' Online.


As well, ITT: Myopic, obtuse, self-absorbed carebears being selfishly myopic and obtuse.

E: Egregious example of the above--

Griznatch wrote:
Waaahhh waaaahh i cant fix my sec status by target painting some carebears mission battleships. Waaaah waaah bad sec status is a liability now instead of an easily worked around nuisance waaah waah. I cant go to high sec anymore waah waah.

Please, for the love of god, unsub and dont come back.

FOAD, you toddler.

Look at my sec status and killboard and ask yourself if this change affects me. Now that you realize how wrong you are, ask yourself why I'm not crying about it like the rest of these "pirates". I'll help you out, its because they're a bunch of sissies.

I used to have a clever sig but I lost it.

Tarryn Nightstorm
Hellstar Towing and Recovery
#117 - 2012-03-15 01:52:40 UTC
Not to hijack the thread, but...

Is it time for another Incursion-interdiction? On a massive--ideally throughout all of hisec at once, without let-up--on-going scale this time 'round, too.

Just throwing that out there.

Star Wars: the Old Republic may not be EVE. But I'll take the sound of dual blaster-pistols over "NURVV CLAOKING NAOW!!!11oneone!!" any day of the week.

Tarryn Nightstorm
Hellstar Towing and Recovery
#118 - 2012-03-15 01:57:33 UTC
Griznatch wrote:
Tarryn Nightstorm wrote:
disillusional wrote:
I have to agree with all of the criticism of CCP in this thread, this stealth nerfs/mechanics changes are just not good for the game or it's playerbase. For all of you who agree with these sorts of changes, it's all fun and games until it changes something that affects you. Personally I think CCP should apologise for this change, hold some form of consultation on lowsec and hi-sec pvp and ask the community as a whole what they actually want instead of what seems to be a series of broken patches and stealth nerfs towards EVE 'Carebear Adventure' Online.


As well, ITT: Myopic, obtuse, self-absorbed carebears being selfishly myopic and obtuse.

E: Egregious example of the above--

Griznatch wrote:
Waaahhh waaaahh i cant fix my sec status by target painting some carebears mission battleships. Waaaah waaah bad sec status is a liability now instead of an easily worked around nuisance waaah waah. I cant go to high sec anymore waah waah.

Please, for the love of god, unsub and dont come back.

FOAD, you toddler.

Look at my sec status and killboard and ask yourself if this change affects me. Now that you realize how wrong you are, ask yourself why I'm not crying about it like the rest of these "pirates". I'll help you out, its because they're a bunch of sissies.

The fact that it doesn't affect you only shows that you've no legitimate authority to criticise those whom it does affect, because we/they have any number of reasons to want to maintain full access to all empire-space, and don't want to spend days grinding in East Buttholia, zerosec to get the sec back up to do so.

And it's not humanly possible for me to care less about your ******* killboard and still remain alive, sorry:

Looking at other men's peenzors just isn't my thing.


Star Wars: the Old Republic may not be EVE. But I'll take the sound of dual blaster-pistols over "NURVV CLAOKING NAOW!!!11oneone!!" any day of the week.

Jack Miton
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#119 - 2012-03-15 02:02:40 UTC
Darius, stop being a tool.

There is no Bob.

Stuck In Here With Me:

Down the Pipe:

Distinguished Gentleman's Boating Club
Domain Research and Mining Inst.
#120 - 2012-03-15 02:05:27 UTC
Tarryn Nightstorm wrote:
Griznatch wrote:
Tarryn Nightstorm wrote:
disillusional wrote:
I have to agree with all of the criticism of CCP in this thread, this stealth nerfs/mechanics changes are just not good for the game or it's playerbase. For all of you who agree with these sorts of changes, it's all fun and games until it changes something that affects you. Personally I think CCP should apologise for this change, hold some form of consultation on lowsec and hi-sec pvp and ask the community as a whole what they actually want instead of what seems to be a series of broken patches and stealth nerfs towards EVE 'Carebear Adventure' Online.


As well, ITT: Myopic, obtuse, self-absorbed carebears being selfishly myopic and obtuse.

E: Egregious example of the above--

Griznatch wrote:
Waaahhh waaaahh i cant fix my sec status by target painting some carebears mission battleships. Waaaah waaah bad sec status is a liability now instead of an easily worked around nuisance waaah waah. I cant go to high sec anymore waah waah.

Please, for the love of god, unsub and dont come back.

FOAD, you toddler.

Look at my sec status and killboard and ask yourself if this change affects me. Now that you realize how wrong you are, ask yourself why I'm not crying about it like the rest of these "pirates". I'll help you out, its because they're a bunch of sissies.

The fact that it doesn't affect you only shows that you've no legitimate authority to criticise those whom it does affect, because we/they have any number of reasons to want to maintain full access to all empire-space, and don't want to spend days grinding in East Buttholia, zerosec to get the sec back up to do so.

And it's not humanly possible for me to care less about your ******* killboard and still remain alive, sorry:

Looking at other men's peenzors just isn't my thing.


Are you seriously that stupid? The purpose of looking at my killboard is to see all the hulks I like to gank, and how much work its going to take to fix my sec status when the time comes. This change directly affects me.

Also, calling me out about having any authority on the subject from a character with 1 kill and 2 losses in the last year and a half just makes you look like an idiot, or a coward posting from an alt. I've had to fix my sec status up numerous times. Its a consequence of breaking the law in EvE. I took my punishment like a man, did what I had to do, and got back to empire. Considering you've likely never left high sec, I don't think you can grasp the concept at all.

I used to have a clever sig but I lost it.