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War Declaration Proposal: Security Nullification Array

Breaking Ambitions
#41 - 2012-02-10 21:31:17 UTC
Kaeda Maxwell wrote:
Things that promote or reward blobs are bad.

So all the highsec corps that make money off of wardecking null alliances and blasting their freighters at the jita undock go out of business because the massive null alliance can call a "Highsec CTA" to blow up this SNA thing?

I honestly think PoCo based sov is a good idea

Kahz Niverrah
Distinguished Johnsons
#42 - 2012-02-10 22:10:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Kahz Niverrah
Wolodymyr wrote:
blasting their freighters at the jita undock

If your freighters are dying on the Jita undock you have a bigger problem with your alliance then high-sec wardecs.

I don't always post on the forums, but when I do, I post with my main.

#43 - 2012-02-11 02:45:21 UTC
Kahz Niverrah wrote:
Rattle3Snak3 wrote:
I'm just going to leave to that.

It's like talking to a wall.

No need for name calling. You're entitled to your opinion, as am I. You're just simply in the minority.

1) I doubt it's actually the minority opinion.
2) The Devs and 9 years of EvE History also hold this opinion, so if we are the minority, we'll still win.

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths." -Abrazzar "the risk of having your day ruined by other people is the cornerstone with which EVE was built" -CCP Solomon

Kahz Niverrah
Distinguished Johnsons
#44 - 2012-02-11 03:43:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Kahz Niverrah
RubyPorto wrote:
1) I doubt it's actually the minority opinion.
2) The Devs and 9 years of EvE History also hold this opinion, so if we are the minority, we'll still win.

Wait, what? Are you serious? Can't tell if trolling.

You think CCP devs wants to make the game softer after 9 years? Or did you just get confused which side of the discussion I'm arguing for?

I don't always post on the forums, but when I do, I post with my main.

#45 - 2012-02-11 03:50:11 UTC
Kahz Niverrah wrote:
RubyPorto wrote:
1) I doubt it's actually the minority opinion.
2) The Devs and 9 years of EvE History also hold this opinion, so if we are the minority, we'll still win.

Wait, what? Are you serious? Can't tell if trolling.

You think CCP devs wants to make the game softer after 9 years? Or did you just get confused which side of the discussion I'm arguing for?

Aww, dangit. I misread what Rattlesnake said.

Yeah, I got confused,

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths." -Abrazzar "the risk of having your day ruined by other people is the cornerstone with which EVE was built" -CCP Solomon

El Geo
The Ascendants
#46 - 2012-02-11 05:19:20 UTC
Hans Jagerblitzen wrote:
Empire space deserves its own identity! Leave null sec mechanics in 0.0 space. What is good for 0.0 is NOT good for low sec or highsec, I just can't stress this point enough.

Besides - if you really want to protect empire citizens from griefing the most effective thing we could do if elected to the CSM is to encourage CCP to simply fix 0.0 soveriegnty so that Goons are too busy to bother with ice interdictions.

Im sorry, but this is a wasted effort I'm afraid. CCP should be fixing 0.0 mechanics, instead of taking elements from them to fix empire problems.

The best way to minimize griefing is to fix the problem at its roots- which are the broken mechanics in 0.0 and low sec that cause bored pilots to terrorize high sec residents instead of fighting more interesting wars elsewhere.

tbh its not even good for nullsec imo and im pretty sure they want to move away from "shooting structures"
Poetic Stanziel
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#47 - 2012-02-11 05:43:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Poetic Stanziel
Kelduum Revaan wrote:
Warmup Period

During the warmup period, as the SNA is located in a pocket of nullsec space, it is vulnerable to both the defending party in the war, as well as any mercenaries or similar who may be contracted, or passers by.

The SNA must therefore be defended during this period, as destruction or loss of it will cancel the warmup period and end the pending war immediately. With its location not disclosed to the public and it not showing on the overview when not on-grid, it is unlikely it would attract direct attention.

If the SNA survives the warmup period, then the war continues to ‘Live’ status.

This is the lynch pin of Kelduum's little proposal ... and ensures that the Uni does not have to engage in any wars it does not want to engage in. There are zero highsec corporations that can muster the numbers that the Uni can muster, and thus no appreciable defense of this so-called "SNA" will be parlayed. The war will end before it can start.

