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Mad inflation

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Blood Fanatics
#561 - 2012-03-17 12:26:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Oxylan
Inflation Is big problem in every online game espetialy hardcore long therm MMO, in fact longer mmo exist biger inflation hit players and markets, you guys forget about one thing, EVE is almost 10 year old no wonder we have big inflation.

ISK are to easy to make but on other way we need big isk incomes because we need pvp ships, can you imagine one month grind and farm to get one t2 ship for average 180 mil for hull and fit ? while player can lose it in 5sec to gate blob...

If it bleed we can kill it.

Hakaru Ishiwara
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#562 - 2012-03-17 16:30:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Hakaru Ishiwara
CCP Soundwave wrote:
Tippia wrote:
CCP Soundwave wrote:
Incursions are not a big issue in terms of isk globally.
You're going to have to elaborate on that one a bit.

Kile Kitmoore wrote:
Finally, NOW can we please stop the nerf Incursion threads!
As for the inflation, you wanted a mining buff here it is! Trit selling at 5 ISK a pop! Nice!
Inflation is not a mining buff since it doesn't mean mining is more worth-while.

Someone already posted the numbers, the majority of isk in EVE comes off bounties and if anything, we should be reviewing the current bounties on battleship NPCs.
You can't be serious / wtf are you smoking?

Unless you are botting, a human being barely breaks even living off belt-based, null-sec bounties when taking into consideration PvP expenditures, infrastructure upgrades (POSs, Sov Structures, etc.), time invested and the very real risk of losing those assets.

As a long-time null-sec resident, I gladly accept those risks. But I do not find it acceptable that null-sec inhabitants are yet again the target of CCP and their attempts to remove ISK from the game.

Let us not forget CCP Greyscale's underhanded nerf to anomalies one year ago, post-Fan Fest. That was the start of a very bad couple of quarters for CCP. Is that something that CCP wishes to repeat this year with their release of DUST?

+++++++ I have never shed a tear for a fellow EVE player until now. Mark “Seleene” Heard's Blog Honoring Sean "Vile Rat" Smith.

#563 - 2012-03-17 16:44:49 UTC  |  Edited by: JitaPriceChecker2
Hakaru Ishiwara wrote:

You can't be serious / wtf are you smoking?

Unless you are botting, a human being barely breaks even living off belt-based, null-sec bounties when taking into consideration PvP expenditures, infrastructure upgrades (POSs, Sov Structures, etc.), time invested and the very real risk of losing those assets.

As a long-time null-sec resident, I gladly accept those risks. But I do not find it acceptable that null-sec inhabitants are yet again the target of CCP and their attempts to remove ISK from the game.

Let us not forget CCP Greyscale's underhanded nerf to anomalies one year ago, post-Fan Fest. That was the start of a very bad couple of quarters for CCP. Is that something that CCP wishes to repeat this year with their release of DUST?

Stop making sense.

I just abandoned null in favor of hi sec incursions.
Hi sec players are new breed of overlords that wins game by whining, deal with it.
Zhade Lezte
#564 - 2012-03-17 16:55:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Zhade Lezte
Nullsec anomalies are actually worth running compared to empire mission running once again.

It IS a problem to the ISK supply as, much like incursions, nullsec anomaly rewards are almost entirely in bounties. A 0.0 player changing from running empire missions on an alt for his income to once again anomaly running results in an increase in the ISK supply far greater than his own increase in personal income.

But if you nerf anomalies, once again, most everyone will once again stop running them, once again. 0.0 line member income will be a joke compared to hisec. So CCP should consider reducing ISK bounties while adding some non-ISK form of compensation like every other bounty-generating activity in the game (including incursions, heh).

Only problem with this is nullsec bounties are bounties for a reason: it's rather difficult to move things around in nullsec. Adding bulky loot or whatever will make ninja ratting a lot more difficult, leaving anomalies profitable to only alliances that can establish a secure "blue wall" like so many badposters have complained about. Not that these particular badposters have probably ever tried ninja ratting or well...leaving hisec at all.

