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Beta EVE Launcher\Updater Fail - No Access to SiSi

Maximus Aerelius
#1 - 2012-03-01 19:47:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Maximus Aerelius
Well this is how this goes:

The Server errored submitting this through the website TWICE X
I petitioned and got a kickback Oops
So here goes at attempt number four Evil

I've tried to get onto SiSi for the Mass Testing and every time the Beta EVE
Launcher\Updater tried to update my clients it errors with the below. I've
repaired both clients twice and still get an error after downloading the
patch again:

Exception during UpdaterModule.Update

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "lib\update.pyc", line 522, in Update

File "lib\update.pyc", line 568, in _Update

File "lib\update.pyc", line 295, in __init__

File "zsync\zsync.pyc", line 1280, in __init__

UnpicklingError: invalid load key, 'ê'.

Locals by frame, innermost last:

Frame __bootstrap in threading.pyc at line 503:

self =

Frame __bootstrap_inner in threading.pyc at line 530:

self =

Frame run in threading.pyc at line 483:

self =

Frame Update in lib\update.pyc at line 527:

self =

Frame _Update in lib\update.pyc at line 568:

args = ['D:\\EVE Clients\\EVE Sisi 1', , u'D:\\EVE
Clients\\EVE Sisi 1\\launcher\\cache\\Download', ]

oldDXFolderSums =

self =

Frame __init__ in lib\update.pyc at line 295:

cache = u'D:\\EVE Clients\\EVE Sisi

folder = 'D:\\EVE Clients\\EVE Sisi 1'

hashdb =

info =

initFunc = at 0x0D28B0B0>

patchName = u'EVE_Online_344784-345944.patch'

self =

textFunc = at 0x0D28B7B0>

Frame __init__ in zsync\zsync.pyc at line 1287:

doDeletes = True

fp =

hashdb =

patchfile = u'D:\\EVE Clients\\EVE Sisi

self =

v = '-= zPatch v1.1 =-'

As you may be able to tell I'm a little annoyed and frustrated. I've had to
type this message for the 3rd time and there is no manual workaround in
place to patch to SiSi and this just seems a little daft since this Launcher
is in Beta. Either that or I've missed it along with a lot of other people Ugh

Please advise or provide a workaround so that I can still participate in
Mass Testing.


Maximus Aerelius
CEO Prophet of Enigma

PC Specification:

Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit
500GB Seagate SATA III (EVE Clients running from here)
ASUS GeForce GTX 560 Ti GPU
AMD Bulldozer FX-6100 6-Core Processor - Black Edition
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#2 - 2012-03-01 20:40:31 UTC
Similar problem here. Launcher downloads patch, then pops up an error message and says "Client update was unsuccessful"

OS: Windows 7 Professional x64

Exception during UpdaterModule.Update
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "lib\update.pyc", line 522, in Update
File "lib\update.pyc", line 568, in _Update
File "lib\update.pyc", line 295, in __init__
File "zsync\zsync.pyc", line 1280, in __init__
ValueError: invalid literal for long() with base 10: '26_'
Locals by frame, innermost last:
Frame __bootstrap in threading.pyc at line 503:
self = &lt;Thread(UpdaterProcessThread, started 2952)&gt;
Frame __bootstrap_inner in threading.pyc at line 530:
self = &lt;Thread(UpdaterProcessThread, started 2952)&gt;
Frame run in threading.pyc at line 483:
self = &lt;Thread(UpdaterProcessThread, started 2952)&gt;
Frame Update in lib\update.pyc at line 527:
self = &lt;lib.update.UpdaterModule instance at 0x042E8670&gt;
Frame _Update in lib\update.pyc at line 568:
args = ['C:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\Singularity', &lt;ChecksumDB at 'C:\\PROGRA~2\\CCP\\SINGUL~1\\launcher\\cache\\checksums'&gt;, u'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\Singularity\\launcher\\cache\\Download', &lt;function wrapper at 0x042352B0&gt;]
oldDXFolderSums = '\x0b\x01\xf2K?\x1a%\xcc\x94\xf7)\x15\x9e\x88&lt;\xb0L\x1d\xa2r|\x8aHb2\x15\x1a\x0f\xaae\xdel\xb1\x16P\x9e\xa1\xbe\xce\x99x\xde\xd8_\x95\xd5\xb5\xcb\\\xb4JA\x95Wo\xe4\xccK\xff\n\xee\x01\xf1\x19\x8bV\xb0\x8e\xa4\x19\xe7x:|\x94w\xf2\xcb\x93.\xf5Uj?!\xed\x89\xb1\x845n\x8a\x12Wp\x1b:\xa4\x03"l\xc6&lt;\x19\xa0\xab\x8d\xb3\x17\x97&\xbc\x08\xe6\x8a;]\x08\xad\xbc\xd3S\xd7\x16r%\xc4\xd6c\xff\x08k\x07\xf2\x11x$L\xa8\xab;\xf8\xb3!\xc2\xe4:\xf7#\x07P\x8d\xf4\x17\xa1T\xc3\xf1\xaf\xd5\xb6J\xc3\xe4O/8\xa3\xbf\x84\x00\xf1\x1a@\xa3\x909\xfc\x9c\xaa'
self = &lt;lib.update.UpdaterModule instance at 0x042E8670&gt;
Frame __init__ in lib\update.pyc at line 295:
cache = u'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\Singularity\\launcher\\cache\\Download'
folder = 'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\Singularity'
hashdb = &lt;ChecksumDB at 'C:\\PROGRA~2\\CCP\\SINGUL~1\\launcher\\cache\\checksums'&gt;
info = &lt;function wrapper at 0x042352B0&gt;
initFunc = &lt;function &lt;lambda&gt; at 0x094017F0&gt;
patchName = u'EVE_Online_340418-345944.patch'
self = &lt;lib.update.ApplyHttpPatch instance at 0x0D1C3DF0&gt;
textFunc = &lt;function &lt;lambda&gt; at 0x09401EB0&gt;
Frame __init__ in zsync\zsync.pyc at line 1287:
doDeletes = True
fp = &lt;closed file u'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\Singularity\\EVE_Online_340418-345944.patch', mode 'rb' at 0x024F1808&gt;
hashdb = &lt;ChecksumDB at 'C:\\PROGRA~2\\CCP\\SINGUL~1\\launcher\\cache\\checksums'&gt;
patchfile = u'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\Singularity\\EVE_Online_340418-345944.patch'
self = &lt;zsync.zsync.ApplyPatch instance at 0x0D1C3328&gt;
v = '-= zPatch v1.1 =-'