This is an EVE University proposal, not a proposal with the interests of EVE Online in mind.
#48 - 2012-02-11 06:11:19 UTC
i think this new SNA thing just bad ... and bad design ... Shocked

i will rather take your idea and just change it into a hisec null bubble for private corp PVP activities. it is just simply a bubble of null and you do **** in it like null. and you can only put it online 500km from any structure.

big corps/alliance use this bubble for their own fun. they can afford the charters. throw away the fuel elements, throw away concord involvement ... its just a mini null space

and 50km radius? for a WAR? Shocked is eve that small? come on ... be generous make it 250km like the edge of overview limits ... like a real tourny space for real ships to run like rabbits with mwd and fight ... 50km gets run over by a dramiel in a blink ...

just a thought man ... and NO ... i will not have you on CSM if you can come up with such ideas.

WUT ???

Sambu Ballabumbu
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#49 - 2012-02-11 07:16:41 UTC
Let's try to get another perspective on the whole wardec-discussion:

What's the issue an educational focussed corporation has with the current implementation of wardecs?

To understand that, you have to understand the structure of the University in the first place. It has several departements, wich are dedicated to EVERY aspect of the game. Because of that the raw numbers of corp-members don't say anything about the ability of that corporation to take a stand in any pvp situation. If it was true, that no High-sec corp would be able to set up a SNA against the Uni, than it would be also true, that there is no high-sec corp that would be able to take a stand against the Uni in a wardec like it is implemented today and it would be just suicidal to wardec the Uni at all. In reality the Uni has only a quite small percentage of its members that pvp at all. And most of them are in a phase of their Eve-live, where they just want to try out different things, even if they dont have the adequate skill setup, can not fly proper pvp-fitted ships and for that the Uni just not has the ability to endorse any kind of fleet-doctrine at all. If u dont know about the efectiveness of a fleet-doctrin (and well ballenced fleet-setups with e-war and logistic support) against a kichen-sink type of fleet I would doubt u know anything at all about pvp in Eve (and to be honest I dont consider myself as "knowing"). Just to give the most recent example: We were not able to get a single kill in a confrontation with our actual wartargets, even though we outnumbered them by 2-1. Fighting a fleet of 20 (wich a lot of high-sec-corps can set up at any time) that has Logi-support is almost impossble for a Uni-fleet with no logi, unexpierienced e-war and low-SP-DDs.
So even if we could get up huge blobs at any time, they stil would be considered fairly easy targets. In reality, again, the pvp-fleet numbers are almost never reaching 100, and if so it would take the Uni a lot of time and preparation and education to set that thing up and get it rolling. The Uni does this and it is a good thing and a good learning opportunity, but anyway it is pvp and u have a large part of the Uni wich would just not be interested in pvp. Thats where the often criticised WSOP comes into play:
Its intention is/was (caus it got altered and is much more offensive in our days) to make wars unpleasent for the atacker.
Why is this neccessary? Becaus the current implementation of wardecs is just way too pleasent for the atacker! You pay the bill, u got the war (period). So the whole corp hast to react on it, even those who dont want to participate. Educational mining fleets can't go out without pvp-support (and thats not an easy thing to set up for a University at all), carebearing is very dangerous, missioning and just exploring the New Eden (kind of crucial for any new player to get hooked onto the game) can become frustrating or impossible very easy. So people have to leave the corp just to play the game the way they like it and the corp has to take on a huge effort to make it posssible and desireble for those who left to rejoin after war.
We all want to get rid of the infamous "decshield"-mechanic and we want to get rid of, what we can call the "fail-dec"-mechanic, wich makes it possible for a 1-man-corp to disturb the life of 2000 players without even having the intention to have a good pvp-fight.
So Kelduum stepped up to find a solution on this very difficult terrain and took a bold and broad-scoped approach to fix most if not all the issues I described and he has my full respect for that. So instead of criticising the intention Kelduum took and accusing him on beeing "just" an Uni-advocat, you maybe want to step up yourself an come with a solution for this broken mechanic. And please UNDERSTAND the mechanic Kelduum proposed before you comment on it.

By the way, you probably should take into account, that having an institution like Eve-University, and having its possibilities in educating athe whole scope of gameplay, that the game offers, is of great benefit for the whole Universe. Without anything like the Uni (and there are other corps taking similar approaches too) all you Mercenairies, griefers, carebears, low-sec, null-sec an W-space corps would have a very, very hard time of recruiting players for your interests in the future. All the pvp-corps should take into account, that they would have a hard time getting their ships replaced without carebears, and those people that do the job and like to carebear, build stuff, etc. Those people want to and have a right to have FUN in what they are doing. So you are doing yourself no good in advocating against every attempt to save their space from what is only your egoistic interest.
I see no intention in those opposing voices to Kelduums to take any kind of action to attract new players to the game and make them happy by teaching them what the game is about, showing them the many possibillities and making them able to decide wich way the wanna go. In my opinion: If it is good for the University, it is good for the vividness of all New Eden in the long term. If it is good for New Eden (all aspects of it) it is good for the game. If it is good for the game it is good for you.
Think about it....

