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What is Mystic Sensualism?

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Seraphim Aguila
#1 - 2012-03-09 14:16:24 UTC
I am very new capsuleer pilot from the Vherokior tribe. I am the daughter of Vherokior Shamans from Eldulf III. Recently I have been visiting with people on the Summit and have found “interesting” reactions. I thought perhaps it would be good to explain some things about myself and the beliefs of my subtribe.

Mystic Sensualism is a celebration of the holiness of human experience and a belief that spirituality is integrated with the senses. Spiritual release and health occurs when we embrace the beauty of sensual experience. What we see, hear, feel, taste, emote; these senses are the gateway to the spirit realm and the door to spiritual fulfillment.

I was born to Bafre and Miann Aguila, Mystic Sensualist Shamans. Besides giving regular essence instruction, and performing voluvals, their task is to guide individual practitioners into a fuller awareness of the connection between sensual experience and spiritual fullness.

Of particular interest, of course, is how Mystic Sensualism applies to human sexuality. This is the area that has really motivated me to write this short article. At home with my subtribe, sexuality is quite open, honest, and balanced. Sexual repression is rare. There isn’t the shame associated with it is sometimes culturally engrained elsewhere. This is true in particular in the area of sexual orientation.

For the sake of illustration, think of our sexual orientation as falling within a continuum of sorts. Realize that this is for illustration and not to promote labeling. As a matter of fact, most humans move on this continuum throughout their lives depending on their experience, biochemical factors, age, etc. The outer ends represent complete hetero or homo sexual orientations; the middle line would represent a complete bisexual orientation.


First, it is our teaching that almost no one resides at either end completely or perfectly in the middle. Almost all will find that they have a primary sexual orientation that falls somewhere on either side of the center. So, if you have a primary heterosexual orientation that does not mean that you cannot experience or appreciate some level of same sex sensual appreciation. Likewise if your primary orientation is Homosexual that does not mean that you cannot experience a level of opposite sex sensual appreciation. The mix depends on where you are on the continuum. The closer to the middle you are, the more you appreciate both. The closer to the ends you are, the more you gravitate to a single orientation. Life can change where you are as well.

Mystic Sensualists embrace both their primary orientation and the balance of its compliment. Heterosexuals in my home community are not afraid to admire and appreciate same sex erotic beauty. Likewise, those whose primary orientation is homosexual will acknowledge that from time to time they also appreciate opposite sex beauty and sexual attraction.


My parents are strong on the side of a heterosexual orientation and they truly adore each other. However, they are not threatened when the other may comment on either a same or opposite sex attraction. They have both found great freedom even within their lifelong relationship.

I consider myself to possess a primary sexual orientation of heterosexual but am very close to the center of the continuum. What that means is that I readily notice and appreciate feminine sexual beauty. I hope to perhaps one day find a mate (muscular man with a sexy beard, hehe); a man who adores me like my father adores my mother. In the meantime, I find great pleasure in the admiration of sexual beauty in both genders. This makes some rather uncomfortable because I freely express it. I have had to apologize for speaking in perhaps too forward of ways at times. Those in my home community freely express this in compliments to others and such things are accepted and received as part of spiritual health.

What Mystic Sensualism isn’t:

Some may conclude that a community of Mystic Sensualists would be promiscuous. Actually the opposite is true. Our traditions regarding sexual consummation are actually very conservative, even prudish by some standards. Virginity is often kept for a long time into adulthood in my culture. Why is this so? For the healthy Mystic Sensualist, less is more. Sexual repression drives a man or a woman to view sexual satisfaction as only attainable if full physical intimacy is achieved. The Mystic Sensualist finds great satisfaction is the simplest of experiences; an erotic dance, a prolonged gaze at a beautiful body. Even to compliment the sexual beauty of another person gives the Mystic Sensualist an uplifting, positive, integrated spiritual experience.

Sexual repression:

Sexual repression occurs when fear drives a man or woman to deny who they are sexually. Who struggles with this? …Everyone to some extent, but certain groups more than others. O.K. I am going to catch it for this but here goes. Men tend to be more sexually repressed than women. Let me illustrate.

