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Issues, Workarounds & Localization

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First post
CCP Greyscale
C C P Alliance
#21 - 2011-09-12 13:56:15 UTC
Hey can someone (or preferably some people) post describing exactly what the problem is, how it manifests and any potential repro steps? Gonna stick a defect on Tuxford once I understand the symptoms properly. (Although as is usually the case, until we can figure out how to consistently reproduce the issue it's really difficult to fix it or indeed to tell whether or not it's actually fixed - the more detail we can collect on the exact circumstances under which this is happening, the better chance we have of reproducing it "in the lab".)
Tallian Saotome
Nuclear Arms Exchange Inc.
#22 - 2011-09-12 14:11:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Tallian Saotome
CCP Greyscale wrote:
Hey can someone (or preferably some people) post describing exactly what the problem is, how it manifests and any potential repro steps? Gonna stick a defect on Tuxford once I understand the symptoms properly. (Although as is usually the case, until we can figure out how to consistently reproduce the issue it's really difficult to fix it or indeed to tell whether or not it's actually fixed - the more detail we can collect on the exact circumstances under which this is happening, the better chance we have of reproducing it "in the lab".)

Launch drones, engage target, kill target, immediately on killing said target send the drones after another target. After the time frame it would normally take to pick a new target on their own, they will pick a new target over-riding your orders.

At least, thats the only drone bug I have seen so far.

I hope that makes it easy to find, and if you find something obvious(like the drone AI having precedence over the player) can you let us know? I'm curious as to what caused it Cool

Inappropriate signature removed, CCP Phantom.

Miiis Sweety
Bersercs Inc
#23 - 2011-09-12 14:27:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Miiis Sweety
Log on Tengu pilot.
Log on Thanatos pilot.
Fleet Thanatos pilot.
Undock both pilots
Warp Tengu to belt, or other cosmic thingy.
Delegate control of fighters to Tengu Pilot.
Two choices: watch the fighters sit with Tengu pilot or
continue to select "engage targets" rats until fighters actully do damage to battleships.

select "engage targets" fighters engage other targets
select "engage targets" fighters engage other targets
select "engage targets" fighters start doing damage to correct battleship.

warp to next belt or cosmic thingy.

Edit one: both toons have: aggresive drones turned on, both toons have attack and follow turned on.
Deleros Revo
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#24 - 2011-09-12 14:46:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Deleros Revo
With drones out:

Lock targets
Command all drones to attack target 1
See them kill target 1
Focus target 2
Command drones to attack target 2
See some of them (if not all) dissengage target 2

BTW: Focus fire activated and on passive mode at drone settings.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#25 - 2011-09-12 14:46:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Svaste
CCP Greyscale wrote:
Hey can someone (or preferably some people) post describing exactly what the problem is, how it manifests and any potential repro steps? Gonna stick a defect on Tuxford once I understand the symptoms properly. (Although as is usually the case, until we can figure out how to consistently reproduce the issue it's really difficult to fix it or indeed to tell whether or not it's actually fixed - the more detail we can collect on the exact circumstances under which this is happening, the better chance we have of reproducing it "in the lab".)

bug report 114462

Drones specifically sentry drones now do not easily follow from one target to the next. Previously before Incarna I could command my drones to engage the next target as soon as the current target was destroyed and they would all engage. Now some all or none will engage unless I spam the command for them to engage. This is similar to the behavior that drones followed when set to aggressive yet were counter ordered manually. The trouble is that passive drones fail to attack the next target on command without being give the order as many as ten times.

// Thanks for taking the time to fill this out. I´m attaching your BR to the relevant defect dealing with focus fire and drone target choosing (or the misbehavior thereof)

BH Exsum

Steps to reproduce
1 Accept mission or find a few ships to destroy some other way.
2 fit five sentry drones
3 undock and verify drones are set to passive leave the drones in space and the drone group expanded
4 fly to mission/targets
5 launch drones and order them to attack a target
6 when that target is destroyed immediately order them to engage another target
7 observe drone icon next to new target
8 observe drones in drone window show engaged in red
9 PROBLEM HERE observe drones go idle and the drone icon dissappear from the target.

