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Crime & Punishment

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Francis Longbottom
Apotheosis Enterprises
#181 - 2012-05-09 04:09:35 UTC
Aqriue wrote:
I hope this CSM chump jumps off his soap box with a noose around his neck.

Yes, really jump hard and get all excited over sec status. LOL last I checked if you were a pirate it didn't bother you so much. Now EVE got harsher and you actually get a consequence of your risky action....more grind to fix it up. Run rampant across highsec and now its going to hurt, this little change keeps you in check.

To bad CCP can't add an isk penalty as well. As your sec status gets lower, taxes get applied causing your market transactions to go up in price, contracts fees increase, penalty cost for manual trade in station, jump gate toll charge, med clone increases like a combination of contraceptive and child support costs Twisted. Hah! This version of EVE would be glorious! You would actually have a Butthurt Oops moment of very harsh consequences to your actions Lol

Bleeding heart liberal radar is going off....shall we pad our ships with rubber so we dont hurt our selves? Perhaps make our guns shoot little bubbles instead, so as not to seem violent..
lord xavier
Rubbed Out
#182 - 2012-05-10 01:21:44 UTC
If you want to be a dirty "Pirate" be a dirty pirate. This character rarely sees anything higher then a -5.0. Reason being is I dont give a ****. I have high sec alts that get me ****. A pirate should be able to be self-sufficent in their needs for their lifestyle. This means get yourself a means to get ships to low-sec. Buy a JF character and get yourself a JF. Stage out of a low-sec with a decent selection of weapons to blow people up. I hate ratting. I cant stand doing it for longer then an hour every few weeks. The changes hardly effect people who care for this lifestyle. It only effects the people who go in an out of high sec for carebearing. Honestly though, proper sec-ratting still is obtainable just takes longer from what I hear. I had a buddy just run through 15 systems a week ago and still managed to get his sec up a substantial bit by doing proper sec-ratting.

I completely agree with the operation at hand and honestly think people who want **** handed to them and make it a dull game need to go find themselves a nice secluded system surrounded by 1.0s in a desolate area in which people like me do not go.
Mane Frehm
Immortalis Inc.
Shadow Cartel
#183 - 2012-05-10 15:24:34 UTC
I see this topic has risen from the dead. And as the one who originally raised the issue with CCP, a few comments are in order:

1. Thanx to CCP for finally admitting an error was made and correcting it. With the release of Escalation, ratting for sec status was returned to its previous state where all those on the kill of the rat get the sec status increase, just as all those who kill some unfortunate soul take the sec status penalty.

2. To all those who say "if you can't do the time, don't do the crime"....thank you for all your kind words.

3. To all those who say "stop whining and be a real pirate"...nah.

4. And to all those who recognized a change had been made without notification to the players and without understanding its impact...thank you for stepping up and being vocal enough with CCP that the issue was reviewed, the error recognized, and the correction made.

And have a GREAT day.

Sugar Kyle
Middle Ground
#184 - 2012-05-12 03:28:21 UTC
<3 you, Mane.

Member of CSM9 and CSM10.

Internet Lawyer Steve
#185 - 2012-05-16 04:00:54 UTC
Mane Frehm wrote:
I see this topic has risen from the dead. And as the one who originally raised the issue with CCP, a few comments are in order:

1. Thanx to CCP for finally admitting an error was made and correcting it. With the release of Escalation, ratting for sec status was returned to its previous state where all those on the kill of the rat get the sec status increase, just as all those who kill some unfortunate soul take the sec status penalty.

2. To all those who say "if you can't do the time, don't do the crime"....thank you for all your kind words.

3. To all those who say "stop whining and be a real pirate"...nah.

4. And to all those who recognized a change had been made without notification to the players and without understanding its impact...thank you for stepping up and being vocal enough with CCP that the issue was reviewed, the error recognized, and the correction made.

And have a GREAT day.

They should have fixed it sooner(tm).

Internet Lawyer Steve and Associates,

Bringing Justice to New Eden, One post at a time...

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