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Bash the new video

Mina Sebiestar
Minmatar Inner Space Conglomerate
#41 - 2012-02-17 19:19:19 UTC
Nothing bad live act in front of green screen all you need is hd cam,babe that want to waste her time and visual guru...i like this form of shooting i saw it in few other games too.

Not everything need to cost half of some poor state treasury to be ok.

I would like to see more of this kind of videos as mini stories.

You choke behind a smile a fake behind the fear

Because >>I is too hard

Aerethir El-Kharisti
#42 - 2012-02-17 19:22:34 UTC
I liked the ships, the effects, scenery, the look of the actor, BUT... why did they use a live actor, when the she sounds like a robot? Would have worked better if she was an CGI-character.

With great power comes great electricity bill.

Kolya Medz
Kolya Inc.
#43 - 2012-02-17 19:23:22 UTC
It was ok. I felt the video was severely lacking in the epic fleet battle side of things. If your going for a "war" theme, ccp, a fleet battle with thousands of ships, frig to titan, would have been more interesting.

More corpses would have been nice too.
Caellach Marellus
#44 - 2012-02-17 19:42:54 UTC
The concept behind the video was pretty solid, I can see what the creator wanted to achieve with it, and several parts worked.

All those parts however were purely using in game visuals, which as great as they were and did their job of selling the game through "LOOK HOW F##KING PRETTY THIS IS!" it was let down by two things.

First: Poor dialogue, you can tell the scripts that are penned with the hope by the writer that they'll sound all serious and intelligent, and then completely done over the top so they sound ridiculous. See "The Room" for the perfect example of this. This trailer suffered from really "up it's own arse" style dialogue that simply didn't flow. Of course the second issue didn't help that...

Poor delivery. The actress was terrible, the character concept itself wasn't all that great. It was as if a level of hostility toward the viewer existed for no explainable reason (and this is someone who's suppose to be helping you come into a new clone, why are your own medi staff pissy at you?) Her pacing and delivery of the lines was even worse, I found myself cringing about 3 lines in.

A script re-write and different actor (with a logical character to it) would be brilliant. This just made me wonder how much of subscription money went into a poor quality trailer.

When your gut instincts tell you something is wrong, trust them. When your heart tells you something is right, ignore it, check with your brain first. Accept nothing, challenge everything.

Valei Khurelem
#45 - 2012-02-17 19:53:14 UTC
I don't normally bash videos like this, but Red Alert 3 had better acting than the recent green screen actors that CCP has got together.

You know they've ****** up when I'm forced to compliment EA.

"don't get us wrong, we don't want to screw new players, on the contrary. The core problem here is that tech 1 frigates and cruisers should be appealing enough to be viable platforms in both PvE and PvP."   - CCP Ytterbium

Petrus Blackshell
#46 - 2012-02-17 19:56:31 UTC
Valei Khurelem wrote:
I don't normally bash videos like this, but Red Alert 3 had better acting than the recent green screen actors that CCP has got together.

You know they've ****** up when I'm forced to compliment EA.

It's Westwood you're complimenting, not EA. But I agree with your sentiment, their live-action stuff was much much better.

Accidentally The Whole Frigate - For-newbies blog (currently on pause)

Sprite Can
#47 - 2012-02-17 20:00:58 UTC
Came expecting this to be trailer for Summer expansion, I am dissapoint.

Refreshing Lemon-Lime~

Ajita al Tchar
#48 - 2012-02-17 20:02:34 UTC
I like the eyebrows, they have character rather than some generic ~~MAYBE SHE'S BORN WITH IT?~~ (I think not) look. I like the voice of the actress as well, it's powerful. Aura makes even a capsuleer feel small and naked. Well, I suppose the invisible audience capsuleer in the video was in fact naked.