Heterosexual women usually are able to admire, compliment, acknowledge, and enjoy the sexual beauty of other women even though they are heterosexual in their primary orientation. Heterosexual women can spend hours tenderly brushing each other’s hair, complimenting each other and enjoying near eroticism with each other. Heterosexual women touch each other more, even cuddle. (continued below)

Seraphim Aguila
#2 - 2012-03-09 14:16:44 UTC
Heterosexual men, in particular tend to be defensive about their primary orientation. They are hesitant to openly admire sexual beauty in other men, even if they secretly think it. Imagine a man with who is primary heterosexual saying to another man: “Your pects are so ripped and sexy, can I touch them?” O.K. laugh, but it is true. However in my home community, men are free to do this and they are not ostracized for it or labeled for it. Both my heterosexual parents have been free to explore homosexual admiration although without intimacy. We call this “health.”

Homosexual men and women can also struggle to acknowledge that they can still have sexual feelings for the opposite sex. Why? Most cultures have oppressed the homosexual orientations to the point that when one finally embraces these orientations, to open oneself to feeling otherwise may feel like betrayal. The Mystic Sensualist Shaman is committed to bringing openness, balance, and healing to those who have suffered from sexual repression or oppression.

Since becoming a capsuleer pilot and engaging other pilots from many different cultures, I have found that people are sometimes embarrassed by what I say, or take it as an invitation for more than it is. They also may be confused about my primary orientation. I enjoy admiring the beautiful faces and bodies of the men and women I have met since becoming a capsuleer. I enjoy complimenting beauty when I see it, but that compliment isn’t an invitation for sexual consummation.


To my heterosexual male friends: Just the sight of your ripping mass can bring great pleasure to me. Let me tell you that without you thinking I am inviting you into bed. If you really want to turn me on, grow a nice beard to go with those muscles. And don’t be an idiot.

To my homosexual male friends: When I tell you that you are sexy and that I really like something about your body or face, don’t feel that you have to explain that you’re a homosexual. Just take the compliment.

To my heterosexual female friends: Don’t freak out if make sexually overt comments about your beauty. You are beautiful and you are sexy. I am not trying to make you stop liking men.

To my lesbian friends: Your bravery in embracing your orientation inspires me as a woman. I also think you are beautiful. I am a heterosexual, but I am close to center so I might be attracted to you sexually. Please be careful not to read too much into that. Mostly, I want to be your friend.

This is a work in progress and I am only one Mystic Sensualist among many. My perspective is just my perspective. My parents could probably give you a much better explanation. Comments please.
Rek Jaiga
Teraa Matar
#3 - 2012-03-09 16:21:22 UTC
Interesting read! I'll have to ask some of the other Shaman-type folks about this and get some good conversation going.
Uraniae Fehrnah
Amarr Empire
#4 - 2012-03-09 17:42:22 UTC
Fascinating. I hope you won't mind if I try to speak with you more on this through real time communication. I've always found that discussions pertaining to something as nebulous as spiritual practices, let alone how they are reflected upon in society, are better had in person or at the very least in real time.
Edaine Numenor
Numenor Benevolent Holdings
#5 - 2012-03-09 19:17:13 UTC
This actually explains a few things. Thanks for posting it.

Liberating slaves wherever, whenever, and however I can.

Kentt Em'asep
Clone Red Creations
#6 - 2012-03-09 20:04:42 UTC
Aye... a very interesting read. As Edaine said, it explains alot of things which I can agree with easily.

~"That's right. Today, tomorrow, the next day, and the day after that, and the day after that... from here on until forever, every time you look at my avatar - you'll see this scowl."~


~"Yes - forever. It's what I do."~

Istvaan Shogaatsu
Guiding Hand Social Club
#7 - 2012-03-09 20:19:50 UTC
It explains a lot of things I'd like to set on fire.
Silas Vitalia
#8 - 2012-03-10 01:37:06 UTC
Your sexual orientation 'continuum' needs to be edited for women on the IGS:

Judging from the average capsuleer female that frequents the intergalactic summit it's been my experience that they are nearly all homosexuals... "Space Lesbians" to the layman.

