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The Jesters curves..

Peter Powers
Terrorists of Dimensions
#1 - 2011-09-09 00:07:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Peter Powers
... and what followed.

A few days ago, on August 31 Jester, aka Ripard Teg, published a post on his blog, with the title "Some curves aren't".
This Post contained a few 'fancy' graphs showing the average logged in users over a period of time,
and his interpretation of it.

The Post caught on quite quick in the EVE related blog scene, for example Seleene, aswell as the mittani took the graphs, agreed on the interpretation and published their own stuff based on it (well the mittani did more or less public).
From there some gaming related websites caught on,
and now hardly quarter an hour goes by without someone linking the graphs,
and/or declaring that eve is dying.

Now, lets all take a deep breath step back and think for a moment.

First of all:
Relevancy of the numbers, none.
The number of currently logged in players is a nice number for marketing reasons, but has no real value; if you want to measure the health of CCP's wallets, and therefor of EVE you have to look at the number of subscribed accounts - not on how many of those are logged in in average.

Now, to me that alone would have been ennough to discard ripards article, and don't think much more about it,
but apparently a chunk of the community does either a) not see b) not understand or c) not want to understand this.

So lets go on with a few more points.

In his post Ripard Teg calls out a growth number of 2.4% this number, calling 'flat-line' or stagnant.
lets look at this, the two numbers he pulls are:
29,113 to 29,841 - which is a difference of 728.
Which brings me to another conclusion, math is not his strengh.
29113 / 100 * 2.4 = 698.712
29113 / 100 * 2.5006 = 727.999678 (so you could say its about 2.5%)
(what he did is he took the result as basis, not the origin...)
now granted, 2.5% don't sound that tough either, do they?

so lets look at what 728 more people average on an eve online day means.
lets make an assumption and say the average player is playing 2 hours a day (and personally i think the number is much smaller) over all of his accounts. lets also assume he has two accounts (and i think that numer is actually larger.. so this is a very pessimistic view on it)
the eve day has 23 hours (in fact it has 23.5 now, something that was changed during the time that he uses for his graphs, and doesnt take in account, but we will ignore it for the sake of not breaking the character limit of this post)
23 / 2 = 11.5 * 728 = 8372 * 2 = 16 744 new accounts * 17,49 USD (yes i know, some of you can buy cheaper, but more people are euro than us players, and those pay in euros, which is actually more.. so this, again is pessimistic)
which leads to 292,852.52 USD each month. That means 2.5% growth. (in pessimistic, in reality it will be more!)

A few more things that Ripard Teg has not mentioned in his post:
- some larger other MMO are actually shrinking, and not 'only growing by 2.5%'
- CCP recently banned a shitload of bots, which has an impact on the number of concurrent online users aswell.

Claims that EVE is dying have been there 5 years ago, when i started playing allready,
and the truth back then is the same today: its not.

have a good night,
and fly safe,
PP - your catalogue for 3rd party applications

Sunshine and Lollipops
#2 - 2011-09-09 00:28:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Peter Powers wrote:
A few days ago, on August 31 Jester, aka Ripard Teg, published a post on his blog, with the title "Some curves aren't".
No, it was posted on July 20…
First of all:
Relevancy of the numbers, none.
…except that the subscription numbers have always shown a pretty darn strong correlation with the online numbers. Go find one of the graphs from back when they dared publish those numbers and superimpose them over the monthly averages…
lets look at this, the two numbers he pulls are:
29,113 to 29,841 - which is a difference of 728.
Which brings me to another conclusion, math is not his strengh.
29113 / 100 * 2.4 = 698.712
29113 / 100 * 2.5006 = 727.999678 (so you could say its about 2.5%)
Wow. That was overly complicated.

29,841 ÷ 29,133 = 1.0243… → the former number is 2.43…% higher than the latter. This is properly rounded to 2.4%.
lets make an assumption […] lets also assume he has two accounts
Why? With nothing to back it up, it won't lead you anywhere good. Especially since, no, two accounts per player is not the average. The best anyone has ever been able to guesstimate, it's somewhere in the region of 1⅓ per person. But more importantly, the number of accounts per person is entirely irrelevant to what you're calculating: each online character (and each subbed account, which is what you're trying to derive) is… well… one account. The number of players (and the number of accounts per player) is not a factor in determining the amount of money they earn. It could be one person owning all 350k or 700 people sharing them with one character slot each — the final amount of accounts and final earnings is the same.
23 / 2 = 11.5 * 728 = 8372 * 2 = 16 744 new accounts * 17,49 USD
Ok… so not only are you assuming a completely unfounded number of playing hours per day, for a completely unfounded number of accounts per player, for a thoroughly unreasonable (and entirely irrelevant) global distribution of server load.

