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War Declaration Proposal: Security Nullification Array

Sambu Ballabumbu
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#61 - 2012-02-11 23:30:45 UTC
@ Nestara:
You clearly didnt get the gist of the idea. The SNA is transmitting the information that there is a war going on over the whole univerese and you would be able to fight your WTs all over the universe without concord intervention. As I said before the "bubble" around the SNA serves a different purpuse than the SNA itself. The bubble is used for creating possibilities for third parties to take a step into the war and has nothing to do with the overall wardec itself.

I think your argument is worth to be considered when implementing a mechanic like that. I scrached on that, when said its all about tweaking the numners right. In detail i think it is intended that the structure itself is set up fairly easy and fast, but takes some effort to take down. So it is very unlikely that an atacker will not be able to set the SNA up.
Having that concern out of the way, whats left is, that you dont want to have pvp in eve centered to that one object alone. I agree on that and I think the solution is right in kelduums proposal. As an atacker you have the possibility to harden the shields, wich in case the SNA gets atacked just buys you time. But even after that, the structure goes into reinforce mode, so you got time X (24h were proposed) to repair the shield and get it running again. What does that to the pvp in EvE? Well it does allow the atacker to set the SNA up and then do hide again for at least 24h and do their war-strategy as they like it to be (i.e. Station ganking, small gang-hunting or homesystem siege). What the mechanic really prevents you from doing is hid totally from the war that you initiated and by al means I think thats a good thing. So after your SNA got into reinforce you have to face your enemy at least or otherwise the defender succeds in ending the war. Does this favor large corps? Well not too much I think, becaus the only thing you have to do is sneak in to your SNA, find a good opportunity and refuels and get the shields up again.
Even large corps like the E-Uni would have a hard time to set up a 24h force to guard the reinforced SNA. But if they succeed and take the effort on doing so, why blame them? If you wardecc a 2000 player corp with 4 guys, what can you realistically expect more than just a few ganks? If (as it is now) the atacker advantage is that imbalanced, that it is suitible for a 4man-corp to figt a 2000man corp thats a serious lack of realism in my opinion. They should nevertheless be able to start a war, and they still can win the war by ISK after 24 or 48 ours, whatever it takes the defender to take the SNA down, but the defender must be able to end such a war in my opinion.

By the way it offeres also a lot of nice tactical opportunities for the atacker. You can set up traps around the SNA and force the defender into fights on your ground. It is just meant to prevent the atacker as well as the defender from just dock and cover until the war expires wich is no good pvp at all, but just anoying.
Hellstar Towing and Recovery
#62 - 2012-02-12 00:35:35 UTC
Kelduum Revaan wrote:
Kahz Niverrah wrote:
Sounds like you're trying to change high sec wars into another version of sov warfare.
Not so much Sov warfare, as something like micro-sov - the idea being that the 'attacker' has something (albeit not worth a huge amount) to lose if they fail to defend themselves, as well as allowing 'interesting' things to happen, such as Chribbas system defence last year.

In other words:

He wants instanced battlegrounds informed by one of the most gratingly broken mechanics CCP ever shat out.

Get it through your head OP:

There are a host of damned good reasons why instances have never, and should never, exist in EVE.

Why are you even still playing this game?

It's pretty clear that you just want to turn it into another generic **** MMO, so why don't you just go play one that has consensual PvP flagging? There are lots of those, and many of them do a whole passel of things better (cough, cough--their PvE components) than EVE ever has, or probably ever will.

Not supported, this carebear scourge will kill everything that makes EVE, EVE. And if that happens, then there will no longer be any way to hide from the player-base at large that EVE is...just not that great a game, in fundamental terms.


The Black Shell
#63 - 2012-02-12 00:40:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Reppyk
Well, that's bit raw and messy but I'll try to answer you !

Sambu Ballabumbu wrote:
I think your argument is worth to be considered when implementing a mechanic like that.
Which argument ? I said that's a bad concept (defending a structure when you're the agressor), a boring gameplay (bashing a structure how funny) and a bad design (2-sides forcefield, no no no).

Sambu Ballabumbu wrote:
In detail i think it is intended that the structure itself is set up fairly easy and fast, but takes some effort to take down. So it is very unlikely that an atacker will not be able to set the SNA up.
I don't think you actually read the proposition. If the attacker doesnt "set up" the SNA, there is no wardec. I guess everybody could do that !

Sambu Ballabumbu wrote:
But even after that, the structure goes into reinforce mode, so you got time X (24h were proposed) to repair the shield and get it running again. What does that to the pvp in EvE? Well it does allow the atacker to set the SNA up and then do hide again for at least 24h and do their war-strategy as they like it to be (i.e. Station ganking, small gang-hunting or homesystem siege).
Ahaha no. What can I do with a 24h wardec ? Absolutely nothing to an ennemy POS. That's it, they are invulnerable (unless the guy in charge of the stront is an idiot).
Also, don't forget that for a corporation (like me), I need not only the iskies, but 50h of vote. Do you really think that people will bother with wardecs anymore ? No. No it's just too much of an assle, and it's expensive too.
They are already far too few wardecs at the moment, I will not support a bad system that will only reduce them.

