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database issues

Karsa Egivand
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1 - 2012-02-11 05:38:30 UTC
Not quite sure if this is the right place, couldn't find a better one though.

I have recently been working a lot with the database dump and found two irregularities there (or I don't get something, but i think these truly are irregular/wrong).

The "Medium Energy Transfer Array II" (typeid: 12221) is, quite obviously, a Tech 2 item. It is also correctly identified as such in the invmetatypes table (metaGroupID is 2).
BUT its corresponding blueprint (typeid: 12222) is given a techlevel of 1 in the invblueprinttypes table, which is incorrect. As far as I see it is the only time a metaGroupID 2 item has a corrpesponding blueprint that has a techlevel of 1.
Just as an example, the blueprint (typeid: 1191) for the "Small Energy Transfer Array II" (typeID: 1190) correctly has the techlevel 2.

There is also a weird issue with the bombs in the database (typeids: 27912, 27916, 27918, 27920, 27922, 27924), that ... i cannot explain, but seems like an irregularity in the database tables. The issue relates to the invtypematerials table. Therein, i can only find a weird set of values that imply a batch of 20 is produced from 10000/100/10/10/10/10/10 minerals (trit/pyerite/others). Those obviously are not correct. The true values do not appear (though the client obviously has them), the confusion is also evident in the bill of materials table for the blueprints on the chruker site, which probably also pulled it from the invtypematerials table. There, you may find a doubled entry for each mineral, one probably correct, the other the weird entry I cannot explain.
I am wondering a) what those 10000/100/10/... values do in invtypematerials and b) where the true material values are hiding.

I hope this is the correct place and that somebody can tell me whether I or the database tables are incorrect.