…and all of that to come back to the exact same number you had before: a 2.4% growth over a very long period of time. You get the same number because you use the same data as the basis for your calculation — a 2.4% growth in that number ends up as a 2.4% growth in the final result as well. Multiplication and division is funny that way…

Oh, and by the way, what you're doing here is assuming that the number of accounts can be calculated from the average number of online users… but you started out by saying that we can't do that, so your whole exercise is, according to you, pointless. So why all the number juggling?
Cedar Locus
Fleet 2 die
#3 - 2011-09-09 00:39:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Cedar Locus
you don't have to do fuzzy math to see ccp failed to make the game a success after so many should/could have tons of people playing it....

edit: i meet enough ppl that came back to see if things have changed and stuff including myself, now i admit some things did change for the better and they even added some cool things but that took years...and at the same time tons of stuff still as broke as they were
Kerppe Krulli
#4 - 2011-09-09 00:41:16 UTC
Tippia wrote:
So why all the number juggling?

It's fun and somehow people think adding math to your argument makes it more valid.

Of course I find it funny he blatantly throws out that most subscribers are EUR and therefore pay the EUR without anything to back it up. According to his own premise, his numbers are therefore not to be trusted.

Also his math is messed up. 2.4% doesn't equal 727 per day continuously, the monthly variables actually compound which he didn't take into affect and instead arrives at his inherently wrong math equation. His example is akin to simple interest calculation when we clearly need a compounded interest future value calculation starting from the beginning of the data. However, depending where you start with that type of formula you end up with a positive growth; peek; and negative growth rate/time.
#5 - 2011-09-09 00:47:53 UTC
Erhmm ... OP, rather than (trying to) debunk the irrelevant niggly bits in the graphs (which I'm seeing as pure sophistry), I'd like to see your entire analysis that can provide strong proofs and arguments that EVE isn't dying.

Lay it on the table and we'll see if it survives peer review Big smile
T'Laar Bok
#6 - 2011-09-09 00:48:02 UTC
Yeah, what Tippia said, so there!

Amphetimines are your friend.'Laar_Bok

#7 - 2011-09-09 00:54:38 UTC
Tippia wrote:
except that the subscription numbers have always shown a pretty darn strong correlation with the online numbers. Go find one of the graphs from back when they dared publish those numbers and superimpose them over the monthly averages…

Tippia, I agree with most of your post, but I think that the introduction of Incarna has had an impact on people logging in multiple accounts, which would probably have a noticable effect on the correlation to which you refer.

I am concerned with reduced PCU, but I don't automatically assume that it means reduced subscription numbers.
I would welcome CCP releasing the current subscriber numbers.
Herping yourDerp
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#8 - 2011-09-09 01:04:26 UTC
the graph showed that directly after incarna a huge drop off occured which can only be explained by

--people couldnt run CQ/incarna

--people were disgusted by incarna and decided to quit and not log in, ( note, u can quit, and still be subbed, i quit COD4 but i still have it)

--people saw how CCP handled the issues players presented and how player concerns were ignored
Brooks Puuntai
Solar Nexus.
#9 - 2011-09-09 01:05:23 UTC
Avon wrote:

I am concerned with reduced PCU, but I don't automatically assume that it means reduced subscription numbers.
I would welcome CCP releasing the current subscriber numbers.

If people have alts that they can no longer use at the same time as their main why would they keep those accounts active? Thats one of the issues thats being brought up with Incarnas release, many alts are only there to support a main. If you can no longer multibox these accounts then people will not keep them active. Which means a reduction in sub numbers. At least thats one correlation between PCU and sub numbers. I doubt CCP will release the current sub numbers anytime soon unless they seem "healthy" enough to release. CCP seems prone on hiding information that makes them look bad, this is evident in with holding the CSM minutes.

CCP's Motto: If it isn't broken, break it. If it is broken, ignore it. Improving NPE / Dynamic New Eden

Sunshine and Lollipops
#10 - 2011-09-09 01:05:37 UTC
Avon wrote:
Tippia, I agree with most of your post, but I think that the introduction of Incarna has had an impact on people logging in multiple accounts, which would probably have a noticable effect on the correlation to which you refer.
Possibly, but on the other hand: if people can't keep all those accounts logged in at the same time (and we… sorry for this after my previous tirade… assume that they got them to have all of them logged in at once) won't they simply close those useless extra accounts down and/or transfer the characters to how many accounts they can run at once with the new requirements?