Sambu Ballabumbu wrote:
Does this favor large corps? Well not too much I think, becaus the only thing you have to do is sneak in to your SNA, find a good opportunity and refuels and get the shields up again.
Structures in EVE don't work that way. You can't "sneak" to hit and refuel it/stront it. Why ? Because your lovely SNA (or a POS) would become invulnerable too (that's easy : the second it's out of rf'ed, warp to it, fuel/stront it, see you in 24h -and you can type trololololol ♫ in local-).
Structures that are coming out of rf'd are damaged, damaged enough that you cannot stront them again. First, you need to lose a few hours repairing it (yes ! reverse EHP bash ! I like EVE !).
Can you really imagine that a small corp will be able to repair a boring SNA while getting blobbed by the defenders ? Ahahaha.
It won't work.

Sambu Ballabumbu wrote:
Even large corps like the E-Uni would have a hard time to set up a 24h force to guard the reinforced SNA.
(let's say EVEuni is the defender, I guess ?)
Why would EVEuni "guard" the SNA ?
I will tell you what would happen :
BLSHL votes a wardec against EVEuni. Wait 24h please, you're not an alliance.
BLSHL anchor a SNA.
BLSHL declares war on EVEuni.
BLSHL's SNA is blobbed. It will get in rf'd within 5mn -I'm not even speaking of the famous ~third parties~, it will just make a bigger blob).
BLSHL has 24h to "hunt EVEuni miners". Woot woot, 24h, I'm glad I paid all these iskies and took time to set up this for 24h of hunting.
BLSHL's SNA is out of rf, option 1) BLSHL repairs it while not getting attacked in only 3,5h (because I paid for that, yes) to refuel it or 2) the SNA is blobbed again and destroyed in 5mn. What a good fight ! The wardec is over.

EVEuni doesnt have to guard it. EVEuni must only gather a fleet for a) when they got a wardec message (they can even form up the next day, don't worry) and b) when it's out of rf'd.

If you wardecc a 2000 player corp with 4 guys, what can you realistically expect more than just a few ganks?
(I can only quote 5 times :cpp: srsly: so it's in bold)
I did at least once, with the same scale (and I'm far for being a good pvper). They lost a bit of ~e-honor~, one corporation, 2 POSes, and about 30 killmails.

the atacker advantage is that imbalanced, that it is suitible for a 4man-corp to figt a 2000man corp thats a serious lack of realism in my opinion.
]No. The "lack of realism" would be the 2000-man alliance that is afraid of getting wardec'd by 4 pilots. They won't kill everything ; they can be trapped ; and losing stuff in EVE is normal. But I'm not in the alliance that, instead of doing something with the current sandbox, is just saying "stop playing guys, they'll get bored ahaha".

By the way it offeres also a lot of nice tactical opportunities for the atacker. You can set up traps around the SNA and force the defender into fights on your ground.
You can already make traps in EVE. You don't need a 2-side forcefield with a EHP grind.

It is just meant to prevent the atacker as well as the defender from just dock and cover until the war expires wich is no good pvp at all, but just anoying.
Honestly ? I never saw any "good pvp" in highsec (and I did "some" wardecs). Wardecs isn't about "good pvp" or even "pewpew" ; it's sending a message to a whole alliance "EH YOU I DON'T LIKE YOU AND I MAY PUNCH YOU IN THE FACE". Nothing else.

Also, I will raise (another) issue : about these "third parties" that could be involve without any wardec or whatever, at the SNA.
I think that one of the good thing about highsec wardecs is that you know the number of the opponents. It will not make a "fair fight" but at least it's not that blob thing (or that cyno bridge that allows you to "surprise" the opponents by bringing a lot more pilots that they thought). Am, it's a bit ****** since you can join or leave a corporation almost instantly (and there is the rr neutral problem too) but there still this idea of "sizeable fights".
With this FFA arena, it would be a "blob time".


Proud co-admin of, a French fansite about EVE !

Kelduum Revaan
The Ebon Hawk
#64 - 2012-02-12 01:43:13 UTC
Ok, I'd ask that if someone wants to comment here, they at least finish reading the document....

1. There's no voting involved. Just anchor the thing and declare.
2. There no instances, which my definition are private. Please show me where the proposal mentions them. The whole point of it is that its very much public.
3. If you don't think something would work, suggest a change that would help it work better - a bigger bubble, warp scram in bubble, 5 min 'free for all' timer for anyone leaving, etc.

I've already mentioned why the proposal includes a structure,
#65 - 2012-02-12 01:49:44 UTC
Sambu Ballabumbu wrote:
Some clarifications:

1. I know that eve is all and only pvp, just wanted to point out that pve in eve is actually supporting pvp, and that ther would not be a pvp like it is today without the pve.

2. I have nothing against unequal fights when it comes to numbers or strength, at all! The problem with the current mechanic is NOT that it allows a small corp to fight a big corp and vice versa. The problem is, that it allows corps to annoy other corps by starting a war without being willing or able to fight and pvp at all. Thats the issue! Nobody wants to take away "anfair" fight, caus there is no refferie in EvE and thats a GOOD thing!!

