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The Mittani, CSM7 Chairman: Our work is not yet done.

First post First post
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#881 - 2012-03-03 13:42:22 UTC
Elson Tamar wrote:
Actually i just realised I dont need to vote for him as he will be in anyway, doh as he has enough votes before starting out to get in and on the final 7 seats, I may as well vote for someone else who also represents me!

Still like the dog though, big fan of Huskies, although im going walking with wolves in a couple of weeks :)

Hey hey, I saw this episode of Simpsons, we all skip voting for Mittani and Riverini gets in because we're all hung over (and still drunk) at the celebration party.

Lets not and say we did, eh?
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#882 - 2012-03-04 18:23:06 UTC
When does the voting start btw??
Andrea Roche
State War Academy
Caldari State
#883 - 2012-03-04 18:31:19 UTC
this is one defenetly not getting my vote
Johnny Marzetti
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#884 - 2012-03-04 18:37:04 UTC
Andrea Roche wrote:
this is one defenetly not getting my vote

You already said that with your other NPC corp alt.
Nic Huston
Amarr Empire
#885 - 2012-03-04 20:31:16 UTC
I hate to get personal - but as mentioned by a couple of people in this topc, you can have my vote if you shave off that ridiculous tuft of hair on your chin. Do we have a deal?
Andrea Roche
State War Academy
Caldari State
#886 - 2012-03-04 21:11:22 UTC
Johnny Marzetti wrote:
Andrea Roche wrote:
this is one defenetly not getting my vote

You already said that with your other NPC corp alt.

yeah thats what you will do. Thats why i didnt Big smile. Only a goon can play that idiot game
Tehg Rhind
Atlantic Innovations
#887 - 2012-03-04 22:03:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Tehg Rhind
I'm actually pretty impressed with how the CSM went last year, but wanted to ask a question on the T2 BPO thing.

Do you really think they are even that relevant to industry? I mean, yes, they price out invention in large ships (command ships, recons, and most HACs) but they don't significantly affect module invention as the demand so massively outstrips the quantity the BPO owners can supply.

In terms of unfair profitability the payoff times on these is usually around 7 years these days, so they really aren't that profitable. But they do supply an investment opportunity for people that have ungodly amounts of ISK. They also supply the single most valuable items in game, which is kind of neat. A sleipnir BPO recently sold for something like 230 Billion ISK.

And its not like there aren't high end invention opportunities available in game. Jump Freighters, T2 BSs, and T2 Siege/Triage modules come to mind. And if they add more T2 ships this will only be more true.

It would just make me kind of sad to see these items disappear. I don't think the BPO lottery was a good idea, but the main damage is already done and only diminishes over time as new items appear, and frankly you won't find many industrialists that really feel these items affect their game play.

Even as someone who would never invest in one because they are so unprofitable I appreciate their existence for the uniqueness they represent. Removing them would be like when the French killed all the Unicorns, something we all feel bad about today. SUPPORT BIODIVERSITY IN THE MARKETS.

Edit: Oh yeah, one other issue I was curious about. High Sec incursions seem to be a really big issue in terms of profitability and lack of risk.

Do you think that they are a significant problem and do you support their removal?
The Mittani
State War Academy
Caldari State
#888 - 2012-03-04 22:16:25 UTC
Tehg Rhind wrote:
I'm actually pretty impressed with how the CSM went last year, but wanted to ask a question on the T2 BPO thing.

Do you really think they are even that relevant to industry? I mean, yes, they price out invention in large ships (command ships, recons, and most HACs) but they don't significantly affect module invention as the demand so massively outstrips the quantity the BPO owners can supply.

In terms of unfair profitability the payoff times on these is usually around 7 years these days, so they really aren't that profitable. But they do supply an investment opportunity for people that have ungodly amounts of ISK. They also supply the single most valuable items in game, which is kind of neat. A sleipnir BPO recently sold for something like 230 Billion ISK.

And its not like there aren't high end invention opportunities available in game. Jump Freighters, T2 BSs, and T2 Siege/Triage modules come to mind. And if they add more T2 ships this will only be more true.

It would just make me kind of sad to see these items disappear. I don't think the BPO lottery was a good idea, but the main damage is already done and only diminishes over time as new items appear, and frankly you won't find many industrialists that really feel these items affect their game play.

Even as someone who would never invest in one because they are so unprofitable I appreciate their existence for the uniqueness they represent. Removing them would be like when the French killed all the Unicorns, something we all feel bad about today. SUPPORT BIODIVERSITY IN THE MARKETS.

Edit: Oh yeah, one other issue I was curious about. High Sec incursions seem to be a really big issue in terms of profitability and lack of risk.

Do you think that they are a significant problem and do you support their removal?

Removal of high-sec incursions, absolutely not. They're great content. Tweaking the payouts such that there's a better balance on the risk continuum from null/low/high, yes. That's been discussed at length in my Chairman's thread, in my sig.

Re: T2 BPOs, I actually just brought this up this weekend; I've asked for a little more regulatory clarity on T2 BPOs. I'm not a fan of them, but every election season there's howls for either their removal, conversion to bpcs, or whatever. CCP hasn't offered a formal statement in a post in S&I about what their plans - or lack thereof - are for T2 BPOs, and I'd like to see it clarified, in public, so investors and holders have more certainty about them. IE, if T2 BPOs are a safe investment forever, we should hear about it, so potential buyers and sellers aren't worried about the regulatory risk of having them wiped out.

I don't particularly /like/ T2 bpos, but the environment of uncertainty isn't good for anyone, bpo holders or anti-bpo holders.


Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#889 - 2012-03-04 22:25:17 UTC
The best T2 BPO nerf would be a change in the focus on material cost for T2 production. The ME advantage of producing from a BPO is the big advantage of the T2 BPO holder. In short: you can boost invention by nerfing Technetium

That said, the fact that margins on SKUs like HICs, for which no BPOs exist, aren't noticeably different from HACs, indicates that the greatest competition inventors face is not BPO holders, but other inventors. (Barring low-volume items which, by definition, are less relevent.)

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#890 - 2012-03-04 22:30:31 UTC
The Mittani wrote:

I don't particularly /like/ T2 bpos, but the environment of uncertainty isn't good for anyone, bpo holders or anti-bpo holders.

If an insufferable clown like this guy didn't exist I'd have to invent him just to motivate players to vote so children like him would not be identified as the "typical" EVE player.

Time we all realized the dumbing down of a complex space sandbox game to accommodate those who actually seem better fit for a playground sandbox is not good for a game thinking adults can enjoy.

Would love to see a demographic breakdown of the high school dropouts and unemployed slackers that make up this guys voting support. The bottom of the barrel has great power when no one else bothers to vote.
Tehg Rhind
Atlantic Innovations
#891 - 2012-03-05 00:27:05 UTC
Wow that was remarkably incomprehensible. It looks like you actually put effort into making sure it couldn't be deciphered. But the jokes on you, I broke your code and figured out the secrets you wished to hide, and will reveal them here:

"Be sure to drink your Ovaltine"

A crummy commercial? Not cool man.
The Mittani
State War Academy
Caldari State
#892 - 2012-03-05 02:17:22 UTC
Jitacaldari wrote:
The Mittani wrote:

I don't particularly /like/ T2 bpos, but the environment of uncertainty isn't good for anyone, bpo holders or anti-bpo holders.

If an insufferable clown like this guy didn't exist I'd have to invent him just to motivate players to vote so children like him would not be identified as the "typical" EVE player.

Time we all realized the dumbing down of a complex space sandbox game to accommodate those who actually seem better fit for a playground sandbox is not good for a game thinking adults can enjoy.

Would love to see a demographic breakdown of the high school dropouts and unemployed slackers that make up this guys voting support. The bottom of the barrel has great power when no one else bothers to vote.

oh no another forum alt saying mean things about me, this will truly ruin my campaign


Alavaria Fera
#893 - 2012-03-05 02:52:08 UTC
The Mittani wrote:
oh no another forum alt saying mean things about me, this will truly ruin my campaign

Yeah, this and the weight of 1000 other forum alts.

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

Johnny Marzetti
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#894 - 2012-03-05 03:57:24 UTC
Andrea Roche wrote:
Johnny Marzetti wrote:
Andrea Roche wrote:
this is one defenetly not getting my vote

You already said that with your other NPC corp alt.

yeah thats what you will do. Thats why i didnt Big smile. Only a goon can play that idiot game

Actually it's open to anyone who isn't posting with an NPC corp alt.
Tyrone Cashmoney
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#895 - 2012-03-05 04:05:41 UTC
Andrea Roche wrote:
yeah thats what you will do. Thats why i didnt Big smile. Only a goon can play that idiot game
You're pretty good at the idiot game.
Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#896 - 2012-03-05 07:34:14 UTC
The Mittani wrote:
Jitacaldari wrote:
The Mittani wrote:

I don't particularly /like/ T2 bpos, but the environment of uncertainty isn't good for anyone, bpo holders or anti-bpo holders.

If an insufferable clown like this guy didn't exist I'd have to invent him just to motivate players to vote so children like him would not be identified as the "typical" EVE player.

Time we all realized the dumbing down of a complex space sandbox game to accommodate those who actually seem better fit for a playground sandbox is not good for a game thinking adults can enjoy.

Would love to see a demographic breakdown of the high school dropouts and unemployed slackers that make up this guys voting support. The bottom of the barrel has great power when no one else bothers to vote.

oh no another forum alt of a hurtbutte supercap owner saying mean things about me, this will truly ruin my campaign


"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Ladie Harlot
Amarr Empire
#897 - 2012-03-05 09:25:33 UTC
People still mad about supercap nerfs are my favorite thing about Eve. Hopefully they will soon be replaced with people mad about titan tracking getting fixed.

The artist formerly known as Ladie Scarlet.

Azure Moonlight
Atomic Core Industries and Science
#898 - 2012-03-05 11:06:28 UTC
Quite bold this Mittani fellow, I like it.

Sadly he isnt a carebear. Sry for that. What?

Yay 10 years! :D

SCI Zenith
Flying Dangerous
#899 - 2012-03-05 12:32:45 UTC

Apologies first of all if I've glanced over previous discussion in this thread or the chairman's thread.

As DUST 514 is slowly becoming a reality, what is your stance, concerns and feelings on the game itself, how it is progressing, and the ultimate issue of how it is going to integrate into EVE-O itself?

Thanks for your time.
Red Templar
Amarr Empire
#900 - 2012-03-05 12:35:22 UTC
Giruvagen wrote:

Apologies first of all if I've glanced over previous discussion in this thread or the chairman's thread.

As DUST 514 is slowly becoming a reality, what is your stance, concerns and feelings on the game itself, how it is progressing, and the ultimate issue of how it is going to integrate into EVE-O itself?

Thanks for your time.

This question was asked during his radio debate with Riverini. If i remember correctly the basic stance was - we have to wait and see the game.

[b]For Love. For Peace. For Honor.

For None of the Above.

For Pony![/b]