I don't like the script, however Ugh Could have done much more, and actually I think that for a new player it might be a little confusing. The whole transferable consciousness, new cloned body thing doesn't require a lengthy hour-long lecture, but very little of the concept was mentioned in the video aside from waking up "disorientated". Why are you waking up? What's the deal here? The rest of the script was rather underwhelming as well, and there weren't enough spaceships going boom to compensate for the lack of information. Also, yeah, that's pretty much the way it goes, but I still think that real actors interacting with a CGI background look awkward. It's not even the real person image over a CGI backdrop that's the problem for me, it's the acting part, but that one is very hard to do right, even as far as big name cinema is concerned...

Also, the word "disorientated" reminds me of something one of my professors in grad school said, half jokingly, half seriously. When writing a paper and confronted by a choice of a word and a longer word that's synonymous, choose the latter. Heh.
Marcus Harikari
#49 - 2012-02-17 20:05:25 UTC
OT Smithers wrote:

What the hell was that? I'm not sure if they were selling the game or life insurance. For fcks sake, McDonald's has more exicting commercials. "Well pilot, what are you waiting for?"

I'm waiting for you to show me something interesting!

Here's my script for the GREATEST EVE VIDEO IN HISTORY:

[Station interior. A man in a black bondage-wear flightsuit stands at the staion window, his back to the camera. In the background you hear an electric guitar tearing up some totally awesome jam].

VOICEOVER: (Super serious guy voice) Someone once said: "An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind." (Dramatic pause) Whoever said that crap probably played WOW. He certainly didn’t play Eve. In Eve, you collect eyes in a jar of urine by your bedside.

(major screaming guitar riff)

[Outside the window spaceships are exploding, a body come slowly tumbling towards the window where the guy is standing]

VOICEOVER: Okay, that's not true. Yet. Urine jars will be added to the aurum store 'soon'. F*** you anyway.

[Outside you have more explosions and lasers and children screaming. The tumbling body hits the window with a sickening thud, the face is all mashed against the glass but you can still see he looks like Justin Bieber. The eyes pop out and float there waiting to be added to someone’s jar. Then, even though there is no gravity in space, the body slides down and out of sight leaving a bloody smear on the glass]

VOICEOVER: That’s how absolutely bad-ass eve online is. And if you are not playing it it’s only because you are a flaming homo, and the only kind of pirate you will ever be is a butt pirate. (guitar wails like a cat being squished in a vice)

[The guy at the window turns, he is grinning like a lunatic and you see he totally has no eyes!]

Eve Guy: In space you don’t need eyes cuz the overview blocks your view anyway!

[The camera pans down and you see he is holding an electric guitar. He is the one who has been rocking out this entire time! He drops into a major heavy guitar shredding crouch and starts whipping his hair as he jams, then the window behind him explodes and he goes flying out into space still shredding! Then a Rifter flies by and hits him and the body explodes like it was packed full of explosive awesomeness]

VOICEOVER: Eve Online. Now with collectable eyeballs.

[fade to black]


would pay to see this video happen
Mr Kidd
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#50 - 2012-02-17 20:12:07 UTC
Aerethir El-Kharisti wrote:
I liked the ships, the effects, scenery, the look of the actor, BUT... why did they use a live actor, when the she sounds like a robot? Would have worked better if she was an CGI-character.

Hush yourself! She was hawt!

I will admit that in the first 1/2 of a second I was like "Man, they've really improved the avatars....." :)

Don't ban me, bro!

Serene Repose
#51 - 2012-02-17 20:27:05 UTC
Me? I'm waiting for an intelligent post that doesn't link to YOU TUBE. What's next, your Facebook page?

We must accommodate the idiocracy.

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#52 - 2012-02-17 20:39:33 UTC
It would of been fine were it not for the fake British accent or just fake acting ruining everything.

And it just seemed to be a mosh pit of all the other trailers. The other trailers focused on the specific aspects of certain parts in EVE in detail such as fleet warfare, lore, betrayal and so on. This one pretty much said "This is what you can do. Pay me now."