Fly safe and BaddaBoom!
Poetic Stanziel
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#50 - 2012-02-11 07:21:21 UTC
Sambu Ballabumbu wrote:
If it is good for the University, it is good for the vividness of all New Eden in the long term. If it is good for New Eden (all aspects of it) it is good for the game. If it is good for the game it is good for you.
Think about it....

But your only experience of EVE Online is through the University. How do you know what's good for the game or not, with such a limited breadth of experience?
Sambu Ballabumbu
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#51 - 2012-02-11 07:34:44 UTC
Poetic i am kind of fed up with your hypocritic comments that lack of any substance in general, but I will do you a favor and answering the question you asked.
As you should know the University is holding classes. teachers in those classes I had were FCs from PL, Noir, RvB, Test, some were from W-Space corps and some were from the University itself, but had their time in other corps and places for years, before they decided to come back. So I know how the Universe works and u should better tell me what I can not learn from others in the University. But anyway it doesn't matter at all as long as you dont have ANY arguments and dont take on concrete arguments, but instead are only trying to discredit people and their opinion. Even if I would have started playing the game yesterday my arguments would count more than your not-arguments.
As you have been a member of the Uni yourself, you should know that the Uni is very interested in getting teachers from OUTSIDE the Uni, but your intention here is obviously not to take part in the substantial discussion on the topic. Your intention is to discredit a honerable corporation just because you got kicked out of it becaus of your profile neurosis, that you are proofing again and again in every post i read from you so far.
Nestara Aldent
#52 - 2012-02-11 10:51:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Nestara Aldent
Bad proposal TBH, and I dont support it.

1. From sci-fi point of view such a contrived construct such as SNA can't be explained.
2. Its gonna favor big corps very much, and its equivalent to PVP flagging, or some other consensual PVP system like that. If corp can just DPS down SNA during warm-up phase, that means immunity from wardec for anybody capable of fielding blob to DPS the SNA down.

So we have a proposal that cant be really explained form sci-fi point of view, and thus destroys immersion, and on top of that introduces consensual PVP.

This is PVP game, and no matter how you personally play it, bear in mind most of subscribers signed up for PVP game. PVP game means rules where ganking and unequal fights are allowed, such as we have in Eve, or PVP servers in other MMOs. And if Eve cease to be a PVP game, CCP have no way to compete with leading PVE MMOs which have more resources and money and years of experience developing PVE games. Do you really think people will pay to PVE in Eve and not Rift, WoW or TOR?
The Black Shell
#53 - 2012-02-11 12:09:48 UTC
Sambu Ballabumbu wrote:
What's the issue an educational focussed corporation has with the current implementation of wardecs?
Let's take another example.
What's the issue an mining focussed corporation has with the current implementation of wardecs ? The same thing as you. They want to play with the sandbox, but only the part they like.
The difference between this mining corp and EVEuni ? No, it has nothing to with the goal of "teaching noobs". EVEuni is getting a lot more attention because :
- EVEuni is one of the biggest (or maybe the biggest ? I don't know) highsec entity. It will attract wardecs.
- EVEuni has done some unpopular things, like this dec shield, which will attract other people willing to disturb them.
- Poetric is an attention wh*re and ahaha good luck with him ahaha.

Sambu Ballabumbu wrote:
Fighting a fleet of 20 (wich a lot of high-sec-corps can set up at any time) that has Logi-support
Not many highsec corps/alliances can actually field a such fleet.

Sambu Ballabumbu wrote:
In reality, again, the pvp-fleet numbers are almost never reaching 100
A number that only the purple fleet can match.

Sambu Ballabumbu wrote:
Without anything like the Uni (and there are other corps taking similar approaches too) all you Mercenairies, griefers, carebears, low-sec, null-sec an W-space corps would have a very, very hard time of recruiting players for your interests in the future.
This has nothing to do with the current subject, but almost none of the pilots I flied with went in an "educational corporation". EVEuni is bringing something good to EVE (if you're forgetting the wardec subject) but do not think it's that much important to EVE, because it's not.

Sambu Ballabumbu wrote:
And please UNDERSTAND the mechanic Kelduum proposed before you comment on it.
I'm still the only one who mades a comment on it. Even Kelduum doesn't understand why a double-side forcefield is a bad idea.