At any rate, the main point was that the OP starts out by rejecting any kind of direct correlation between online accounts and subscription numbers, and then goes on to make a direct correlation between online accounts and subscription numbers… Lol
#11 - 2011-09-09 01:13:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Avon
Tippia wrote:
Possibly, but on the other hand: if people can't keep all those accounts logged in at the same time (and we… sorry for this after my previous tirade… assume that they got them to have all of them logged in at once) won't they simply close those useless extra accounts down and/or transfer the characters to how many accounts they can run at once with the new requirements?
Of course this could, and in some cases I assume would, happen. I used to run multiple accounts just because it was convenient to switch between them quickly, but I didn't really play them side-by-side, so now I just log them on when I need them.
I'm not saying that is the norm, I can't make such an assumption, but I *know* I have reduced the PCU ever so slightly by doing it.
As all my accounts are paid in plex I do let accounts lapse if I don't use them for a while, which has an impact on subscriber numbers, but I often have multiple live account which previously would be running concurrently.
Tippia wrote:

At any rate, the main point was that the OP starts out by rejecting any kind of direct correlation between online accounts and subscription numbers, and then goes on to make a direct correlation between online accounts and subscription numbers… Lol

Yeah, I got the point you were making there and completely agree - terrible foundation for his theory.

I have to say though, the more I think about it the more I would like to see some month on month subscriber numbers.
It would be interesting to see if they have seen the drop that the PCU clearly has.
Lens Thirring
#12 - 2011-09-09 01:21:58 UTC
Avon wrote:
Tippia wrote:
except that the subscription numbers have always shown a pretty darn strong correlation with the online numbers. Go find one of the graphs from back when they dared publish those numbers and superimpose them over the monthly averages…

Tippia, I agree with most of your post, but I think that the introduction of Incarna has had an impact on people logging in multiple accounts, which would probably have a noticable effect on the correlation to which you refer.

I was also wondering about this, but would've thought this would show up as a sharpish drop around the time Incarna was introduced. Instead we see a gradual decline. I guess multi-boxers are successfully using the Door.


I am concerned with reduced PCU, but I don't automatically assume that it means reduced subscription numbers.
I would welcome CCP releasing the current subscriber numbers.

According to the May CSM minutes, at that point subscribers were rising while we see that PCU was falling. I'm not sure how much credibility to give that. But if it's the case, then it's not clear why the CSM is getting so excited about the new Jester plot, since they've seen the lack of correlation themselves (which we haven't). Well, one can imagine all kinds of reasons for CSM excitement, but they're not data based.

(For the record, I'm in the camp which believes lower PCU can't be a healthy sign for Eve in any case.)
#13 - 2011-09-09 02:02:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Eladaris
Lens Thirring wrote:
According to the May CSM minutes, at that point subscribers were rising while we see that PCU was falling. I'm not sure how much credibility to give that. But if it's the case, then it's not clear why the CSM is getting so excited about the new Jester plot, since they've seen the lack of correlation themselves (which we haven't). Well, one can imagine all kinds of reasons for CSM excitement, but they're not data based.

It's always possible the CSM has seen the actual CCP sub numbers, but are bound by the NDA and cannot discuss them... so when Jester released his PCU numbers that showed similar results, and were in a format they COULD discuss, they ran with them.

Since CCP refuses to discuss the actual numbers the debate is a little pointless, but the fact that CCP refuses to discuss the numbers does seem a trifle worrying in these times. It's fairly obvious less people are logging in from the PCU numbers alone.

We do know from things the CSM has said that there was a sub hit from the MT debacle, which has never been properly resolved as CCP still refuses to release the minutes from that meeting.
Dradius Calvantia
Lip Shords
#14 - 2011-09-09 02:39:30 UTC
I would like to point out that the health of EVE is not directly related to the health of CCPs wallet. In my opinion, the number of players online and actively contributing to the interactions that make EVE what it is is a much more important metric to the long term viability of EVE as a game than how much money CCP is currently raking in from subs.
Joe D'Trader
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#15 - 2011-09-09 02:45:29 UTC
This is where I remind people that we used to have 55K + on Sundays and 45K on Weekdays.

When that happens again I might try to eat a sock. Otherwise numbers in Eve are down.

Revelant for the slow
Ifly Uwalk
Caldari State
#16 - 2011-09-09 03:10:38 UTC
OP is so obviously a CCP alt. Sad
Hunter Heavy Industries
#17 - 2011-09-09 03:18:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Rented
+2.5% over 30 months, or 1% a year. This is commonly known to sane people as 'flat'.

Just how miniscule does the variance need to be before you'll be willing to accept it as flat? Are you seriously looking for exact equivalence here? You seem to think nothing other than a precise 0% variance can be considered flat, which is rather deluded.
Richard Hammond II
#18 - 2011-09-09 03:19:21 UTC
the jester's curves is a good name for it though lol

Goons; infiltration at its best - first bob... now ccp itself. They dont realize you guys dot take this as "just a game". Bring it down guys, we're rooting for you.

#19 - 2011-09-09 03:20:37 UTC
And now for some constructive criticism:






As long as EVE has players it will go on.

Does it have players? Yes.

Do you not like it? Get out.

Hunter Heavy Industries
#20 - 2011-09-09 03:21:49 UTC
RUSROG wrote:
And now for some constructive criticism:






As long as EVE has players it will go on.

Does it have players? Yes.

Do you not like it? Get out.

Quoted for epic irony.
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