1) So? Being wardecced does nothing to stop you from doing PvE activities. Your corp may have some SOP forbidding it, but that's in no way a game mechanic. Pick a quiet system, watch local, scout before you jump, and you'll be fine.

2) How is being able to harass those opponents that you are unable to slug it out with a bad thing? Ali v Foreman, Ali was considered completely outmatched, but by letting Foreman tire himself out while harassing him, Ali was able to score a knockout victory. And that's in Boxing with a ton of rules. In EvE, if someone wants to harass someone else through game mechanics or using their opponents own SOP against them, that's fantastic. With all the talk about unfair fights, you seem to forget that harassing a larger opponent until they're beatable is a time honored tactic to turn an unwinnable situation into a winnable one.


5. Reppyk you are absolutley right that the "faildec"-mechanic is actually affecting every Highsec-corp be it incursion, mining, trading or missioning-focussed. And right E-Uni is affected "more" by it due to its size alone. So Kelduum is not only proposing this for E-uni benefit only, but for all High-sec corps that are not pvp-centric (as far as it is posssible in Eve:)

What the hell is a faildec? If your wardec achieves the aims you want; be they access to easy targets, reduction in the target's forces, destruction of a POS, general harassment, or it just gave you the warm and fuzzies; then it was a successful wardec. If it didn't succeed in those objectives, and you still had fun, that's successful too. Only if your wardec failed on all of the above counts (*ahem* E-Uni v RvB => Y U Surprise with attack POS?) could you call it a failure. And never a "faildec," that just sounds silly.

As for making it harder to dec people; this mechanic would make it impossible for a small corp who's been wronged to react in a meaningful manner to the depredations offered to them by a larger corp. That's bad, mmmkay. Also structure bashing sucks. Maybe the first time you do it, for the first ~5min it's kind of cool, but after that it just blows.

And that pretty much covers the interesting bits of your post.

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths." -Abrazzar "the risk of having your day ruined by other people is the cornerstone with which EVE was built" -CCP Solomon

Kahz Niverrah
Distinguished Johnsons
#66 - 2012-02-12 02:19:33 UTC
Kelduum Revaan wrote:
3. If you don't think something would work, suggest a change that would help it work better

It's not our job to polish your turd.

I don't always post on the forums, but when I do, I post with my main.

#67 - 2012-02-12 02:50:03 UTC
Kelduum Revaan wrote:

3. If you don't think something would work, suggest a change that would help it work better

Remove the Decshield, make it harder to leave a corp involved in a wardec (I like the institution of RvB and the casual PvP learning experience it provides, so it saddens me that this would hurt those who need to do their own logistics, but can't thing of a good way around it).

If you meant you want help improving your idea then;
1) Scrap it or,
2) The same as the above poster, to wit, it's not our job to polish a turd if it isn't our own (eww, disease).

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths." -Abrazzar "the risk of having your day ruined by other people is the cornerstone with which EVE was built" -CCP Solomon

Sambu Ballabumbu
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#68 - 2012-02-12 02:58:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Sambu Ballabumbu
1.) Well at least Ali didn't win by NOT entering the ring. Big smile
I think if I remember the fight right he took quit some punches to achieve the tireing of Foremen, so he was taking aktion!
2.) A faildec is maybe a bad term, what I mean by it is a wardecc that is just not meant to be a war at all.
Don't tell me you are not aware of the possibility to abuse the current wardec-system to force corps to just change corp-name to go on with their buisness. So please confirm that you think thats good game-mechanic.
3.) So in fact you cant harass very well in the current system if your enemy is not willing to. I would support for a new system to make it impossible to "escape" a wardecc, by corp-change. Probably the best thing would be to tag the wardec on the actuall characters in that corp not onto the corp-name alone. (But I admit that this has to be thought through carefully)

I dont think the shield of the SNA should be that big like a large-pos-shield, so you dont end up with 24h POS-bashing style fight. Maybe 1h (max) bashing is enough :)

1.) There is actually no way of knowing how many ppl you will fight, cause you can already just pay a merc-corp to join you and have 100 more fighting against you in a blink. Just a matter of ISK.
2.) If a corp is capable of taking down the POS of the corp they declare war on, they would have absolutley no problem of taking care of their SNA to prevent the war from ending. I used the example of a small corp fighting a big corp, and I never saw a 5-man corp taking on a POS, sorry.
3.) moar wars...hmm.. I kind of agree that any new system should make it easy to set up the war (by whatever mechanic), but then on the other hand I think if you declare a war on somebody it should mean something. It sould put you at the risk of loosing something.
If the attacker doesnt "set up" the SNA, there is no wardec. I guess everybody could do that !

Don't know what you wanted to tell me by this, but I agree: It shouldn't be a problem for anybody to set the SNA up, and without it there will be no wardec.
5.) About the "reverse EHP-bash": I think it should be made easy for the attacker to get the shields up again, cause all the intention of the mechanic needs in my opinion, is that there is an atacker who is willing to take some action at all and putting himself to some kind of risk of loosing something.