Proud co-admin of, a French fansite about EVE !

#54 - 2012-02-11 14:13:37 UTC  |  Edited by: RubyPorto
Sambu Ballabumbu wrote:
So the whole corp hast to react on it, even those who dont want to participate.

This is EvE. The Checkbox for "Enter Ship v Ship PvP Mode" is the Undock Button.

Those who don't want to participate can:
1) Realize they're in the wrong game or,
2) Drop Corp for the Duration or,
3) Stay docked for the Duration or,
4) HTFU and fight to punish the attackers.

If you don't get that EvE is entirely about conflict between players (Look at all the promotional materials; it's all about interplayer conflict), then E-Uni has failed you entirely and so has CCP's marketing (Even though all of the promotional material features interplayer conflict Roll).

I'll admit Wardecs are in need of tweaking, esp regarding people dropping and reapping to a corp to opt in/opt out of a certain engagement, but they certainly do not need to be made harder to prosecute. But adding more structure grind, making a little PvP Arena, giving the defending corp a way to prevent the wardec while the attackers are asleep, and the rest of this proposal do nothing to fix the current issues and in fact would add mountainous exploitative loopholes to the system on both sides.

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths." -Abrazzar "the risk of having your day ruined by other people is the cornerstone with which EVE was built" -CCP Solomon

Sambu Ballabumbu
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#55 - 2012-02-11 16:12:54 UTC
Some clarifications:

1. I know that eve is all and only pvp, just wanted to point out that pve in eve is actually supporting pvp, and that ther would not be a pvp like it is today without the pve.

2. I have nothing against unequal fights when it comes to numbers or strength, at all! The problem with the current mechanic is NOT that it allows a small corp to fight a big corp and vice versa. The problem is, that it allows corps to annoy other corps by starting a war without being willing or able to fight and pvp at all. Thats the issue! Nobody wants to take away "anfair" fight, caus there is no refferie in EvE and thats a GOOD thing!!

3. High-sec corps cant put a 20-man fleet with logis on the field? I strongly doubt that in the first place, caus every incursion-corp would easily be able to do so I guess.

4. A 100 Purple vs. 100 E-Uniis still unfair by any means, because on the SP-side of things its then still 10-1 and don't get me wrong thats nothing I am whining on. Thats good, educational and I want it like that! Any kind of SP-compensation would be terrible for the pvp in Eve.

5. Reppyk you are absolutley right that the "faildec"-mechanic is actually affecting every Highsec-corp be it incursion, mining, trading or missioning-focussed. And right E-Uni is affected "more" by it due to its size alone. So Kelduum is not only proposing this for E-uni benefit only, but for all High-sec corps that are not pvp-centric (as far as it is posssible in Eve:)

6. I see some problems on the implementation of the SNA-"bubble" myself, especially the target-breaking of the border seems to be exploitible to me. But whats the intention of the "bubble" at all? I think the intention is (and I hope I got it right) that the defender or the attacker is able to bring in third and forth parties to the war (i.E. mercs) So you can make the war even more unfair or unequal after it started, or u can hire somebody to even it out. I think that intention (no matter how implemented) would make wardeccs more interesting and in the longterm also a "political" issue, wich adds interesting gameplay and meta-game to it. I have heard that Merc-corps in general are very unhappy with the current wardecc-mechanic and I dont think that being a merc should consist in corp-hopping to fulfill your duity.
To make it clear: The intention of the bubble is NOT to let the whole war taken place inside of it... thats nonsense.
The SNA is there to initiate the war and make it possible to end a war for the defender, if he is capable of doing so. In principle thats what a war is about: You should be able to WIN it, no matter if you are atacker or defender. In the current implementation Atackers can win by ISK or by forcing the defender to surrender on their terms or by just anoying the enemy to death (corp-change). Defenders can win by ISK, but can not END the war on their terms at all (except by dieing = corp-change)
That need to be fixed. For High-sec carebears, high/low-sec wardeccers and for Mercs benefit.

7. I understand that "structure-bashing" is no fun to people that live in w-space, null or even sov-null and have to deal with big structures on a daily bases. But actually it is something a "high-seccer" is very rare to expirience at all. In my opinion its more on the number-tweaking side of the idea itself to make it not annoying, not too easy and not impossible to build and destroy the SNA.