More people and their details here >
Tallian Saotome
Nuclear Arms Exchange Inc.
#26 - 2011-09-13 04:55:16 UTC
Happens on aggressive as well as passive, on aggressive they will just re-target a random target.

Inappropriate signature removed, CCP Phantom.

Raw Matters
Brilliant Starfire
#27 - 2011-09-13 12:12:14 UTC
I have notices several issues so far:

  • Drones spread while focus fire is active - This happens rarely when doing a mission and is especially noticeably if using a drone boat afk (that is: letting the drones to their thing). Sometimes after a kill drones select different targets and the group spreads apart. This seems to be a racing condition.
  • Drones failing to obey - Sometimes when giving a command to a drone it will simply be ignored if the drone is just in the process of taking a decision. E.g. if a drone has just killed a target and receives a new target order while selecting a target on their own they sometimes decide for their own target, ignoring the player command. Seems to be a racing condition as well.
  • Drones get confused on very fast targets - Whenever drones follow a very fast target and are able to get into fingering range the fire a shot and then enter a (much slower) orbit speed. If the target now moves out of range before the drones can shoot again the drone will be confused and just turns passive until new orders are given. This can be easily reproduced by having a Carrier with Warrior II try to kill an Interceptor that circles around the carrier at 20 km at full speed. This effectively makes a carrier unable to kill an Interceptor even when using Warrior II.
Tellurian Works
#28 - 2011-09-13 12:12:54 UTC
We have been seeing this running incursion sites, despite instructions to pilots to set drones on passive and all drones to be assigned to a drone bunny, sets of drones can be seen attacking non essential targets.
Lieyan Electra
#29 - 2011-09-13 17:35:17 UTC
-Startin mission as usual
-Lock multiple targets
-Drones out in passive and focus fire mode
-Engage target, drones reply first time as they are ordered
-2nd target, drones are ordered to engage and they do
-Few seconds later 1 or more drones disengage and go passive

-Drones in aggrasive and focus fire mode
-Engage target, drones reply first time as they are ordered
-2nd target, drones are ordered to engage and they do
-Few seconds later 1 or more drones disengage and aggres random target

Clearin cache doesnt work
This started as incarna was deployed, and this issue has been on these forums from the begining as soon as it revealed itself.

Fix plzzzz What?
Grey Stormshadow
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#30 - 2011-09-13 22:01:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Grey Stormshadow
Bug in a nutshell:

After killing/depleting a target...
and being assigned to new target...
some drones out of 5 go idle after few seconds...
and return to ship if on passive mode (or if mining drones) or...
attack random target if on agressive mode.

In other words, "part of the drones going idle after sent to new target" is the real issue description.

Get classic forum style - custom videos to captains quarters screen

Play with the best - die like the rest

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#31 - 2011-09-14 01:54:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Wa'roun
OMG Drones are worse than ever since Incarna and my own post here on the subject!

I am constantly having to spam my my attack button!

When set to aggressive they FREQUENTLY split targets despite the default "Focus Fire" option, and when set to passive they FREQUENTLY go idle during an attack.

I am fed up with this!

CCP Greyscale wrote:
Hey can someone (or preferably some people) post describing exactly what the problem is, how it manifests and any potential repro steps? Gonna stick a defect on Tuxford once I understand the symptoms properly. (Although as is usually the case, until we can figure out how to consistently reproduce the issue it's really difficult to fix it or indeed to tell whether or not it's actually fixed - the more detail we can collect on the exact circumstances under which this is happening, the better chance we have of reproducing it "in the lab".)

Another OMG...How about actually playing the game and see? It doesn't take long to see the crap we have endured for years, and even more intensely now since Incarna.

I shouldn't have to keep my finger on my Drones Attack key all the time.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#32 - 2011-09-14 14:08:57 UTC
I've been noticing drones misbehaving more than usual lately too.

They seem to loose aggro alot, though I have had them set to agressive.
It also takes for the rats to be within very short distance (10-18 km ish) before the drones even realize I'm under attack.
Nex quod Principatus
#33 - 2011-09-14 14:19:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Konnrade
Drones will also disengage from a target traveling at high velocity.