I'd say it's some sort of pandemic actually. Must be something in the pod-fluid that makes 90% of them love other women...

Sabik now, Sabik forever

Lyn Farel
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#9 - 2012-03-10 13:22:19 UTC
Silas Vitalia wrote:
Your sexual orientation 'continuum' needs to be edited for women on the IGS:

Judging from the average capsuleer female that frequents the intergalactic summit it's been my experience that they are nearly all homosexuals... "Space Lesbians" to the layman.

I'd say it's some sort of pandemic actually. Must be something in the pod-fluid that makes 90% of them love other women...

I too wonder where this comes from. I would actually have believed that immortality and infomorphs would have made capsuleers less caring about the sex of their partners than baseliners usually do, but not to the point of doing the exact opposite of the majority. This does not make a lot of sense to me, which obviously means that I must be missing something.
Seraphim Aguila
#10 - 2012-03-10 14:25:29 UTC
One of the most important principles of Mystic Sensualism is the how the spirits influence what we emote. I appreciate your comments as they help me develop my own articulation of Mystic Sensualism. Comments have been made about a perceived prevalence of Homosexuality among Capsuleer women. This phenomena can be expressed as a shift towards the center, not necessarily a change in primary orientation even though it may appear that way as observed.


One of the tenets of Mystic Sensualism is that a heterosexual may enjoy homosexual eroticism when it is necessary for his or her balanced spiritual health.

Both men and women emote the need for nurture, but the nurturing spirits exert greater dominance in women and are more suppressed in men. Capsuleer men are notorious for suppressing the influence of nurturing spirits. Since the life of a capsuleer pilot is one that is noted for isolation (in the egg), pilots may begin to emote a strong need for nurture. Female pilots who find Male pilots to be nearly devoid of that quality may seek it in their fellow female pilots. Does that mean that their primary orientation has crossed center? Maybe, but probably not.

Thanks again for your comments.
Elsebeth Rhiannon
Electus Matari
#11 - 2012-03-10 19:16:56 UTC
Silas Vitalia wrote:
Your sexual orientation 'continuum' needs to be edited for women on the IGS:

Judging from the average capsuleer female that frequents the intergalactic summit it's been my experience that they are nearly all homosexuals... "Space Lesbians" to the layman.

I'd say it's some sort of pandemic actually. Must be something in the pod-fluid that makes 90% of them love other women...

I would suggest you do not judge capsuleer women in general by those individuals who feel it necessary to flaunt their sexual relations in front of the whole cluster.

Thank you; have a nice day.

Lyn Farel
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#12 - 2012-03-10 20:14:17 UTC
Elsebeth Rhiannon wrote:
Silas Vitalia wrote:
Your sexual orientation 'continuum' needs to be edited for women on the IGS:

Judging from the average capsuleer female that frequents the intergalactic summit it's been my experience that they are nearly all homosexuals... "Space Lesbians" to the layman.

I'd say it's some sort of pandemic actually. Must be something in the pod-fluid that makes 90% of them love other women...

I would suggest you do not judge capsuleer women in general by those individuals who feel it necessary to flaunt their sexual relations in front of the whole cluster.

Thank you; have a nice day.


Even with that in mind, it is still how the majority looks to me, though if you have reliable sources that tell otherwise, I would be curious to see them for that my experience on the matter are mostly empirical.
Uraniae Fehrnah
Amarr Empire
#13 - 2012-03-10 20:16:54 UTC
It seems rather silly to try and adjust something to take into account capsuleers (a fraction of the population) who happen to be women (a fraction of that population) who happen to attracted to other women (yet another fraction of the previous population) who actually comment on the IGS (and another fraction of the population.)

