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pos aggression bug

the united
#1 - 2012-02-09 17:30:16 UTC
i was testing some covert cyno stuff

was jumping from 1 pos to another

i light covert cyno everyone jumps through

we all sit wait thinking worked well found out what we wanted to know about fuel usage and when i turn off cyno my pos attacks us all

some died some got away

i check everything then bravely leave the bubble nothing happens i test with dif ships and chars everything is fine

i do the covert **** again and it attacks again

whats going on ?

 please don't take out your real life issues out on me not my fault if your fat ugly bullied divorced broke or  have a pimple thats big and red maybe your mom wants you out her basement or a jock has gave you a wedgie your flames only make me laff at your sadness your hidden tears are as juicy as the whiners i blob or the blobs i hide from

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2012-02-13 20:47:15 UTC
I've had similar issues with POS in WH space. I can use any ship and the towers won't attack me (even if I start shooting the guns and tower). A neutral shows up, tower instantly attacks both the neutral (which it's set to attack) and me (even if I warp off and back or switch ships). I've tried several different settings to try and fix this all with no success. tried using just corp standing, just sec status, both standing and sec status, and every other configuration I could think of where it would attack neutrals but shouldn't attack me.

The strange part to me is that I can't provoke the tower into attacking me (with only blues/corpmates on grid) no matter what settings I use or how many times I shoot the tower/guns (I even incapped a gun just to test it). As soon as the towers get a target to aggress it just goes crazy and shoots everyone.