Would be pretty amusing if nullsec rats had CONCORD LP rewards with reduced bounties; solves the problem of portable loot and ISK supply, but does potentially overwrought nerfing of LP stores and incursion income via LP (heh).
Skex Relbore
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#565 - 2012-03-17 17:45:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Skex Relbore
Falkor1984 wrote:

You are not looking at it from the monetary prospective, but from a goods perspective. The problem is that IF prices rise, people will start spending their money, because they fear it will be worthless tomorrow, which will drive up prices, which in turn will cause more money to be spent etc. Basically people will start hoarding goods instead of money. The "real economy" doesn't have anything to do with it.

You can not ignore the "goods perspective" while talking about inflation. Monetary inflation is a function of the supply of currency vs the total productivity(goods) in an economy. Which is the whole point I keep trying to get people to understand. If productivity raises to match the increased rate of currency accumulation then you won't have price inflation at all.

You are ignoring half the ******* economic equation with your assumptions, you are also working on this false rational actor nonsense. People spend money because they need stuff. As long as they need stuff they will buy ****. If prices raise relative to their income they won't start spending at a higher rate because they won't be able afford it. Hell we can't reach a universal understanding of what inflation is how the hell do you think perceptions are going to have a greater increase on prices than supply? The same people crying today about inflation and an over abundance of isk faucets were crying about inflation back when they wanted L4's and insurance nerfed and prices were steadily dropping.

This is why we're getting all these rationalizations of why we're not seeing the evidence that monetary inflation would create.

There is a logical concept known as Occam's Razor which is a core concept in science, Occam's Razor states that between two competing hypothesis the one that makes the fewer assumptions is most likely correct

Go look at the graph Liang posted. That' ain't monetary inflation that's price volatility due to fluctuations in supply and demand of goods. Those big spikes those are most likely speculative bubbles. The price increases that everyone is pointing to now are sudden and coincide with two huge null sec conflicts that affect two of most influential supply inputs in the economy

DRF war disrupting mineral supply and the war in the North messing with Tech, you just don't need any more explanation beyond that. particularly when the expected manifestations had not materialized previously

I am doubly suspicious of the Chicken Little's for the most part we're looking at the usual suspects who just seem to be more concerned about people being able to get out and earn a little isk by doing what they consider "low risk" activities. Inflation just seems to be their preferred red herring.

Notice the targets, L4's, insurance, null anoms, incursions. Always focused on outliers and the extremely successful cases while ignoring the common.

L4's where their first boogie man, "OMG blitzing missions leads to MAD INFLATION" of course at the time there was no inflation and to buy the argument you had to also ignore that the bulk of the income they were trying to attribute to mission running was actually trade and LP related

Then insurance, "OMG people can prop up the mineral market and get free isk by insurance fraud" ignoring the fact insurance fraud made for a great balancing mechanic for an oversupply abundance of minerals as well as the effect it had on general risk aversion and of course missing the fact that insurance fraudsters were a very small percentage of the beneficiaries of the system.

This line of reasoning repeats itself for anom's and now for incursions.

Inflation is a handy boogieman because most people (including many supposed economist) have a very simplistic (inaccurate) understanding of what inflation is and why it's so BAD.

Seriously I've been having this same argument with the same suspects for close to 3 years now. It never changes despite a complete and utter lack of any supporting evidence we get the continues cries of "OMG TEH INFLATION NERF ISK SINK I CONSIDER BAD GAMEPLAY

At absolute most we've seen is that an increase in earning potential will move the price floor which as long as every can equalize to the new price point is not a problem.

Once again inflation is only a problem if wages are inelastic as long as people can easily increase their earning potential to match the new dynamic it's not an issue.

But what about CCPs 13 fold increase in the money supply

Until CCP gives us a value on the increase in raw materials entering the market all the rest is just groundless rationalizing.

To really have a measure on inflation we'd need to be able to compare money supply to the rate at which production inputs are injected into the economy. Show me the volume of minerals, moon goo, and PI entering/leaving the economy relative to the injection of isk and then we can have a real conversation about whether or not their is monetary inflation
Zircon Dasher
#566 - 2012-03-17 17:53:32 UTC
Skex Relbore wrote:
The same people crying today about inflation

are, many times, the same people crying about how about how everyone is too rich and losses do not mean anything in PVP.

Nerfing High-sec is never the answer. It is the question. The answer is 'YES'.

Skex Relbore
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#567 - 2012-03-17 20:39:45 UTC
Zircon Dasher wrote:
Skex Relbore wrote:
The same people crying today about inflation

are, many times, the same people crying about how about how everyone is too rich and losses do not mean anything in PVP.