Finally, what I think you all got kind of wrong, is that this all topic as far as I can see is not about big-corps vs. small corps. I think it really is about an atacker bonus vs. an defender malus. And I think that that is what is kind of imbalanced.
An agressor could for example make it impossible for a incursion-corp to run for 1 week without taking any real risk of loosing something. With a mechanic like the one proposed, the defender-corp could take down the SNA by itself or with the help of some mercs and roll on with their buisness 24h later.
The Black Shell
#69 - 2012-02-12 03:01:31 UTC
Kelduum Revaan wrote:
1. There's no voting involved. Just anchor the thing and declare.
"Once online, a member of the owning corporation with the relevant roles"
There is no corp role for that, and that's why corporations without an alliance must vote them (and no "being a ceo/director" isn't).
You didn't mention in your proposition to redo that (and mind you, some entities I know aren't rule by only one person and they vote for a lot of things).
But if you want to spin it a bit, let's say "the agressors agreed a few days ago and the wardec is planned".

Kelduum Revaan wrote:
2. There no instances, which my definition are private. Please show me where the proposal mentions them. The whole point of it is that its very much public.
I'll just quote you :
"(The SNA) With its location not disclosed to the public and it not showing on the overview when not on-grid, it is unlikely it would attract direct attention."
It really really really sounds like an instance for me.
The agressors know where it is. The defenders have the name of the system (and a bookmark I guess, like the one for an escalation or something, you didn't precise). Maybe every side could give this "bookmark" to that "third parties surprise blob". Everyone else ? Ah, no sorry, it's a private party (but not an instance, I swear !).
The only way to interfere would be via combat probes, which is obviously the best way to get attention (I, too, fly in high sec probing every ship in every system and having a neutral fleet ready to fight in a SNA).

Kelduum Revaan wrote:
3. If you don't think something would work, suggest a change that would help it work better - a bigger bubble, warp scram in bubble, 5 min 'free for all' timer for anyone leaving, etc.
Did you lookt at my Pro-paint-skillz artwork ?
A bigger bubble will not change the exploit I pictured.
A "warp scram" in the forcefield will not change it.
A "5mn ffa" will still not change it !

Kelduum Revaan wrote:
3. If you don't think something would work, suggest a change that would help it work better
I could. I fought in many more wardecs than you, actually -as an agressor, a defender or a "third party merc"-. I have my own idea of fixing this mess.
But I won't help you with your non-sense. You didn't answer most of my questions. And when you answered one, you didn't even understand what I was telling to you (I won't say my English is that good, but well, you got a picture !).


Proud co-admin of, a French fansite about EVE !

#70 - 2012-02-12 03:16:40 UTC  |  Edited by: RubyPorto
Sambu Ballabumbu wrote:
1.) Well at least Ali didn't win by NOT entering the ring. Big smile
I think if I remember the fight right he took quit some punches to achieve the tireing of Foremen, so he was taking aktion!
2.) A faildec is maybe a bad term, what I mean by it is a wardecc that is just not meant to be a war at all.
Don't tell me you are not aware of the possibility to abuse the current wardec-system to force corps to just change corp-name to go on with their buisness. So please confirm that you think thats good game-mechanic.
3.) So in fact you cant harass very well in the current system if your enemy is not willing to. I would support for a new system to make it impossible to "escape" a wardecc, by corp-change. Probably the best thing would be to tag the wardec on the actuall characters in that corp not onto the corp-name alone. (But I admit that this has to be thought through carefully)


I dont think the shield of the SNA should be that big like a large-pos-shield, so you dont end up with 24h POS-bashing style fight. Maybe 1h (max) bashing is enough :)

Finally, what I think you all got kind of wrong, is that this all topic as far as I can see is not about big-corps vs. small corps. I think it really is about an atacker bonus vs. an defender malus. And I think that that is what is kind of imbalanced.
An agressor could for example make it impossible for a incursion-corp to run for 1 week without taking any real risk of loosing something. With a mechanic like the one proposed, the defender-corp could take down the SNA by itself or with the help of some mercs and roll on with their buisness 24h later.

1) I'm not the one saying that a wardec prevents PvE activities. You are. If your corp or personal SOP is staying docked, then of course I'll keep you decced if it gives me some advantage. Ali spent his time on the ropes taking ineffective punches and psyching Foreman out. Kind of like an outmatched corp avoiding losing assets while harassing the larger corp's assets.

2a) What is your definition of war? Does it require pitched battle? Harassment of the enemy's industrial base? Simply psychological abuse? I'll take all of the above. If simply being under wardec is enough to psychologically abuse you to the point you fold; great!, that means I don't have to risk as much to achieve my goals. In any conflict, the less you need to do to achieve your goals, the better.

b) How does wardeccing someone force them to do anything? If your player corp doesn't have the heart to defend its turf and doesn't have in space assets worth defending, why is it a corp in the first place?

3) I'm down for that. I'd go lighter and make it a timer ~7d(or the cessation of hostilities) to quit a decced corp maybe? That said, watching your corp have to jump ship due to a one man incoming Dec must be incredibly demoralizing, not to mention humiliating.