For example warrior II drones commanded to attack a jaguar that is traveling at 1100 m/s are capable of keeping up with it, but after a short period of time passes, some of these drones will break off their pursuit without user input and will revert to idle status. (In this scenario the ship commanding the drones is nonetheless remaining within drone control range of the target ship, so this is not the issue.)

This basically means that to use drones on fast targets the pilot has to repeatedly re-issue the attack command every 30-60 seconds or so to stop their drones from disengaging.
Rip Minner
ARMITAGE Logistics Salvage and Industries
#34 - 2011-09-15 06:48:23 UTC
I'm just waiting for CCP to bust out with some kind of back story of how Rouge drones are trying to take control of are drones and all is working as intended.Shocked

Is it a rock point a lazer at it and profit. Is it a ship point a lazer at it and profit. I dont see any problems here.

Tallian Saotome
Nuclear Arms Exchange Inc.
#35 - 2011-09-15 07:01:35 UTC
Rocky Deadshot wrote:
Look, I've used drone ships in lvl4s for a long time, and yes they are buggy and temperamental, but the issue is fairly minor if u assign your engage drones to a hotkey. Spam that about 100 times and they'll follow your commands. The only drones this wont work for is mining drones.

Thats all good for L4s, but what about people who fight in situations that can actually be screwed up on? This is one more reason droneboats don't get to go one anything but small gang roams(tho someone seems to be trying to bring back domi fleets Lol).

Inappropriate signature removed, CCP Phantom.

Frank Millar
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#36 - 2011-09-15 09:02:32 UTC
Yesterday was even worse than I care to remember.

Drones are set to Passive and Focus Fire.

Warp into mission, lock targets. Launch drones, click Engage Target.

Drones attack, kill target.

Engage next target. See Drone Damage drop like a brick (thanks for adding that earlier, btw).

Observe Drone window, where 2, 3 or even 4 drones are set to Idle, with only one attacking.

Click Engage target again, and maybe a third time. All drones might be attacking again.

Repeat until room is cleared.

That said, I've never had drones split fire, but that might be an Drones Set To Aggressive-thing.
#37 - 2011-09-15 10:05:28 UTC
I've seen all 5 go idle. Just to rub salt into the wounds, I was sensor damped, and yes they were targeted onto a damping cruiser.

ship : dominix
drones : garde II
settings : passive, focus fire.

The other issue I had was launching a set of wardens in a new mission, launched 5 random drones from my bay (from a couple of groups), and temporarily reported the wardens awol. Wasn't till I retrieved the 5 that my bay reported all of the drones correctly. For about 20 seconds I thought I'd completely noobed it and left the wardens in the previous mission. it did however sort itself out when I recalled the random drones.
Dana Dawn
Republic Assault Force
#38 - 2011-09-15 18:12:51 UTC
We notice this problem extremely in incursions. Of course everyone has their drones to passive.

You put the drones on a target (which dies very slowly) and after a while it seems to loose interest and go idle.

I often see my drones go idle, then I notice that the rat it was following is going at high speed with its micro warp drive. This may have nothing to do with it though.

Sometimes it doesn't react to my first engage command either, having to spam the engage short key a few times before they finally do. When this happens I often notice a slight lag spike on the server. When incarna was first released, the inobedience of the drones was often followed by a server restart within half an hour. But this may have nothing to do with it either.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#39 - 2011-09-16 01:21:29 UTC
CCP Greyscale wrote:
Hey can someone (or preferably some people) post describing exactly what the problem is, how it manifests and any potential repro steps? Gonna stick a defect on Tuxford once I understand the symptoms properly. (Although as is usually the case, until we can figure out how to consistently reproduce the issue it's really difficult to fix it or indeed to tell whether or not it's actually fixed - the more detail we can collect on the exact circumstances under which this is happening, the better chance we have of reproducing it "in the lab".)

I hope in the last several days you've read this entire thread and the ones on the old forums. I hope you read the posts in direct reply to your request for more information.

Is it asking too much for you to come back in this thread and report?

We have missed another patch day with no repair of the damage done to drones by Incarna.

Fill this job soon not soon™.
Sen Ria
Brave Newbies Inc.
Brave Collective
#40 - 2011-09-16 01:45:34 UTC
CCP I know how to fix focus fire, remove it from the game...because it never worked lol

No point in teasing us with it!