This is silly, people being more "rich" just means people are flying more expensive stuff and will be less risk adverse.
Adunh Slavy
#568 - 2012-03-17 21:07:05 UTC
Skex Relbore wrote:
Zircon Dasher wrote:
Skex Relbore wrote:
The same people crying today about inflation

are, many times, the same people crying about how about how everyone is too rich and losses do not mean anything in PVP.

This is silly, people being more "rich" just means people are flying more expensive stuff and will be less risk adverse.

Is that true though? I used to think that when I first started playing Eve, but it doesn't seem to be the case.

Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.  - William Pitt

Cass Lie
State War Academy
Caldari State
#569 - 2012-03-17 21:49:29 UTC
Skex Relbore wrote:
Zircon Dasher wrote:
Skex Relbore wrote:
The same people crying today about inflation

are, many times, the same people crying about how about how everyone is too rich and losses do not mean anything in PVP.

This is silly, people being more "rich" just means people are flying more expensive stuff and will be less risk adverse.

Basically agreed, but I guess not everyone would like to scale down back to cruisers to do any pvp in (in case mineral prices go boom). That perspective also directly invalidates the old argument of "cheap minerals are good for pvp" .

Skex Relbore wrote:
But what about CCPs 13 fold increase in the money supply

Could you or someone else explain to me that graph? I am really at a loss here. What exactly is the money supply there? Is it the accumulated liquid isk of the entire subbed population at the given moment? If so, what are the units? Or is it perhaps calculated per capita? Again, units? Or is it weighted (by what and how?) and thus dimensionless? I tried to ask this at the blog comments and even got a direct dev reply, but he only directed me back to the somewhat vague eve wiki definitions.

I also agree that we just don't have enough data yet to say anything definite (and even then it is not clear if an inflation is such a bad thing - buff to mining anyone?).
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#570 - 2012-03-18 00:19:10 UTC
CCP Soundwave wrote:
...if anything, we should be reviewing the current bounties on battleship NPCs.

L4 missions got nerfed twice if I recall correctly.

With both L4 missions and big 0.0 battles we had years of deflation. So what made those battleship NPC bounties suddenly too much for the economy to adsorb?

It's quite easy to see when the prices started rising, just look what got implemented at that patch and changed the EvE economy.
Tanya Powers
#571 - 2012-03-18 01:11:13 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
It's quite easy to see when the prices started rising, just look what got implemented at that patch and changed the EvE economy.

This requires Logic V witch obviously some people at CCP haven't already found the book.

Missions and lvl4's/Lp's in high sec bring too much isk/minerals to the game? -let me laugh k?

High sec pvp for a real reason and meaning in the game/community? -I'm still laughing

Mining/hauling, ganking, high sec mining/hauling mechanics/ships ok? -omg by belly, please stop.

Bots mining/rating/anoms/make your sister have fun



Drones alloys



#572 - 2012-03-18 14:10:42 UTC
Skex Relbore wrote:
Zircon Dasher wrote:
Skex Relbore wrote:
The same people crying today about inflation

are, many times, the same people crying about how about how everyone is too rich and losses do not mean anything in PVP.

This is silly, people being more "rich" just means people are flying more expensive stuff and will be less risk adverse.

Which is exactly symptom of "losses do not mean anything in PVP."
Hakaru Ishiwara
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#573 - 2012-03-18 16:00:09 UTC
JitaPriceChecker2 wrote:
Hakaru Ishiwara wrote:

You can't be serious / wtf are you smoking?

Unless you are botting, a human being barely breaks even living off belt-based, null-sec bounties when taking into consideration PvP expenditures, infrastructure upgrades (POSs, Sov Structures, etc.), time invested and the very real risk of losing those assets.

As a long-time null-sec resident, I gladly accept those risks. But I do not find it acceptable that null-sec inhabitants are yet again the target of CCP and their attempts to remove ISK from the game.

Let us not forget CCP Greyscale's underhanded nerf to anomalies one year ago, post-Fan Fest. That was the start of a very bad couple of quarters for CCP. Is that something that CCP wishes to repeat this year with their release of DUST?

Stop making sense.

I just abandoned null in favor of hi sec incursions.
Hi sec players are new breed of overlords that wins game by whining, deal with it.
Rarely fails that the squeaky wheel gets the grease. If nobody speaks up for null-sec residents, then we are guaranteed to be under-served by CCP's crack group of game designers.