In reality that number must be rather miniscule. People only seem to make a fuss because the rest of the population either doesn't bother, or isn't able to speak here.
Elsebeth Rhiannon
Electus Matari
#14 - 2012-03-11 08:29:10 UTC
Captain Farel; it is for the one who presents a claim to provide the evidence. I am merely pointing out that the evidence provided so far is not conclusive.
Repentence Tyrathlion
Tyrathlion Interstellar
#15 - 2012-03-11 11:20:22 UTC
Uraniae Fehrnah wrote:
It seems rather silly to try and adjust something to take into account capsuleers (a fraction of the population) who happen to be women (a fraction of that population) who happen to attracted to other women (yet another fraction of the previous population) who actually comment on the IGS (and another fraction of the population.)

In reality that number must be rather miniscule. People only seem to make a fuss because the rest of the population either doesn't bother, or isn't able to speak here.

Not only that... who seriously cares about ratios and numbers of the matter?

Ms Aguila provides an interesting explanation. Valid or not, relevant or not, it's still quite well reasoned.
Lyn Farel
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#16 - 2012-03-11 12:33:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Lyn Farel
Elsebeth Rhiannon wrote:
Captain Farel; it is for the one who presents a claim to provide the evidence. I am merely pointing out that the evidence provided so far is not conclusive.

Of course. Thus why I would be curious to read sources on that matter.
Seraphim Aguila
#17 - 2012-03-11 13:13:09 UTC
Dear Sisters,

I had had hoped that this post would not be a source of contention among you and I do hope that you will all be at peace with one another. Let me make a clarification or two.

1. The orientation continuum originated a long time ago among my people to describe how inherently spiritual people maintain sexual/spiritual balance under changing personal, social, and biological conditions.
2. Let me cite two names that are well known to Mystic Sensualitst but probably unknown to most capsuleers. The Orientation Continuum was first developed by Yesnik Derfla and expanded by Neilk Ztirf. These two Mystic sensualist first theorized the continuum to explain orientation across cultures among baseliners. You can read a little bit about it here.
3. That it happens to help explain capsuleer behaviors makes it particularly helpful here in this community.

The reason for posting this thread was to help promote understanding among capsuleers, not to spark arguments. I apologize if I have raised a contentious issue.
Repentence Tyrathlion
Tyrathlion Interstellar
#18 - 2012-03-11 14:48:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Repentence Tyrathlion
Seraphim Aguila wrote:
The reason for posting this thread was to help promote understanding among capsuleers, not to spark arguments. I apologize if I have raised a contentious issue.

My dear, it is an unfortunate truth of the IGS that someone could post remarking that a vacuum will kill an unprotected individual, and there will be an argument over it. At some point during this argument, the thread will be hijacked by some loyalists trying to make a point to their respective enemies, and the original point will be long forgotten.

Frankly, I'm amazed that this has been as civil as it has for as long as it has.
Elsebeth Rhiannon
Electus Matari
#19 - 2012-03-11 14:52:53 UTC
3. That it happens to help explain capsuleer behaviors makes it particularly helpful here in this community.

I am not sure it did help any.

A peculiar feature of capsuleer behaviours is that certain minorities are most outspoken in their private lives and most eager to public displays of both affection and resulting dramas when things go wrong. Also it seems that people most concerned about their own sexual practices are the ones most eager to use sexual slang as slurs. One should not generalize from that to capsuleers in general, as those who are not interested in publicizing their private life or concerned with juvenile insults are unlikely to speak up in either case.
Uraniae Fehrnah
Amarr Empire
#20 - 2012-03-12 09:34:48 UTC
A little contention is fine, preferable even I'd say. Obviously I can't speak for certain about anyone else that is commenting, but it does sound like the people actually commenting and discussing things are doing so with a fair amount of civility. As both Miss Rhiannon and Miss Tyrathlion have pointed out, this is a rather open forum and as a result the discussions have a tendency to either fade to quiet whispers or rise to heated shouts. All any of us can really do is put forth the effort to remain civil, if we intend to do so.... those that don't, well that's their prerogative.
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