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The Generic Skill (revision 15)

#61 - 2012-02-11 16:45:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Griptus
Velicitia wrote:

Griptus wrote:

Which means it's a better idea. Thank you.

Not necessarily.

Never has an inferior idea ever made a superior idea obsolete. It's just a law of nature.

Velicitia wrote:

The queue is working as intended in this regard, and shouldn't be removed (pre-queue days of planning around "work", "sleep", "school" and "downtime" were a pain).

I agree. Which is why this idea doesn't change or remove the queue.

Velicitia wrote:

Griptus wrote:

Then who does it favor, or disfavor?

"Balance" in the regard of "not forcing people to log in every day for 6 hours" (e.g. a traditional MMO) and "we still want you to log in semi-regularly". If you could set and forget 3 or 4 months of skills and not log in, what's there to keep you around?

Balance is about how players interact with each other through the game, not about how players interact with the game. If the game is worth playing at all, then you don't need to force players to log in.
XS Tech
#62 - 2012-02-11 17:03:02 UTC
Griptus wrote:
(stuff ... seriously CCP, WTF with the arbitrary limit of quotes)

You said it was a "better" idea -- I'm refuting that assertion. Your idea does change/invalidate/break/whatever the queue in its current iteraion (i.e. you don't need to even bother training skills, you just get SP every second that you can use later) Your idea sounds a lot like how Perpetuum handles things... and TBH, it pissed me off, because I couldn't see any progress until I had amassed enough SP for the next level of a skill. Even though a skill between either game takes say 4 days to get ... being able to see "oh, hey, I'm 20% or 80% done with this skill" (i.e. the way eve does it) feels more rewarding (and I'm less likely to burn that million SP on 5 other skills in the interim).

You're wrong about the balance aspect. Specifically, myself, Mag's, mxzf, and whoever else is saying the current queue is "balanced" believes that it the queue is currently in "a state of equilibrium or equipoise; equal distribution of weight, amount, etc." between players needing to log in daily to keep up (e.g. WOW so you can get another piece of sparkle-loot or whatever) and players not logging in at all save for a few minutes every X days/weeks/months to just set the next skill.

CCP giving us as 24 hour "lead" on setting the next skill in a plan is fine in that regard. With that lead time, you can put in a total of up to approximately sixty (60) days worth of SP accumulation (Fleet Command 5, Capital Industrial, and other high rank skills to L5).

One of the bitter points of a good bittervet is the realisation that all those SP don't really do much, and that the newbie is having much more fun with what little he has. - Tippia

Azn Empire
#63 - 2012-02-11 17:43:00 UTC
Griptus wrote:
Which means it's a better idea. Thank you.
Non sequitur.

Griptus wrote:
Who does it favor, or disfavor?

Griptus wrote:
It doesn't matter when you make your skill training decisions, they always have consequences.
I've already addressed this argument, but I'll repeat it for you.

"As it stands now, you make a choice and have wait for that choice to give fruit. It could be weeks for a level 5, so your choice and decision to train that skill is one to be considered.

With your idea, you gather SP and are able to choose when and to what skill you apply it and instantly gain level 5.
You don't even need to use them, you simply keep gathering the SP and wait for new stuff to arrive. Or wait the new FOTM to show it's head and apply as needed. Instant skills at level 5, no worries.

It even removes the need for the skill queue, as it trains this super skill if you forget to set one. Hell, why even log on at all? Just let it run and return a year later and apply that 20 odd million SP to where ever you fancy.

Bad idea is bad and completely unnecessary.

Griptus wrote:
You've made these logically erroneous arguments many times only to reject my superior wisdom and guidance. Give yourself all the time you need, it should sink in eventually.
At least you have humour to fall back on, nice one. Lol

Oh and thanks for liking that post. Cool

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.