Without a timer, structures are indefensible by any small or moderately sized organization. Period. (Due to TZ differences)

How is it impossible to run Incursions while Decced? Does CONCORD not pay out or something? (Unsafe != Impossible)
Who says that you should be ably to do anything without Risk in EvE?

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths." -Abrazzar "the risk of having your day ruined by other people is the cornerstone with which EVE was built" -CCP Solomon

The Black Shell
#71 - 2012-02-12 03:21:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Reppyk
Crossposts. Expect a double post. CCP is welcomed to fix this damn quote limitation.

Sambu Ballabumbu wrote:
3.) So in fact you cant harass very well in the current system if your enemy is not willing to. I would support for a new system to make it impossible to "escape" a wardecc, by corp-change. Probably the best thing would be to tag the wardec on the actuall characters in that corp not onto the corp-name alone. (But I admit that this has to be thought through carefully)
No, it's by far too exploitable. For a lot of reasons that have been already discussed multiple times on this forum (if you insist, I could tell you why, but that's not the subject of this thread).

Sambu Ballabumbu wrote:
I dont think the shield of the SNA should be that big like a large-pos-shield, so you dont end up with 24h POS-bashing style fight. Maybe 1h (max) bashing is enough :)
No. I'll give you 3 reasons :
1- Seriously, shooting something for one hour ? It's supposed to be a game. Also, with this "warm up" period, you can attack the SNA when you want, for example... Not in your opponent tz ? Which means that no side will get some real pewpew.
2- 1h to kill it ? So, I must guard my SNA at least 23h/24. Sounds fun. Oh, wait, it's not. Only the biggest entities in EVE can cover all the timezones (and they are all in 00).
3- 1h, but how ? DPS in EVE is (mostly) linear. So, 1h with your fleet, it means that I could get a much bigger fleet, let's say x5, and kill it under 12mn. Yes, yes, I can form up in 12mn, after all we are all ready since we have been guarding this SNA for the last 16h, right guys ?

Sambu Ballabumbu wrote:
1.) There is actually no way of knowing how many ppl you will fight, cause you can already just pay a merc-corp to join you and have 100 more fighting against you in a blink. Just a matter of ISK.
This is incorrect. Only a very very few people can do this. You can't have roles, titles, your employment history is messed, your kills will not ended on your kb and you can be awoxed by the corp you're joining. Corp hoping as a merc is possible, but I dare you to find 10 merc pilots that do it.

Sambu Ballabumbu wrote:
2.) If a corp is capable of taking down the POS of the corp they declare war on, they would have absolutley no problem of taking care of their SNA to prevent the war from ending. I used the example of a small corp fighting a big corp, and I never saw a 5-man corp taking on a POS, sorry.
I said it's impossible to kill a POS in 24h, since it will be stronted for more than one day. When it's out of rf, your wardec is already ended by a few hours (or even a day).
And for the last line, well you can check my own KB. Half of my pos kills aren't on it, but it will be enough to convince you.

Sambu Ballabumbu wrote:
3.) moar wars...hmm.. I kind of agree that any new system should make it easy to set up the war (by whatever mechanic), but then on the other hand I think if you declare a war on somebody it should mean something. It sould put you at the risk of loosing something.
There are already risks when you wardec someone. They could use the decshield exploit, so you lost your money for nothing. Or they could make the wardec "mutual" (I did it a few times, I got paid to drop it lol). Or they could join a much bigger alliance (and the wardec is transfered). Etc, that's only a few examples of what you can do.


Proud co-admin of, a French fansite about EVE !

The Black Shell
#72 - 2012-02-12 03:35:00 UTC
Last quote war for tonight !

Sambu Ballabumbu wrote:
5.) About the "reverse EHP-bash": I think it should be made easy for the attacker to get the shields up again, cause all the intention of the mechanic needs in my opinion, is that there is an atacker who is willing to take some action at all and putting himself to some kind of risk of loosing something.
It won't change the facts that :
1) rep'ing a structure is even more boring than shooting one ;
2) the agressors have already something in mind when they planned their wardec. And no, it wasn't "let's bring some ospreys yay !".
Okay, I'll give you another example. I wardec you, because you have a juicy POS. Instead of defending it, you can zerg my SNA. So, I MUST protect my SNA (otherwise the war will drop and the pos will be saved). Cool, highsec POS bashing is already one of the worst thing in EVE, but the fight will not even be near that POS !

Oh, yes. Thinking of another exploit in this "fairly robust system which doesn't have any big holes in it". I anchor my SNA near your POS, on the same grid. Cool, I have my own forcefield, and if the POS is shooting me/scrambling me multiple times, I will just duck inside the forcefield.

Sambu Ballabumbu wrote:
Finally, what I think you all got kind of wrong, is that this all topic as far as I can see is not about big-corps vs. small corps.
Indeed. It's EVEuni vs a small corp.
I already stated that these mechanisms (EHP grind, tz timer, etc) will absolutely not work with small wardecs.
I could explain you why these mechanisms would not work between big alliances (goon CTA in highsec, they bring the whole CFC coalition, they could alpha the SNA. Even defending it would be useless).