8. on the RP-side of things: I dont't think thats not explainable. Let it be a Radio-amplifier that makes clear to concord "THIS IS A WAR. DO NOT INTERFERE" And concord hears it and say ... good job. Fight.
Flay Geobukseon
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#56 - 2012-02-11 17:23:00 UTC
The real problem with this proposal is that it forces the corps that initiate wardecs into PvP with entities they did not consent to fight around this 'SNA' structure. It will be the death of PvP in highsec if aggressors have to risk non-consensual PvP against 3rd parties to maintain their wardecs.
Draconus Lofwyr
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#57 - 2012-02-11 17:33:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Draconus Lofwyr
Flay Geobukseon wrote:
The real problem with this proposal is that it forces the corps that initiate wardecs into PvP with entities they did not consent to fight around this 'SNA' structure. It will be the death of PvP in highsec if aggressors have to risk non-consensual PvP against 3rd parties to maintain their wardecs.

you know what the response is to this? aww, call a whambulance, sucks when you have to live up to the same conditions you expect your targets to live up to doesn't it?

if you still want the wardecer's advantage, expand a bit on my earlier recommendation of the null/wormhole pocket and have each side be notified of an acceleration gate in a different system, and the declaring organization can set the ship type and mas limits per hr entering the space. this allows the aggressive force the advantage of knowing whats possible on the field.
Nestara Aldent
#58 - 2012-02-11 19:40:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Nestara Aldent

Radio transmitter with only 50 km range is believable, right? You know the Sputnik I had the radio transmitter as well, which was able to transmit much further that that, and could be read from the surface of the Earth, primitive for today, and in a ball with a diameter of only few dozen centimeters, maybe? I know I knew once how big was the Sputnik, but now I'm unsure how big it exactly was.

No its not believable.

The proposal by the OP have no merit, and its made clearly with the agenda to benefit OP's corporation first and foremost, with little thought given to the game as a whole. If not why that SNA structure can be at all destroyed during the warm-up phase? That screws over the little guy and his five corp mates who cant field a blob, while its quite convenient for E-UNI to burn the structure down before the war even started.

The main selling point of open world PvP game is hunting the prey and evading those who wish to kill you. This proposal is battleground-like mechanic. This proposal is a flagging system. And on top of it, its a nonsense from sci-fi point of view.

In context of wardec mechanic, its clear Kelduum just wants with this to make e-uni exempt from war completely, and an I win button. And I'm not gonna support that!

There were much better proposals on the subject, among which was mine a much better proposal, with no hidden agenda in it! But after few pages of discussion because nobody saw fundamental problems with it, it slipped out of first page. It's a nature of these forums that bad proposals attract most attention.
The Black Shell
#59 - 2012-02-11 20:58:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Reppyk
Draconus Lofwyr wrote:
if you still want the wardecer's advantage, expand a bit on my earlier recommendation of the null/wormhole pocket and have each side be notified of an acceleration gate in a different system, and the declaring organization can set the ship type and mas limits per hr entering the space. this allows the aggressive force the advantage of knowing whats possible on the field.
This is even worst than Kelduum's proposition.
You're suggesting a "closed arena" which is a step further in this "pvp instantiation" madness.

Let's say I'm the agressor.
I'm a lone guy willing to fight a big alliance ? Cool, minimum mass, fregate size, and I'll fly the worst nano fregate ever. Btw, good luck bashing the SNA inside the deadspace with your own fregate. See you next month.

I'm a big bully in my big blobby alliance and I want to wardec a small indy corp ? Cool, battleship size and just enough mass for my 25 men. I'll take 15 vindicators, 9 bhaals and 1 widow. Gl gl gl hf.

And it seems that I'm the only one complaining about this non-sense of defending a structure. I mean, c'mon, I paid for this, I chose you for my wardec slot, and I must sit near some ****** structure instead of doing the goal I had in mind when I decided to dec you ? This is not how you're supposed to create conflicts in EVE.


Proud co-admin of, a French fansite about EVE !

Kahz Niverrah
Distinguished Johnsons
#60 - 2012-02-11 22:37:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Kahz Niverrah
Draconus Lofwyr wrote:
Flay Geobukseon wrote:
The real problem with this proposal is that it forces the corps that initiate wardecs into PvP with entities they did not consent to fight around this 'SNA' structure. It will be the death of PvP in highsec if aggressors have to risk non-consensual PvP against 3rd parties to maintain their wardecs.

you know what the response is to this? aww, call a whambulance, sucks when you have to live up to the same conditions you expect your targets to live up to doesn't it?

Way to take the troll bait. What I think is funny is that you think only the wardec defenders will have neutrals fighting for them in the bubbles. If there is one thing high sec wardec alliances aren't known for, it's using neutrals. Roll End sarcasm.

I don't always post on the forums, but when I do, I post with my main.