That said, I have an alt all skilled up for high-sec incursion running when I can be arsed to put time into it. Lol

+++++++ I have never shed a tear for a fellow EVE player until now. Mark “Seleene” Heard's Blog Honoring Sean "Vile Rat" Smith.

Mara Rinn
Cosmic Goo Convertor
#574 - 2012-03-19 02:34:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Mara Rinn
DarthNefarius wrote:
Have to re-iterate: THE MINERAL SITUATION IS MUCH,MUCH MORE WORRYING THEN INCURSIONS,level 4-5 bounties, bott bans & tech moon faucets BY A LONG SHOT replace drones pooping alloys with bounties IN 1 SWITFT BLOW(PATCH?) AND YOU'LL SEE HYPER INFLATION WHICH WILL make your HEADS SPIN IMHO

Hyper inflation of Nocxium and Zydrine. Tritanium will trend downwards as more people mine Pyrox in an attempt to fill the Nocxium demand. Meanwhile there will be miners coming to blows over Jaspet/Hemorphite/Hedbergite sites in hisec. Profitability of nullsec mining will skyrocket. Losing ships will once again hurt

What is worrying about that situation? Price inflation is a non-issue to industrialists as long as prices are affected over a broad spectrum. When price inflation is occurring because of a small population of extremely rich spenders, the situation becomes pretty bad for everyone. The people hurt most by price inflation are people who earn their ISK from faucets. The faucets don't improve as ISK becomes worth less

This still doesn't change my preference for drones to drop items which can be used to build drone-related modules, rigs and implants. A new PI industry for implant manufacture, combined with Invention/Reverse Engineering should see many more industrialists head out to lowsec

Neither does the price inflation issue change my thoughts on Incursions being too large an ISK faucet. It used to be that folks looking for ISK would head to L4 missions if they didn't have the patience to play the market. Now the go-to activity is hisec vanguards. Everything else is a fallback plan

Viewing ISK faucets only as abstract collections is a dangerous path to follow. My own opinion is that most bounties and loot drops should be substantially or entirely replaced with "blue book", "decryptor" or similar items which must be collected and redeemed into the NPC or player-driven economy. The Drone region economy worked this way with minerals, there is no reason other regions would not work on a similar means. Incursions could be run almost entirely on LP, with CONCORD providing useful items for all industry
Cpt Kupo
Pandemic Horde Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#575 - 2012-03-19 02:55:31 UTC
As a casual player that has recently started to play again, the new prices is slowly making me regret playing again. Who thought Incursions would have such a great impact... What?
Skex Relbore
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#576 - 2012-03-19 04:15:14 UTC
Cpt Kupo wrote:
As a casual player that has recently started to play again, the new prices is slowly making me regret playing again. Who thought Incursions would have such a great impact... What?

Incursions are not the cause of the current pricing. If incursions were the problem we would have seen a steady increase in prices over time not a sudden jump. and it was sudden there was 0 ramp up on day the market index was around 130 the next it was 200 that's not inflation due to incursions that's a major market adjustment to a shortage in materials (namely the removal of all the drone poo when the Russians decided to have their civil war).
Jojo Jackson
Dead Red Eye
#577 - 2012-03-19 05:04:25 UTC
Tenebrae Syrennis wrote:

Myrmidons (to name just one item) are ca.ISK 48mn in Jita as of about 3 hours ago (just before I logged). They were ca. ISK 27-29mn just about 5-6 months ago.

CCP, you need to stop listening to the over-entitled whingebabies and just nerfbat Incursion-income, hard.

Just stupid.

- Poeple who fly incursions might buy stuff they need for incursions if they lose something.
- Incursions HATE drones.
- So WHY should they buy drone ships at all?

Sure, they might use them for other stuff. But then they would buy them even without incursions.

This said I might go with you, when this price increase would just be for ships and items this incursion runners use. Legion, Faction BS, Suprts and all the needed fitting.

There are other factors like highsec miner ganking:
- Miners lose ships much more frequently.
- To compensate this loses they don't sell their Ore that low anymore.
- With a rise in Ore price production cost went up.

- the eastern is in War atm (XXX v Sol v AAA (?) v RED v Goons)
- as they can't rat all day and loot the drone-region-ore this ore is missing on the market
- production cost rise

And there are more factors. To blame Incursions for all this is just stupid!