Sambu Ballabumbu wrote:
An agressor could for example make it impossible for a incursion-corp to run for 1 week without taking any real risk of loosing something. With a mechanic like the one proposed, the defender-corp could take down the SNA by itself or with the help of some mercs and roll on with their buisness 24h later.
Yes, the agressor isnt taking that much risks. Nor your incursion runners (it's very easy to track a lone pilot). There is no problem in your example.


Proud co-admin of, a French fansite about EVE !

Poetic Stanziel
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#73 - 2012-02-12 03:44:32 UTC
Reppyk wrote:
Kelduum Revaan wrote:
2. There no instances, which my definition are private. Please show me where the proposal mentions them. The whole point of it is that its very much public.
I'll just quote you :
"(The SNA) With its location not disclosed to the public and it not showing on the overview when not on-grid, it is unlikely it would attract direct attention."
It really really really sounds like an instance for me.
The agressors know where it is. The defenders have the name of the system (and a bookmark I guess, like the one for an escalation or something, you didn't precise). Maybe every side could give this "bookmark" to that "third parties surprise blob". Everyone else ? Ah, no sorry, it's a private party (but not an instance, I swear !)

Kelduum has a much different definition of "very much public" than the rest of us, apparently.
Sambu Ballabumbu
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#74 - 2012-02-12 04:39:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Sambu Ballabumbu
As Ruby pointed out it all comes out to what your definition of a war is.
For me at least it involves some pewpew Big smile, but I admit that there are interesting ways of psycho warfare. I just not think they should be covered by a warfare-mechanic.
As I said in my first post here, I think that the pve is of great benefit for the pvp community and that means that there should be a somewhat "safer" place for doing it. Thats the whole reason why there is a high-sec at all, rather then all New Eden being 0.0.
So by having an attacker friendly (to say the least) wardec-mechanic you literaly force people of one corp to play like they were in 0.0. But they intentionally decided they dont want to! And you would loose a large population if you would force them to live under 0.0 conditions I guess and so you would loose the benefits those players give to the pvp-community as well.
I also think the game would be more 1-Dimensional only hardcore pvp and thus would loose a lot of its attraction to older (RL) players and the friendly carebear. Right now those corps just work their way round it by using bad mechanics (decshield, corpchange) to counter the bad wardec-mechanic.
And belive me I dont want it all to be 100% safe and easy! There should be risks, and in fact there are a lot of risks even if you are not wardecced at all. But running a 10-man incursion under a wardec?? Seriously, I want you to show me how you do that. Either you bring 10man extra to the site in pvp-fits, wich would screw your payout to a lol, or you are running the risk of getting ganked by 2 Blackbirds that warp in and Jam your logis. Maybe I am not a good enough player and dont know better how to avoid that scenario, but I doubt any public incursion-fleet would take a player with it that is under an actual wardec, and probably for good reasons.

..and Reppyk:
Well its hard to argue on how exactly something is implemented, when you cant agree on what you want to achieve with the implementation.
If an overwhelming force alphas your SNA and you cant defend it, then you lost the war, dig it! In my opinion thats quite logical.
And the reinforce-mode gives you time to form up and counter it, if you are capable.
Timezone issue is an issue of the reinforcement-timer... thats 1 number to tweak around.
If not scaling your numbers by inviting mercs, then as you said (thanx for reminding me) you just join a bigger alliance and your numbers can scale dramatically. It allways comes down to the same uncertainty of not knowing exactly what you have to fight and I think thats a good thing in EvE (kind of wonder why you complained about that in the first place)
beating up a small POS with an industral is clearly impressive (in terms of endurance) but not quite an example I had in mind when it comes to a war.

So maybe you guys explain me why there is a High-sec at all and why there is a pvp-mechanic in high-sec? As far as I conclude from your statements EvE would be better if it all was 0.0, no need for wardecs at all, no possibility to escape or prohibit from pvp at all. Isn't that the consequence of it?

Edit forgot to thank Poetic for contributing another non-arguement!
#75 - 2012-02-12 04:51:57 UTC
Sambu Ballabumbu wrote:
As Ruby pointed out it all comes out to what your definition of a war is.
For me at least it involves some pewpew Big smile, but I admit that there are interesting ways of psycho warfare. I just not think they should be covered by a warfare-mechanic.

So, when I wardec someone and they stay docked for a week, I shouldn't have wardecced them because the're not going to fight?

Or if they only undock in fleets that I can't beat, I shouldn't have wardecced them because I'm not going to die in a silly manner? (I'll wait until someone get's careless, thankyewverymuch)


As I said in my first post here, I think that the pve is of great benefit for the pvp community and that means that there should be a somewhat "safer" place for doing it. Thats the whole reason why there is a high-sec at all, rather then all New Eden being 0.0.
So by having an attacker friendly (to say the least) wardec-mechanic you literaly force people of one corp to play like they were in 0.0. But they intentionally decided the dont want to! And you would loos a large population if you would force them to live under 0.0 conditions I guess and so you would loos the benefits those players give to the pvp-community as well.
I also think the game would be more 1-Dimensional only hardcore pvp and thus would loos a lot of its atraction to older (RL) players and the friendly carebear. Right now those corps just work their way round it by using bad mechanics (decshield, corpchange) to counter the bad wardec-mechanic.

