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Gallente, Minmitar and Amarr battleships for missions !

Atrament Inc.
#21 - 2011-09-12 18:21:41 UTC
Since people are recommending some Amarr ships, I have to confess that I've been "moonlighting" as a Navy Armageddon pilot. It was supposed to be another "Collector's" ship, but I worked out a decent (medium/close range) set up for it. The drone bay (5 sentries + 5 mediums) is nice.

Compared to a Navy Megathron, there is a lot in common:
• module slots are both 8/4/8
• both have 7 turrets (plus bonuses)
• equal drone bays
• equal armor HP

The Navy Megathron is still a better ship, though.
1. It has far better fitting options (lasers eat PG).
2. It has better Guristas resistances.
3. Due to fittings & RGs, its range is better.

Note: I fly it more for fun than isk/hr & I only use it against Sansha/BRs.
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