The trailer felt like the live action cut scenes in Red Alert 3. Only the girl wasn't hot and it wasn't amusing to watch.

Watch_ Fred Fred Frederation_ and stop [u]cryptozoologist[/u]! Fight against the brutal genocide of fictional creatures across New Eden! Is that a metaphor? Probably not, but the fru-fru- people will sure love it!

Epic Ganking Time
#53 - 2012-02-17 20:55:24 UTC
When you pitch someone you don't tell them everything up front... you save your best lines for the closing. The video draws the uninitiated in... it's intriguing particularly if you have never played EvE, and at the end there is a strong call to action to view the new pilots overview, effectively drawing the viewer from surfing the web watching videos into a sort of pre tutorial. I thought it was just really good marketing.

Signatures should be used responsibly...

Obsidian Hawk
RONA Midgard Academy
#54 - 2012-02-17 20:58:04 UTC
Kattshiro wrote:
Horrible horrible acting... Next time use CGI like the dust vid.

you dont get it do you.

This video shows the full potential of the Incarna engine.

It's also the same voice actor who does Aura, you can tell be the tone in her voice, she's just less computerized.

Why Can't I have a picture signature.

Also please support graphical immersion, bring back the art that brought people to EvE online originaly.

Gummy Plaude
#55 - 2012-02-17 21:06:53 UTC
I didn't like it. This video was the one which drove me to EVE. Awakening lacks its epicness and the in-game footage seems weak when compared to the rl actress. The game itself seems weak and uninspiring.

Now let's talk about Aura. She hates us? I though she was an AI entity.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#56 - 2012-02-17 21:11:45 UTC
Rek Seven wrote:
Why these videos aren't in the actual game idk.

Why these chicks don't come out of the actual game idk Blink
Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#57 - 2012-02-17 21:14:03 UTC
Ajita al Tchar wrote:
I like the eyebrows, they have character rather than some generic ~~MAYBE SHE'S BORN WITH IT?~~ (I think not) look. I like the voice of the actress as well, it's powerful. Aura makes even a capsuleer feel small and naked. Well, I suppose the invisible audience capsuleer in the video was in fact naked.

I don't like the script, however Ugh Could have done much more, and actually I think that for a new player it might be a little confusing. The whole transferable consciousness, new cloned body thing doesn't require a lengthy hour-long lecture, but very little of the concept was mentioned in the video aside from waking up "disorientated". Why are you waking up? What's the deal here? The rest of the script was rather underwhelming as well, and there weren't enough spaceships going boom to compensate for the lack of information. Also, yeah, that's pretty much the way it goes, but I still think that real actors interacting with a CGI background look awkward. It's not even the real person image over a CGI backdrop that's the problem for me, it's the acting part, but that one is very hard to do right, even as far as big name cinema is concerned...

Also, the word "disorientated" reminds me of something one of my professors in grad school said, half jokingly, half seriously. When writing a paper and confronted by a choice of a word and a longer word that's synonymous, choose the latter. Heh.

People should probably not keep knocking the actresses dialect.

Disorientated is the British spelling/pronunciation (originally from a French word) of the US slurred and lazy variant disoriented. Meaning: Confused. To lose one's sense of direction.

It appears in all English dictionaries (as opposed to US-English) and the word has been in use since (at least) circa 1704.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

jason hill
Red vs Blue Flight Academy
#58 - 2012-02-17 21:31:49 UTC
dont much care for the video ....but i`d biff that bint anytime ! Twisted
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#59 - 2012-02-17 21:33:17 UTC
Many parts of the trailer were excellent. I can see how some people didn't like it, but they should really get over themselves.
Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#60 - 2012-02-17 21:46:27 UTC
DarkAegix wrote:
Many parts of the trailer were excellent. I can see how some people didn't like it, but they should really get over themselves.

I agree, especially since I don't think it's purpose is to be a trailer.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.