If only there were some kind of corporation that was immune to being wardecced but had some sort of drawback to compensate for its added safety. Some sort of beginner corp, or starter corp, or NPC Corp... waitaminute.

If you join or create a PC Corp, you are announcing to the world that you are ready to be wardecced. If you do not want to be wardecced, DO NOT join or create a PC Corp.

Hisec is the safer place to be. If you are being wardecced all the time, either stop making yourself a target, or learn to fight back.


And belive me I dont want it all to be 100% safe and easy! There should be risks, and in fact there are a lot of risks even if you are not wardecced at all. But running a 10-man incursion under a wardec?? Seriously, I want you to show me how you do that. Either you bring 10man extra to the site in pvp-fits, wich would screw your payout to a lol, or you are running the risk of getting ganked by 2 Blackbirds that warp in and Jam your logis. Maybe I am not a good enough player and dont know better how to avoid that scenario, but I doubt any public incursion-fleet would take a player with it that is under an actual wardec, and probably for good reasons.

People run 10man incursions under wardec all the time. Try Lowsec/Nullsec. In HS, just watch local. If the system's too busy for that, then decide what risk you're willing to accept. In Nullsec, no sane person rats if they can't see everyone in Local or there are neuts/reds there.

If you can't kill 2 blackbirds before you die, you might have some trouble with the much tankier Niarjas.

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths." -Abrazzar "the risk of having your day ruined by other people is the cornerstone with which EVE was built" -CCP Solomon

Sambu Ballabumbu
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#76 - 2012-02-12 05:37:40 UTC
As you like sports-analogies:
I f you stay docked for a week because you are wardecced, thats what in soccer is called "cartenaggio", that means forcing the game to end 0-0. It involves, though, no fun for any of the two sides, nor the watcher. As far as you argued, thats perfectly viable, caus it can be considered as a kind of psycho-warfare, and I guess the Uni has prooven in the past that it kind of works.
As far as I am concerned I am glad those times are over. But I actually think that the current "defender-malus" in the warfare mechanic is endorsing that behaviour. If the mechanic would offer the defender a possibility to end the war early on his conditions, it would be much more desireble to aktually try to get it done and take a stand in the pewpew.
If you fighting a war that ONLY sends out fleets that you cant take on, well you would probably have to eat it up and take your loss. Hiding for a week from the people YOU wardecced is just streching the time till your loss is official.
Both is anoying mechanic an in my opinion no profit for the game itself.

Hisec is the safer place to be. If you are being wardecced all the time, either stop making yourself a target, or learn to fight back.
People that have 90% of their SP into mining should change the game they play just because you want it to be all like 0.0?

I am not that expierienced in setting up fleet-compositions as you are, but I am sure if I give you the task to set up a comp, lets say of 3-4 ships to screw every 10-man incursion -fleet out there, I bet you would come up with a good one Pirate
#77 - 2012-02-12 07:17:14 UTC
Sambu Ballabumbu wrote:
As you like sports-analogies:
I f you stay docked for a week because you are wardecced, thats what in soccer is called "cartenaggio", that means forcing the game to end 0-0. It involves, though, no fun for any of the two sides, nor the watcher. As far as you argued, thats perfectly viable, caus it can be considered as a kind of psycho-warfare, and I guess the Uni has prooven in the past that it kind of works.
As far as I am concerned I am glad those times are over. But I actually think that the current "defender-malus" in the warfare mechanic is endorsing that behaviour. If the mechanic would offer the defender a possibility to end the war early on his conditions, it would be much more desireble to aktually try to get it done and take a stand in the pewpew.
If you fighting a war that ONLY sends out fleets that you cant take on, well you would probably have to eat it up and take your loss. Hiding for a week from the people YOU wardecced is just streching the time till your loss is official.
Both is anoying mechanic an in my opinion no profit for the game itself.

Hisec is the safer place to be. If you are being wardecced all the time, either stop making yourself a target, or learn to fight back.
People that have 90% of their SP into mining should change the game they play just because you want it to be all like 0.0?

I am not that expierienced in setting up fleet-compositions as you are, but I am sure if I give you the task to set up a comp, lets say of 3-4 ships to screw every 10-man incursion -fleet out there, I bet you would come up with a good one Pirate

Being too afraid to undock and thus making a shoddy week of it is on the defender, not the attacker. The PsyWar aspect is when you as the attacker know and count on the defender to do this and use this week(s) of "downtime" to keep the defender from having fun until whatever conditions you have for stopping the war are met (I've had my fill of poops and giggles is a perfectly reasonable condition, given that this is a game). The Defender of course has many counters to this; going to Low/Null, undock and fight, undock and watch local, etc.

E-Uni has enforced a strict SOP because it makes itself a target by its very nature (moreso as its membership has shifted towards the fulltime carebear). The SOP helps make it less of an interesting target, being in an alliance makes it more expensive, and now there's the shield.

The Defense can always end the war early, just meet the conditions that the attacker sets when you ask them. As in everything in EvE, beware of scams. CCP realized that they couldn't possibly thing of all the things wars might be fought over, so they declined to code them into the mechanics. There is no bias against the defense; the fights are exactly as fair* as you can make them.