Why the hell can't I fitt capital repairs or shield booster on an Orca ... it's an CAPITAL ship!

Farang Lo
#578 - 2012-03-19 08:01:33 UTC
Jojo Jackson wrote:
Tenebrae Syrennis wrote:

Myrmidons (to name just one item) are ca.ISK 48mn in Jita as of about 3 hours ago (just before I logged). They were ca. ISK 27-29mn just about 5-6 months ago.

CCP, you need to stop listening to the over-entitled whingebabies and just nerfbat Incursion-income, hard.

Just stupid.

- Poeple who fly incursions might buy stuff they need for incursions if they lose something.
- Incursions HATE drones.
- So WHY should they buy drone ships at all?

Sure, they might use them for other stuff. But then they would buy them even without incursions.

This said I might go with you, when this price increase would just be for ships and items this incursion runners use. Legion, Faction BS, Suprts and all the needed fitting.

There are other factors like highsec miner ganking:
- Miners lose ships much more frequently.
- To compensate this loses they don't sell their Ore that low anymore.
- With a rise in Ore price production cost went up.

- the eastern is in War atm (XXX v Sol v AAA (?) v RED v Goons)
- as they can't rat all day and loot the drone-region-ore this ore is missing on the market
- production cost rise

And there are more factors. To blame Incursions for all this is just stupid!

statement from a carebear that never pvp
Mara Rinn
Cosmic Goo Convertor
#579 - 2012-03-19 08:03:36 UTC
Jojo Jackson wrote:
Just stupid.

- Poeple who fly incursions might buy stuff they need for incursions if they lose something.
- Incursions HATE drones.
- So WHY should they buy drone ships at all?

Because the Myrmidon is popular with small fleet/solo PvPers, who make their ISK either directly through Incursions or profit from people who run Incursions. "Incursion runner" is not mutually exclusive with "low sec roamer". The money to lose all those myrmidons has to come from somewhere.

Jojo Jackson wrote:
To blame Incursions for all this is just stupid!

To simply exclude Incursions from consideration is equally ill advised.
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#580 - 2012-03-19 10:44:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Theodemir
I find it interesting [or a lack of reading skill] to find how 'x' amount of ISK genereated through various means is distributed. I'd have thought there are far fewer incursion runners than there are genuine & botting lvl IV mission runners // ratters. So despite Incursions generating less ISK in a month than NPC bounties, that generated wealth going into far fewer hands[also varied corps & alliances] would have a more profound effect on inflation, especially concerning PLEX

What I'd also like to know, if it at all possible, the demographic trend of incursion runners. Do they hoard ISK generated, invest, PvP or buy up all the PLEX so they play for 'free'. How many players now pay for their accounts using plex I wonder, probably too many!

Ways to curb inflation (or slow it down at least)

-Hard cap on the amount of lvl4 missions a single agent will dish out in a day/timeframe.

  • Make all missions worth it/fun as a result.
  • More 'mobility' in corps/agents/systems used. Enabling the creation of more local trade hubs Question
  • Less time being spent clicking and f1 red crosses means less ISK poured into the universe in a short time period.
  • Enables the more casual gamer to play EvE without the resounding fear of simply being priced out of PVP compared to those who only live to play EvE.
  • Possibly curb mission/lp botting to a limited extent?

-A tax on ISK earned in a month/ 'x' timeperiod within highsec empire systems

  • The more you earn in a given timeframe, the more you pay to the Empire/State/Cuddlestate/S**thole. [CCP can alter tax brackets according to the latest economic statistics]
  • Affects incursion runners, mission runners, ratters and botters[lol] equally and fairly.
  • Gives the game some regulation in ISK flow and a hard counter to the ISK fountains currently overflowing!
  • Could make racial choice less aesthetic, if you're Khanid in Amarr space you pay less tax than some Minmatar pilot
  • Allows more influence in said racial space if you pay more tax (perhaps better/fun missions!/ Fly out with the navy and collect tags!)
  • Why should your chosen racial state create you and not expect anything in return, especially if you fly about for free in their space!

TL:DR [for all you console gamers]

-Curb amount of missions given per agent
-Tax brackets on income earned in high sec empire(s) space
-More immersion, less grind/crap and more fun