If I am fighting a war against a group that can and does field enormous fleets, why the hell wouldn't I stay safe until I can pick off stragglers and the careless? You speak of protecting the little guy and then turn around and say that the big guy should be able to stomp out a wardec by force of numbers, what's up with that?

Never said I wanted all EvE to be 0.0, but in a sandbox, you need to be able to protect your sandcastle from those who want to build theirs in the same spot or want to kick it down for poops and giggles. A PC Corp is a sandcastle. A mining corp's functions are better served by a channel and a mailing list than by a PC corp anyway.

3-4 person fleet vs 8 high DPS ships with 3 Logi. Plus the uncertainty of the Sansha switching targets? I wouldn't take that fight. That's why Lowsec incursions aren't suicidal. Suicide Blackbirds are actually more effective than WT BBs because you have to wait for CONCORD to kill the Suicides, but you can primary the WT ones and kill them much faster. If I wanted to kill an Incursion Fleet, I'd want equal or better numbers and a better logi numbers or a couple falcons. They really are relatively PvP fit (They can't win a fight [no points], but they won't lose easy [logi support, big buffer, high DPS]).

*The Only Fair fight is the one you win, the only unfair fight is the one you lose.

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths." -Abrazzar "the risk of having your day ruined by other people is the cornerstone with which EVE was built" -CCP Solomon

Sambu Ballabumbu
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#78 - 2012-02-12 14:07:03 UTC
The Defense can always end the war early, just meet the conditions that the attacker sets when you ask them.

If I wanna gank you for a week, no matter what you offer to me, then you as a defender, has absolutlesy nothing you can do against me. If I wanna pick on you with my Taraniss all the time you exit a station, nothing holds me from giggling myself to death about you trying to catch me. Check E-Uni against Personal Training: We hunted that guy in his Taraniss through the whole Universe, and he had no need to stop anywhere, but as soon as you turn your back on him he can kill one of your carebears or a stupid neewbie on the undock with his pve shiny. There is just no way the defender can take over the giggles on his side in a situation like that and the atacker will allways win.Ugh (and no whining: that guy did great in what he wanted to do, I just dont feel it was a war. He should have been rather an infamous pirate than a legitimite wardec, when it comes to game mechanic)

You are right a Corp that focusses on getting and holding new players in the game will allways be a more likeley target, than a pvp-corp with a 15mil SP requirement. But do you want only the latter ones to be able to survive in EvE, then you can count the days until the game wil die.

f I am fighting a war against a group that can and does field enormous fleets, why the hell wouldn't I stay safe until I can pick off stragglers and the careless? You speak of protecting the little guy and then turn around and say that the big guy should be able to stomp out a wardec by force of numbers, what's up with that?

small guy atacks big guy: the small guy should be able to land some good kicks into the groin of the big guy, but at some point it should be at least possible for the big guy to trap the small guy into the corner and knock him out. For any watcher that still could mean that the little guy won the battle (by pain = ISK) but the big guy was and should be able to end the war early.

I wouldn't take that fight. That's why Lowsec incursions aren't suicidal.

I will retrreat on that issue, you got the point :P But again that involves High-sec to become more or less like Low-sec due to the wardec. I t may be not impossible to run your buisness, but it might scare newer players away from doing so anyway. Now you will say, that the hard way is the best way for them to learn, and you are maybe right, but what exactly would you loose if there is a somewhat softer realm for those that dont like it that hard?
Twisted Trucker
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#79 - 2012-02-12 18:08:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Twisted Trucker
Where do you all get off thinking "Hi-Sec" wars should be cheap/easy to do? They should be neither, for ANY "involved" party's.

Can't afford the "costs" of WARS? That's YOUR PROBLEM, and maybe you should worry more about re-thinking your "isk-making" strategy, instead of worrying about the cost of things you can't afford!

And FFS, what part of "HIGH SECURITY SPACE" do you not understand? It is NOT, and should NOT become, a FFA warzone, any time you get a wild hair up your a$$ to war-dec someone. Take your a$$ to null sec, if that's what you want!
Nestara Aldent
#80 - 2012-02-12 18:32:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Nestara Aldent
Twisted Trucker wrote:
Where do you all get off thinking "Hi-Sec" wars should be cheap/easy to do? They should be neither, for ANY "involved" party's.

Can't afford the "costs" of WARS? That's YOUR PROBLEM, and maybe you should worry more about re-thinking your "isk-making" strategy, instead of worrying about the cost of things you can't afford!

And FFS, what part of "HIGH SECURITY SPACE" do you not understand? It is NOT, and should NOT become, a FFA warzone, any time you get a wild hair up your a$$ to war-dec someone. Take your a$$ to null sec, if that's what you want!

This isn't a PVE game with a flagging system. If you want it to become that bear in mind nobody will play Eve then instead of games such as WoW, Rift and TOR.

While I agree with you the game shouldn't be FFA either, high sec wars should be very common, and highsec PvP encouraged. Current wardec system is however utterly broken (decshedding o_O), but this proposal is even worse.